How to beat all the Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Leaders

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Pokemon Sword and Shield gym leaders are a tough bunch, led by Champion Leon, with a wide range of Pokemon and puzzles to deal with on your way to become the very best. Pokemon Sword and Shield has such a wide array of gym leaders, and not only that, you'll have to confront them a second time when you come back for the rematches in the semi finals and more! If you're ready to take on all of the Pokemon Sword and Shield gym leaders and their Pokemon, we've got the tips you need for defeating them below.

**Warning! This guide contains spoilers for Gym Leaders, their Pokemon, the gym missions, and more so if you want to go in fresh, please click away now!**

(Image credit: Nintendo)

1. Turffield Gym

Leader: Milo
Type: Grass

(Image credit: Nintendo)

As you'd expect from a Grass Gym, all the trainers and Gym Leader Milo are armed with Grass Type Pokemon. Before you enter the stadium you'll need to arm yourself with a Fire Type Pokemon, which is handy if you've chosen Scorbunny as your Starter. However, Grass Types are also weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, and Bug Type Pokemon, so bear that in mind before you head inside.

Gym Mission: Wooloo herding. Yes, you read that right. You'll need to herd a flock of 20 Wooloo through a number of obstacles, avoiding distracting Yampers, and occasionally battling unavoidable Gym Trainers, all of which are armed with Grass Type Pokemon. 

Grass Gym Leader Milo:

Gossifluer - Lv. 19
: Grass
Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, and Bug
Will it Dynamax?: No

Eldegoss - Lv. 20
: Grass
Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, and Bug
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 25, train Pokemon up to Lv. 30, TM10 Magical Leaf, and the Grass Uniform. 

2. Hulbury Gym

Leader: Nessa
Type: Water

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Water Gym is second on your Gym Challenge journey, meaning you'll need to come prepared with a Grass, or Electric Type in your party in order to pack super effective moves against Nessa's crew, and the Gym Trainers you'll battle along the way. The Hulbury Gym is probably the most traditional Gym Challenge you'll face in Pokemon Sword and Shield, with a puzzle to solve before you face Nessa herself.

Gym Mission: Making your way to Nessa involves using Switches to direct the flow of water falling from different coloured pipes. Along the way you'll fight Gym Trainers armed with Water Type Pokemon. 

You'll need to move through the Gym, and press the switches in this order:

Area 1: Red. Yellow. Red
Area 2: Yellow. Red
Area 3: Yellow (down the steps past the trainer). Red. Blue. You'll then be able to go down the yellow steps and up to Nessa. 

Water Gym Leader Nessa
Goldeen - Lv. 20
Weakness: Electric, Grass
Will it Dynamax?: No

Arrokuda - Lv. 23
Weakness: Electric, Grass
Will it Dynamax?: No

Drednaw - Lv. 24
: Water / Rock
Weakness: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 30, train Pokemon up to Lv. 35, TM36 Whirpool, and the Water Uniform. 

3. Motostoke Gym

Leader: Kabu
Type: Fire

(Image credit: Nintendo)

The Fire Gym is headed up by Kabu, and although it's located in Motostoke, you won't be able to challenge him until Gym Number 3 in your Gym Challenge journey. If you've chosen Sobble as your starter, this is your time to shine as to take down the Fire Type Gym residents, you'll need a Pokemon with Water, Ground or Rock Type moves. 

Gym Mission: In order to face Kabu, you'll have to earn five points by either defeating wild Pokemon, or catching them. Defeating them earns you one point, while catching them gets you two. However, for each wild Pokemon battle, you'll be paired with a Gym Trainer. So if you want to a) catch these rare Pokemon and b) earn the most points, you'd do well to just fling out a Great Ball as soon as the battle starts. We found all catch attempts were successful first time, meaning you'll earn yourself a Vulpix, Litwick and the new Sizzlipede as part of your rewards. 

Fire Gym Leader Kabu

Ninetales - Lv. 25
Weakness: Water, Rock, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Arcanine - Lv. 25
Weakness: Water, Rock, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Centiskorch - Lv. 27
: Fire / Bug
Weakness: Water, Rock, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 35, train Pokemon up to Lv. 40, TM38 Will-O-Wisp, and the Fire Uniform

4. Stow-on-Side Gym (Pokemon Shield)

Leader: Allister
Type: Ghost

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Taking on the Ghost Gym is partly great fun, and partly a test of your skills thus far. In order to take on the Ghost Type Gym you'll need to make sure you've got Pokemon with Dark, Steel or Ghost Type moves. Allister's crew are going to be tough otherwise as Ghost Type Pokemon can be tricky to attack.

Gym Mission: Possibly the most fun of all the Gym Missions in Pokemon Sword and Shield, the Ghost Gym will ask you to ride in a cup-shaped car, spinning the joystick left or right to move in those directions, avoiding obstacles and using glowing green hands to boost you up where necessary. It's fairly straightforward to move through, although there are some Gym Trainer battles to complete between sections of track. 

Ghost Gym Leader Allister

Galarian Yamask - Lv. 34
: Ground / Ghost
Weakness: Dark, Steel, Water
Will it Dynamax?: No

Galarian Corsola aka Cursola - Lv. 35
: Ghost
Weakness: Dark, Ghost
Will it Dynamax?: No

Mimikyu - Lv. 34
Weakness: Ghost, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Gengar - Lv. 36
Weakness: Ghost, Dark, Psychic
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 40, train Pokemon up to Lv. 45, TM77 Hex, and the Ghost Uniform. 

4. Stow-on-Side Gym (Pokemon Sword)

Leader: Bea
Type: Fighting

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Gym Mission: The Gym Mission for Stow-on-Side is quite similar across both the Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Leaders. In Pokemon Sword, you need to slide down a slope, moving left and right by rotating the control stick, and using various punching gloves to move yourself around even more. 

Fighting Gym Leader Bea

Hitmontop - Lv. 34
Weakness: Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Pangoro - Lv. 34
Type: Fighting / Dark
Weakness: Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Sirfetch'd - Lv. 35
Weakness: Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Machamp - Lv. 36
Weakness: Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 40, train Pokemon up to Lv. 45, TM42 Revenge, and the Fighting Uniform. 

5. Ballonlea Gym

Leader: Opal
Type: Fairy

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Opal's clearly one of the best characters in the entirety of Pokemon Sword and Shield, and therefore makes her Gym a little different to the rest. Technically it simply takes the form of a straightforward series of Gym Battles, but with a twist. It's a Fairy Type Gym though, so you'll need to go in with Psychic, or Poison Type Pokemon moves if possible. However, because Fairy Types are usually twinned with another type, you might want to pay close attention to what Pokemon Opal has in her party before you hit the stadium. 

Gym Mission: In between battling Fairy Gym Trainers, you're also auditioning to be the next Fairy Gym Leader – Opal's 88 after all – meaning you'll be answering questions about the Gym, Opal, and Fairy Type Pokemon. We've got all the correct answers to her questions on our Pokemon Sword and Shield Fairy Gym guide.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Fairy Gym Leader Opal

Galarian Weezing - Lv. 36
Poison / Fairy
Weakness: Psychic, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Mawile - Lv. 36
Fairy, Steel
Weakness: Ground, Fire
Will it Dynamax?: No

Togekiss - Lv. 37
Fairy / Flying
Weakness: Electric, Rock, Ice, Poison, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Alcremie - Lv. 38
Weakness: Dark, Poison, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 45, train Pokemon up to Lv. 50, TM87 Draining Kiss, and the Fairy Uniform. 

6. Circhester Gym (Pokemon Shield)

Leader: Melony
Type: Ice

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Like Nessa's Water Gym back in Tuffield, Melody's Ice Gym is a slightly more traditional Pokemon Gym. You'll need to work your way through an area where the floor will collapse beneath your feet with any false steps, using a detector that'll tell you when you're close to a big ol' hole. There are Gym Trainers en route, all armed with Ice Type Pokemon, so make sure you've got some Fighting, Steel, Rock or Fire Type Pokemon with you. 

Gym Mission: As we mentioned before, the Ice Gym Mission is all about navigating a trecherous floor. You've got a handy detector with you, but here's a little walkthrough for you, talking as if the playing field is on a grid. 

Area 1: Go forward two - right three until you hit the rock - up three - left three - up three into the platform - fight the Gym Trainer - exit left off the platform - go left three - up three or until you're one line from the top - go right until you hit the rock - exit the area

Area 2: Go forward five - head left until you hit the rock - go up two - left one - up until you hit the rock - right one - move onto the platform - battle the Gym Trainer - exit the platform at the top but don't go up further than one tile - move right one or two until you're one tile from the next platform on your right - go up one - move right onto the next platform - battle the gym Trainer - exit the platform on the right - go up until you're parallel with the trainer on your left - go right all the way to the wall - go up until you hit the rock - go left until you hit the rock - go up one - move left until you can step onto the platform at the top

Area 3: Enter the area in the left lane - go up three - left two - up one - left one - up until you hit the rock - right one - move up onto the platform - go all the way up the platform - battle the trainer at the top - exit the platform on the right below the trainer - go right until you hit the wall - go up three - left two - up one - left one - up two - left one - up two - right one - up until you reach the platform - exit either left or right - go up and around the blocks until you get to the platform.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Ice Gym Leader Melony

Frosmoth - Lv. 40
: Ice / Bug
Weakness: Fire
Will it Dynamax?: No

Darmanitan - Lv. 40
Weakness: Fighting, Steel, Fire, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: No

Eiscue - Lv. 41
Weakness: Fighting, Steel, Fire, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: No

Lapras - Lv. 42
: Water / Ice
Weakness: Electric, Rock, Fighting, Grass
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 50, train Pokemon up to Lv. 60, TM27 Icy Wind, and an Ice Uniform. 

6. Circhester Gym (Pokemon Sword)

Leader: Gordie
Type: Rock

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Geordie's Rock Gym takes the same form as Melony's Gym, but with a sand and stone theme rather than ice. where you'll still need to work your way through an area with a collapsible floor. You'll get a little help from a detector that'll tell you when you're close to a section of the floor that's unstable, but there are Gym Trainers to face too, all armed with Rock Type Pokemon, so make sure you've got some Ground, Fighting, Grass, Ice or Steel Type Pokemon with you. 

Gym Mission: Here's a little walkthrough for you to get you through the Rock Type Gym Mission, talking as if the playing field is on a grid. 

Area 1: Go forward two - right three until you hit the rock - up three - left three - up three into the platform - fight the Gym Trainer - exit left off the platform - go left three - up three or until you're one line from the top - go right until you hit the rock - exit the area

Area 2: Go forward five - head left until you hit the rock - go up two - left one - up until you hit the rock - right one - move onto the platform - battle the Gym Trainer - exit the platform at the top but don't go up further than one tile - move right one or two until you're one tile from the next platform on your right - go up one - move right onto the next platform - battle the gym Trainer - exit the platform on the right - go up until you're parallel with the trainer on your left - go right all the way to the wall - go up until you hit the rock - go left until you hit the rock - go up one - move left until you can step onto the platform at the top

Area 3: Enter the area in the left lane - go up three - left two - up one - left one - up until you hit the rock - right one - move up onto the platform - go all the way up the platform - battle the trainer at the top - exit the platform on the right below the trainer - go right until you hit the wall - go up three - left two - up one - left one - up two - left one - up two - right one - up until you reach the platform - exit either left or right - go up and around the blocks until you get to the platform.

Rock Gym Leader Gordie

Barbaracle - Lv. 40
Type: Rock / Water
Weakness: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Shuckle - Lv. 40
Type: Bug / Rock
Weakness: Water, Bug, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Stonjourner - Lv. 41
Type: Rock
Weakness: Ground, Fighting, Grass, Ice
Will it Dynamax?: No

Coalossal - Lv. 42
Type: Rock / Fire
Weakness: Water, Fighting, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 50, train Pokemon up to Lv. 60, TM48 Rock Tomb, and a Rock Uniform. 

7. Spikemuth Gym

Leader: Piers
Type: Dark

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Spikemuth is on lockdown, so it's up to Marnie to sneak you in the back way to battle her brother Piers, the Spikemuth Gym Leader. You should go in with Flying, Fighting and Fairy Type Pokemon to battle against his army of darkness. 

Gym Mission: Because Spikemuth is off limits at the moment, the Gym Mission involves defeating a load of Team Yell members – often Gym Trainers in disguise – moving through the back alleys and even coming across a Detective Pikachu reference or two. No puzzles, tricks or quizzes here, just a test of battling stamina. 

Dark Gym Leader Piers

Scrafty - Lv. 44
Fighting / Dark
Weakness: Fighting, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Malamar - Lv. 45
Psychic / Dark
Weakness: Bug, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Galarian Obstagoon - Lv. 46
Dark / Normal
Weakness: Fighting, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Skuntank - Lv. 45
Poison / Dark
Weakness: Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Rewards: Can catch Pokemon up to Lv. 55, train Pokemon up to Lv. 70, TM85 Snarl, and a Dark Uniform.

8. Hammerlocke Gym

Leader: Raihan
Type: Dragon

(Image credit: Nintendo)

You'll have been through Hammerlocke many times before you can eventually battle its Gym Leader, Raihan. He's the Dragon Gym Leader, and the final hurdle in the Gym Challenge – before the semi-finals and finals that is. His team is tough, so you'll want to arm yourself with a range of Pokemon to try and undercut the type combinations his team offers. But, where possible, have a Fairy, Rock, or Ice Type move up your sleeve to hit the Dragon Type's weaknesses. The entire Gym Battle is themed around double battles too, so you'll need to be, well, doubly prepared, and he'll use the weather against you where possible.

Gym Mission: One last semi-straightforward mission to round out the Gym Challenge. All you've got to do is defeat three Gym Trainers in double battles, which means thinking about your pairings before you head into each battle. The Gym Trainers are as follows:

1. Gym Trainer Sebastian
Pelipper (Water / Flying Type) and Sliggoo (Dragon Type)

2. Gym Trainer Camilla
Turtonator (Fire / Dragon Type) and Ninetales (Fire Type)

3. Gym Trainer Aria
Hakamo-o (Dragon / Fighting Type) and Abomasnow (Grass / Ice Type)

Dragon Gym Leader Raihan


1. Flygon - Lv. 47
Ground / Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Fairy, Dragon
Will it Dynamax?: No

2. Gigalith - Lv. 46
Weakness: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

1. Sandaconda - Lv. 46
Weakness: Flying, Bug, Grass
Will it Dynamax?: No

2. Duraludon - Lv. 48
Steel / Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Rewards: Can catch and train Pokemon of any level, TM99 Breaking Swipe, and a Dragon Uniform. 

All Pokemon Sword and Shield badges

(Image credit: Nintendo)

All the Pokemon Sword and Shield badges eventually fit together to make a glorious coin-like structure, which you can view on the League Card section of the menu. Unfortunately you can't shine it like you could in old games, but I would pay serious money to have one in real life. 

Pokemon Sword and Shield Semi-Finals

Now you've beaten the eight Gym Leaders required, you'll move into the semi-finals, where you'll need to beat your two main rivals – Marnie and Hop. They're more powerful than before but will have a familiar party of Pokemon. 

1. Marnie

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Liepard - Lv. 47
Weakness: Ice, Fairy, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: No

Scrafty - Lv. 47
Fighting / Dark
Weakness: Fighting, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Toxicroak - Lv. 47
: Poison / Fighting
Weakness: Psychic, Flying, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Morpeko - Lv. 48
Electric / Dark
Weakness: Fairy, Psychic, Ghost
Will it Dynamax?: No

Grimmsnarl - Lv. 49
Dark / Fairy
Weakness: Steel, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

2. Hop

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Dubwool - Lv. 48
: Normal
Weakness: Fighting
Will it Dynamax?: No

Pincurchin - Lv. 47
Weakness: Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Corviknight - Lv. 48
Flying / Steel
Weakness: Electric, Fire
Will it Dynamax?: No

Snorlax - Lv. 47
Weakness: Fighting
Will it Dynamax?: No

Inteleon - Lv. 49
Weakness: Grass, Electric
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Pokemon Sword and Shield Finals

Next up is the Finals - you're getting close! - which is where you'll have to beat some of the Gym Leaders again. Only this time, they've rocked up with more Pokemon, all more powerful than ever before. Thankfully, it's in heats, so you'll only have to battle two of the Gym Leaders, but it seems like it's random, so we'll outline what each of the Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Leaders will have in their parties for the rematches. 


(Image credit: Nintendo)

A surprise challenger, but a challenger none the less!

Mawile - Lv. 51
Fairy / Steel
Weakness: Ground, Fire
Will it Dynamax?: No

Gardevoir - Lv. 51
Psychic / Fairy
Weakness: Steel, Poison, Ghost
Will it Dynamax?: No

Galarian Rapidash - Lv. 52
Psychic / Fairy
Weakness: Steel, Poison, Ghost
Will it Dynamax?: No

Hatterene - Lv. 53
Psychic / Fairy
Weakness: Steel, Poison, Ghost
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Milo - The Grass Gym Leader

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Shiftry - Lv. 60
Grass / Dark
Weakness: Fire, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Rock, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Eldegoss - Lv. 60
Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, Bug
Will it Dynamax?: No

Bellossom - Lv. 61
Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, Bug
Will it Dynamax?: No

Cherrim - Lv. 61
Type: Grass
Weakness: Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, Bug
Will it Dynamax?: No

Flapple - Lv. 62
Type: Grass / Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Poison, Flying, Bug, Dragon, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Nessa - The Water Gym Leader

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Golisopod - Lv. 51
Bug / Water
Weakness: Flying, Rock, Electric
Will it Dynamax?: No

Barraskewda - Lv. 52
Type: Water
Weakness: Electric, Grass
Will it Dynamax?: No

Seaking - Lv. 52
Weakness: Grass, Electric
Will it Dynamax?: No

Pelipper - Lv. 51
Water / Flying
Weakness: Rock, Electric
Will it Dynamax?: No

Drednaw - Lv. 53
: Water / Rock
Weakness: Electric, Grass, Fighting, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Kabu - The Fire Type Gym Leader

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Torkoal - Lv. 60
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock
Will it Dynamax?:

Ninetails - Lv. 60
Type: Fire
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: No

Arcanine - Lv. 61
: Fire
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: No

Salazzle - Lv. 61
: Fire / Poison
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock, Psychic
Will it Dynamax?: No

Centiskorch - Lv. 62
Type: Fire / Bug
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Allister - The Ghost Gym Leader (Pokemon Shield)

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Dusknoir - Lv. 52
Weakness: Ghost, Dark
Will it Dynamax?: No

Polteageist - Lv. 53
: Ghost
Weakness: Ghost, Dark
Will it Dynamax?: No

Chandelure - Lv. 52
: Ghost / Fire
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Dark
Will it Dynamax?: No

Galarian Corsola aka Cursola - Lv. 53
: Ghost
Weakness: Dark, Ghost
Will it Dynamax?: No

Gengar - Lv. 54
Weakness: Ghost, Dark, Psychic
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Bea - The Fighting Gym Leader (Pokemon Sword)

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Hawlucha - Lv. 60
Fighting / Flying
Will it Dynamax?: No

Grapploct - Lv. 60
: Fighting
Weakness: Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Sirfetch'd - Lv. 61
Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Machamp - Lv. 62
Psychic, Flying, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?
: No

Melony - The Ice Gym Leader

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Frosmoth - Lv. 60
Ice / Bug
Will it Dynamax?: No

Mr. Rime - Lv. 60
Psychic / Ice
Weakness: Fire, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dark, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Eiscue - Lv. 61
Weakness: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Darmanitan - Lv. 61
: Ice
Weakness: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Will it Dynamax?: No

Lapras - Lv. 62
Type: Water / Ice
Electric, Grass, Fighting, Rock
Will it Dynamax?
: Yes

Gordie - The Rock Gym Leader

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Barbaracle - Lv. 60
Type: Rock / Water
Will it Dynamax?:

Shuckle - Lv. 60
Type: Bug / Rock
Electric, Rock, Steel
Will it Dynamax?:

Stonjourney - Lv. 61
Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
Will it Dynamax?:

Tyranitar - Lv. 61
Rock / Dark
Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Psychic, Steel, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?:

Coalossal - Lv. 62
Type: Rock / Fire
Weakness: Water, Fighting, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Raihan - The Dragon Gym Leader

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Torkoal - Lv. 53
Weakness: Water, Ground, Rock
Will it Dynamax?: No

Turtonator - Lv.54
Fire / Dragon
Weakness: Ground, Rock, Dragon
Will it Dynamax?: No

Goodra - Lv. 54
: Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Flygon - Lv. 54
Ground / Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Fairy, Dragon
Will it Dynamax?: No

Duraludon - Lv. 55
Steel / Dragon
Weakness: Ice, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

How to beat Leon in the Champion in Pokemon Sword and Shield

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Aegislash - Lv. 62
Steel / Ghost
Weakness: Ground, Ghost, Fire, Dark
Will it Dynamax?: No

Haxorus - Lv. 63
Weakness: Ice, Dragon, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Seismitoad - Lv. 64
Water / Ground
Weakness: Grass
Will it Dynamax?: No

Cinderace - Lv. 64
Weakness: Water, Rock, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: No

Dragapult - Lv. 62
Dragon / Ghost
Weakness: Ice, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Fairy
Will it Dynamax?: No

Charizard - Lv. 65
Weakness: Water, Rock, Ground
Will it Dynamax?: Yes

Still trying to be the very best? Here's how to soft reset Pokemon Sword and Shield. Want to know more about Pokemon Sword and Shield Poke Jobs? We've got what you need here!

Pokemon Sword and Shield review | Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough | Pokemon Sword and Shield tips | Pokemon Sword and Shield differences | Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex | Pokemon Sword and Shield starters | Pokemon Sword and Shield Currydex | Pokemon Sword and Shield gym leaders | Pokemon Sword and Shield camping | Pokemon Sword and Shield fossils | Best Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield | Pokemon Sword and Shield type chart | Pokemon Sword and Shield Battle Tower | Pokemon Sword and Shield glowing Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield Mystery Gift codes | Gigantamax Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations | Pokemon Sword and Shield legendaries | Pokemon Sword and Shield shiny hunting | Pokemon Sword and Shield evolution items | Pokemon Sword and Shield rare Pokemon

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

Sam Loveridge
Brand Director, GamesRadar+

Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.

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