Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide and every Pokemon to catch in each zone
All of the Pokemon you can catch inside of the Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area

- Wild Area – South Side map
- Rolling Fields
- Dappled Grove
- West Lake Axewell
- Watchtower Ruins
- Axew's Eye
- South Lake Miloch
- Giant's Seat
- East Lake Axewell
- North Lake Miloch
- Wild Area – North Side map
- Motostoke Riverbank
- Bridge Field
- Stony Wilderness
- Giant's Mirror
- Dusty Bowl
- Giant's Cap
- Lake of Outrage
- Hammerlocke Hills
While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are now here, it doesn't mean you need to leave the Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area behind. It was the first open world element the series had ever seen of course, so it needs to not be forgotten. It is designed to allow you to more freely explore and catch Pokemon than ever before, and is the origin of the evolutions seen with Pokemon Legends Arceus and now Scarlet and Violet too.
There's a lot to see and do in the Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area. You can chat to NPCs, take part in the challenging Max Raid Battles, earn and spend Watts, and so much more. This Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area Guide details all of the wild Pokemon you can find in the north and south sides of the space, your chance of encountering them, and lists the weather conditions that they will typically spawn in.
Note: The 'Overworld' refers to the Pokemon Sword and Shield critters you can actually see before you encounter them – they wander freely around the surface of Galar. 'Non-Overworld' refers to encounters that happen when an exclamation mark pops up in tall grass.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide – South Side
Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area map – South Side
Rolling Fields
1. Rolling Fields
- Ingredients Seller
- Watt Trader
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Anywhere | Sandstorm (60%) |
Bunnelby | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing (25%) / Overcast (60%) |
Butterfree | Flying | Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast (75%) |
Combee | Anywhere | Normal Weather (60%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowstorm (60%) |
Diglett | Ground | Intense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (80%) |
Electrike | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (60%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (60%) |
Metapod | Anywhere | ALL Weather (10%) |
Pancham | Anywhere | ALL Weather (60%) |
Pidove | Flying | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast (25%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (75%) |
Ralts | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (60%) / Overcast (2%) |
Roggenrola | Ground | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm (80%) |
Tyrogue | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Overcast (28%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere | Snowing (60%) / Snowstorm (25%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (60%) |
Wingull | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (25%) / Raining (60%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Intense Sun (40%) / Sandstorm (35%) |
Bounsweet | Normal Weather (20%) |
Budew | Overcast (35%) |
Bunnelby | Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (20%) |
Delibird | Snowstorm (35%) |
Dwebble | Sandstorm (40%) |
Electrike | Thunderstorm (35%) |
Golett | Sandstorm (20%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (20%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Lotad (Shield) | Raining (40%) |
Metapod | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) |
Minccino | Normal Weather (35%) / Snowing (5%) |
Mudbray | Intense Sun (35%) |
Munna | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Natu | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Nuzleaf (Sword) | Raining (40%) |
Oddish | Overcast (40%) |
Skwovet | Shaking Trees (80%) |
Snorunt | Snowstorm (20%) |
Swinub | Snowing (35%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Vanillite | Snowing (40%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (20%) |
Wingull | Raining (35%) |
Dappled Grove
2. Dappled Grove
- Watt Trader
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (%) |
Baltoy | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (60%) |
Bunnelby | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Raining, Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm, Snowing (25%) / Intense Sun (28%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Electrike | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (25%) |
Hoothoot | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Sandstorm, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Overcast (28%) |
Lombre (Shield) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast (10%) |
Nuzleaf (Sword) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast (10%) |
Oddish | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) / Raining (25%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (60%) |
Purrloin | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (60%) |
Ralts | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Tympole | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (60%) |
Tyrogue | Anywhere | Overcast (2%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere | Snowstorm (25%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (2%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Sandstorm (40%) |
Bounsweet | Normal Weather, Sandstorm (5%) |
Budew | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather (35%) |
Bunnelby | Snowing, Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Sandstorm (20%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (30%) |
Golett | Sandstorm (35%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (40%) |
Grubbin | Raining, Thunderstorm (35%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Klink | Snowstorm (20%) |
Lotad (Shield) | Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Mudbray | Intense Sun (35%) |
Purrloin | Heavy Fog (20%) |
Ralts | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Seedot (Sword) | Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog (35%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Skwovet | Shaking Trees (70%) |
Snorunt | Snowing (20%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Snover | Snowing (40%) |
Stufful | Overcast (40%) |
Stunky | Overcast (35%) |
Tympole | Raining (40%) |
Vanillite | Snowing, Snowstorm (35%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (40%) |
West Lake Axewell
3. West Lake Axewell
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Budew | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Bunnelby | Anywhere | Intense Sun (20%) / Sandstorm (25%) |
Chinchou | Surfing | Thunderstorm (60%) |
Dwebble | Anywhere | Intense Sun (40%) / Sandstorm (60%) |
Electrike | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Frillish | Surfing | Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing (5%) / Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather, Raining (60%) |
Goldeen | Surfing | Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (25%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (35%) |
Klink | Anywhere | Snowstorm (25%) |
Krabby | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining (10%) |
Lotad (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (60%) |
Magikarp | Surfing | Normal Weather, Raining (5%) / Overcast, Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (15%) / Thunderstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm (60%) |
Natu | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Purrloin | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Snowing (5%) / Overcast (10%) / Sandstorm (15%) / Heavy Fog (60%) |
Remoraid | Surfing | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (10%) / Overcast (25%) |
Seedot (Sword) | Anywhere | Overcast (60%) |
Shellder | Surfing | Snowing (25%) |
Snorunt | Anywhere | Snowing (60%) |
Tympole | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Snowing (25%) / Normal Weather (60%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (60%) / Surfing: Snowing (60%) / Snowstorm (70%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (35%) |
Wingull | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (35%) |
Wooper | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (5%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Raining, Thunderstorm (50%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Sandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (30%) |
Bounsweet | Normal Weather (10%) |
Bunnelby | Snowstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (20%) |
Delibird | Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (30%) |
Electrike | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Goldeen | Fishing (35%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (40%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Klink | Snowstorm (40%) |
Krabby | Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (30%) / Overcast (40%) |
Magikarp | Fishing (50%) |
Mudbray | Sandstorm (10%) |
Natu | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Nincada | Sandstorm (30%) |
Pancham | Intense Sun (10%) / Overcast (25%) |
Ralts | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Remoraid | Fishing (10%) |
Snorunt | Snowing (30%) |
Tympole | Raining, Thunderstorm (30%) |
Tyrogue | Overcast (5%) |
Vanillite | Snowstorm (20%) / Snowing (40%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (40%) |
Wingull | Raining (10%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Snowing (20%) |
Wishiwashi | Fishing (5%) |
Wooper | Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (40%) |
Watchtower Ruins
4. Watchtower Ruins
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowing (25%) / Snowstorm (60%) |
Drifloon | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) / Thunderstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (15%) / Intense Sun, Snowing (60%) |
Duskull | Anywhere | Snowing (15%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (25%) / Intense Sun (28%) / Thunderstorm (35%) / Raining (50%) / Overcast (60%) |
Gastly | Anywhere | Overcast, Snowstorm (25%) / Raining (35%) / Thunderstorm (50%) / Heavy Fog, Sandstorm (60%) |
Golett | Anywhere | Normal Weather (60%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) |
Noibat | Flying | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (40%) / Overcast, Thunderstorm (60%) |
Oddish | Anywhere | Overcast (10%) |
Purrloin | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Sandstorm, Snowstorm (15%) |
Ralts | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Shuckle | Anywhere | Intense Sun (2%) / Sandstorm (25%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) |
Wingull | Anywhere | Raining (10%) |
Woobat | Flying | Overcast, Thunderstorm (40%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Bounsweet | Normal Weather, Overcast (20%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (50%) |
Drifloon | Intense Sun, Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (30%) |
Duskull | Heavy Fog, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Snowing (30%) / Overcast, Raining (40%) |
Dwebble | Sandstorm (30%) |
Electrike | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Gastly | Overcast (10%) |
Golett | Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Sandstorm (40%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (20%) |
Grubbin | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Machop | Overcast (30%) |
Pidove | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) |
Purrloin | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Skwovet | Shaking Trees (50%) |
Snorunt | Snowstorm (30%) / Snowing (40%) |
Snover | Snowing (20%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Tympole | Raining (30%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (20%) |
Wingull | Raining (20%) |
Axew's Eye
5. Axew's Eye
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Axew | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining (10%) |
Bewear | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm (25%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (60%) |
Bronzong | Anywhere | Snowstorm (25%) |
Claydol | Anywhere | Sandstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog (25%) |
Crawdaunt | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (25%) / Raining (60%) |
Crustle | Anywhere | Sandstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (60%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) |
Drifblim | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (60%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Kingler | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) / Thunderstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (25%) |
Machoke | Anywhere | Normal Weather (5%) / Overcast (25%) |
Mudsdale | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (60%) |
Seismitoad | Anywhere | Raining (5%) / Thunderstorm (60%) |
Snover | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Vanillish | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) / Snowing (25%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Sandstorm (40%) |
Bewear | Normal Weather (20%) |
Charjabug | Raining (30%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (25%) |
Crawdaunt | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Crustle | Sandstorm (30%) |
Delibird | Snowstorm (20%) |
Diggersby | Sandstorm, Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (30%) |
Gloom | Overcast (30%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (75%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (40%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (5%) |
Klink | Snowstorm (40%) |
Liepard | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Magikarp | Fishing (50%) |
Manectric | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Mudsdale | Intense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (20%) |
Munna | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Octillery | Fishing (25%) |
Pelipper | Raining (40%) |
Roselia | Overcast (40%) |
Snover | Snowstorm (30%) / Snowing (40%) |
Steenee | Normal Weather (10%) |
Unfezant | Heavy Fog, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (30%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Vanillish | Snowing (30%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (40%) |
Wishiwashi | Fishing (20%) |
South Lake Miloch
6. South Lake Miloch
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Barboach | Surfing | Normal Weather, Snowstorm (5%) / Raining, Snowing (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (25%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (60%) |
Bronzor | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Corphish | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Overcast, Raining, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (30%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) |
Drifloon | Anywhere/Flying/Surfing | Anywhere: Heavy Fog (60%) / Flying: ALL Weather (15%) / Surfing: Sandstorm, Snowing (5%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (10%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Snowstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (60%) |
Dwebble | Anywhere | Sandstorm (25%) |
Goldeen | Surfing | Heavy Fog, Overcast (5%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing, Thunderstorm (25%) / Normal Weather, Raining (60%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Joltik | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Klink | Anywhere | Snowstorm (25%) |
Krabby | Anywhere | Overcast, Raining, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (30%) |
Lombre (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Machop | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (15%) / Overcast (50%) / Intense Sun (60%) |
Magikarp | Anywhere | Raining (25%) |
Mudbray | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (55%) |
Nuzleaf (Sword) | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Overcast (5%) |
Pyukumuku | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (2%) |
Ralts | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (5%) |
Snover | Anywhere | Snowing (25%) |
Stunky | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (25%) |
Tympole | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (28%) / Raining (45%) |
Tyrogue | Anywhere | ALL Weather (5%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Snowing (45%) / Snowstorm (60%) / Surfing: Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Wingull | Flying/Surfing | Flying: All Weather (85%) / Surfing: Intense Sun, Raining, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (10%) / Normal Weather, Sandstorm (25%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Sandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (40%) |
Barboach | Fishing (9%) |
Corphish | Normal Weather (10%) / Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Raining (30%) / Overcast (40%) |
Electrike | Thunderstorm (20%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (30%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Klink | Snowstorm (40%) |
Machop | Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Raining (20%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Magikarp | Fishing (50%) |
Natu | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Nincada | Intense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (40%) |
Pyukumuku | Fishing (1%) |
Ralts | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Remoraid | Fishing (40%) |
Roselia | Intense Sun (20%) / Overcast (30%) |
Snorunt | Snowing (40%) |
Snover | Snowstorm (30%) |
Tympole | Sandstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (20%) / Raining (40%) |
Tyrogue | Overcast (10%) |
Vanillite | Snowing (30%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (30%) |
Wingull | Raining (10%) / Normal Weather (30%) |
Wooper | Sandstorm (30%) |
Giant's Seat
7. Giant's Seat
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Bronzor | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowstorm (10%) / Raining, Sandstorm (25%) / Thunderstorm (28%) / Normal Weather (60%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) |
Duskull | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (60%) |
Electrike | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (60%) |
Gastly | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Raining (10%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Overcast (28%) |
Golett | Anywhere | Sandstorm (60%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Lombre (Shield) | Anywhere | Normal Weather (25%) / Raining (60%) |
Machoke | Anywhere | Normal Weather (10%) |
Machop | Anywhere | Sandstorm, Snowing (10%) / Overcast (60%) |
Mudbray | Anywhere | Intense Sun (60%) |
Munna | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (2%) |
Natu | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (28%) |
Nuzleaf (Sword) | Anywhere | Normal Weather (25%) / Raining (60%) |
Palpitoad | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (12%) |
Snorunt | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (25%) |
Snover | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Stufful | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Sandstorm (5%) |
Tyrogue | Anywhere | Overcast (2%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Wooper | Anywhere | Raining (5%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Bewear | Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (30%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Bronzor | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowstorm (30%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (30%) |
Cloyster | Fishing (5%) |
Crawdaunt | Thunderstorm (15%) |
Delibird | Snowing, Snowstorm (50%) |
Diggersby | Normal Weather (20%) |
Dwebble | Sandstorm (15%) / Intense Sun (40%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (70%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (10%) |
Haunter | Overcast (15%) |
Liepard | Heavy Fog (15%) |
Lombre (Shield) | Raining (15%) |
Machoke | Overcast (40%) |
Manectric | Thunderstorm (50%) |
Mudsdale | Intense Sun (15%) / Sandstorm (40%) |
Nuzleaf (Sword) | Raining (15%) |
Onix | Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) |
Pyukumuku | Fishing (25%) |
Quagsire | Raining (50%) |
Shellder | Fishing (60%) |
Swinub | Snowing, Snowstorm (15%) |
Tranquill | Normal Weather (15%) |
Xatu | Heavy Fog (50%) |
East Lake Axewell
8. East Lake Axewell
- Camping King
- Watt Trader
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Anywhere | Sandstorm (60%) |
Bounsweet | Anywhere | Normal Weather (50%) |
Butterfree | Flying | ALL Weather (30%) |
Chinchou | Surfing | Thunderstorm (70%) |
Electrike | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (60%) |
Frillish | Surfing | Sandstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (15%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Snowing (30%) / Raining (35%) / Overcast (55%) / Heavy Fog (60%) |
Goldeen | Surfing | Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog (10%) / Raining, Snowstorm (15%) / Overcast (25%) / Sandstorm (55%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Grubbin | Anywhere | Raining (15%) |
Mudbray | Anywhere | Sandstorm (25%) / Intense Sun (60%) |
Munna | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (60%) |
Oddish | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (15%) / Normal Weather (35%) |
Pancham | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (15%) / Overcast (35%) |
Pidove | Flying | ALL Weather (70%) |
Shellder | Surfing | Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (15%) / Snowing (20%) / Sandstorm (30%) / Raining (45%) |
Snorunt | Anywhere | Snowing (5%), Snowstorm (60%) |
Snover | Anywhere | Snowing (60%) |
Stufful | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (25%) / Raining (35%) / Overcast (50%) |
Vanillite | Surfing | Snowing (40%) / Snowstorm (75%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Wingull | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Raining (50%) / Surfing: Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowstorm (5%) / Snowing (10%) / Thunderstorm (15%) / Heavy Fog (25%) / Normal Weather (55%) / Intense Sun (70%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Sandstorm (30%) |
Budew | Overcast (45%) |
Bunnelby | Normal Weather (30%) |
Dwebble | Sandstorm (40%) |
Electrike | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Goldeen | Fishing (25%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (30%) |
Grubbin | Raining (30%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (45%) |
Magikarp | Fishing (50%) |
Minccino | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (15%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast, Snowing, Snowstorm (20%) |
Mudbray | Intense Sun (40%) |
Munna | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Oddish | Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) / Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather (45%) |
Onix | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (10%) |
Pidove | Normal Weather (20%) |
Purrloin | Heavy Fog (45%) |
Shellder | Fishing (20%) |
Snorunt | Snowing (45%) |
Snover | Snowing, Snowstorm (30%) |
Stufful | ALL Weather (5%) |
Vanillite | Snowstorm (45%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (30%) |
Wingull | Raining (45%) |
Wishiwashi | Fishing (5%) |
North Lake Miloch
9. North Lake Miloch
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Barboach | Surfing | Normal Weather, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Overcast (10%) / Heavy Fog (25%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm (60%) |
Bunnelby | Anywhere | Sandstorm (10%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather (30%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) |
Drifloon | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Heavy Fog (60%) / Surfing: Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing (5%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (10%) / Intense Sun, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (25%) |
Dwebble | Anywhere | Sandstorm (5%) / Intense Sun (10%) |
Frillish | Surfing | Raining (2%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Overcast, Snowing (25%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (60%) |
Gloom | Anywhere | Overcast (10%) / Normal Weather, Raining (20%) / Thunderstorm (30%) |
Goldeen | Surfing | Sandstorm (25%) / Raining (28%) / Thunderstorm (60%) |
Golett | Anywhere | Sandstorm (60%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Klink | Anywhere | Snowstorm (25%) |
Palpitoad | Anywhere | Raining (50%) / Thunderstorm (60%) |
Purrloin | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (10%) / Snowing (25%) / Raining (30%) / Overcast (35%) |
Ralts | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (2%) |
Snorunt | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) |
Stunky | Anywhere | Sandstorm (25%) / Heavy Fog (28%) / Normal Weather (50%) / Overcast (55%) / Intense Sun (60%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) / Surfing: Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Wingull | Surfing | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun (5%) / Raining, Snowing (10%) / Normal Weather (25%) / Overcast (60%) |
Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide – North Side
Below you'll find our Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area guide to the North Side of the map, from the Motostoke Riverbank to the Hammerlocke Hills.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Wild Area North Side map
Motostoke Riverbank
10. Motostoke Riverbank
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Arrokuda | Surfing | Snowing (15%) / Snowstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather (30%) / Raining (40%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (45%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Thunderstorm (65%) |
Basculin | Surfing | Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing, Thunderstorm (30%) / Sandstorm (35%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Normal Weather (65%) / Intense Sun (70%) |
Chewtle | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (10%) |
Clefairy | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Cutiefly | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Overcast, Snowing (25%) |
Dewpider | Anywhere | Raining (5%) |
Duskull | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (5%) |
Gossifleur | Anywhere | Normal Weather (25%) |
Koffing | Anywhere | Overcast (40%) |
Mantyke | Surfing | ALL Weather (5%) |
Mareanie | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (25%) |
Munchlax | Anywhere | Normal Weather (5%) |
Pawniard | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) |
Purrloin | Anywhere | ALL Weather (20%) |
Rhyhorn | Anywhere | Sandstorm (25%) / Intense Sun (40%) |
Rolycoly | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) / Sandstorm (10%) |
Rookidee | Anywhere | Overcast (10%) |
Salandit | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Sawk (Sword) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Skorupi | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather, Raining (40%) |
Sneasel | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (40%) |
Sudowoodo | Anywhere | Sandstorm (25%) |
Throh (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Torkoal | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) |
Toxel | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (5%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (25%) / Surfing: Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%) |
Wimpod | Anywhere | Raining (25%) |
Wobbuffet | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Wooloo | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) / Normal Weather (10%) |
Yamper | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Arrokuda | Fishing (50%) |
Barraskewda | Fishing (10%) |
Basculin | Fishing (35%) |
Binacle | Raining (30%) |
Boltund | Thunderstorm (20%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (15%) |
Corvisquire | Sandstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm (20%) / Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather (35%) |
Dubwool | Normal Weather, Overcast (10%) |
Eldegoss | Normal Weather (20%) |
Elgyem | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Espurr | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Ferroseed | Snowstorm (10%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (50%) |
Karrablast | Raining (35%) |
Litwick | Intense Sun (30%) |
Mareanie | Fishing (5%) |
Noctowl | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Snowing (10%) / Overcast, Sandstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (30%) |
Onix | Sandstorm (30%) |
Pawniard | Snowstorm (35%) |
Rhyhorn | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (35%) |
Shellos | Thunderstorm (35%) |
Shelmet | Raining (10%) |
Sigilyph | ALL Weather (5%) |
Skorupi | Overcast (35%) |
Skwovet | Shaking Trees (35%) |
Sneasel | Snowstorm (30%) / Snowing (35%) |
Vanillite | Snowing (30%) |
Wimpod | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Bridge Field
11. Bridge Field
- Digging Duo
- Pokemon Nursery
- Watt Trader
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (10%) |
Bonsly | Anywhere | Sandstorm (40%) |
Bronzor | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (10%) |
Cramorant | Anywhere | Raining (2%) |
Croagunk | Anywhere | Sandstorm (5%) / Overcast (10%) |
Cubchoo | Anywhere | Snowstorm (35%) / Snowing (40%) |
Cufant | Anywhere | Normal Weather (1%) / Intense Sun, Overcast (5%) / Snowstorm (10%) |
Cutiefly | Anywhere | Intense Sun (20%) / Overcast (25%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (30%) |
Elgyem | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Overcast (10%) / Heavy Fog (20%) |
Frillish | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Goldeen | Surfing | Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing (20%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Thunderstorm (30%) / Sandstorm (35%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (40%) / Raining (45%) |
Inkay | Surfing | ALL Weather (15%) |
Maractus | Anywhere | Intense Sun (35%) |
Munna | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Noibat | Anywhere/Flying | Anywhere: Snowstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Flying: Snowing (5%) / Sandstorm, Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog (25%) / Intense Sun (35%) / Raining (45%) / Overcast (50%) / Normal Weather (60%) / Thunderstorm (70%) |
Qwilfish | Surfing | Snowing (15%) / Snowstorm (20%) / Normal Weather (30%) / Raining (40%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (45%) / Sandstorm (50%) / Thunderstorm (55%) / Intense Sun (60%) |
Sawk (Sword) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Scraggy (Sword) | Anywhere | Sandstorm (5%) / Overcast (5%) |
Sneaseal | Anywhere | Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Stufful | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Snowing (5%) / Sandstorm (10%) / Raining (30%) / Thunderstorm (35%) |
Throh (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Toxel | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (5%) / Raining (15%) |
Tranquill | Flying | Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog (10%) / Overcast, Snowing (15%) / Raining, Snowstorm (35%) / Intense Sun (50%) / Sandstorm (55%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere/Surfing | Anywhere: Snowing, Snowstorm (50%) / Surfing: Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (55%) |
Wobbuffet | Anywhere | Normal Weather (10%) / Intense Sun (15%) |
Woobat | Flying | Snowstorm (5%) / Intense Sun (15%) / Raining (20%) / Thunderstorm (25%) / Snowing (30%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (35%) / Heavy Fog (65%) |
Zigzagoon | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) / Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (25%) / Thunderstorm (30%) / Raining (33%) / Normal Weather (34%) / Overcast, Snowing (35%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Binacle | Thunderstorm (25%) / Raining (30%) |
Carkol | Intense Sun (10%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (25%) |
Cubchoo | Snowing (20%) / Snowstorm (25%) |
Diggersby | Overcast (20%) |
Drednaw | Fishing (30%) |
Elgyem | Heavy Fog (20%) |
Ferroseed | ALL Weather (5%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (75%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (5%) |
Inkay | Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Normal Weather, Snowstorm (20%) / Intense Sun (30%) |
Karrablast | Overcast (30%) |
Lanturn | Fishing (25%) |
Liepard | Normal Weather (10%) |
Litwick | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun (25%) |
Magikarp | Fishing (30%) |
Mawile | Snowstorm (10%) |
Milcery (Sword) | Snowstorm (10%) |
Noibat | Thunderstorm (20%) |
Palpitoad | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Raining, Thunderstorm (20%) |
Qwilfish | Fishing (10%) |
Rhyhorn | Sandstorm (30%) |
Rufflet | Sandstorm (25%) |
Shellos | Thunderstorm (20%) / Raining (25%) |
Shelmet | Overcast (10%) |
Sneasel | Snowing, Snowstorm (30%) |
Sudowoodo | Sandstorm (20%) |
Thievul | Heavy Fog (5%) / Intense Sun (20%) / Overcast (23%) / Snowing (25%) / Normal Weather (28%) |
Togepi | Normal Weather, Overcast (2%) / Heavy Fog (5%) |
Vanillite | Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing (20%) |
Vullaby (Shield) | Sandstorm (25%) |
Wimpod | Raining (10%) |
Wobbuffet | Normal Weather (25%) |
Stony Wilderness
12. Stony Wilderness
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Anywhere | ALL Weather (10%) |
Bonsly | Anywhere | Sanstorm (35%) |
Bounsweet | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (35%) / Intense Sun (45%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (50%) / Raining (60%) |
Bronzor | Anywhere | Normal Weather (10%) |
Cramorant | Anywhere | Raining (5%) |
Croagunk (Shield) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Overcast (30%) |
Cubchoo | Anywhere | Snowstorm (30%) / Snowing (35%) |
Dewpider | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (30%) |
Dwebble | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Snowstorm (10%) / Overcast (15%) / Intense Sun, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing (35%) / Normal Weather (45%) |
Ferroseed | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) |
Golett | Anywhere | ALL Weather (10%) |
Hatenna | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Machoke | Anywhere | Overcast (35%) |
Machop | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Overcast (35%) |
Maractus | Anywhere | Intense Sun (35%) |
Munna | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Nickit | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (5%) |
Ninjask | Anywhere | Normal Weather (30%) / Raining (35%) |
Pikachu | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (5%) |
Roggenrola | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (15%) |
Rufflet (Sword) | Anywhere | ALL Weather (5%) |
Salandit | Anywhere | Intense Sun (15%) |
Scraggy (Sword) | Anywhere | Overcast (30%) |
Sigilyph | Flying | Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (40%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm (60%) |
Sneasel | Anywhere | Snowing (15%) / Snowstorm (35%) |
Toxel | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Toxicroak (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (35%) |
Tranquill | Flying | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm (40%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (60%) |
Tyrogue | Anywhere | Normal Weather (15%) |
Vullaby (Shield) | Anywhere | ALL Weather (5%) |
Yamper | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (35%) |
Zigzagoon | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Raining, Snowstorm (10%) / Overcast (15%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing (30%) / Normal Weather (35%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Applin | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Barboach | Raining (40%) |
Boldore | Snowing (10%) / Sandstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (30%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Carkol | Intense Sun (40%) |
Cottonee | Overcast (40%) |
Cubchoo | Snowstorm (20%) / Snowing (40%) |
Dottler | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Drillbur | Intense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (30%) |
Eldegoss | Normal Weather (10%) |
Gurdurr | Snowing (10%) / Intense Sun, Thunderstorm (30%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Impidimp | Overcast, Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) |
Pawniard | Snowstorm (30%) |
Pikachu | Raining (10%) |
Rhyhorn | Sandstorm (40%) |
Ribombee | Overcast (20%) / Normal Weather (30%) |
Shellos | Raining (30%) |
Shuckle | Sandstorm (10%) |
Sneasel | Snowing (30%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Spritzee (Shield) | Overcast (30%) |
Swirlix (Sword) | Overcast (30%) |
Thievul | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Togetic | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Toxel | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Giant's Mirror
13. Giant's Mirror
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Boldore | Ground | ALL Weather (10%) |
Butterfree | Anywhere | Overcast (40%) |
Chewtle | Anywhere | Raining (5%) |
Corsola (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Corvisquire | Flying | ALL Weather (40%) |
Cubchoo | Anywhere | Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing (35%) |
Cutiefly | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (5%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) |
Drilbur | Anywhere | Sandstorm (35%) |
Dugtrio | Ground | Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (30%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (60%) |
Durant | Anywhere | Intense Sun (40%) |
Excadrill | Ground | Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (30%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (60%) |
Farfetch'd (Sword) | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Frillish | Surfing | Snowstorm (15%) / Intense Sun (30%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (35%) / Sandstorm (40%) / Raining (45%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) |
Gloom | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (10%) |
Heatmor | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Helioptile | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Inkay | Surfing | Snowing (20%) |
Joltik | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (35%) |
Morelull | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Natu | Anywhere | Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Snowing (10%) |
Nickit | Anywhere | Normal Weather (5%) |
Palpitoad | Anywhere | Raining (35%) |
Pawniard | Anywhere | Snowstorm (50%) |
Pumpkaboo | Anywhere | Normal Weather (25%) |
Rhyhorn | Anywhere | Sandstorm (50%) |
Sawk (Sword) | Anywhere | Overcast (10%) |
Shellos | Surfing | Snowstorm (20%) / Snowing (30%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (65%) / Intense Sun (70%) |
Spritzee (Shield) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Swirlix | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Throh (Shield) | Anywhere | Overcast (10%) |
Tranquill | Flying/Anywhere | Flying: ALL Weather (60%) / Anywhere: Normal Weather (10%) / Sandstorm (15%) / Overcast (35%) / Intense Sun (45%) |
Vanillite | Surfing/Anywhere | Surfing: Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%) / Anywhere: Snowstorm (35%) / Snowing (50%) |
Wimpod | Anywhere | Raining (40%) |
Woobat | Anywhere | Normal Weather (35%) |
Yamper | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Applin | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Budew | Normal Weather (10%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (25%) |
Chinchou | Fishing (10%) |
Cubchoo | Snowing, Snowstorm (30%) |
Diggersby | Sandstorm (30%) |
Diglett | Intense Sun (30%) |
Dottler | Overcast, Raining (10%) / Normal Weather, Sandstorm (20%) |
Drednaw | Fishing (50%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (75%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (5%) |
Hippowdon | Sandstorm (30%) |
Impidimp | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Koffing | Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Raining (20%) / Normal Weather, Overcast (30%) |
Machop | ALL Weather (10%) |
Mareanie | Fishing (35%) |
Milcery | Heavy Fog (32%) |
Mimikyu | Heavy Fog (3%) |
Roselia | Overcast (20%) |
Shellos | Raining (30%) |
Skorupi | Thunderstorm (20%) / Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining (30%) |
Snover | Snowing, Snowstorm (20%) |
Swinub | Snowing, Snowstorm (30%) |
Torkoal | Intense Sun (10%) |
Dusty Bowl
14. Dusty Bowl
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Braviary (Sword) | Flying | ALL Weather (100%) |
Croagunk | Anywhere | Normal Weather (15%) / Overcast (60%) |
Cubchoo | Anywhere | Snowstorm (15%) / Snowing (50%) |
Delibird | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) |
Drilbur | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) / Sandstorm (35%) |
Duosion (Shield) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Duskull | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Electrike | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (50%) |
Frillish | Surfing | Snowstorm (15%) / Intense Sun (30%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (35%) / Sandstorm (40%) / Raining (45%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) |
Gothorita (Sword) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Growlithe | Anywhere | Intense Sun (30%) |
Hippopotas | Anywhere | Intense Sun (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) |
Hitmonchan | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Hitmonlee | Anywhere | Overcast (5%) |
Inkay | Surfing | Snowing (20%) |
Koffing | Anywhere | Raining (5%) / Normal Weather (35%) |
Mandibuzz (Shield) | Flying | ALL Weather (100%) |
Mawile (Sword) | Anywhere | Snowstorm (35%) |
Nickit | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) / Raining (10%) / Overcast, Thunderstorm (35%) / Normal Weather (50%) |
Palpitoad | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (15%) / Raining (35%) |
Sableye (Shield) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Scraggy | Anywhere | Normal Weather (15%) / Overcast (60%) |
Shellos | Surfing | Snowstorm (20%) / Snowing (30%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (65%) / Intense Sun (70%) |
Shuckle | Anywhere | Sandstorm (5%) |
Sneasel | Anywhere | Snowing (35%) |
Snover | Anywhere | Snowstorm (50%) |
Swinub | Anywhere | Snowstorm (35%) |
Togekiss | Flying | Heavy Fog (2%) |
Vanillish | Anywhere | Snowing (10%) |
Vanillite | Surfing | Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%) |
Vulpix | Anywhere | Intense Sun (30%) |
Wobbuffet | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (55%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Abomasnow | Snowing (30%) |
Applin | Normal Weather (10%) |
Barbaracle | Raining (30%) |
Barraskewda | Fishing (50%) |
Boltund | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Bronzong | Snowstorm (40%) |
Charjabug | Thunderstorm (20%) |
Coalossal | Intense Sun (2%) |
Corviknight | Snowing (20%) |
Drednaw | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Dubwool | Normal Weather (30%) |
Dugtrio | Sandstorm (40%) |
Eldegoss | Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Sandstorm (20%) / Overcast (30%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Ferrothorn | Snowstorm (10%) |
Gardevoir | Heavy Fog (5%) |
Gurdurr | Snowing (10%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (5%) |
Hattrem | Raining, Sandstorm (10%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Snowstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog (30%) |
Klang | Snowstorm (30%) |
Lanturn | Fishing (35%) |
Meowstic | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Mudsdale | Intense Sun (10%) |
Pelipper | Raining (40%) |
Piloswine | Snowing (40%) |
Qwilfish | Fishing (10%) |
Rhydon | Intense Sun (58%) |
Roselia | Overcast (10%) |
Skuntank | Overcast (40%) |
Stunfisk | Intense Sun (30%) |
Sudowoodo | Sandstorm (30%) |
Giant's Cap
15. Giant's Cap
- Watt Trader
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Blipbug | Anywhere | Normal Weather (35%) |
Boldore | Ground | ALL Weather (10%) |
Bunnelby | Anywhere | Sandstorm (50%) |
Carkol | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (40%) |
Chewtle | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (35%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (50%) |
Clefairy | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Croagunk (Shield) | Anywhere | Normal Weather (5%) / Overcast (35%) |
Diggersby | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (35%) |
Dottler | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm (35%) / Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Thunderstorm (50%) |
Drednaw | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (35%) / Raining (40%) |
Gloom | Anywhere | Raining (5%) / Overcast (10%) / Thunderstorm (35%) |
Gothita (Sword) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Gothorita (Sword) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (50%) |
Hoothoot | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (10%) |
Liepard | Anywhere | Normal Weather (10%) |
Linoone | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Raining (5%) / Snowing, Snowstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (35%) / Overcast (40%) |
Lunatone (Shield) | Ground | ALL Weather (100%) |
Manectric | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) |
Minccino | Anywhere | ALL Weather (10%) |
Noctowl | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Heavy Fog, Raining, Sandstorm (10%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Quagsire | Anywhere | Raining (35%) / Thunderstorm (40%) |
Rhyhorn | Ground | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (30%) / Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (60%) |
Riolu | Anywhere | Snowstorm (5%) |
Rolycoly | Ground | Raining, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (30%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Sandstorm (60%) |
Scraggy (Sword) | Anywhere | Normal Weather (5%) / Overcast (35%) |
Shuckle | Anywhere | Sandstorm (5%) |
Sneasel | Anywhere | Snowing (35%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Solosis | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (40%) |
Solrock (Sword) | Ground | ALL Weather (100%) |
Torkoal | Anywhere | Intense Sun (10%) |
Vanillite | Anywhere | Snowstorm (35%) / Snowing (40%) |
Wooper | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (10%) / Raining (35%) |
Zigzagoon | Anywhere | Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Overcast, Snowing, Thunderstorm (5%) / Normal Weather, Raining, Sandstorm (10%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Intense Sun (30%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (25%) |
Corphish | Fishing (10%) |
Delibird | Snowing, Snowstorm (20%) |
Dottler | Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (10%) / Raining (20%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather, Overcast (30%) |
Drilbur | Intense Sun (20%) / Sandstorm (30%) |
Dugtrio | Intense Sun (10%) |
Duskull | Heavy Fog (20%) |
Eldegoss | Heavy Fog, Raining (10%) / Normal Weather (20%) / Overcast (40%) |
Goldeen | Fishing (50%) |
Golett | Intense Sun, Sandstorm (40%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (75%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (5%) |
Joltik | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Karrablast | Overcast (10%) |
Krabby | Fishing (35%) |
Lombre (Shield) | Normal Weather (40%) |
Mudbray | Sandstorm (20%) |
Munna | Overcast (20%) / Heavy Fog (40%) |
Nuzleaf (Sword) | Normal Weather (40%) |
Palpitoad | Raining (40%) |
Pawniard | Snowstorm (30%) |
Shellos | Thunderstorm (20%) / Raining (30%) |
Shelmet | Overcast (10%) |
Snorunt | Snowing (30%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Snover | Snowing (40%) |
Stunky | Normal Weather (10%) |
Toxel | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Lake of Outrage
16. Lake of Outrage
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Abomasnow | Anywhere | Snowing (15%) |
Araquanid | Anywhere | Raining (25%) |
Barraskewda | Surfing | ALL Weather (5%) |
Beheeyem | Anywhere | Normal Weather (32%) |
Bergmite | Anywhere | Snowing (5%) |
Bisharp | Anywhere | Snowstorm (25%) |
Boldore | Anywhere | Sandstorm (30%) |
Braviary (Sword) | Anywhere | Normal Weather (25%) |
Copperajah | Anywhere | Snowstorm (2%) |
Ditto | Anywhere | ALL Weather (10%) |
Drakloak | Anywhere | Overcast, Raining (1%) / Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (2%) |
Drapion | Anywhere | Overcast (24%) |
Durant | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Excadrill | Anywhere | Sandstorm (35%) |
Flygon | Anywhere | Intense Sun (1%) |
Galvantula | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (30%) |
Garbodor | Anywhere | Overcast (30%) |
Glalie | Anywhere | Snowing (25%) |
Golisopod | Anywhere | Raining (12%) |
Golurk | Anywhere | Snowstorm (13%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Normal Weather, Overcast, Raining, Snowing, Thunderstorm (20%) / Sandstorm (23%) |
Gothitelle (Sword) | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (13%) |
Hatterene | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Haxorus | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (5%) |
Heatmor | Anywhere | Intense Sun (5%) |
Hitmontop | Anywhere | Overcast (2%) |
Klinklang | Anywhere | Snowstorm (30%) |
Lampent | Anywhere | Intense Sun (14%) |
Mantine | Surfing | Snowstorm (10%) / Snowing (15%) / Intense Sun (25%) / Normal Weather, Thunderstorm (30%) / Sandstorm (35%) / Raining (40%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (45%) |
Mantyke | Surfing | Snowstorm (20%) / Snowing (30%) / Heavy Fog, Overcast (50%) / Raining (55%) / Sandstorm (60%) / Normal Weather (65%) / Intense Sun (70%) |
Morpeko | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (4%) |
Ninetales | Anywhere | Intense Sun (25%) |
Noivern | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (27%) |
Rotom | Anywhere | Raining, Thunderstorm (2%) |
Seismitoad | Anywhere | Raining (30%) |
Sigilyph | Anywhere | Normal Weather (13%) |
Vanillite | Surfing | Snowing (50%) / Snowstorm (65%) |
Vanilluxe | Anywhere | Snowstorm (20%) / Snowing (25%) |
Weezing | Anywhere | Overcast (13%) |
Wobbuffet | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (30%) |
Zweilous (2%) | Anywhere | Sandstorm (2%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Barbaracle | Raining (2%) |
Barraskewda | Fishing (50%) |
Bewear | Normal Weather (20%) |
Boltund | Thunderstorm (35%) |
Bronzong | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (5%) |
Claydol | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Coalossal | Intense Sun (25%) |
Corviknight | Intense Sun, Overcast, Raining, Sandstorm, Snowing, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (20%) / Heavy Fog (23%) / Normal Weather (40%) |
Cramorant | Raining (25%) |
Deino (Sword) | Raining (2%) |
Ditto | Normal Weather (2%) |
Doublade | Snowstorm (25%) |
Drampa (Shield) | Thunderstorm (2%) |
Drednaw | Thunderstorm (23%) |
Dreepy | Overcast (1%) / Heavy Fog, Thunderstorm (2%) |
Dugtrio | Sandstorm (40%) |
Duraludon | Snowstorm (2%) |
Eiscue (Shield) | Snowing (2%) / Snowstorm (5%) |
Falinks | Overcast (6%) |
Gardevoir | Heavy Fog (1%) |
Goomy (Shield) | Raining (2%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (95%) |
Grimmsnarl | Overcast (25%) |
Gyarados | Fishing (5%) |
Hakamo-o (Sword) | Thunderstorm (N/A) |
Hippowdon | Sandstorm (25%) |
Indeedee | Heavy Fog (14%) |
Jangmo-o (Sword) | Intense Sun, Overcast (N/A) |
Jellicent | Thunderstorm (16%) |
Lanturn | Fishing (35%) |
Larvitar | Intense Sun, Overcast (5%) |
Mr. Mime | Snowing (13%) |
Obstagoon | Sandstorm, Snowing (2%) / Normal Weather (25%) |
Orbeetle | Normal Weather (13%) |
Pangoro | Overcast (10%) |
Pelipper | Raining (38%) |
Perrserker | Snowstorm (40%) |
Piloswine | Snowing (25%) |
Pupitar (Shield) | Sandstorm (2%) |
Quagsire | Raining (13%) |
Qwilfish | Fishing (10%) |
Rhydon | Intense Sun (33%) |
Sandaconda | Intense Sun (13%) |
Skuntank | Overcast (33%) |
Sliggoo (Shield) | Thunderstorm (2%) |
Snom | Snowing (40%) |
Stonjourner (Sword) | Intense Sun (2%) / Sandstorm (5%) |
Stunfisk | Sandstorm (10%) |
Togedemaru | Snowstorm (13%) |
Turtonator (Sword) | Intense Sun (2%) |
Zweilous (Sword) | Thunderstorm (2%) |
Hammerlocke Hills
17. Hammerlocke Hills
- Ingredients Seller
- Watt Trader
Pokemon (Overworld):
Pokemon | Area | Weather (Rarity %) |
Axew | Anywhere | Sandstorm (2%) |
Corvisquire | Flying | ALL Weather (40%) |
Cubchoo | Anywhere | Snowing (40%) |
Gastly | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Honedge | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (44%) |
Machoke | Anywhere | Normal Weather, Snowstorm, Thunderstorm (5%) / Intense Sun (10%) / Overcast, Raining (15%) / Sandstorm (35%) |
Maractus | Anywhere | Intense Sun (35%) |
Morelull | Anywhere | Heavy Fog (35%) |
Palpitoad | Anywhere | Raining (45%) |
Pumpkaboo | Anywhere | ALL Weather (5%) |
Sneasel | Anywhere | Snowing (10%) / Snowstorm (40%) |
Snorunt | Anywhere | Snowing, Snowstorm (35%) |
Stufful | Anywhere | Normal Weather (30%) / Overcast (45%) |
Sudowoodo | Anywhere | Normal Weather (10%) / Intense Sun, Sandstorm (40%) |
Trapinch | Anywhere | Sandstorm (2%) |
Unfezant | Flying | ALL Weather (60%) |
Wimpod | Anywhere | Thunderstorm (35%) |
Wobbuffet | Anywhere | Intense Sun, Snowing (5%) / Snowstorm (10%) / Sandstorm (13%) / Thunderstorm (24%) / Overcast, Raining (29%) / Normal Weather (45%) |
Pokemon (Non-Overworld):
Pokemon | Weather (Rarity %) |
Baltoy | Intense Sun (25%) |
Charjabug | Thunderstorm (25%) |
Cherubi | Shaking Trees (25%) |
Corvisquire | Normal Weather (15%) |
Delibird | Snowing (15%) |
Drilbur | Sandstorm (15%) |
Dubwool | Normal Weather (10%) |
Dugtrio | Sandstorm (40%) |
Dwebble | Sandstorm (25%) |
Espurr | Intense Sun, Overcast, Sandstorm, Snowing, Thunderstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Normal Weather (40%) |
Greedent | Shaking Trees (75%) |
Growlithe | Intense Sun (40%) |
Hatenna | Heavy Fog (25%) |
Hawlucha | Overcast (5%) |
Honedge | Snowstorm (15%) |
Impidimp | Heavy Fog (10%) |
Inkay | Snowstorm (10%) / Heavy Fog, Intense Sun, Raining (15%) / Normal Weather, Snowing (25%) / Overcast (35%) |
Karrablast | Thunderstorm (15%) / Raining (30%) |
Klink | ALL Weather (10%) |
Machoke | Overcast (25%) |
Pelipper | Raining (40%) |
Shelmet | Raining (5%) / Thunderstorm (15%) |
Snorunt | Snowstorm (40%) |
Swinub | Snowing (40%) |
Thievul | Overcast (15%) |
Toxel | Thunderstorm (40%) |
Vanillite | Snowstorm (25%) |
Vulpix | Intense Sun (40%) |
Looking for something new to play? Nintendo revealed that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will launch in 2022, just months after the release of Pokemon Legends Arceus.
Pokemon Sword and Shield review | Pokemon Sword and Shield walkthrough | Pokemon Sword and Shield tips | Pokemon Sword and Shield differences | Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex | Pokemon Sword and Shield starters | Pokemon Sword and Shield gym leaders | Pokemon Sword and Shield camping | Pokemon Sword and Shield fossils | Best Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield | Pokemon Sword and Shield type chart | Pokemon Sword and Shield Poke Jobs | Pokemon Sword and Shield Battle Tower | Pokemon Sword and Shield glowing Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield Mystery Gift codes | Gigantamax Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations | Pokemon Sword and Shield legendaries | Pokemon Sword and Shield shiny hunting | Pokemon Sword and Shield evolution items | Pokemon Sword and Shield rare Pokemon
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Give me a game and I will write every "how to" I possibly can or die trying. When I'm not knee-deep in a game to write guides on, you'll find me hurtling round the track in F1, flinging balls on my phone in Pokemon Go, pretending to know what I'm doing in Football Manager, or clicking on heads in Valorant.
- Josh WestEditor-in-Chief, GamesRadar+