Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Counters for all Legendaries
Knowing the Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Counters will let you fill out your Pokedex with every Legendary

- 1. Wind Hour
- Mewtwo / Cresselia
- Ho-Oh
- Latios / Latias
- Regigigas
- Giratina (AF)
- Virizion
- Tornadus (TF)
- 2. Lava Hour
- Moltres
- Entei
- Regirock
- Groudon
- Heatran
- Reshiram
- Terrakion
- Landorus (TF)
- Yveltal
- 3. Frost Hour
- Articuno
- Suicune / Kyogre
- Lugia
- Regice
- Palkia
- Kyurem
- Uxie / Mesprit / Azelf
- 4. Thunder Hour
- Zapdos / Thundurus (TF)
- Raikou
- Registeel
- Rayquaza
- Dialga
- Coballion
- Zekrom
- Xerneas
Knowing all the Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Counters is going to be key for the Sunday of this year's Pokemon Go Fest, because there's a special Raid Day for trainers to enjoy.
Raid Days are a special event that populates raids in Pokemon Go for a limited time, giving trainers numerous chances to catch a special Pokemon, usually a Legendary. This weekend, trainers will be able to enjoy an entire day dedicated to Legendary Pokemon as every Legendary that has been introduced in Pokemon Go so far will appear in five-star Raids. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming Pokemon Go Fest Raid Day including the schedule and how to defeat each Legendary using Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Counters.
Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Day rewards
Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Day will give trainers a chance to catch as many Legendaries as possible. All trainers will be able to participate in Raid Day, but those who purchased a ticket to Pokemon Go Fest 2021 will receive the following incentives:
- Earn an extra 10,000 XP for winning a Raid Battle.
- Spin Gym Photo Discs to earn up to 10 Raid Passes.
- Complete Timed Research to earn up to eight Remote Raid Passes.
- Pick up an event bundle containing three Remote Raid Passes. The bundle will be available in the shop on Sunday, July 18 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.
Trainers can still purchase a Pokemon Go Fest ticket for $5 / £4.99 in the in-game store.
1. Wind Hour
Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Day: Wind Hour
Wind Hour will kick Raid Day off starting Sunday, July 18 from 10-11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. local time. The Legendary Pokemon that will be featured during those hours are: Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Latias, Latios, Regigias, Altered Forme Giratina, Cresselia, Virizion and Therian Forme Tornadus.
Each of these Legendaries will take powerful Pokemon and a large number of trainers to help out (we recommend at least five), and we’ll break down which Pokemon are the best to go up against them.
Mewtwo / Cresselia
Mewtwo and Cresselia Raid Counters
Mewtwo and Cresselia are powerful Psychic-type Pokemon that are weak to Dark, Ghost and Bug-type attacks.
Here’s a list of powerful options against Mewtwo and Cresselia:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
- Giratina (Origin Forme) with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Chandelure with Hex and Shadow Ball
- Weavile with Snarl and Foul Play
Ho-Oh Raid Counters
Ho-Oh is a Fire and Flying-type Pokemon, making it weak to Water, Electric and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to go into battle against Ho-Oh:
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Tyranitar with Smackdown and Stone Edge
- Gigalith with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch/ Power Gem
Latios / Latias
Latios and Latias Raid Counters
Both Latios and Latias are Psychic and Dragon types, making them weak to Dragon, Fairy, Bug, Dark, Ghost and Ice-type attacks.
Here are some options to go into battle against Latios and Latias:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
- Mega Charizard X with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
- Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Moonblast
- Dialga with Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
Regigigas Raid Counters
Regigigas is a pure Normal-type Pokemon and is only weak to Fighting-type attacks.
Here are some options to go up against Regigigas:
- Mega Lopunny with Low Kick and Focus Blast
- Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
- Breloom with Counter and Dynamic Punch
Giratina (AF)
Giratina (Altered Forme) Raid Counters
Giratina is a Ghost and Dragon-type Pokemon making it weak to Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Fairy and Ice-type attacks.
Here are some options to take on the powerful Legendary:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
- Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Moonblast
- Weavile with Snarl and Foul Play/Avalanche
- Dialga with Dragon Breath and Draco Meteor
Virizion Raid Counters
One of the three Swords of Justice, Virizion is a Grass and Fighting-type Pokemon that’s weak to Flying, Poison, Fire, Fairy and Psychic-type attacks.
Here are some options to go against Virizion:
- Mega Pidgeot with Gust and Aerial Ace/Hurricane
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin/Air Slash and Blast Burn
- Mega Houndoom with Fire Fang and Flamethrower
- Togekiss with Charm and Air Slash/Dazzling Gleam
- Moltres with Wing Attack and Sky Attack
Tornadus (TF)
Tornadus (Therian Forme) Raid Counters
Tornadus is one of the only pure Flying types in the entire Pokemon franchise. That makes Tornadus weak to just Electric, Ice and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Tyranitar with Smackdown and Stone Edge
- Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Magnezone with Spark and Wild Charge
2. Lava Hour
Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Day: Lava Hour
Lava Hour will occur from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3-4 p.m. local time and will feature the following Legendaries: Moltres, Entei, Regirock, Groudon, Heatran, Reshiram, Terrakion, Therian Forme Landorus and Yveltal.
Moltres Raid Counters
Moltres, like Ho-Oh, is a Fire and Flying-type Pokemon and is weak to Electric, Water and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take on Moltres:
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Tyranitar with Smackdown and Stone Edge
- Gigalith with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch/ Power Gem
Entei Raid Counters
Entei is a pure Fire-type and is weak to Water, Ground and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take on Entei:
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Landorus (Therian Forme) with Mud Slap and Earthquake
- Rhyperior with Mud Slap and Rock Wrecker
- Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Excadrill with Mud Shot and Earthquake
Regirock Raid Counters
Regirock is a pure Rock-type Pokemon and is weak to Water, Ground, Fighting, Grass and Steel-type attacks.
Here are some of the best counters against Regirock:
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Lucario with Counter/Bullet Punch and Aura Sphere
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake
Groudon Raid Counters
Groudon is a pure Ground-type Pokemon and is weak to just Water, Ice and Grass-type attacks.
Here are some options to take on Groudon:
- Mega Abomasnow with Powder Snow and Weather Ball
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mega Venusaur with Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
- Galarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang and Avalanche
- Kyogre with Waterfall and Surf/Hydro Pump
Heatran Raid Counters
Heatran is one of the only Fire and Steel-type Pokemon in the franchise, and is weak to Water, Fighting and Ground-type attacks. Ground-type attacks are four times effective against Heatran, so trainers should try and bring as many into battle as they can.
Here are some options to take on Heatran:
- Landorus (Therian Forme) with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Rhyperior with Mud Slap and Earthquake
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake
Reshiram Raid Counters
Reshiram is a Dragon and Fire-type Pokemon, which makes it weak against Dragon, Rock and Ground-type attacks.
Here are some great options to take on Reshiram:
- Mega Charizard X with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
- Palkia with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Salamence with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Haxorus with Dragon Tail and Outrage
Terrakion Raid Counters
Terrakion is a Rock and Fighting-type and is weak to Fighting, Fairy, Water, Ground, Steel, Grass and Psychic-type attacks.
Here are some options to counter Terrakion Raids:
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mega Venusaur with Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
- Mewtwo with Confusion and Psystrike/Psychic
- Deoxys (Attack) with Zen Headbutt and Psycho Boost
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
Landorus (TF)
Landorus (Therian Forme) Raid Counters
Landorus is one of the few Ground and Flying-type Pokemon, which makes it weak to Water and Ice-type attacks.
Here are some options against Landorus:
- Galarian Darmanitn with Ice Fang and Avalanche
- Mamoswine with Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Weavile with Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mega Abomasnow with Powder Snow and Weather Ball
Yveltal Raid Counters
Yveltal is a Dark and Flying-type Pokemon and is weak against Electric, Rock, Ice and Fairy-type attacks.
Here are some of the best options against Yveltal:
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch
- Mega Manectric with Charge Beam and Wild Charge
- Thundurus (Therian Forme) with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt
- Mamoswine with Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
3. Frost Hour
Pokemon Go Fest 2021 Raid Day: Frost Hour
The third hour for Raid Day is Frost Hour, which will occur from 12-1 p.m. and 4-5 p.m. local time. Articuno, Suicune, Lugia, Regice, Kyogre, Palkia, and Kyurem will be appearing in five-star raids. Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf will also appear in raids in the regions that they normally appear in.
Articuno Raid Counters
Articuno is an Ice and Flying-type Pokemon and is weak to Electric, Fire, Steel and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Tyranitar with Smackdown and Stone Edge
- Gigalith with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Mega Houndoom with Fire Fang and Flamethrower
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch/ Power Gem
Suicune / Kyogre
Suicune and Kyogre Raid Counters
Both Suicune and Kyogre are pure Water types, and are weak to just Electric and Grass-type attacks.
Here are some options to take on both Legendaries:
- Mega Venusaur with Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
- Mega Abomasnow with Razor Leaf and Energy Ball
- Mega Manectric with Charge Beam and Wild Charge
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch
- Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
Lugia Raid Counters
Lugia is a Psychic and Flying-type Pokemon and is weak to Dark, Ghost, Electric, Ice and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
- Mega Ampharos with Charge Beam and Thunder Punch
- Mega Manectric with Charge Beam and Wild Charge
- Darkrai with Snarl and Dark Pulse
Regice Raid Counters
Regice is a pure Ice-type Pokemon and is weak to Rock, Steel, Fighting and Fire-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Houndoom with Fire Fang and Flamethrower
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Tyranitar with Smackdown and Stone Edge
Palkia Raid Counters
Palkia is a Water and Dragon-type Legendary and is only weak to Dragon and Fairy-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Moonblast
- Mega Charizard X with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Zekrom with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Togekiss with Charm and Dazzling Gleam
Kyurem Raid Counters
Kyurem is an Ice and Dragon-type Pokemon that is weak to Dragon, Fighting, Fairy, Rock and Steel-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Charizard X with Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw
- Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Moonblast
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
Uxie / Mesprit / Azelf
Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf Raid Counters
All three Legendaries are pure Psychic-type Pokemon making them weak to Dark, Ghost and Bug-type attacks.
Here are some options to defeat Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf this weekend:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
- Giratina (Origin Forme) with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Chandelure with Hex and Shadow Ball
- Weavile with Snarl and Foul Play
4. Thunder Hour
Pokémon GO Fest 2021 Raid Day: Thunder Hour
The final hour in the rotation is Thunder Hour and will occur from 1-2 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. local time. Zapdos, Raikou, Registeel, Rayquaza, Dialga, Cobalion, Therian Forme Thundurus, Zekrom and Xerneas will be appearing in five-star raids.
Zapdos / Thundurus (TF)
Zapdos and Thundurus (Therian Forme) Raid Counters
Both Zapdos and Thundurus are Electric and Flying-type Pokemon that is weak to Ice and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Weavile with Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Rhyperior with Smackdown and Rock Wrecker
- Terrakion with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Galarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang and Avalanche
Raikou Raid Counters
Raikou is an Electric-type Pokemon and is weak to only Ground attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Landorus with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Excadrill with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Grachomp with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Mammoswine with Mud-Slap and Bulldoze
Registeel Raid Counters
Registeel is a pure Steel-type and is weak to Fighting, Ground and Fire attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Houndoom with Fire Fang and Flamethrower
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Landorus with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
Rayquaza Raid Counters
Rayquaza is a Dragon and Flying-type Pokemon and is weak to Dragon, Fairy, Ice and Rock-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Moonblast
- Mega Abomasnow with Powder Snow and Weather Ball
- Rampardos with Smackdown and Rock Slide
- Mammoswine with Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Giratina (Origin Forme) with Dragon Tail and Dragon Pulse
Dialga Raid Counters
Dialga is a Dragon and Steel-type Pokémon and is only weak to Ground and Fighting-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
- Landorus with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Breloom with Counter and Dynamic Punch
Coballion Raid Counters
Coballion is a Steel and Fighting-type Pokemon and is weak to Fighting, Fire and Ground-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Landorus with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Lucario with Counter and Aura Sphere
- Conkeldurr with Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Breloom with Counter and Dynamic Punch
Zekrom Raid Counters
Zekrom is an Electric and Dragon-type and is weak to Ground, Dragon, Ice and Fairy-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Altaria with Dragon Breath and Moonblast
- Mega Abomasnow with Powder Snow and Weather Ball
- Landorus with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Groudon with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
Xerneas Raid Counters
Xerneas is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon and is weak to just Steel and Poison-type attacks.
Here are some options to take into battle:
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Sludge Bomb
- Roserade with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Metagross with Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash
- Galarian Slowbro with Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Aggron with Iron Tail and Heavy Slam
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I'm currently a GamesRadar guide contributor with a specialty in everything Pokemon GO. If you've wanted to know the best way to take down a Rayquaza, there's a good chance you read one of my guides. I previously have written for IBT Media, Newsweek and Screen Rant. I'm a huge fighting game fan and everything Pokemon, but I've grown to love RPGs.

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