Publisher Blizzard willing to trade real-world sword for fan fiction

Get out your pencils fair readers, it’s about time to finally script that 4,500 word piece of literature about what would really happen if Pikachu was thrust into the world of Warcraft. Okay, thrust probably wasn’t the best choice of words for a piece about fan fiction – there’s some truly deviant stuff out there – but if you’ve got a bit of extra time on your hands and some notable writing skills you could enter theBlizzard Global Writing Contest. And to make it worth your while, publisher Blizzard is crafting a massive grand prize: the winner will travel to Blizzard HQ, where they’ll get a tour, meet the writing staff, and walk away with either a collectiblediorama or ahuge freakin’ sword. That’s… not a tough call for us.

Above: Honestly, who’s going to want even the most epic statue instead of a replica Frostmourne? That’s like saying “you can have new socks or a pet dragon – your call”

Submissions must be between 2,500 and 7,500 words and set in the Diablo, Starcraft or Warcraft universe. So there you have it, even if you aren’t a huge fan of Blizzard’s games you could still do some cursory research, spout off 2,500 words and you may win an awkward dinner with the staff of Blizzard and the blade of a goddamn Lich King.

Jul 6, 2010