Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide and every Pokemon to catch in each zone

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide
(Image credit: Nintendo)

While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are now here, it doesn't mean you need to leave the Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area behind. It was the first open world element the series had ever seen of course, so it needs to not be forgotten. It is designed to allow you to more freely explore and catch Pokemon than ever before, and is the origin of the evolutions seen with Pokemon Legends Arceus and now Scarlet and Violet too. 

There's a lot to see and do in the Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area. You can chat to NPCs, take part in the challenging Max Raid Battles, earn and spend Watts, and so much more. This Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area Guide details all of the wild Pokemon you can find in the north and south sides of the space, your chance of encountering them, and lists the weather conditions that they will typically spawn in. 

Note: The 'Overworld' refers to the Pokemon Sword and Shield critters you can actually see before you encounter them – they wander freely around the surface of Galar. 'Non-Overworld' refers to encounters that happen when an exclamation mark pops up in tall grass.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide – South Side

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area map – South Side

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Rolling Fields

1. Rolling Fields

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)


  • Ingredients Seller
  • Watt Trader

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyAnywhereSandstorm (60%)
BunnelbyAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing (25%) / Overcast (60%)
ButterfreeFlyingIntense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast (75%)
CombeeAnywhereNormal Weather (60%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowstorm (60%)
DiglettGroundIntense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (80%)
ElectrikeAnywhereThunderstorm (60%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (60%)
MetapodAnywhereALL Weather (10%)
PanchamAnywhereALL Weather (60%)
PidoveFlyingHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast (25%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (75%)
RaltsAnywhereHeavy Fog (60%) / Overcast (2%)
RoggenrolaGroundHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm (80%)
TyrogueAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Overcast (28%)
VanilliteAnywhereSnowing (60%) / Snowstorm (25%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (60%)
WingullAnywhereThunderstorm (25%) / Raining (60%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyIntense Sun (40%) / Sandstorm (35%)
BounsweetNormal Weather (20%)
BudewOvercast (35%)
BunnelbyIntense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (40%)
CherubiShaking Trees (20%)
DelibirdSnowstorm (35%)
DwebbleSandstorm (40%)
ElectrikeThunderstorm (35%)
GolettSandstorm (20%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (20%)
JoltikThunderstorm (40%)
Lotad (Shield)Raining (40%)
MetapodHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%)
MinccinoNormal Weather (35%) / Snowing (5%)
MudbrayIntense Sun (35%)
MunnaHeavy Fog (40%)
NatuHeavy Fog (35%)
Nuzleaf (Sword)Raining (40%)
OddishOvercast (40%)
SkwovetShaking Trees (80%)
SnoruntSnowstorm (20%)
SwinubSnowing (35%) / Snowstorm (40%)
VanilliteSnowing (40%)
VulpixIntense Sun (20%)
WingullRaining (35%)

Dappled Grove

2. Dappled Grove

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)


  • Watt Trader

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (%)
BaltoyAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (60%)
BunnelbyAnywhereNormal Weather, Raining, Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm, Snowing (25%) / Intense Sun (28%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (60%)
ElectrikeAnywhereThunderstorm (25%)
HoothootAnywhereHeavy Fog, Sandstorm, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Overcast (28%)
Lombre (Shield)AnywhereHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast (10%)
Nuzleaf (Sword)AnywhereHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast (10%)
OddishAnywhereThunderstorm (10%) / Raining (25%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (60%)
PurrloinAnywhereHeavy Fog (60%)
RaltsAnywhereHeavy Fog (25%)
TympoleAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (60%)
TyrogueAnywhereOvercast (2%)
VanilliteAnywhereSnowstorm (25%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (2%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoySandstorm (40%)
BounsweetNormal Weather, Sandstorm (5%)
BudewHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather (35%)
BunnelbySnowing, Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Sandstorm (20%)
CherubiShaking Trees (30%)
GolettSandstorm (35%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (40%)
GrubbinRaining, Thunderstorm (35%)
JoltikThunderstorm (40%)
KlinkSnowstorm (20%)
Lotad (Shield)Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (40%)
MudbrayIntense Sun (35%)
PurrloinHeavy Fog (20%)
RaltsHeavy Fog (40%)
Seedot (Sword)Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog (35%) / Normal Weather (40%)
SkwovetShaking Trees (70%)
SnoruntSnowing (20%) / Snowstorm (40%)
SnoverSnowing (40%)
StuffulOvercast (40%)
StunkyOvercast (35%)
TympoleRaining (40%)
VanilliteSnowing, Snowstorm (35%)
VulpixIntense Sun (40%)

West Lake Axewell

3. West Lake Axewell

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BudewAnywhereOvercast (5%)
BunnelbyAnywhereIntense Sun (20%) / Sandstorm (25%)
ChinchouSurfingThunderstorm (60%)
DwebbleAnywhereIntense Sun (40%) / Sandstorm (60%)
ElectrikeAnywhereThunderstorm (10%)
FrillishSurfingOvercast, Sandstorm, Snowing (5%) / Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather, Raining (60%)
GoldeenSurfingSnowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (25%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (35%)
KlinkAnywhereSnowstorm (25%)
KrabbyAnywhereSnowstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining (10%)
Lotad (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (60%)
MagikarpSurfingNormal Weather, Raining (5%) / Overcast, Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (15%) / Thunderstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm (60%)
NatuAnywhereHeavy Fog (10%)
PurrloinAnywhereIntense Sun, Normal Weather, Snowing (5%) / Overcast (10%) / Sandstorm (15%) / Heavy Fog (60%)
RemoraidSurfingHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (10%) / Overcast (25%)
Seedot (Sword)AnywhereOvercast (60%)
ShellderSurfingSnowing (25%)
SnoruntAnywhereSnowing (60%)
TympoleAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Snowing (25%) / Normal Weather (60%)
VanilliteAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (60%) / Surfing: Snowing (60%) / Snowstorm (70%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (35%)
WingullAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (35%)
WooperAnywhereHeavy Fog (5%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Raining, Thunderstorm (50%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoySandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (30%)
BounsweetNormal Weather (10%)
BunnelbySnowstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (20%)
DelibirdSnowing (10%) / Snowstorm (30%)
ElectrikeThunderstorm (40%)
GoldeenFishing (35%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (40%)
JoltikThunderstorm (10%)
KlinkSnowstorm (40%)
KrabbyRaining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (30%) / Overcast (40%)
MagikarpFishing (50%)
MudbraySandstorm (10%)
NatuHeavy Fog (40%)
NincadaSandstorm (30%)
PanchamIntense Sun (10%) / Overcast (25%)
RaltsHeavy Fog (10%)
RemoraidFishing (10%)
SnoruntSnowing (30%)
TympoleRaining, Thunderstorm (30%)
TyrogueOvercast (5%)
VanilliteSnowstorm (20%) / Snowing (40%)
VulpixIntense Sun (40%)
WingullRaining (10%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Snowing (20%)
WishiwashiFishing (5%)
WooperOvercast (30%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (40%)

Watchtower Ruins

4. Watchtower Ruins

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowing (25%) / Snowstorm (60%)
DrifloonAnywhereOvercast (5%) / Thunderstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (15%) / Intense Sun, Snowing (60%)
DuskullAnywhereSnowing (15%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (25%) / Intense Sun (28%) / Thunderstorm (35%) / Raining (50%) / Overcast (60%)
GastlyAnywhereOvercast, Snowstorm (25%) / Raining (35%) / Thunderstorm (50%) / Heavy Fog, Sandstorm (60%)
GolettAnywhereNormal Weather (60%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (10%)
NoibatFlyingHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (40%) / Overcast, Thunderstorm (60%)
OddishAnywhereOvercast (10%)
PurrloinAnywhereHeavy Fog, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Sandstorm, Snowstorm (15%)
RaltsAnywhereHeavy Fog (10%)
ShuckleAnywhereIntense Sun (2%) / Sandstorm (25%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (10%)
WingullAnywhereRaining (10%)
WoobatFlyingOvercast, Thunderstorm (40%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (60%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BounsweetNormal Weather, Overcast (20%)
CherubiShaking Trees (50%)
DrifloonIntense Sun, Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (30%)
DuskullHeavy Fog, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Snowing (30%) / Overcast, Raining (40%)
DwebbleSandstorm (30%)
ElectrikeThunderstorm (40%)
GastlyOvercast (10%)
GolettIntense Sun, Normal Weather, Sandstorm (40%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (20%)
GrubbinThunderstorm (30%)
MachopOvercast (30%)
PidoveHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (10%)
PurrloinHeavy Fog (30%)
SkwovetShaking Trees (50%)
SnoruntSnowstorm (30%) / Snowing (40%)
SnoverSnowing (20%) / Snowstorm (40%)
TympoleRaining (30%)
VulpixIntense Sun (20%)
WingullRaining (20%)

Axew's Eye

5. Axew's Eye

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
AxewAnywhereHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining (10%)
BewearAnywhereHeavy Fog, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm (25%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (60%)
BronzongAnywhereSnowstorm (25%)
ClaydolAnywhereSandstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog (25%)
CrawdauntAnywhereThunderstorm (25%) / Raining (60%)
CrustleAnywhereSandstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (60%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowing (5%)
DrifblimAnywhereHeavy Fog (60%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
KinglerAnywhereOvercast (5%) / Thunderstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (25%)
MachokeAnywhereNormal Weather (5%) / Overcast (25%)
MudsdaleAnywhereIntense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (60%)
SeismitoadAnywhereRaining (5%) / Thunderstorm (60%)
SnoverAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (60%)
VanillishAnywhereSnowstorm (5%) / Snowing (25%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoySandstorm (40%)
BewearNormal Weather (20%)
CharjabugRaining (30%)
CherubiShaking Trees (25%)
CrawdauntThunderstorm (40%)
CrustleSandstorm (30%)
DelibirdSnowstorm (20%)
DiggersbySandstorm, Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (30%)
GloomOvercast (30%)
GreedentShaking Trees (75%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (40%)
GyaradosFishing (5%)
KlinkSnowstorm (40%)
LiepardHeavy Fog (30%)
MagikarpFishing (50%)
ManectricThunderstorm (30%)
MudsdaleIntense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (20%)
MunnaHeavy Fog (40%)
OctilleryFishing (25%)
PelipperRaining (40%)
RoseliaOvercast (40%)
SnoverSnowstorm (30%) / Snowing (40%)
SteeneeNormal Weather (10%)
UnfezantHeavy Fog, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (30%) / Normal Weather (40%)
VanillishSnowing (30%)
VulpixIntense Sun (40%)
WishiwashiFishing (20%)

South Lake Miloch

6. South Lake Miloch

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BarboachSurfingNormal Weather, Snowstorm (5%) / Raining, Snowing (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (25%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (60%)
BronzorAnywhereHeavy Fog (25%)
CorphishAnywhereHeavy Fog, Overcast, Raining, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (30%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowstorm (5%)
DrifloonAnywhere/Flying/SurfingAnywhere: Heavy Fog (60%) / Flying: ALL Weather (15%) / Surfing: Sandstorm, Snowing (5%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (10%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Snowstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (60%)
DwebbleAnywhereSandstorm (25%)
GoldeenSurfingHeavy Fog, Overcast (5%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing, Thunderstorm (25%) / Normal Weather, Raining (60%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
JoltikAnywhereThunderstorm (10%)
KlinkAnywhereSnowstorm (25%)
KrabbyAnywhereOvercast, Raining, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (30%)
Lombre (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
MachopAnywhereNormal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (15%) / Overcast (50%) / Intense Sun (60%)
MagikarpAnywhereRaining (25%)
MudbrayAnywhereIntense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (55%)
Nuzleaf (Sword)AnywhereNormal Weather, Overcast (5%)
PyukumukuAnywhereThunderstorm (2%)
RaltsAnywhereHeavy Fog (5%)
SnoverAnywhereSnowing (25%)
StunkyAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (25%)
TympoleAnywhereThunderstorm (28%) / Raining (45%)
TyrogueAnywhereALL Weather (5%)
VanilliteAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Snowing (45%) / Snowstorm (60%) / Surfing: Snowing, Snowstorm (60%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
WingullFlying/SurfingFlying: All Weather (85%) / Surfing: Intense Sun, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (10%) / Normal Weather, Sandstorm (25%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoySandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (40%)
BarboachFishing (9%)
CorphishNormal Weather (10%) / Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Raining (30%) / Overcast (40%)
ElectrikeThunderstorm (20%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (30%)
JoltikThunderstorm (30%)
KlinkSnowstorm (40%)
MachopSnowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Raining (20%) / Normal Weather (40%)
MagikarpFishing (50%)
NatuHeavy Fog (40%)
NincadaIntense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (40%)
PyukumukuFishing (1%)
RaltsHeavy Fog (10%)
RemoraidFishing (40%)
RoseliaIntense Sun (20%) / Overcast (30%)
SnoruntSnowing (40%)
SnoverSnowstorm (30%)
TympoleSandstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (20%) / Raining (40%)
TyrogueOvercast (10%)
VanilliteSnowing (30%)
VulpixIntense Sun (30%)
WingullRaining (10%) / Normal Weather (30%)
WooperSandstorm (30%)

Giant's Seat

7. Giant's Seat

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)
Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BronzorAnywhereSnowing (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowstorm (10%) / Raining, Sandstorm (25%) / Thunderstorm (28%) / Normal Weather (60%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowstorm (5%)
DuskullAnywhereHeavy Fog (60%)
ElectrikeAnywhereThunderstorm (60%)
GastlyAnywhereHeavy Fog, Raining (10%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Overcast (28%)
GolettAnywhereSandstorm (60%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
Lombre (Shield)AnywhereNormal Weather (25%) / Raining (60%)
MachokeAnywhereNormal Weather (10%)
MachopAnywhereSandstorm, Snowing (10%) / Overcast (60%)
MudbrayAnywhereIntense Sun (60%)
MunnaAnywhereHeavy Fog (2%)
NatuAnywhereHeavy Fog (28%)
Nuzleaf (Sword)AnywhereNormal Weather (25%) / Raining (60%)
PalpitoadAnywhereThunderstorm (12%)
SnoruntAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (25%)
SnoverAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (60%)
StuffulAnywhereNormal Weather, Sandstorm (5%)
TyrogueAnywhereOvercast (2%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
WooperAnywhereRaining (5%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BewearSnowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (30%) / Normal Weather (40%)
BronzorHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowstorm (30%)
CherubiShaking Trees (30%)
CloysterFishing (5%)
CrawdauntThunderstorm (15%)
DelibirdSnowing, Snowstorm (50%)
DiggersbyNormal Weather (20%)
DwebbleSandstorm (15%) / Intense Sun (40%)
GreedentShaking Trees (70%)
GyaradosFishing (10%)
HaunterOvercast (15%)
LiepardHeavy Fog (15%)
Lombre (Shield)Raining (15%)
MachokeOvercast (40%)
ManectricThunderstorm (50%)
MudsdaleIntense Sun (15%) / Sandstorm (40%)
Nuzleaf (Sword)Raining (15%)
OnixIntense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (20%)
PyukumukuFishing (25%)
QuagsireRaining (50%)
ShellderFishing (60%)
SwinubSnowing, Snowstorm (15%)
TranquillNormal Weather (15%)
XatuHeavy Fog (50%)

East Lake Axewell

8. East Lake Axewell

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)


  • Camping King
  • Watt Trader

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyAnywhereSandstorm (60%)
BounsweetAnywhereNormal Weather (50%)
ButterfreeFlyingALL Weather (30%)
ChinchouSurfingThunderstorm (70%)
ElectrikeAnywhereThunderstorm (60%)
FrillishSurfingSandstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (15%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Snowing (30%) / Raining (35%) / Overcast (55%) / Heavy Fog (60%)
GoldeenSurfingIntense Sun, Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog (10%) / Raining, Snowstorm (15%) / Overcast (25%) / Sandstorm (55%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
GrubbinAnywhereRaining (15%)
MudbrayAnywhereSandstorm (25%) / Intense Sun (60%)
MunnaAnywhereHeavy Fog (60%)
OddishAnywhereThunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (15%) / Normal Weather (35%)
PanchamAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (15%) / Overcast (35%)
PidoveFlyingALL Weather (70%)
ShellderSurfingHeavy Fog, Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (15%) / Snowing (20%) / Sandstorm (30%) / Raining (45%)
SnoruntAnywhereSnowing (5%), Snowstorm (60%)
SnoverAnywhereSnowing (60%)
StuffulAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (25%) / Raining (35%) / Overcast (50%)
VanilliteSurfingSnowing (40%) / Snowstorm (75%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
WingullAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Raining (50%) / Surfing: Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowstorm (5%) / Snowing (10%) / Thunderstorm (15%) / Heavy Fog (25%) / Normal Weather (55%) / Intense Sun (70%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoySandstorm (30%)
BudewOvercast (45%)
BunnelbyNormal Weather (30%)
DwebbleSandstorm (40%)
ElectrikeThunderstorm (30%)
GoldeenFishing (25%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (30%)
GrubbinRaining (30%)
JoltikThunderstorm (45%)
MagikarpFishing (50%)
MinccinoIntense Sun, Sandstorm (15%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Snowing, Snowstorm (20%)
MudbrayIntense Sun (40%)
MunnaHeavy Fog (30%)
OddishRaining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather (45%)
OnixIntense Sun, Sandstorm (10%)
PidoveNormal Weather (20%)
PurrloinHeavy Fog (45%)
ShellderFishing (20%)
SnoruntSnowing (45%)
SnoverSnowing, Snowstorm (30%)
StuffulALL Weather (5%)
VanilliteSnowstorm (45%)
VulpixIntense Sun (30%)
WingullRaining (45%)
WishiwashiFishing (5%)

North Lake Miloch

9. North Lake Miloch

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BarboachSurfingNormal Weather, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Overcast (10%) / Heavy Fog (25%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm (60%)
BunnelbyAnywhereSandstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather (30%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowing (5%)
DrifloonAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Heavy Fog (60%) / Surfing: Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing (5%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (10%) / Intense Sun, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (25%)
DwebbleAnywhereSandstorm (5%) / Intense Sun (10%)
FrillishSurfingRaining (2%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Overcast, Snowing (25%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (60%)
GloomAnywhereOvercast (10%) / Normal Weather, Raining (20%) / Thunderstorm (30%)
GoldeenSurfingSandstorm (25%) / Raining (28%) / Thunderstorm (60%)
GolettAnywhereSandstorm (60%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
KlinkAnywhereSnowstorm (25%)
PalpitoadAnywhereRaining (50%) / Thunderstorm (60%)
PurrloinAnywhereSnowstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (10%) / Snowing (25%) / Raining (30%) / Overcast (35%)
RaltsAnywhereHeavy Fog (2%)
SnoruntAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (10%)
StunkyAnywhereSandstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog (28%) / Normal Weather (50%) / Overcast (55%) / Intense Sun (60%)
VanilliteAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) / Surfing: Snowing, Snowstorm (60%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
WingullSurfingHeavy Fog, Intense Sun (5%) / Raining, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Overcast (60%)

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide – North Side

Below you'll find our Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide to the North Side of the map, from the Motostoke Riverbank to the Hammerlocke Hills.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area North Side map

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Motostoke Riverbank

10. Motostoke Riverbank

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
ArrokudaSurfingSnowing (15%) / Snowstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather (30%) / Raining (40%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (45%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Thunderstorm (65%)
BasculinSurfingSnowstorm (10%) / Snowing, Thunderstorm (30%) / Sandstorm (35%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Normal Weather (65%) / Intense Sun (70%)
ChewtleAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (10%)
ClefairyAnywhereHeavy Fog (40%)
CutieflyAnywhereHeavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Overcast, Snowing (25%)
DewpiderAnywhereRaining (5%)
DuskullAnywhereHeavy Fog (5%)
GossifleurAnywhereNormal Weather (25%)
KoffingAnywhereOvercast (40%)
MantykeSurfingALL Weather (5%)
MareanieAnywhereThunderstorm (25%)
MunchlaxAnywhereNormal Weather (5%)
PawniardAnywhereSnowstorm (5%)
PurrloinAnywhereALL Weather (20%)
RhyhornAnywhereSandstorm (25%) / Intense Sun (40%)
RolycolyAnywhereIntense Sun (5%) / Sandstorm (10%)
RookideeAnywhereOvercast (10%)
SalanditAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
Sawk (Sword)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
SkorupiAnywhereThunderstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather, Raining (40%)
SneaselAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (40%)
SudowoodoAnywhereSandstorm (25%)
Throh (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
TorkoalAnywhereIntense Sun (10%)
ToxelAnywhereThunderstorm (5%)
VanilliteAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (25%) / Surfing: Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%)
WimpodAnywhereRaining (25%)
WobbuffetAnywhereHeavy Fog (25%)
WoolooAnywhereSnowing (5%) / Normal Weather (10%)
YamperAnywhereThunderstorm (40%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
ArrokudaFishing (50%)
BarraskewdaFishing (10%)
BasculinFishing (35%)
BinacleRaining (30%)
BoltundThunderstorm (20%)
CherubiShaking Trees (15%)
CorvisquireSandstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm (20%) / Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather (35%)
DubwoolNormal Weather, Overcast (10%)
EldegossNormal Weather (20%)
ElgyemHeavy Fog (30%)
EspurrHeavy Fog (35%)
FerroseedSnowstorm (10%)
GreedentShaking Trees (50%)
KarrablastRaining (35%)
LitwickIntense Sun (30%)
MareanieFishing (5%)
NoctowlHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Snowing (10%) / Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (30%)
OnixSandstorm (30%)
PawniardSnowstorm (35%)
RhyhornIntense Sun, Sandstorm (35%)
ShellosThunderstorm (35%)
ShelmetRaining (10%)
SigilyphALL Weather (5%)
SkorupiOvercast (35%)
SkwovetShaking Trees (35%)
SneaselSnowstorm (30%) / Snowing (35%)
VanilliteSnowing (30%)
WimpodThunderstorm (30%)

Bridge Field

11. Bridge Field

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)


  • Digging Duo
  • Pokemon Nursery
  • Watt Trader

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (10%)
BonslyAnywhereSandstorm (40%)
BronzorAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (10%)
CramorantAnywhereRaining (2%)
CroagunkAnywhereSandstorm (5%) / Overcast (10%)
CubchooAnywhereSnowstorm (35%) / Snowing (40%)
CufantAnywhereNormal Weather (1%) / Intense Sun, Overcast (5%) / Snowstorm (10%)
CutieflyAnywhereIntense Sun (20%) / Overcast (25%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (30%)
ElgyemAnywhereNormal Weather, Overcast (10%) / Heavy Fog (20%)
FrillishAnywhereThunderstorm (10%)
GoldeenSurfingSnowstorm (10%) / Snowing (20%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Thunderstorm (30%) / Sandstorm (35%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (40%) / Raining (45%)
InkaySurfingALL Weather (15%)
MaractusAnywhereIntense Sun (35%)
MunnaAnywhereHeavy Fog (25%)
NoibatAnywhere/FlyingAnywhere: Snowstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Flying: Snowing (5%) / Sandstorm, Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog (25%) / Intense Sun (35%) / Raining (45%) / Overcast (50%) / Normal Weather (60%) / Thunderstorm (70%)
QwilfishSurfingSnowing (15%) / Snowstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (30%) / Raining (40%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (45%) / Sandstorm (50%) / Thunderstorm (55%) / Intense Sun (60%)
Sawk (Sword)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
Scraggy (Sword)AnywhereSandstorm (5%) / Overcast (5%)
SneasealAnywhereSnowing (10%) / Snowstorm (40%)
StuffulAnywhereHeavy Fog, Snowing (5%) / Sandstorm (10%) / Raining (30%) / Thunderstorm (35%)
Throh (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
ToxelAnywhereNormal Weather, Thunderstorm (5%) / Raining (15%)
TranquillFlyingNormal Weather, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog (10%) / Overcast, Snowing (15%) / Raining, Snowstorm (35%) / Intense Sun (50%) / Sandstorm (55%)
VanilliteAnywhere/SurfingAnywhere: Snowing, Snowstorm (50%) / Surfing: Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (55%)
WobbuffetAnywhereNormal Weather (10%) / Intense Sun (15%)
WoobatFlyingSnowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun (15%) / Raining (20%) / Thunderstorm (25%) / Snowing (30%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (35%) / Heavy Fog (65%)
ZigzagoonAnywhereIntense Sun (5%) / Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (25%) / Thunderstorm (30%) / Raining (33%) / Normal Weather (34%) / Overcast, Snowing (35%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BinacleThunderstorm (25%) / Raining (30%)
CarkolIntense Sun (10%)
CherubiShaking Trees (25%)
CubchooSnowing (20%) / Snowstorm (25%)
DiggersbyOvercast (20%)
DrednawFishing (30%)
ElgyemHeavy Fog (20%)
FerroseedALL Weather (5%)
GreedentShaking Trees (75%)
GyaradosFishing (5%)
InkayRaining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Normal Weather, Snowstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (30%)
KarrablastOvercast (30%)
LanturnFishing (25%)
LiepardNormal Weather (10%)
LitwickHeavy Fog, Intense Sun (25%)
MagikarpFishing (30%)
MawileSnowstorm (10%)
Milcery (Sword)Snowstorm (10%)
NoibatThunderstorm (20%)
PalpitoadHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Raining, Thunderstorm (20%)
QwilfishFishing (10%)
RhyhornSandstorm (30%)
RuffletSandstorm (25%)
ShellosThunderstorm (20%) / Raining (25%)
ShelmetOvercast (10%)
SneaselSnowing, Snowstorm (30%)
SudowoodoSandstorm (20%)
ThievulHeavy Fog (5%) / Intense Sun (20%) / Overcast (23%) / Snowing (25%) / Normal Weather (28%)
TogepiNormal Weather, Overcast (2%) / Heavy Fog (5%)
VanilliteSnowstorm (10%) / Snowing (20%)
Vullaby (Shield)Sandstorm (25%)
WimpodRaining (10%)
WobbuffetNormal Weather (25%)

Stony Wilderness

12. Stony Wilderness

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyAnywhereALL Weather (10%)
BonslyAnywhereSanstorm (35%)
BounsweetAnywhereHeavy Fog, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (35%) / Intense Sun (45%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (50%) / Raining (60%)
BronzorAnywhereNormal Weather (10%)
CramorantAnywhereRaining (5%)
Croagunk (Shield)AnywhereHeavy Fog, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Overcast (30%)
CubchooAnywhereSnowstorm (30%) / Snowing (35%)
DewpiderAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (30%)
DwebbleAnywhereHeavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Overcast (15%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing (35%) / Normal Weather (45%)
FerroseedAnywhereSnowstorm (5%)
GolettAnywhereALL Weather (10%)
HatennaAnywhereHeavy Fog (35%)
MachokeAnywhereOvercast (35%)
MachopAnywhereNormal Weather, Overcast (35%)
MaractusAnywhereIntense Sun (35%)
MunnaAnywhereHeavy Fog (30%)
NickitAnywhereHeavy Fog (5%)
NinjaskAnywhereNormal Weather (30%) / Raining (35%)
PikachuAnywhereThunderstorm (5%)
RoggenrolaAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (15%)
Rufflet (Sword)AnywhereALL Weather (5%)
SalanditAnywhereIntense Sun (15%)
Scraggy (Sword)AnywhereOvercast (30%)
SigilyphFlyingNormal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (40%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm (60%)
SneaselAnywhereSnowing (15%) / Snowstorm (35%)
ToxelAnywhereThunderstorm (10%)
Toxicroak (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (35%)
TranquillFlyingHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm (40%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (60%)
TyrogueAnywhereNormal Weather (15%)
Vullaby (Shield)AnywhereALL Weather (5%)
YamperAnywhereThunderstorm (35%)
ZigzagoonAnywhereHeavy Fog, Raining, Snowstorm (10%) / Overcast (15%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing (30%) / Normal Weather (35%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
ApplinThunderstorm (10%)
BarboachRaining (40%)
BoldoreSnowing (10%) / Sandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (30%) / Normal Weather (40%)
CarkolIntense Sun (40%)
CottoneeOvercast (40%)
CubchooSnowstorm (20%) / Snowing (40%)
DottlerHeavy Fog (30%)
DrillburIntense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (30%)
EldegossNormal Weather (10%)
GurdurrSnowing (10%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (30%) / Normal Weather (40%)
ImpidimpOvercast, Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%)
PawniardSnowstorm (30%)
PikachuRaining (10%)
RhyhornSandstorm (40%)
RibombeeOvercast (20%) / Normal Weather (30%)
ShellosRaining (30%)
ShuckleSandstorm (10%)
SneaselSnowing (30%) / Snowstorm (40%)
Spritzee (Shield)Overcast (30%)
Swirlix (Sword)Overcast (30%)
ThievulHeavy Fog (40%)
TogeticHeavy Fog (10%)
ToxelThunderstorm (40%)

Giant's Mirror

13. Giant's Mirror

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BoldoreGroundALL Weather (10%)
ButterfreeAnywhereOvercast (40%)
ChewtleAnywhereRaining (5%)
Corsola (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
CorvisquireFlyingALL Weather (40%)
CubchooAnywhereSnowstorm (10%) / Snowing (35%)
CutieflyAnywhereHeavy Fog (5%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowing (5%)
DrilburAnywhereSandstorm (35%)
DugtrioGroundIntense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (30%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (60%)
DurantAnywhereIntense Sun (40%)
ExcadrillGroundHeavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (30%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (60%)
Farfetch'd (Sword)AnywhereOvercast (5%)
FrillishSurfingSnowstorm (15%) / Intense Sun (30%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (35%) / Sandstorm (40%) / Raining (45%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%)
GloomAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (10%)
HeatmorAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
HelioptileAnywhereThunderstorm (40%)
InkaySurfingSnowing (20%)
JoltikAnywhereThunderstorm (35%)
MorelullAnywhereHeavy Fog (35%)
NatuAnywhereSnowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Snowing (10%)
NickitAnywhereNormal Weather (5%)
PalpitoadAnywhereRaining (35%)
PawniardAnywhereSnowstorm (50%)
PumpkabooAnywhereNormal Weather (25%)
RhyhornAnywhereSandstorm (50%)
Sawk (Sword)AnywhereOvercast (10%)
ShellosSurfingSnowstorm (20%) / Snowing (30%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (65%) / Intense Sun (70%)
Spritzee (Shield)AnywhereHeavy Fog (40%)
SwirlixAnywhereHeavy Fog (40%)
Throh (Shield)AnywhereOvercast (10%)
TranquillFlying/AnywhereFlying: ALL Weather (60%) / Anywhere: Normal Weather (10%) / Sandstorm (15%) / Overcast (35%) / Intense Sun (45%)
VanilliteSurfing/AnywhereSurfing: Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%) / Anywhere: Snowstorm (35%) / Snowing (50%)
WimpodAnywhereRaining (40%)
WoobatAnywhereNormal Weather (35%)
YamperAnywhereThunderstorm (10%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
ApplinThunderstorm (30%)
BudewNormal Weather (10%)
CherubiShaking Trees (25%)
ChinchouFishing (10%)
CubchooSnowing, Snowstorm (30%)
DiggersbySandstorm (30%)
DiglettIntense Sun (30%)
DottlerOvercast, Raining (10%) / Normal Weather, Sandstorm (20%)
DrednawFishing (50%)
GreedentShaking Trees (75%)
GyaradosFishing (5%)
HippowdonSandstorm (30%)
ImpidimpHeavy Fog (35%)
JoltikThunderstorm (30%)
KoffingSandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Raining (20%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (30%)
MachopALL Weather (10%)
MareanieFishing (35%)
MilceryHeavy Fog (32%)
MimikyuHeavy Fog (3%)
RoseliaOvercast (20%)
ShellosRaining (30%)
SkorupiThunderstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining (30%)
SnoverSnowing, Snowstorm (20%)
SwinubSnowing, Snowstorm (30%)
TorkoalIntense Sun (10%)

Dusty Bowl

14. Dusty Bowl

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
Braviary (Sword)FlyingALL Weather (100%)
CroagunkAnywhereNormal Weather (15%) / Overcast (60%)
CubchooAnywhereSnowstorm (15%) / Snowing (50%)
DelibirdAnywhereSnowing (5%)
DrilburAnywhereIntense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (35%)
Duosion (Shield)AnywhereHeavy Fog (10%)
DuskullAnywhereHeavy Fog (35%)
ElectrikeAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (50%)
FrillishSurfingSnowstorm (15%) / Intense Sun (30%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (35%) / Sandstorm (40%) / Raining (45%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%)
Gothorita (Sword)AnywhereHeavy Fog (10%)
GrowlitheAnywhereIntense Sun (30%)
HippopotasAnywhereIntense Sun (55%) / Sandstorm (60%)
HitmonchanAnywhereOvercast (5%)
HitmonleeAnywhereOvercast (5%)
InkaySurfingSnowing (20%)
KoffingAnywhereRaining (5%) / Normal Weather (35%)
Mandibuzz (Shield)FlyingALL Weather (100%)
Mawile (Sword)AnywhereSnowstorm (35%)
NickitAnywhereIntense Sun (5%) / Raining (10%) / Overcast, Thunderstorm (35%) / Normal Weather (50%)
PalpitoadAnywhereThunderstorm (15%) / Raining (35%)
Sableye (Shield)AnywhereHeavy Fog (35%)
ScraggyAnywhereNormal Weather (15%) / Overcast (60%)
ShellosSurfingSnowstorm (20%) / Snowing (30%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (65%) / Intense Sun (70%)
ShuckleAnywhereSandstorm (5%)
SneaselAnywhereSnowing (35%)
SnoverAnywhereSnowstorm (50%)
SwinubAnywhereSnowstorm (35%)
TogekissFlyingHeavy Fog (2%)
VanillishAnywhereSnowing (10%)
VanilliteSurfingSnowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%)
VulpixAnywhereIntense Sun (30%)
WobbuffetAnywhereHeavy Fog (55%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
AbomasnowSnowing (30%)
ApplinNormal Weather (10%)
BarbaracleRaining (30%)
BarraskewdaFishing (50%)
BoltundThunderstorm (30%)
BronzongSnowstorm (40%)
CharjabugThunderstorm (20%)
CoalossalIntense Sun (2%)
CorviknightSnowing (20%)
DrednawThunderstorm (40%)
DubwoolNormal Weather (30%)
DugtrioSandstorm (40%)
EldegossThunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Sandstorm (20%) / Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather (40%)
FerrothornSnowstorm (10%)
GardevoirHeavy Fog (5%)
GurdurrSnowing (10%)
GyaradosFishing (5%)
HattremRaining, Sandstorm (10%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Snowstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog (30%)
KlangSnowstorm (30%)
LanturnFishing (35%)
MeowsticHeavy Fog (35%)
MudsdaleIntense Sun (10%)
PelipperRaining (40%)
PiloswineSnowing (40%)
QwilfishFishing (10%)
RhydonIntense Sun (58%)
RoseliaOvercast (10%)
SkuntankOvercast (40%)
StunfiskIntense Sun (30%)
SudowoodoSandstorm (30%)

Giant's Cap

15. Giant's Cap

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)


  • Watt Trader

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
BlipbugAnywhereNormal Weather (35%)
BoldoreGroundALL Weather (10%)
BunnelbyAnywhereSandstorm (50%)
CarkolAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (40%)
ChewtleAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (35%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (50%)
ClefairyAnywhereHeavy Fog (35%)
Croagunk (Shield)AnywhereNormal Weather (5%) / Overcast (35%)
DiggersbyAnywhereIntense Sun, Sandstorm (35%)
DottlerAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (35%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (50%)
DrednawAnywhereThunderstorm (35%) / Raining (40%)
GloomAnywhereRaining (5%) / Overcast (10%) / Thunderstorm (35%)
Gothita (Sword)AnywhereHeavy Fog (40%)
Gothorita (Sword)AnywhereHeavy Fog (50%)
HoothootAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (10%)
LiepardAnywhereNormal Weather (10%)
LinooneAnywhereHeavy Fog, Raining (5%) / Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (35%) / Overcast (40%)
Lunatone (Shield)GroundALL Weather (100%)
ManectricAnywhereThunderstorm (10%)
MinccinoAnywhereALL Weather (10%)
NoctowlAnywhereIntense Sun, Overcast, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Sandstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (40%)
QuagsireAnywhereRaining (35%) / Thunderstorm (40%)
RhyhornGroundHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (30%) / Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (60%)
RioluAnywhereSnowstorm (5%)
RolycolyGroundRaining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (30%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (60%)
Scraggy (Sword)AnywhereNormal Weather (5%) / Overcast (35%)
ShuckleAnywhereSandstorm (5%)
SneaselAnywhereSnowing (35%) / Snowstorm (40%)
SolosisAnywhereHeavy Fog (40%)
Solrock (Sword)GroundALL Weather (100%)
TorkoalAnywhereIntense Sun (10%)
VanilliteAnywhereSnowstorm (35%) / Snowing (40%)
WooperAnywhereThunderstorm (10%) / Raining (35%)
ZigzagoonAnywhereHeavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (10%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyIntense Sun (30%)
CherubiShaking Trees (25%)
CorphishFishing (10%)
DelibirdSnowing, Snowstorm (20%)
DottlerSandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Raining (20%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast (30%)
DrilburIntense Sun (20%) / Sandstorm (30%)
DugtrioIntense Sun (10%)
DuskullHeavy Fog (20%)
EldegossHeavy Fog, Raining (10%) / Normal Weather (20%) / Overcast (40%)
GoldeenFishing (50%)
GolettIntense Sun, Sandstorm (40%)
GreedentShaking Trees (75%)
GyaradosFishing (5%)
JoltikThunderstorm (40%)
KarrablastOvercast (10%)
KrabbyFishing (35%)
Lombre (Shield)Normal Weather (40%)
MudbraySandstorm (20%)
MunnaOvercast (20%) / Heavy Fog (40%)
Nuzleaf (Sword)Normal Weather (40%)
PalpitoadRaining (40%)
PawniardSnowstorm (30%)
ShellosThunderstorm (20%) / Raining (30%)
ShelmetOvercast (10%)
SnoruntSnowing (30%) / Snowstorm (40%)
SnoverSnowing (40%)
StunkyNormal Weather (10%)
ToxelThunderstorm (30%)

Lake of Outrage

16. Lake of Outrage

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
AbomasnowAnywhereSnowing (15%)
AraquanidAnywhereRaining (25%)
BarraskewdaSurfingALL Weather (5%)
BeheeyemAnywhereNormal Weather (32%)
BergmiteAnywhereSnowing (5%)
BisharpAnywhereSnowstorm (25%)
BoldoreAnywhereSandstorm (30%)
Braviary (Sword)AnywhereNormal Weather (25%)
CopperajahAnywhereSnowstorm (2%)
DittoAnywhereALL Weather (10%)
DrakloakAnywhereOvercast, Raining (1%) / Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (2%)
DrapionAnywhereOvercast (24%)
DurantAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
ExcadrillAnywhereSandstorm (35%)
FlygonAnywhereIntense Sun (1%)
GalvantulaAnywhereThunderstorm (30%)
GarbodorAnywhereOvercast (30%)
GlalieAnywhereSnowing (25%)
GolisopodAnywhereRaining (12%)
GolurkAnywhereSnowstorm (13%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) / Sandstorm (23%)
Gothitelle (Sword)AnywhereHeavy Fog (13%)
HattereneAnywhereHeavy Fog (25%)
HaxorusAnywhereThunderstorm (5%)
HeatmorAnywhereIntense Sun (5%)
HitmontopAnywhereOvercast (2%)
KlinklangAnywhereSnowstorm (30%)
LampentAnywhereIntense Sun (14%)
MantineSurfingSnowstorm (10%) / Snowing (15%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (30%) / Sandstorm (35%) / Raining (40%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (45%)
MantykeSurfingSnowstorm (20%) / Snowing (30%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Normal Weather (65%) / Intense Sun (70%)
MorpekoAnywhereThunderstorm (4%)
NinetalesAnywhereIntense Sun (25%)
NoivernAnywhereThunderstorm (27%)
RotomAnywhereRaining, Thunderstorm (2%)
SeismitoadAnywhereRaining (30%)
SigilyphAnywhereNormal Weather (13%)
VanilliteSurfingSnowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%)
VanilluxeAnywhereSnowstorm (20%) / Snowing (25%)
WeezingAnywhereOvercast (13%)
WobbuffetAnywhereHeavy Fog (30%)
Zweilous (2%)AnywhereSandstorm (2%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BarbaracleRaining (2%)
BarraskewdaFishing (50%)
BewearNormal Weather (20%)
BoltundThunderstorm (35%)
BronzongHeavy Fog (25%)
CherubiShaking Trees (5%)
ClaydolHeavy Fog (35%)
CoalossalIntense Sun (25%)
CorviknightIntense Sun, Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog (23%) / Normal Weather (40%)
CramorantRaining (25%)
Deino (Sword)Raining (2%)
DittoNormal Weather (2%)
DoubladeSnowstorm (25%)
Drampa (Shield)Thunderstorm (2%)
DrednawThunderstorm (23%)
DreepyOvercast (1%) / Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (2%)
DugtrioSandstorm (40%)
DuraludonSnowstorm (2%)
Eiscue (Shield)Snowing (2%) / Snowstorm (5%)
FalinksOvercast (6%)
GardevoirHeavy Fog (1%)
Goomy (Shield)Raining (2%)
GreedentShaking Trees (95%)
GrimmsnarlOvercast (25%)
GyaradosFishing (5%)
Hakamo-o (Sword)Thunderstorm (N/A)
HippowdonSandstorm (25%)
IndeedeeHeavy Fog (14%)
Jangmo-o (Sword)Intense Sun, Overcast (N/A)
JellicentThunderstorm (16%)
LanturnFishing (35%)
LarvitarIntense Sun, Overcast (5%)
Mr. MimeSnowing (13%)
ObstagoonSandstorm, Snowing (2%) / Normal Weather (25%)
OrbeetleNormal Weather (13%)
PangoroOvercast (10%)
PelipperRaining (38%)
PerrserkerSnowstorm (40%)
PiloswineSnowing (25%)
Pupitar (Shield)Sandstorm (2%)
QuagsireRaining (13%)
QwilfishFishing (10%)
RhydonIntense Sun (33%)
SandacondaIntense Sun (13%)
SkuntankOvercast (33%)
Sliggoo (Shield)Thunderstorm (2%)
SnomSnowing (40%)
Stonjourner (Sword)Intense Sun (2%) / Sandstorm (5%)
StunfiskSandstorm (10%)
TogedemaruSnowstorm (13%)
Turtonator (Sword)Intense Sun (2%)
Zweilous (Sword)Thunderstorm (2%)

Hammerlocke Hills

17. Hammerlocke Hills

Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide

(Image credit: Nintendo)


  • Ingredients Seller
  • Watt Trader

Pokemon (Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonAreaWeather (Rarity %)
AxewAnywhereSandstorm (2%)
CorvisquireFlyingALL Weather (40%)
CubchooAnywhereSnowing (40%)
GastlyAnywhereHeavy Fog (10%)
HonedgeAnywhereHeavy Fog (44%)
MachokeAnywhereNormal Weather, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Intense Sun (10%) / Overcast, Raining (15%) / Sandstorm (35%)
MaractusAnywhereIntense Sun (35%)
MorelullAnywhereHeavy Fog (35%)
PalpitoadAnywhereRaining (45%)
PumpkabooAnywhereALL Weather (5%)
SneaselAnywhereSnowing (10%) / Snowstorm (40%)
SnoruntAnywhereSnowing, Snowstorm (35%)
StuffulAnywhereNormal Weather (30%) / Overcast (45%)
SudowoodoAnywhereNormal Weather (10%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm (40%)
TrapinchAnywhereSandstorm (2%)
UnfezantFlyingALL Weather (60%)
WimpodAnywhereThunderstorm (35%)
WobbuffetAnywhereIntense Sun, Snowing (5%) / Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (13%) / Thunderstorm (24%) / Overcast, Raining (29%) / Normal Weather (45%)

Pokemon (Non-Overworld):

Swipe to scroll horizontally
PokemonWeather (Rarity %)
BaltoyIntense Sun (25%)
CharjabugThunderstorm (25%)
CherubiShaking Trees (25%)
CorvisquireNormal Weather (15%)
DelibirdSnowing (15%)
DrilburSandstorm (15%)
DubwoolNormal Weather (10%)
DugtrioSandstorm (40%)
DwebbleSandstorm (25%)
EspurrIntense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (40%)
GreedentShaking Trees (75%)
GrowlitheIntense Sun (40%)
HatennaHeavy Fog (25%)
HawluchaOvercast (5%)
HonedgeSnowstorm (15%)
ImpidimpHeavy Fog (10%)
InkaySnowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Raining (15%) / Normal Weather, Snowing (25%) / Overcast (35%)
KarrablastThunderstorm (15%) / Raining (30%)
KlinkALL Weather (10%)
MachokeOvercast (25%)
PelipperRaining (40%)
ShelmetRaining (5%) / Thunderstorm (15%)
SnoruntSnowstorm (40%)
SwinubSnowing (40%)
ThievulOvercast (15%)
ToxelThunderstorm (40%)
VanilliteSnowstorm (25%)
VulpixIntense Sun (40%)

Looking for something new to play? Nintendo revealed that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will launch in 2022, just months after the release of Pokemon Legends Arceus

Pokemon Sword and Shield review | Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough | Pokemon Sword and Shield tips | Pokemon Sword and Shield differences | Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex | Pokemon Sword and Shield starters | Pokemon Sword and Shield gym leaders | Pokemon Sword and Shield camping | Pokemon Sword and Shield fossils | Best Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield | Pokemon Sword and Shield type chart | Pokemon Sword and Shield Poke Jobs | Pokemon Sword and Shield Battle Tower | Pokemon Sword and Shield glowing Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield Mystery Gift codes | Gigantamax Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations | Pokemon Sword and Shield legendaries | Pokemon Sword and Shield shiny hunting | Pokemon Sword and Shield evolution items | Pokemon Sword and Shield rare Pokemon

Ford James

Give me a game and I will write every "how to" I possibly can or die trying. When I'm not knee-deep in a game to write guides on, you'll find me hurtling round the track in F1, flinging balls on my phone in Pokemon Go, pretending to know what I'm doing in Football Manager, or clicking on heads in Valorant.

With contributions from
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