Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Darkness cheats
DS | Submitted by DA MASTER OF ALL
8 Codes For 8 Golden Seeds
3M2+ =T7C J698
MFQX 0H-& &5SQ
F-=9 #+Y4 4SJK
1643 TR9% +H60
&YQN 04%5 &+=F
K3K= F4-+ 8T-2
6JCJ 28C- %Y0T
PC&- @360 R0Q-
+NQ3 40HR 35HH
@%CH H&9M MS88
80F8 XPPP -8-=
=6XJ T3X8 7SF%
9-CM C5N4 F285
-0JC +&X8 #P0F
88@X XHQY 11W2
8S=3 CW+M 32J7
DS | Submitted by Kirbyluver
You must beat the level 10 boss for these to work
Just enter these codes below and each job will give you a joy seed. a joy seed levels you up once.
=-X& T9C@ X#83
0HFX 1&&X =&26
572% #&+8 -P&&
H020 ST%9 Y5X8
446@ C0FR Q&=&
F-%4 R7NT XQ2Y
102F JX9J Y99H
TNN9 Y&R7 X@+9
R7%6 YM93 XP9@
PC3T M28R X4#X
M&H+ 6X4J M39R
PJRT Q&-6 @&KR
&00C 5+Y@ -1JW
22J4 =H77 MR6Y
N%K8 6CH- 0HNQ
19#+ 3Y&- 2N51
8SP4 WTY4 67#9
@1-& 9#JX +21H
F2#+ 452@ X0+S
PM#3 =MFM 0H=2
MM+1 00=F WR+K
TMCF 9Y=F H+=@
8P1S J%8Y M102
C+ @+M@ 3#63
and here is a code for a golden seed. a golden seed raises your level by 5!
YHY& F9=9 TX#F
C7%8 J5X9 34@8
If you find a golden chamber mission, accept it because you have a chance to get more golden seeds and more golden items!
DS | Submitted by Tom1357
Wonder Mail Generator
Everyone knows that there is a wonder mail generator out there somewhere, well lucky for you all I know.
All you have to do is go to the web address
Then customize the mission to your liking, and then generate the password. Enter it in your game, play the mission, and congratulations you just used the wonder mail generator.
DS | Submitted by Tom1357
A-OK Code Generator
Have you ever been deep in a dungeon when you faint, and have no one to rescue you? No problem. Using this generator, you can get an a-ok code for rescuing yourself.
To use, go to this web address
Enter your SOS password, generate the code, put it in your game, and congrats, you just rescued yourself.
DS | Submitted by agoney
Submit the codes through the options section of the main menu. You must be past chapter 10 to use the codes.
FN01HWN-00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3
Unlocks Bottomless Sea Boss: Kyogre Reward: Water Harmonica (Increases recruit rate for Water type Pokemon)
Unlocks Giant Volcano Boss: Heatran Reward: Fire Drum - (Increases Recruit Rate for Fire Pokémon)
Unlocks Giant Volcano Boss: Heatran Reward: Frie Drum (Increase recruit rate for Fire type Pokemon)
78SR-H2MP0+4 Y6FY1&Y+#R9S
Unlocks Maze Cave Boss: Gabite Reward: Gabite's Scale
4MP=K98#CT%Y R@--&P7%%K86
Unlocks Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss: Articuno Reward: Ice Flute (Increase recruit rate for Ice type Pokemon)
X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K
Unlocks Mysterious Jungle. Boss: Mew. Reward: Grass Trumpet (Increases recruit rate for Grass type Pokemon)
#&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y
Unlocks Shimmering Desert. Boss: Groudon. Reward: Earth Cymbal (Increases recruit rate for Ground type Pokemon)
HW+8 66%T 5S51 +J5Y 4-K# H@P-
Unlocks Sky Stairs. Boss: Rayquaza. Reward: Flying Pianaca (Increases recruit rate for Flying type Pokemon)
Unlocks The Great Hole Boss: Giratina Reward: Rock Megaphone - (Increases Recruit Rate for Rock Pokémon)
Y2YS W595 T=XJ 39Y0 TWW2 +RY0
Recruit eevee
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622, real game freak
Marowak Dojo: Final Maze
Marowak Dojo
After you graduate from the Guild go to Marowak's Dojo and you will be able to go to the Final Maze. We recommend you to go to Marine Resort first then you go to the Final Maze because in the Final Maze you get to fight many of the pokemon you have met in previous caves.
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Unlockable Dungeons
These are the dungeons that you can unlock by doing the ??? missions:
Oran Forest
Tiny Meadow
Lush Prairie
Serenity River
Landslide Cave
Lake Afar
Happy Outlook
Mt. Mistral
Shimmer Hill
Lost Wilderness
Midnight Forest
DS | Submitted by Itachi0113, Infernape of team Kick@$$
Unlock New Dungeons
Every day check the bulletin board and you might find a mission that says "???" Take the job and you might get a new place to explore.
??? means its either an egg, someone who wants to join or an item you can`t buy or find in your game.
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Explorer Ranks
Normal Rank
Bronze Rank: 100 points
Silver Rank: 400 points
Gold Rank: 1600 points
Diamond Rank: 3200 points
Super Rank: 6000 points
Ultra Rank: 10000 points
Hyper Rank: 15000 points
Master Rank: ?
DS | Submitted by ctgodzilla, Infernape of team Kick@$$
Pink Celebi
Treeshroud forest (after beating game)
At a curtain point in the game, you get dragged into the future and will eventually have to find Celebi. When you find her, look closely. Notice anything strange? She's pink! She's supposed to be green! Unfortunately, I don't think you can get her to join your team.
Additional Info:
When you get dragged into the future by "The Great Dusknoir" you will need to get to Celebi at Treeshroud Forest to get back to your time. If you are playing Explorers of Time, when you get to Celebi you will notice she is pink. After you beat the game you can recruit "shiny" Celebi.
DS | Submitted by Justin
What To Swap For At The Croagunk Swap Shop
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time
Here is what you can swap for what:
Dark silk + Dark dust: Dark Gem
Mime card + Mime key: Bulwark Rock
Mudkip mud + Mudkip card: Mud Jewel
Piplup Foam + Piplup card: Sea Ore
Marill dew + marill card: Surfer Rock
DS | Submitted by Charmy & Blaster of Team Frontier
How To Beat Primal Dialga The EASY Way
Temporal Pinnacle
So long as you've chosen a Riolu as either yourself or as your partner its quite simple taking down Primal Dialga. Make sure Riolu knows the move Force Palm, its super effective, and maybe toss a few stun seeds at him so that Primal Dialga can't use his stupid Roar of Time trick every single time he gets the chance.
DS | Submitted by pokegirl
Recruiting Darkrai
If you want to recruit Darkrai then go to the last floor of Mystifying Forest with a secret slab or a mystery part. Then you walk around until you run into him. I recommend that you have a golden mask or something that increases recruit rate.
DS | Submitted by Clubpenguin Pingy245
How To Walk In Water
If you're a water pokemon you'll be able to cross water. Sometimes its like a shortcut, but sometimes its a dead end.
DS | Submitted by Torterra of Team ZERO
Legendaries In Final Maze
Final Maze Floors 23, 29, and 40
If any of you guys out there have a Mystery Part, go to the Final Maze. On floor 23, you'll find Jiraji. On floor 29, you'll find Suicune. On floor 40, you'll find Moltres. Moltres is kinda easy to recruit, but Suicune and Jiraji are almost impossible.
DS | Submitted by Blaze of Team Time
Pokemon Items
Here are some combinations for Two Star pokemon items and the pokemon it is for.
Forest Ore: Treecko: Treeck-Thorn + Treeck-Card
Erupt Ore: Magmar: Magmar Claw and Magmar Card
Surfur Rock: Marill: Marill Dew and Marill Card
Ovation Rock: Togekiss: Togek-Wing and Togek-Card
Blazing Rock: Cyndaquil: Cynda-Hair and Cynda-Claw
Fiery Heart: Charmander: Char-Claw and Char-Fang
Typhlo- Seal: Typhlosion: Typhlo-Gasp and Typhlo-Fang
Stream Charm: Azumarill: Azuma-Dew and Azuma-Card
Muscle Charm: Tyrogue: Tyro-Sweat and Tyro-Card
Scept-Seal: Sceptile: Scept-Claw and Scept-Card
DS | Submitted by Fear+Hate
Secret Legendary Pokemon
To find some secret legendary pokemon you need to have a mystery part or a secret slab.
Zapdos = amp plains floor 7
Lugia = surrounded sea floor 18
Ho-Oh = Mt.Mistral floor 19
Deoxys = Shimmer hill floor 17
Latios = Midnight forest floor 24
Raikou = Concealed ruins floor 20
Latias = happy outlook floor 10
Mewtwo (darkness) = Aegis cave floor 5
Celebi (time) = Treeshoud forest floor 10
DS | Submitted by Tom1357
How To Recruit Celebi (Time Only)
Mystifying Forest floor 10
To recruit Celebi, you must first beat Primal Dialga in story mode, and then defeat the Guild members in Mystifying forest.
Next, you must obtain a secret stoneplate, or a mystery part, and put it in your bag. Then head off to Mystifying forest.
Once you climb up to the 10th floor, look for Celebi, it will be there (Only if you brought a secret stoneplate, or a mystery part).
Now defeat Celebi. Once you do that, Celebi should join your team, but if it doesn't, you'll have to try again.
The chance for getting Celebi is Very High, so you shouldn't have that trouble.
NOTE: Celebi and every legendary can only be recruited once, so if you delete it your outta luck.
DS | Submitted by MasonTheGamer
Raise Recruit Chances To The Maximum
If you want to be sure that you don't spend as long trying to get a Pokemon, do a few certain things. First off, some Pokemon will not join the team unless you have a certain rank. Because of this, you may want to spend a while reaching Master Rank. After that, raise a Pokemon's IQ until it learns the Fast Friend skill, but some Pokemon such as the original starters do not have this skill even at MAX IQ, or 10 stars. Next up, get a Golden Mask or Amber Tear, it does not matter which one you choose. When you reach a floor with a Pokemon you want, equip the Golden Mask or Amber Tear to the leader and defeat the species you want to join your team and keep defeating them until they join. Sometimes it may take a while, but even the toughest foes can join you.
DS | Submitted by Andrew Pedds
Explorer Ranks
Normal Rank
Bronze Rank - 100
Silver Rank - 400
Gold Rank - 1,600
Diamond Rank - 3,200
Super Rank - 6,000
Ultra Rank - 10,000
Hyper Rank - 15,000
Mater Rank - 62,500
DS | Submitted by Swampert of team wateryleaf
Pokemon Recruit Rates
Uxie: 100% Steam cave summit (on second visit, after credits)level 42
Mesprit: 100% Quicksandcave lake (on second visit, after credits) level 42
Azelf: 100% Crystal Crossing lake (on secend visit, after credits) level 42
Diagla: 100% Temporal Tower summit (on second visit, after credits) level 48
Palkia: 100% Spacial rift bottom (on second visit, after credits) level: 48
Regice: 70% Aegis cave: Regice chamber (on second visit, after credits) level: 46
Regirock: 70% Aegis cave: Regirock chamber (on second visit, after credits) level: 46
Registeel: 70% Aegis cave: Registeel chamber (on second visit, after credits) level: 46
Regigigas: 100% Aegis cave: regigigas chamber (on second visit, after credits) level: 49
Cresselia: 100% Sharpedo bluff (kill Darkrai) level
Manaphy: 100% Sharpedo bluff (kill Darkrai then do several missions)
Phione: 100% Miracle sea (on second visit) level 40
DS | Submitted by torchic of team sting
Seed Types
Sleep seed: puts enemy to sleep.
Doom seed: lowers level.
Blinker seed: gives enemy blinker status (can't see pokemon or items).
X-ray seed: opponent can't see a thing.
Totter seed: causes confusion.
DS | Submitted by andrew pedds
Where To Find Legendaries
Uxie: steam cave
Azelf: crystal cave-crystal crossing
Mespret: northern dessert-quicksand cave
Dialga: hidden land, hidden highland, temporal tower, temporal spire
palkia: spacial rift
regi: ice,rock,steel and giggas-agais caves
celibi: treeshroud forest
DS | Submitted by Team MudApe
How To Get Rayquaza
First you must enter the wonder mail password on the cheats page. Then you have to get up to floor 50. There you will encounter Rayquaza. I would suggest you use a high level Ice type, or a Dragon type such as Dialga, but you will have to pay attention to fact that dragon types are super effective against each other.
DS | Submitted by Pokewize and Some dude with no life
Evolving Starter & Partner
To evolve your starter pokemon you first have to beat Darkria (after beating the game) and then go back to Special Rift and beat Palkia. Palkia will want to join your team. Then go to Luminos Spring and you can evolve.
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Pokemon You Beat Twice To Recruit
DS | Submitted by stalentor31
Boss Fight Hint
Get a Mudkip. around lvl 45 and it will learn a move called Endeavor. This move takes your opponent's hp and makes it the same as yours. It does about 600 damage to Dialga in one shot, 500 to Uxie, Meesprit and Azelf.
DS | Submitted by Infernape of team Kick@$$
Recruit Dialga
After you beat the game, you can go back to hidden land, clear it and then go back to temporal tower and battle Dialga again. It's hard to beat primal Dialga but normal Dialga is slower, weaker and has less health so it's easy to beat him with any type. Once you beat him he will admit his defeat and ask to be recruited. He isn't very high level, but he's quick to level up.
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Pokemon Who Appear After You Talk To Man
Mewtwo (Darkness Only)
Celebi (Time Only)
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Mission Ranks And Points
Bulletin Board and Job List
E Rank: 10 points
D Rank: 15 points
C Rank: 20 points
B Rank: 30 points
A Rank: 50 points
S Rank: 70 points
*1 Rank: 100 points
*2 Rank: 200 points
*3 Rank: 300 points
*4 Rank: 400 points
*5 Rank: 500 points
*6 Rank: 700 points
*7 Rank: 1000 points
*8 Rank: 1300 points
*9 Rank: 1500 points
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Chapter 1: A Storm At Sea
Chapter 2: The New Guild Recruits
Chapter 3: The Scream
Chapter 4: The Gatekeepers
Chapter 5: The First Official Exploration
Chapter 6: Team Skull
Chapter 7: The Guild's Big Expedition
Chapter 8: Groudon's Heart
Chapter 9: The Mystery Of Fogbound Lake
Chapter 10: Dusknoir
Chapter 11: Grovyle The Thief
Chapter 12: The Option
Chapter 13: Dusknoir's Secret
Chapter 14: Into The Future
Chapter 15: The Secret Of The Planet Paraysis
Chapter 16: A New Dawn
Chapter 17: The Guild's Crew
Chapter 18: Lapras
Chapter 19: To The Hidden Land
Chapter Final: The Last Adventure
Post-Ending 1: Guild Graduation
Post-Ending 2: Scizor The Explorer
Post-Ending 3: Manaphy
Post-Ending 4: The Aegis Cave
Post-Ending 5: Azurill's Nightmare
Post-Ending 6: Adventures Again
Post-Ending 7: Manaphy's Return
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Male Starters Nature
Totodile- Jolly
Torchic- Hardy
Munchlax- Relaxed
Mudkip- Rash
Piplup- Impish
Chikorita- Calm
Meowth- Sassy
Chimchar- Naive
Bulbasaur- Lonely
Pikachu- Brave
Squirtle- Quirky
Cyndaquil- Timid
Treeko- Quite
Charmander- Docile
Turtwig- Bold
Skitty- ???
DS | Submitted by Itachi0113
Secret Rank
Treasure Town
After you beat the game do some missions and you will eventually find a Mr. Mime. Talk to him and he will tell you about Blizzard Island and how a long time ago Scizor got trapped deep in Blizzard Island. Then you gain access to Blizzard Island. Get through the 20 floors and you go to Crevice Cave. Get through its 10 floors and save at the Kangaskan and get through another 14 floors. Then you meet Frosslass. Fight him and then you will save Scizor and he will thank you by giving you the Secret Rank allowing you to do the wonder mail missions.
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Female Starters Nature
Munchlax- Jolly
Treeko- Hardy
Chimchar- Impish
Charmander- Brave
Chikorita- Quite
Cyndaquil- Calm
Bulbasaur- Docile
Piplup- Quirky
Totodile- Sassy
Mudkip- Lonely
Skitty- Naive
Meowth- Relaxed
Turtwig- Timid
Torchic- Rash
Squirtle- Bold
Pikachu- ???
DS | Submitted by Assassin leader of team Hired-Guns
How To Beat Mew
To beat mew you'll need about 4 X-eye seeds. If you don't have any X-eye seeds, you will need tons of reviver seeds. You would a lot need a psychic pokemon, in that case you would not need reviver seeds. Do not bring any rock pokemon with you. When your attacking mew throw one of you X-eye seeds at it. If Mew dodges the seed, throw another one. After being hit with an X-eye Mew can't see straight. Use psychic and confusion to bring down mew.
DS | Submitted by Itachi0622
Phione And Sick Manaphy
After you get Manaphy he will get sick. Then you will gain access to Miracle Sea to get the Phione Dew to heal Manaphy. After you go to the end of the cave you will have to fight a bunch of Phione's to get the dew. After you get the dew go back to the cave and Phione will automatically join your team.
DS | Submitted by Bulbasaur of Team Dragons
Beating Koffing And Zubat Early
While on the dungeon floors find blast seeds ,geo pebbles, and sticks. Don't use them! When you get to the pit, Koffing and Zubat will be their. After the battle starts, use your seeds pebbles and sticks. If you don't beat them by the time you run out of those items, battle them normally. You will probably win.
DS | Submitted by charmander leader of team scorechers
Battiling Uixe's Hologram
You'll want a water Pokemon as you or your partner. If you don't have one, you'll need a bunch of reviver seeds. Don't try using the move razor leaf, it only does 2-3 damage.
Additional Info Submitted By: Team Time
Ok, i know what it says above, but it is sort of wrong. Razor leaf hurts 20-25 damage. First have a lot of sleep seeds or stun seeds. keep max elixirs too. Gather a whole lot of orange berries to heal. If your pokemon knows synthesis thats good. If you keep using smokescreen it will work well. Keep using sleep and stun seeds and attacking you will beat him.
DS | Submitted by firebuster
Battle Groudon
When battling Groudon use fire moves. You think Groudon is a fire/ground pokemon, but it's only a ground pokemon. Don't use grass moves, they aren't effective on him
DS | Submitted by Mason Ream
Best Combos In Story Mode
Some good combos:
DS | Submitted by infernape of team Kick@$$
Hints For Uxies Illusion
When you battle "Groudon" for the first time and you are a fire type don't worry. I was a Chimchar with a Piplup. Just make sure you bought a wide slash from Keckleon, and make sure you know ember and scratch becauase they work good in a pattern, like wide slash, ember, scratch or ember, wide slash, scratch.
DS | Submitted by pokegirl
How To Beat Dialga
If you are a Charmander with a sleep seed and an X-eye seed and your partner is Piplup this is an easy way to beat Dialga, at the end of the game. Start by throwing your X-eye seed at him and use flamethrower when he's in front of you. Follow him and use fire fang when you are in front of you. When it wears off, use the sleep seed and get Piplup to use brine while you use flamethrower or fire fang and he should go down quick.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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