All Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Ominous Black Stakes and Shrine locations

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries
(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Ominous Black Stakes let you get the Ruinous Quartet, four legendary Pokemon found in Shrines around Paldea. Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Ting-Lu and Chi-Yu are incredibly powerful, each one a Dark dual-type able to lower the stats of all Pokemon around them. There's a lot of Stake locations around the world though, with eight for each Shrine, and they're all well-hidden, as somebody was clearly motivated to keep the Ruinous Quartet locked away. That's why we've got the locations for all the Ominous Black Stakes and Shrines in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet below, as well as how to catch the legendary Pokemon within.

Ominous Black Stakes and Shrines in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet explained

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Ominous Black Stakes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are locking mechanisms for the Shrines, four hidden temples around the Paldea map that each contain a unique legendary Pokemon, as briefly laid out below.

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Legendary Shrines in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Icerend ShrineYellowWest Paldea Coast, South of Asado DesertChien-Pao (Dark/Ice)
Groundblight ShrineGreenNorth of Casseroya LakeTing-Lu (Dark/Ground)
Grasswither ShrinePurpleSouth Paldea Coast, East of Poco Path LighthouseWo-Chien (Dark/Grass)
Firescourge ShrineBluePeak of Fury Falls in North Province (Area two)Chi-Yu (Dark/Fire)

Each Shrine is locked when you approach it for the first time, but will have 8 Ominous Black Stakes across the map with auras that match its colour (so while all Stakes are black, some glow blue, or purple, or yellow, or green). Once you find an Ominous Black Stake, interacting with it pulls it from the ground, destroying it. Destroying all 8 stakes attached to a Shrine will open it - and allow you to battle and catch the legendary Pokemon inside.

Below, we'll cover the locations of each Shrine, as well as the locations of all the Ominous Black Stakes, so you can add the legendary Pokemon - the Ruinous Four - to your team for good! 

Icerend Yellow Shrine location

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Icerend Shrine - associated with Yellow Stakes - is found on a high cliff on Paldea's West coast, South of the Asado Desert and North of the unmarked wind turbines on the map. The inscription on the outside tells you of a "Ruinous Sword" within, which is the Dark/Ice sabre-toothed tiger Chien-Pao. It's arguably the coolest looking of the four Ruinous legendary Pokemon - though its giant stone teeth are a real spit in the eye of "survival of the fittest". 

All Yellow Ominous Stakes locations

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Black Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Cheugy

Director Clavell asking what cheugy means in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company)

Want the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Cheugy question explained? No, we never thought we'd have to ask that either...

To crack the Icerend Shrine, you'll need to find all the Yellow Ominous Stakes hidden throughout the game. These are all in the lower-left corner quadrant of Paldea - Nothing further North than Cascarrafa, nothing further Mesagoza. For all of the stakes, Yellow and not, we recommend having all of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Koraidon and Miraidon abilities unlocked - though at this point in the game, you'll probably have them unlocked anyway. Considering that all the Ruinous legendaries are level 60, you should at least have beaten the Titans and even the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gym leaders before you considering pursuing these imprisoned demigods.

For ease's sake, we've numbered these in rising order from Southernmost to Northernmost, though it doesn't matter which order you pull them in. However, this way you can start at the bottom and work your way up!

Yellow Stake 1

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Halfway down the waterfall East of Alfornado is a tiny ledge on the left side (if you're facing it), with the Stake and nothing else stuck onto it. 

Yellow Stake 2

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Head to the beach on the West Coast of South Province (Area Six) and you'll see a slope rising to a large cave that turns out to be a long, straight tunnel. Halfway down the tunnel is the second Stake.

Yellow Stake 3

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

In the same rough area, head to the surface - this time, climb the mountain overlooking the Northern pass. On its East side is the next yellow Stake, stuck into a ledge.

Yellow Stake 4

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

From the nearby Pokecenter, head Southeast and down the mountain. Halfway down is an outcropping with the Stake resting in it.

Yellow Stake 5

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Southeast of the turbines, near where you encounter the Bombirdier Titan, is a circular pit with a pillar in the center. The Stake is stuck into the pillar, meaning you'll need to glide, climb, or jump carefully to make it over the gap. 

Yellow Stake 6

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Head to the Ruins South of Asado desert. Just South of those is an overlook with a Yellow Stake, not particularly hidden, next to a small tree.

Yellow Stake 7

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

This yellow Stake is in a small gap in the side of the cliff wall that backs into the Great Crater of Paldea. Just hug the exterior by walking through the grasslands and you'll find it easily enough.

Yellow Stake 8

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The final yellow Stake is behind the Cascarrafa Gym itself. Go behind the building and there's a small garden with a stream running through it - the Stake is nestled behind one of the garden's larger trees.

If you've found all the Stakes and destroyed them, you'll get a bit of text telling you that you heard something from the Shrine itself. Head back to it and interact with it if you're ready to challenge the legendary Pokemon within.

How to catch Chien-Pao in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Chien-Pao is a powerhouse Pokemon that fights aggressively, and has a variety of attacks to cut through your Pokemon. Fortunately, it has a lot of weaknesses to exploit - just be careful not to beat it altogether.

It's also important to remember the move Ruination - all these legendaries have it, and it cuts the remaining HP of the enemy Pokemon in half. Admittedly, it can't be used to knock them out because of that, but that won't stop Chien-Pao from taking an opponent down to a quarter of their health in a couple of moves, then following it up with a normal attack. 

  • Level: 60
  • Type: Dark/Ice
  • Weaknesses: Fighting (x4), Fire, Bug, Rock, Steel, Fairy
  • Resistances: Ice, Ghost, Dark
  • Immunities: Psychic
  • Attacks:
    • Icicle Crash (Ice)
    • Ruination (Dark)
    • Sucker Punch (Dark)
    • Sacred Sword (Fighting)
  • Ability: Sword of Ruin (lowers defense of all Pokemon except itself)

Bring plenty of Ultra Balls, hit it with paralysis early on, and you shouldn't have too much trouble catching this crazy cat with the serious overbite. Not only that, but it can help you beat some of the Ruinous legendary Pokemon to follow.

Groundblight Green Shrine location

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Ting-Lu, the legendary Ruinous Vessel reindeer moose Pokemon that's Dark/Ground type, is found in the Groundblight Shrine North of Casseroya Lake. North of the lake itself is a large section of mountain - in the mountain's Southern wall is a small ravine with the Shrine clearly marked below, and even a path marked on the map leading up to it. Inside waits Ting-Lu, the Ruinous Vessel, a Dark/Ground-type reindeer moose thing with a big bowl on its head and a slightly FromSoftware vibe. 

All Green Ominous Stakes locations

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Stakes Shrines

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Groundblight Shrine requires you to pull out 8 Green-tinted Ominous Black Stakes in the top left corner of Paldea - largely in or around the Casseroya Lake area. Surf will be essential here, and you'll probably need either gliding or climbing powers too, as some of the stakes take you into mountainous terrain.

Again, for ease of exploration, we've laid them out in a rough path going from South to North (with the occasional twist as needed). Just follow them in order and you'll be unleashing a fresh Doomsday Pokemon on the world in no time.

Green Stake 1

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

For the first Stake, head to the grasslands North of the Asado desert, and there'll be a perfectly circular hole in the middle that you can drop down. You'll land in a cavern on top of a pillar - the first Stake is waiting next to you.

Green Stake 2 

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

From the last Stake, simply walk outside to the North and drop down to the grass near the waterfall to find a second Stake waiting for you.

Green Stake 3

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

There's a grassy outcropping in the side of the Glaseado mountain - you'll either need to jump down from above or use Koraidon's climb ability, but once you reach it, the Stake is waiting in clear sight. While you're here, you can always head South just a little to catch some Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Eevee.

Green Stake 4

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Go to the smallest island in Casseroya Lake, basically a tuft with a tree on it. On its west side is the next Green Ominous Stake, on a small ledge.

Green Stake 5

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Now surf North to the biggest island in Casseroya, where you might've fought the False Dragon Titan at some point. It's on the highest part, clearly in the open, on the island's East side.

Green Stake 6

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Head to the tip of the Peninsula on the lake's West side, then climb to its highest point. Stuck into the ground, next to a tree, is the next Ominous Stake.

Green Stake 7

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Hop North across a couple of islands and hug the Western coastline. On a ledge overlooking the sea near the top of the rising slope, you'll see the next Stake.

Green Stake 8

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

It's the furthest trek to this Stake no matter where you're coming from - head to the mountains and the Stake itself is simply stuck into a snowy slope that looks like any other bit. If it helps, if you can find the short tunnel that cuts through the mountain itself, with the Northern coast on one side and a view of the Lake on the other, once you come out the Northern end, immediately turn left and look up - the Stake is waiting for you up there.

How to catch Ting-Lu in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Ting-Lu is a brute with a lot of HP, attack and defense, though its low speed means you'll be able to leap ahead of it in a pinch. All its moves are attack-based (except Ruination, though that hardly matters considering it has a set amount of damage), so make sure you bring in Pokemon with high defense.

  • Level: 60
  • Type: Dark/Ground
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Bug, Water, Grass, Ice, Fairy
  • Resistances: Poison, Rock, Ghost, Dark
  • Immunities: Psychic, Electric
  • Attacks:
    • Stomping Tantrum (Ground)
    • Ruination (Dark)
    • Throat Chop (Dark)
    • Rock Slide (Rock)
  • Ability: Vessel of Ruin (lowers Sp.Atk of all Pokemon except itself)

Capture it and you'll have the dread moose of Paldea added to your team. And yes, we'll clarify that all these Pokemon are Dark dual–types - you'll be working on a theme if you put all these horrors in your team.

Grasswither Purple Shrine location

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Grasswither Shrine is found on Paldea's Southern coast, against a cliff wall on the stretch of land between Poco Path Lighthouse and the beachside Pokemon Center, at the bottom of South Province (Area One). Inside you can find the "Ruinous Tablets" - also known as Wo-Chien, a Dark/Grass type snail with a sturdy Sp.Def stat and the day-ruining Giga Drain move. To get inside, you'll have to go for the purple-tinted Black Ominous Stakes.

All Purple Ominous Stakes locations

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Black Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Grasswither Shrine requires the player to find 8 Black Ominous Stakes with purple auras, all of which are found in the lower right corner of the Paldea map, and usually in grassland or canyons far from civilization - with a couple of exceptions. Do them in the order listed below for the simplest, shortest snail trail to Wo-Chien.

Purple Stake 1

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Let's start with an easy one - scale the cliff that the Shrine door is stuck into and literally overlooking it is the first purple Ominous Black Stake.

Purple Stake 2

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Follow the river South of Los Platos West to its source, head up the cliffs and at the very top near the little spring is the Stake in the ground.

Purple Stake 3

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The next Purple stake is North of Los Platos, on the cliffs on the East side of the path overlooking the zone, in a slightly forested area.

Purple Stake 4

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The next purple Ominous Stake is at the highest point in the area, at the very top of the precipice in the middle of South Province. Just keep climbing and you'll see it up there.

Purple Stake 5

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

On the South side of the first bridge linking South and East provinces, right on the edge of the river, is the next Purple stake.

Purple Stake 6

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Go to the dusty scrubland East of Mesagoza, and at the Northern side is a raised plateau you'll need to climb up. The Stake is up there, giving you a clear view of the Mesagoza bridge.

Purple Stake 7

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Follow up North through the scrubland and canyons towards the very edge where it meets the fields of the East Province. The two biomes are divided by a ravine - and on the North side of the ravine, where the land hooks outwards, is the penultimate Purple Stake.

Purple Stake 8

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Black Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Perhaps the easiest Ominous Stake to find, just head over to the town of Artazon and the West Pokemon Center. Just South of that building, on the ridge overlooking the town, is the last Stake! Pull it, pop it, and head back to the Grasswither Shrine when you're ready to take on Wo-Chien. 

How to catch Wo-Chien in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

As befits a snail, Wo-Chien is something of a tank, with high Sp.Def in particular and fairly robust HP, SP.Atk and Defense stats to boot. It also knows Giga Drain, so players might have difficulty keeping it at low health - we recommend giving something False Swipe so you don't end up knocking it out by accident. Use Bug attacks carefully - they'll do huge damage, but maybe too much…

  • Level: 60
  • Type: Dark/Grass
  • Weaknesses: Bug (x4), Fighting, Flying, Poison, Fire, Ice, Fairy
  • Resistances: Ground, Ghost, Water, Grass, Electric, Dark
  • Immunities: Psychic
  • Attacks:
    • Giga Drain (Grass)
    • Ruination (Dark)
    • Foul Play (Dark)
    • Power Whip (Grass)
  • Ability: Tablets of Ruin (lowers Attack of all Pokemon except itself)

Wo-Chien's tricky moveset might make it a little hard to catch, but it's worth it - because then you'll get that moveset added to your team!

Firescourge Blue Shrine location

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous black Stakes shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Firescourge Shrine is found at the very top of the Fury Falls, just South of the North Province (Area 2) Pokemon Center. Find the falls, then use Koraidon or Miraidon to climb up them to the water's source - which will take you into a cave filled with Pokemon, and the Blue Firescourge Shrine, which warns the player of Ruinous Beads…? This of course turns out to be the last of the Ruinous Legendary Pokemon, a diminutive little goldfish made of flame called Chi-Yu that's a powerful Dark/Fire type.

All Blue Ominous Stakes locations

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

You must know the drill by now - there are 8 blue-tinted Ominous Black Stakes hidden in the North-East quarter of Paldea, all of which need to be found and uprooted to unlock the Blue Firescourge Shrine and confront Chi-Yu.

Unlike the other regions, the mountainous landscape and uneven terrain makes a simple South-to-North sweep not really viable. For expediency's sake, your best bet is to make liberal use of the Flying Taxi - not to mention that without the Climb and Glide abilities, getting around is going to be very difficult.

Blue Stake 1

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The first Blue Stake (sounds delicious) is up North, Northwest of the Mountain range. Just up from the beach is a small ledge with a tree and the first blue Ominous Stake in the ground.

Blue Stake 2

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

From there, head down the coast. Next to a large sunken area is a tall, thin spike of rock on its West side - climb up to get the Stake from the top.

Blue Stake 3

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Heading East to the unclimbable wall, hug the high ridge that runs along its side until you're nearly level with the nearby Pokemon center. The Stake is stuck in the ground near a large tree on the edge.

Blue Stake 4

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Keep going South along the wall, then when you reach the area marked above, jump down to a small patch of ruins hugging the Southeast cliffedge. The Stake is in the Ruins.

Blue Stake 5

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Next head to the Lighthouse Northeast of Levincia. Just Northwest of that is a raised cliff overlooking it, with the stake jutting out of the cliff.

Blue Stake 6

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Time for a jump - for the next Blue Ominous Stake, head to the North of Tagtree Thicket. Backed against the cliff is a raised plateau, with the Stake waiting for you there.

Blue Stake 7

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

On the section of brown cliff you'll see a tiny spot of green marked on the map - a tiny patch of grass with a couple of trees. The Stake is here on the descent down the mountain.

Blue Stake 8

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous black Stakes shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The final Stake is kind of a joke - as it's actually on top of the Shrine itself! Leave the cave with Firescourge Shrine at the top of Fury Falls, and use Koraidon/Miraidon to climb up. Directly above the Shrine is the final stake. Grab it and drop back in to reach the opened Shrine…

How to catch Chi-Yu in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ominous Stakes Shrines legendaries

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Despite looking like a fish, Chi-Yu is not a Water-type: it's a Dark/Fire hybrid with a moveset even more challenging (aka, annoying) as Wo-Chien's. Ruination does huge damage, Bounce will cause your attacks to miss like Fly, and Swagger will boost your Pokemon's attack - and inflict confusion in the same process. Be careful about attacking - because your attack is improved by Swagger, so even if you land a hit, you risk miscalculating damage and knocking out this little demon goldfish. Be cautious!

  • Level: 60
  • Type: Dark/Fire
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Rock, Water
  • Resistances: Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Ice, Dark
  • Immunities: Psychic
  • Attacks:
    • Lava Plume (Fire)
    • Ruination (Dark)
    • Bounce (Flying)
    • Swagger (passive/inflicts confusion)
  • Ability: Beads of Ruin (lowers Sp.Def of all Pokemon except itself)

Chi-Yu is a good all-rounder, in terms of stats - its Sp.Atk, Sp.Def and Speed are especially impressive, and its broad moveset gives you a lot of options when deciding how you want to build it.

Joel Franey
Guides Writer

Joel Franey is a writer, journalist, podcaster and raconteur with a Masters from Sussex University, none of which has actually equipped him for anything in real life. As a result he chooses to spend most of his time playing video games, reading old books and ingesting chemically-risky levels of caffeine. He is a firm believer that the vast majority of games would be improved by adding a grappling hook, and if they already have one, they should probably add another just to be safe. You can find old work of his at USgamer, Gfinity, Eurogamer and more besides.

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