Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Cheats
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando FAQs
Submitted by Liam Christopher James McCann
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Hints
PS2 | Submitted by The GTA kidEvolve The "Sheepinator" Easily
The simplest way to evolve the Sheepinator is to go to the first battle arena. Choose any challenge (excluding the just Chainblade and B2 Brawler ones) and just start morphing away. In time, it'll evolve
PS2 | Submitted by Judea11 a.k.a. SarkarEasiest way to defeat Giant PROTOTPET
To defeat the giant protopet the easiest way is to get the lava gun. Then you upgrade it to a meteor gun. When you are able to buy mods for guns you buy the acid mod for the meteor gun. (the 1st place you can buy mods is in the place I think is the place where you get the grind boots and slingshot and you are about to fight the guy in the airplane)
To find the mod thing is when you going to fight the guy in the airplane after you save Clank. Once you get to the part where you're able to go up an elevator and you have the grind boots. You see a grinding thing you have to use the slingshot and grind the rails all the way to the cognito guy and you can buys mods but you need plaitnum bolts to buy. Now you know where to get that you are able to fight the protopet(which is the last mission). You get to it and fight it with your 200 ammo meteor gun with an attached acid mod.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSkill Point Rewards
Collect the following number of skill points to get the item indicates
Points Needed Reward
5 Ratchet has Big Head
7 Ratchet has Rux Skin
10 Clank with Big Head
12 Mirror Levels
15 Big Heads for NPC's
20 Clown Suit
25 Big Heads
30 Beach Boy
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Glitches
PS2 | Submitted by candyman123How to Scale Walls
Wall Faces
First, set the view for first-person mode. Then run toward a wall, but don't run into it. Right before you touch the wall double jump toward the wall and then start pressing square repeatedly when you touch it (press kind of fast,but not too fast or you might fall). This process may need some practice and may only work on some wall faces. And possibly only on a few Going Commando games. This glitch really helps if u wanna get to the museum without waiting for the right time. And those who have been to the museum can climb that huge pink structure thing. And much more.
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Unlockables
PS2 | Submitted by Ratchet the DemonMega Weapons and Random Stuff Menu
Complete the game and select the 'challenge mode' option after you have defeated the mutant protopet. It will start the game again but with all of your current bolts and weapons. If you have upgraded any of your weapons you will be able to by the mega version of it. These are far more powerful than the original but will cost a lot. To unlock the random stuff menu simply complete the game.
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando Cheats
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSecret Level
There is a secret level in Ratchet and Clank going commando that is the insomniac museum to get there you need to beat the game go to planet boldan go up the left when you get to a fork in the road there's a fountain go on top of it there should be a telaporter there use it and you will get to the insomniac museum or if u are up at 3:00 a.m and happen to be on planet bolden the telaporter should be there but remember only 3:00 a.m but it might be p.m
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFree Hoverbike Boost
At the beginning of any hoverbike race you can get an extra boost of speed to get an early lead. As soon as the light hits green push and hold R1 and then push X a split-second later. It takes a while to get the timing right but it does work.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarDeep Space Disposal Hint
At Hrugis Cloud-Deep Space Disposal, After Mr. Fizzwidget gives you the wrong password, six hovering turrets start attacking your ship, and you must destroy them. If you destroy one, repair droids will appear and fix it. Since this can be a problem, a hint is to NOT destroy them. When you attack them, DON'T use missiles, but your machinegun-like weapon(X-button). Damage them enough, and blue stuff is expelled from it. This is a sign that you can move on without worrying about those annoying droids. Once all turrets are expelling blue stuff, move in for the kill with your missiles. Do this, and the repair droids won't have a chance to fix the turrets
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUpgrade For Wrench
On the first planet if you go to towards the end there is a steep ledge, if you have gravity boots walk it and you will go down a sewer pipe. Then you will have to face a huge snail (use the lava gun or meteor gun), defeat him and you will get a special upgrade for your wrench.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Way to Beat Thief
This boss battle is really easy. After you beat the thief on top of the trucks, you fight her on a platform where she send out multiple enemies and turrets. Use the Mini-turret Glove multiple times. When they run out, keep adding more. If you do this right, you should beat her in a minute or two.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarKill Easier Kills and Skill Point on Endkando
At Endkando I don't know how to spell it bur that one were clank is after you activate a crane pick up a laser-spinner-thingi-maggig with the crane and kill all the other bots and...
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHovercraft-Vehicle
When you have gravity-boots you can go to Tabora (big desert level) or Grelbin (snow desert level) and find a platform, select your gravity-boots and walk up the platform then you will see an hovercraft-vehicle. On Grelbin you can find the hovercraft next to Angela's house (You know, the girl).
PS2 | Submitted by RobertPlatinum Bolt
On planet Siberius {Tractor Beam needed} go all of the way to the first elevator. To the right will be a platform use the tractor beam to move it on to the elevator, get it off of the elevator and put it at the edge that you came from. Get on it, jump on the platform above you and then jump to where the robots that shoot fireballs jumped down from earlier.
PS2 | Submitted by TonyDefeat the Megapede
When defeating the megapede as soon as he comes out use the ryno2 and hold down the circle button. aiso use the ryno2 to get heaps of bolts on challenge mode
Ok. Go to the second planet and when you get off the ship go down the path. There will be a guy waiting so chuck something at it. Take a left, on your right there will be some slot machines. Hit them with your wrench. They will give you bolts, Nanotech, and one will give you a stat point.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarLots of cash
go to the "chi" dude and give him lots of whatever he wants. (moonstones work best) and he'll give you lots of cash!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Snow Skin
Finish all 60 levels in Impossible Challenge in the Arena
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSkill points
On the planet Oozla you can shoot 4 pterodactyls to get a skill point. you can also break the planet statue on the Megaopolis level or you can make all the rockets blast off to get another on the Megacorp Armory on planet Todano.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Money
On the second planet, the space station, there are light posts all over the place, just break them and you get 14 bolts each time.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet More Bolts
In the second planet it's a space station if you can complete the battle arena you can get the next planet and you will earn a lot of bolts
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarInsomniac Museum: The Secret Planet
To get to the Insomniac Museum, these are the simple steps. First set your PS2 clock to 2:55 A.M. Then quickly go to the planet Siver City Boldan, go to the place where it has two stairways, go through the left starway, you will see a dry fountain there. Go on top of the fountain and you will be standing on a teleported. Stand there until your PS2 clock goes to 3:00 A.M. and when it does, your screen will say, ENTER INSOMNIAC MUSEUM. There you see all the gadgets and monsters was going to be in Ratchet & Clank 1 and 2, but eventually got cut off.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Way To Beat The Mutant Protopet
First of all, build up 1,000,000 bolts. Then, go to planet Barlow, if you've already been to the Gadget Ron shop, you can use the elevator by your ship, if not, you'll have to fight your way there. Once your there, purchase the RYNO II. Then, once you get to planet Yeedil make your way to the Mutant Protopet. Use your swingshot to get to the last boss. First, it'll start rolling at you, stretch jump out of the way, keep doing that until it stops. At that moment, equip the RYNO II, target it, and hold the circle button. Your foe will be vanquished after about 5 seconds of blasting.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSecret Boss
Go to the first plant (planet Oozla). Go to the Megacorp sales place, (not the place where you buy the tractor beam). Go to the ramp and use the gravity boots and walk to the top of the ramp, there will be a weapon shop. Reload all your weapons and go down the shoot. When you beat the boss, you get a box breaker. To use it, press X then square and then all the boxes around you will break!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarWeapon Upgrades
On Megapolis when you get out of your ship turn right and follow that path round when you have defeated that boss right at the end of the road go into that teleport thingy and teleport then you will be at clanks house go inside and you will find a swingshot and some grind boots go out of the house the back way and use your swingshot to get to a teleport thing then teleport and you will be near your ship then go round the path again and you will see a swingshot half way round then swing to it and then grind along with your grindboots when you get to the end you will find a button press it and a ship comes down and you can buy weapon upgrades with platinum bolts.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBeating Final Boss
Use Kilonoid, Sheild charger, and Heavy Bounce. when you run out of heavy bouncers use Rino 2 if you have it. If you don't have the Rino 2 just use the Mega Rocket Cannon something like that.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarPulse Rifle Upgrade
In Planet Gasper when your ship lands, look around the edge you will see a ledge. If you follow it it will lead to a gold bolt. You have to fly over to it as far as you can go, the lava (make sure you have 3 or more health circles) will bounce you the rest of the way.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Boxbreaker
When you have your magnet boots, go to planet Oozla and go into the megacorp store and find and wall you can climb up on and there will be a tunnel and in side there is a boss. he's really strong. so use your strongest guns. when you beat him, you will get the box breaker. the box breaker breaks lights, and boxes to get extra bolts.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet a Bunch of Rareritanium
First you need the Gravity Boots then go to the planet where the chi person needs all the crystals then go to left side of the desert then you'll see a metal thing you need to walk on with the Gravity Boots you'll see a ship go in it and when it says drill hold down the square button until that meter is full and you'll get Rareritanium i think there is twenty of them but save it up to buy the Nuke at that ship place.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet to a Museum
On the planet with the static grindind rails when you're at the seventh rail jump with your jet pack to the left once you get on land go to the left and you will sink in to the ground then move to the right then jump up and you will be at the museum.
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