Pokemon Gold/Silver Cheats
Pokemon Gold/Silver FAQs
Pokemon Gold/Silver FAQ
Submitted by Donphan
Pokemon Gold/Silver Hints
GBA | Submitted by pokemon masterGet Baby Typlosion
Put vulpix and typlosion with the guy who trains your pokemon. Get an egg, let it hatch and get a vulpix then do the same thing with the baby vulpix. Get an egg, let it hatch you get a baby typlosion!
GBA | Submitted by toolboxget tm07(rock smash)
After getting Sudowoodo go right and talk to the first male and you will recieve tm07
GBA | Submitted by Master MindTwo New Eevee Eevolutions
After you get Eevee from Bill and you want the evil Eevee, then when its night go to the underground tunnel and go to the guy that makes people happier. Tell him you want Eevee happier. Only do that once a night. Do that 3 nights. Then fight with him. He should evolve when he raises a level. Than to get the good Eevee do the same thing but during daylight. If you do the bad one he will not act evil to you.
GBA | Submitted by Master MindGet Free Eevee
When you reach to Kogane city go up from the pokecenter. From there take the first left and go straight. Then go down and go in the first house to the left. It should be Bill's house. Go inside and talk to him and he will have a Evee for you but you must have a extra spot for Evee so only have 5 pokemon with you. He should be at level 20
GBA | Submitted by urmeGet HM-06
Go to Prof. Elm and then go buy TM6 then use it on a pidgy then it will turn into HM06 (HM06 contains every move, even ones TMs can't teach) (One more note. You can teach it to any pkmn even if it's not compatible with the move and you choose what move you will teach your pkmn.)
GBA | Submitted by JakeGet Togepi
When you first visit Profesor Elm he will ask you to visit Mr.Pokemon and choose a starting pokemon. When you get to Mr.Pokemon he will give you a pokemon egg. Return to Prof. Elm then he'll take the egg. after you beat the first gym leader go to the pokemon center and Elm's assistant will give you the egg. When it hatches it will be Togepi.
GBA | Submitted by Nathan A.How to Ceatch Entei, Suigune, and Raikou
Use Max Repel or Super Repel in grassy areas to keep away all the pokemon except one of the three pokemon. Try to use one of Kurt's Fast Balls to catch one of the pokemon.
GBA | Submitted by mirekEasy Way to Catch Lugia!
First, get 10 ultra balls and surf to Whirl Island and go to exit 3(the right one and closest to Olivine City). Go to the up one ladder "F" then go down to ladder "H." Surf down until you reach the end of the rocks and turn left. Enter "I" Tunnel, then save! Surf up to him and press a button. (BEST pokemon for catching LUGIA: Feraligetr: WATER, ELECTRIC, level 45-75 and when lugia uses safeguard you only can catch him with a master ball. If you use ultra ball wait until it fades, then keep using ultra balls!)
GBA | Submitted by AnonymousClone Pokemon and Item
You need to have the pokemon you want to clone with you. Go to a Pokemon Center, then go to the PC. Deposit the pokemon you want to clone (if you want to duplicate an item give the pokemon that item). Then change box. When the game starts to save shut the gameboy off. (When you're doing this do not withdraw any pokemon because if you do it will be gone forever)
GBA | Submitted by tool boxCatch Sudowoodo
To catch Sudowoodo, get the watering can from house next to the gym, then put Sudowoodo to sleep (make sure its hp is low).
GBA | Submitted by JCPokemon Hints
1. Buruki
Go to the city with the fourth gym. Go inside the second cave and turn to the right and Surf.
Go to the top and enter the other cave that is there and make your way around the mazes and talk to the karate character that is there.
Defeat him and to will get Buruki.
Make sure you have an open space in your Pokemon holder.
2. Denryuu
If you want a Pokemon rumored to be a pre-evolution of Dratini (Denryuu), do not try to de-evolve Dratini.
Instead, go to the route after Kickyou City towards the Connection Cave and try to capture the electric sheep, Meripu.
Let it grow to level 15. It will evolve into a pink sheep.
Train it to level 30 to get Denryuu.
3. Gold Gyarados
Go to the fourth gym and Surf right all the way. You will Surf in the water, where you should see a Gyarados. Battle it and it will be golden.
4. Haganal
Equip the Metal Coat on Onix and trade it to another GameBoy. It will evolve into Haganal.
5. Hou-Hou (Gold version)
Go to the city with the fourth gym.
Go inside the house with another house beside it. Climb up and enter the other big house. Climb up until you get to Hou-Hou.
6. Hou-Hou (Silver version)
Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man that walks around. He will give you a gold feather. Go to the place where Hou-Hou is located in the Gold version to find it.
7. Kirehana
Give Gloom a Solar Stone and it will evolve into a Kirehana. You cannot evolve Kirehana into Vileplume.
8. Lapras
Enter the cave in the second city and Surf. You should be able to see Lapras. Note: There is only one.
9. Lugia (Silver version)
Learn HM06 (Whirlpool) and go to the place where you received the fifth badge. Destroy a whirlpoor and enter the cave. Go through the maze and you will reach Lugia.
10. Lugia (Gold version)
Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man. He will give you a silver feather. Now go to the place where Lugia is located in the Gold version to find it.
11. Gold Magikarp
Breed the golden Gyarados with a regular Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp.
12. Silver Ryhorn
Go to the cave where you go to get to the Elite Five and you should encounter a silver Ryhorn.
13. Three legendary dogs
Go to the city with the fourth gym and enter the big house. Break the rocks and fall down one of the holes to wake them up. Now go outside and try to find them in the wild.
14. Togepi
Defeat the first gym and go into the Pokecenter. Talk to the scientist and he will give you a egg. After 5,000 steps, it will hatch into Togepi.
15. Yadoking
Equip Symbol Of King on Slowpoke and trade it into another GameBoy. It will evolve into Yadoking.
16. Female Mr. Mime (Gold version)
Go to Saffron City before fighting Sabrina. Challenge Sabrina to discover that her Mr. Mime is female.
17. Enjyu City battle (Gold version)
When you go to Enjyu City, go to the tower and your rival will appear, but will not battle. However, if you first heal your Pokemon at the Pokecenter, defeat the Ghost Gym Leader, and then go to that tower, your rival will talk to you and fight.
18. Monorail ticket
Go to Saffron City and talk to the girl copycat. Fly to Vermilion City and talk to everyone in the house where you received the bike voucher. Someone will give you the Clefairy doll. Take it to the copycat to get the monorail ticket.
19. Annon Pokedex
Solve the Kabuto puzzle.
The rest will require the HM for Surf, found in Enjyu City, TM 08 (Rock Breaker), and the HM for Strength. Surf down by the Ancient Ruins (below Kickyou City) and solve the puzzle there.
Just put in the corner pieces first.
Now go to the Connection Cave. Walk around and find the Pokemaniac. If you have not defeated him then fight him. Now surf in the waters near him.
You will have to return here twice.
Break the rock you find and solve the puzzle. Now return, move the boulder and solve the last puzzle.
Catch the different Annon and then exit the ruins.
Talk to the scientist near the cave and he will give you a complimentary Annon Pokedex.
20. Anno'un Music
While in the Alpha Ruins southeast of Kikyou city go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station.
This is the Ann'oun Music.
It can only be heard at Alpha Ruins.
21. Starting Pokemon (Gold version)
Select one of the following to get your first Pokemon:
Chicorita: a Grass type
Waninoko: a Water type
Hinorashi: a Fire type
22. Breeding evolutions
Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu.
Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Eleckid.
Breed two Clefairies and you get Pi.
Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Pipurin.
Breed two Magmars and you get Magar.
23. Orange League Trainer tactics (Gold version)
Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Trainer:
Neiteio: Use Psychic or Fire type
Slowbro: Use Psychic type
Neiteio: Use Psychic or Fire type
Jynx: Use Psychic type
Exeggutor: Use Fire type
Araidosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Venomoth: Use Fire type
Muk: Use Psychic type
Kuroba: Use Psychic or Fire type
Fuoretosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Kaporea: Use Psychic or Grass type
Hitmonchan: Use Psychic type
Hitmonlee: Use Psychic type
Machamp: Use Psychic type
Onix: Use Grass type
Burakki: Use Psychic or Fire type
Vileplume: Use Fire type
Gengar: Use Psychic type
Yamikarasu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Heruga: Use Psychic or Fire type
Gyrados: Use Grass type
Dragonite: Use Electric type
Dragonite: Use Electric type
Dragonite: Use Electric type
Aerodactyl: Use Grass type
Charizard: Use Water type
24. Gym Leader tactics (Gold version)
Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Gym Leaders:
Hayato (for Wind Badge)
Pidgey: Use Electric type
Pidgeotto: Use Electric type
Unknown (for Insect Badge)
Metapod: Use Fire type
Kakuna: Use Fire type
Scyther: Use Fire type
Akane (for Normal Badge)
Clefairy: Use Psychic type
Mirutanku: Use Psychic type
Unknown (for Phantom Badge)
Ghastly: Use Psychic type
Haunter: Use Psychic type
Gengar: Use Psychic type
Haunter: Use Psychic type
Unknown (for Shock Badge)
Primeape: Use Psychic type
Poliwrath: Use Grass type
Mikan (for Steel Badge)
Magnemite: Use Fighting type
Magnemite: Use Fighting type
Haganail: Use Fighting type
Unknown (for Ice Badge)
Seel: Use Electric type
Dewgong: Use Electric type
Inomu: Use Electric type
Ibuki (for Raging Badge)
Dragonair: Use Fire type
Dragonair: Use Fire type
Kingudora: Use Fire type
Dragonite: Use Fire type
Lt. Surge (for Orange Badge)
Raichu: Use Fighting type
Magneton: Use Fighting type
Electabuzz: Use Fighting type
Electrode: Use Fighting type
Electrode: Use Fighting type
Sabrina (for Gold Badge)
Mr.Mime: Use Psychic type
Alakazam: Use Psychic type
Eifi: Use Psychic type
Erika (for Rainbow Badge)
Tangela: Use Fire type
Victreebell: Use Fire type
Vileplume: Use Fire type
????: Use Fire type
Anzu (for ?)
Kurobatto: Use Psychic or Fire type
Ariadosu: Use Psychic or Fire type
Weezing: Use Psychic type
Weezing: Use Psychic type
Venomoth: Use Fire type
Brock (for ?)
Graveler: Use Grass type
Onix: Use Grass type
Rhyhorn: Use Grass type
Omastar: Use Grass type
Kabutops: Use Grass type
Blane (for ?)
Magakarugo: Use Water type
Rapidash: Use Water type
Magmar: Use Water type
Gary (for ?)
Pidgeot: Use Electric type
Alakazam: Use Psychic type
Exeguttor: Use Fire type
Rhydon: Use Grass type
Arcanine: Use Water type
Ash Ketchum (Final battle for bragging rights)
Pikachu: Use Fighting type
Efi: Use Psychic type
Blastiose: Use Electric type
Venusaur: Use Fire type
Charizard: Use Water type
Snorlax: Use Fighting type
GBA | Submitted by anonymousClone Any Pokemon
To clone any pokemon in Gold/Silver, breed it with Ditto. Ditto will breed with any pokemon regardless of type.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarView Pokemon 152-251 (Courtesy Pokemon3d.com)
Just click a link below (Japanese Naming)
Chicory-ta Beirifu Mekaniumu Hinoarashi Magumarashi
Bakufaan Waninoco Alligats Odairu Otachi
Ootachi Itomall Ariadosu
Kuroba Chonchi Randaan
Pichu 1
Pichu 2
Pi Pupurin
(Togepi's evolved form!)
Neiti Neitio Meriipu Mokoko Denryuu
(or Marrill)
**spoiler, evolved Pikablu**
Hanekko Popokko Watakko Eipamu Himanattsu
Kimawari Yanyanma Upaa Nuoh Eebui
Burakky Yamikarazu Slowking Muuma Annon
Soonansu Kirinriki Kunugidama Foretosu Nokotchi
Guraiga Haganeru Snubbles Guranburu Hariisen
Hassamu Subotsubo Herakurosu Nyuura Himeguma
Ringuma Magumaggu Magukarogu Urimuu Inomuu
Saniigo Teppouo Okutan Deribaato Mantain
Eaamudo Derubiru Helgaa Kingudoro Gomazou
Porygon 2 Odoshishi Doburu
Kapoera Machul Elekid
Elekid 2
Booby Mirutanke
Hapinasu Raikou Entei Suikun Yookirasu
Sanagirasu Bangirasu Lugia Houou Serebii
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarPokemon American and Japanese Names
# English Japanese
152 Chikorita Chikolita
153 Bayleef Beifiru
154 Meganium Meganiumi
155 Cyndaquil Hinoarashi
156 Quilava Magumarashi
157 Typhlosion Bakufun
158 Totodile Waninoko
159 Croconaw Arigeitsu
160 Feraligator Odairu
161 Sentret Otachi
162 Furret Ootachi
163 Hoothoot Hoho
164 Noctowl Yorunozuku
165 Ledyba Redeiba
166 Ledian Redeian
167 Spinarak Itomaru
168 Ariados Araidosu
169 Crobat Kuroba
170 Chinchou Chonchi
171 Lanturn Rantan
172 Pichu Pichu
173 Cleffa Pi
174 Igglybuff Pupurin
175 Togepi Togepi
176 Togetic Togechikku
177 Natu Neitei
178 Xatu Neiteio
179 Mareep Meripu
180 Flaaffy Mokoko
181 Ampharos Denryuu
182 Bellossom Kireihana
183 Marill Mariru
184 Azumarill Mariruri
185 Sudowoodo Usokki
186 Politoed Myorotono
187 Hoppip Hanekko
188 Skiploom Popo
189 Jumpluff Watakko
190 Aipom Eipamu
191 Sunkern Himanattsu
192 Sunflora Kimawari
193 Yanma Yanyanma
194 Wooper Upa
195 Quagsire Nuo
196 Espeon Efui
197 Umbreon Burakki
198 Murkrow Yamikarasu
199 Slowking Yadokingu
200 Misdreavus Muuma
201 Unown Annon
202 Wobbuffet Sonansu
203 Girafarig Kirinriki
204 Pineco Kunugidama
205 Forrestress Fuoretosu
206 Dunsparce Nokocchi
207 Gligar Guraiga
208 Steelix Haganeru
209 Snubbull Buru
210 Granbull Guranburu
211 Qwilfish Harisen
212 Scizor Hassamu
213 Shuckle Tsubotsubo
214 Heracross Herakuroso
215 Sneasel Nyura
216 Teddiursa Himeguma
217 Ursaring Ringuma
218 Slugma Magumaggu
219 Magcargo Magukarugo
220 Swinub Urimu
221 Poliswine Inomu
222 Corsola Sanigo
223 Remoraid Teppouo
224 Octillery Okutan
225 Delibird Deribado
226 Mantine Maintain
227 Skarmory Eamudo
228 Houndour Derubiru
229 Houndoom Heruga
230 Kingdra Kingudora
231 Phanpy Gomazou
232 Donphan Donfuyan
233 Porygon2 Porygon2
234 Stantler Odoshishi
235 Smeargle Doburu
236 Tyrogue Baruki
237 Hitmontop Kapoera
238 Smoochum Muchura
239 Elekid Erekiddo
240 Magby Bubii
241 Miltank Mirutanku
242 Blissy Hapinasu
243 Raikou Raikou
244 Entei Entei
245 Suicune Suikun
246 Larvitar Yogirasu
247 Pupitar Sanagirasu
248 Tyranitar Bangirasu
249 Lugia Lugia
250 Ho-Oh Houou
251 Selebi Serebeii
GBA | Submitted by flameleonPikaElectra!
After you got breeding center, breed pikachu and electabuzz and pikachu as pedigree. And it will say PikaElectra!!
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