Complete Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex for Gen 9

The complete Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex is here, with both newcomers to the series and returning classics, making for 400 Pokemon total. That's a pretty decent-sized 'dex, and means that you'll be able to create almost any combination of team to take on Paldea's challenges. With that in mind, here's the complete Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex, with no shortage of spoilers for those who haven't played it already.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Starters

Scarlet Violet

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Starters were confirmed straight away with the game's very first trailer. They are this trio:

  • Sprigatito (Grass Cat Pokemon)
  • Fuecoco (Fire Croc Pokemon)
  • Quaxly (Water Duckling Pokemon)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Legendaries

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Legendary pokemon

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Legendaries are Miraidon and Koraidon. 

Koraidon and Miraidon will appear in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet respectively, but rather than an end-game addition to help you beat the big bad of Scarlet and Violet, they're very early additions to your party. They essentially act as All-Terrain Vehicles letting you fly, drive, and swim across the new region of Paldea and initially won't be able to be used in battle - much like the mounts in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Complete Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex

Swipe to scroll horizontally
#3MeowscaradaGrass / Dark
#6SkeledirgeFire / Ghost
#9QuaquavalWater / Fighting
#15LokixBug / Dark
#16HoppipGrass / Flying
#17SkiploomGrass / Flying
#18JumpluffGrass / Flying
#19FletchlingNormal / Flying
#20FletchinderFire / Flying
#21TalonflameFire / Flying
#22PawmiElectric / Fighting
#23PawmoElectric / Fighting
#24PawmotElectric / Fighting
#25HoundourDark / Fire
#26HoundoomDark / Fire
#37VivillonBug / Flying
#38CombeeBug / Flying
#39VespiquenBug / Flying
#42CorviknightFlying / Steel
#46AzurillNormal / Fairy
#47MarillWater / Fairy
#48AzumarillWater / Fairy
#49SurskitBug / Water
#50MasquerainBug / Flying
#53WooperPoison / Ground
#54ClodsirePoison / Ground
#58DrednawWater / Rock
#59IgglybuffNormal / Fairy
#60JigglypuffNormal / Fairy
#61WigglytuffNormal / Fairy
#62RaltsPsychic / Fairy
#63KirliaPsychic / Fairy
#64GardevoirPsychic / Fairy
#65GalladePsychic / Fight
#68GastlyGhost / Poison
#69HaunterGhost / Poison
#70GengarGhost / Poison
#84SmolivGrass / Normal
#85DollivGrass / Normal
#86ArbolivaGrass / Normal
#93CoalossalRock / Fire
#97StarlyNormal / Flying
#98StaraviaNormal / Flying
#99StaraptorNormal / Flying
#100OcricorioFire / Flying
#107BreloomGrass / Fighting
#108ApplinGrass / Dragon
#109FlappleGrass / Dragon
#110AppletunGrass / Dragon
#113SquawkabillyNormal / Flying
#119CrabominableFighting / Ice
#120SaladitPoison / Fire
#121SalazzlePoison / Fire
#126GibleDragon / Ground
#127GabiteDragon / Ground
#128GarchompDragon / Ground
#132WingullWater / Flying
#133PelipperWater / Flying
#135GyaradosWater / Flying
#143DrifloonGhost / Flying
#144DrifblimGhost / Flying
#151NumelFire / Ground
#152CameruptFire / Ground
#153BronzorSteel / Psychic
#154BronzongSteel / Psychic
#160AnnihilapeFighting / Ghost
#161MedititeFighting / Psychic
#162MedichamFighting / Psychic
#164LucarioFighting / Steel
#166ArmarougeFire / Psychic
#167CeruledgeFire / Ghost
#168BarboachWater / Ground
#175CroagunkPoison / Fighting
#176ToxicroakPoison / Fighting
#177WattrelElectric / Flying
#178KilowattrelElectric / Flying
#190DeerlingNormal / Grass
#191SawsbuckNormal / Grass
#192GirafirigNormal / Psychic
#193FarigarafNormal / Psychic
#198ToxelElectric / Poison
#199ToxtricityElectric / Poison
#200DedenneElectric / Fairy
#202ShroodlePoison / Normal
#203GrafaiaiPoison / Normal
#205FoongusGrass / Poison
#206AmoongussGrass / Poison
#209MagnemiteElectric / Steel
#210MagnetonElectric / Steel
#211MagnezoneElectric / Steel
#219SwabluNormal / Flying
#220AltariaDragon / Flying
#224LitleoFire / Normal
#225PyroarFire / Normal
#226StunkyPoison / Dark
#227SkuntankPoison / Dark
#230SneaselDark / Ice
#231WeavileDark / Ice
#232MurkrowDark / Flying
#233HonchkrowDark / Flying
#239MimikyuGhost / Fairy
#240KlefkiSteel / Fairy
#241IndeedeePsychic / Normal
#242BramblinGrass / Ghost
#243BrambleghastGrass / Ghost
#244ToedscoolGround / Grass
#245ToedscruelGround / Grass
#246TropiusGrass / Flying
#251ScovillainGrass / Fire
#253CacturneGrass / Dark
#255RabscaBug / Psychic
#256VenonatBug / Poison
#257VenomothBug / Poison
#259ForretressBug / Steel
#260ScytherBug / Flying
#261ScizorBug / Steel
#262HeracrossBug / Fight
#267ScadileGround / Dark
#268KrokorokGround / Dark
#269KrookodileGround / Dark
#274LarvestaBug / Fire
#275VolcaronaBug / Fire
#278SalamenceDragon / Flying
#279TinkatinkFairy / Steel
#280TinkatuffFairy / Steel
#281TinkatonFairy / Steel
#284HatterenePsychic / Fairy
#285ImpidimpDark / Fairy
#286MorgremDark / Fairy
#287GimmsnarlDark / Fairy
#290BombirdierFlying / Dark
#293VaroomSteel / Poison
#294RevaroomSteel / Poison
#295CyclizarDragon / Normal
#297SableyeDark / Ghost
#301HawluchaFighting / Flying
#302SpiritombGhost / Dark
#303NoibatFlying / Dragon
#304NoivernFlying / Dragon
#305DreepyDragon / Ghost
#306DrakloakDragon / Ghost
#307DragapultDragon / Ghost
#308GlimmetRock / Poison
#309GlimmoraRock / Poison
#310RotomElectric / Ghost
#313OranguruNormal / Psychic
#316LarvitarRock / Ground
#317PupitarRock / Ground
#318TyranitarRock / Ground
#322SandygastGhost / Ground
#323PalossandGhost / Ground
#324SlowpokeWater / Psychic
#325SlowbroWater / Psychic
#326SlowkingWater / Psychic
#328GastrodonWater / Ground
#330CloysterWater / Ice
#331QwilfishWater / Poison
#335BruxishWater / Psychic
#337SkrelpPoison / Water
#338DragalgePoison / Dragon
#344MareaniePoison / Water
#345ToxapexPoison / Water
#346FlamigoFlying / Fight
#350SnomIce / Bug
#351FrosmothIce / Bug
#352SnoverGrass / Ice
#353AbomasnowGrass / Ice
#354DelibirdIce / Flying
#359FroslassIce / Ghost
#365RuffletNormal / Flying
#366BraviaryNormal / Flying
#367PawniardDark / Steel
#368BisharpDark / Steel
#369KingambitDark / Steel
#370DeinoDark / Dragon
#371ZweilousDark / Dragon
#372HydreigonDark / Dragon
#373VeluzaWater / Psychic
#375TatsugiriDragon / Water
#376Great TuskGround / Fighting
#377Scream TailFairy / Psychic
#378Brute BonnetGrass / Dark
#379Flutter ManeGhost / Fairy
#380Slither WingBug / Fighting
#381Sandy ShocksElectric / Ground
#382Iron TreadsGround / Steel
#383Iron BundleIce / Water
#384Iron HandsFighting / Electric
#385Iron JugulisDark / Flying
#386Iron MothFire / Poison
#387Iron ThornsRock / Electric
#388FrigibaxDragon / Ice
#389ArctibaxDragon / Ice
#390BaxcaliburDragon / Ice
#392GholdengoSteel / Ghost
#393Wo-ChienDark / Grass
#394Chien-PaoDark / Ice
#395Ting-LuDark / Ground
#396Chi-YuDark / Fire
#397Roaring MoonDragon / Dark
#398Iron ValiantFairy / Fighting
#399KoraidonFighting / Dragon
#400MiraidonElectric / Dragon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet New Pokemon

As for the Gen 9 Pokemon, we've got all the new Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. They are as follows:

  • Spigratito / Floragato / Meowscarada
  • Fuecoco / Crocalor / Skeledirge
  • Quaxley / Quaxwell / Quaquavel
  • Lechonk / Oinkologne
  • Tarountula / Spidops
  • Nymble / Lokix
  • Pawmi / Pawmo / Pawmot
  • Paldean Wooper / Paldean Clodsire
  • Tandemaus / Maushold
  • Fidough / Dachsbun
  • Smoliv / Dolliv / Arboliva
  • Squawkabilly
  • Nacli / Naclstack / Garganaci
  • Annihilape
  • Carcadet / Armarouge / Ceruledge
  • Tadbulb / Bellibolt
  • Wattrel / Kilowattrel
  • Farigaraf
  • Maschiff / Mabosstiff
  • Shroodle / Grafaiai
  • Paldean Taurus
  • Bramblin / Brambleghast
  • Toedscool / Toedscruel
  • Capsakid / Scovillain
  • Rellor / Rabsca
  • Flittle / Espathra
  • Tinkatink / Tinkatuff / Tinkaton
  • Wiglett / Wugtrio
  • Bombirdier
  • Finizen / Palafin
  • Varoom / Revaroom
  • Cyclizar
  • Orthworm
  • Glimmet / Glimmora
  • Greavard / Houndstone
  • Flamigo
  • Pawniard / Kingambit
  • Veluza
  • Dondozo
  • Tatsugiri
  • Great Tusk
  • Scream Tail
  • Brute Bonnet
  • Flutter Mane
  • Sandy Shocks
  • Iron Treads
  • Iron Bundle
  • Iron Hands
  • Iron Jugulis
  • Iron Moth
  • Iron Thorns
  • Frigibax / Arctibax / Baxcalibur
  • Gimmighoul / Gholdengo
  • Wo-Chien
  • Chien-Pao
  • Ting-Lu
  • Chi-Yu
  • Roaring Moon
  • Iron Valiant
  • Koraidon
  • Miraidon
Sam Loveridge
Brand Director, GamesRadar+

Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.

With contributions from
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