Check out the priceless lots you can bid for in this year's David Gemmell Legend Awards auction!
The David Gemmell Legend Awards return for a fourth year on Friday 15 June. The awards, commemorating the legacy of the great author, are a prestigious affair rewarding excellence in the popular fantasy genre, and are voted for by readers. As ever there will be a charity auction, with the proceeds going towards supporting the DGLA in the future.
No need to worry if you aren't attending the glittering ceremony at the London Magic Circle headquarters because you can also bid for some of these fantastic lots via email . Some of these lots truly are priceless and with bids starting at just £20, any fantasy fan should fall on them like Druss on a Nadir invader :
1/ Would-be writers will want to give the first lot a look – having 10,000 words of your manuscript, submission letter and synopsis edited by Gollancz's exceptional Gillian Redfearn .
2/ There's a one-of-a-kind pewter tankard with a set of six new-look Drenai novels on offered in the second lot. Kindly donated by Orbit .
3/ An original pencil sketch of the cover for The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie. Kindly donated Didier Graffet .
4/ A rare "publisher copy" of the limited Railsea by China Mieville. There are only ten of its kind and are not normally for sale, so this is a true collector's item. Kindly donated by Tor .
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5/ In the fifth lot there's a print of the extended artwork for the cover of Oracle's Fire which has also been signed and kindly donated by Frank Victoria .
6/ There's also a signed, mounted and framed print of The Snow Tree with a signed, velour-bound limited edition of Gothic Fantasies , both kindly donated by Anne Sudworth .
7/ Terry Brooks is releasing the first book of his new series – The Dark Legacy Of Shannara – in 2014 and is auctioning off a character name in the new novel!
8/ There's a gaming goody-bag on offer in lot eight featuring Gears Of War 3 and two t-shirts, a Gears Of War 2 collectible Kantus figure, a Mass Effect Normandy Ship replica as well as a complete set of Orbit Gears and Mass Effect novels. Kindly donated by Orbit , Epic Games and BioWare .
9/ Every author, artist and genre big-wig attending the award ceremony will be signing a lawn sign which is up for grabs in lot nine – the perfect souvenir of the event.
10/ In the final lot, a Star Wars moleskin containing the signatures of over 40 authors is on offer. Includes such big names as Brent Weeks, Robin Hobb and Peter Brett plus many, many more.
For more information, visit or email Christine Harrison . If you are attending the ceremony on Friday, make sure you aim your best smiles at SFX 's photographer who'll be on hand to record the event. And remember, bookworms, that next issue ( SFX 225 on sale in July) will see the start of 2012's Summer Of SF Reading.
Thanks to Carl Anka and Anna Gregson.
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