Red Faction: Guerrilla cheats
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Connor Houseman
Infinite Health
Pause Menu
Press (LT+RT+XY+XY)And By Then You Should Have Infinite Health
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by Cody
Go to the options menu and then find "extras" and select enter code to input the following code.
MAPMAYHEM - Bonus Multiplayer Map Pack Featuring Four Maps
HARDHITTER - Unlocks golden sledgehammer for single player use
PS3 | Submitted by Steve Aioki
Demons Of The Badlands DLC Trophies
A Greater Purpose (Silver) - Complete Redemption.
Ares’ Bloodlust (Bronze) - Destroy the 4 Marauder War Totems.
Bound in Blood (Bronze) - Complete Rescue.
Deliverance Defender (Silver) - Complete Marauder Actions.
Family Vengeance (Silver) - Complete Retribution.
Mobile Bombs (Bronze) - Destroy 100 EDF vehicles.
Purge the Valley (Bronze) - Break the EDF Control of the Mariner Valley.
Structural Integrity (Bronze) - Destroy all Medium and High Priority Targets in Mariner Valley.
The Power of One (Bronze) - Collect 75 Marauder Power Cells.
Tumbling Down (Bronze) - Beat all Pro times in Mariner Valley Demo Masters and Transporters.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Peas
Bonus Exp Events
Air Strike (13000) - Kill an enemy while in the air
Assist (150) - Damage an enemy, a teammate then kills
Back Off (6600) - Kill an enemy who is melee attacking at close range
Backfire (7800) - Kill an enemy with their own explosive
Backwhat? (3200) - Kill an enemy that is wearing a backpack while you are not wearing one
BBQ (17500) - Hit 3 enemies simultaneously with the Arc Welder
Beat Down (1600) - Kill an enemy with a melee attack
Blast (11500) - Kill an enemy with an explosive barrel or tank
Blindside (18750) - Kill an enemy from behind
Bullseye (7200) - Kill an enemy with a direct rocket hit
Camper (52000) - Kill an enemy while standing still
Charge (8750) - Rhino charge through a wall and kill an enemy
Crush (1500) - Kill an enemy with building debris
Death By Boundary (4100) - Knock an enemy out of the level boundaries
Death from Above (2150) - Kill an enemy by thrusting down
Death from Below (29000) - Kill an enemy by thrusting up
Doppleganger (38000) - Kill an enemy that has the same backpack you do
Dust Bunny (15500) - Kill an enemy who is in mid-jump
Flagman (12200) - Kill an enemy with their team flag
Full Control (5400) - Fully repair a target
Ghost Kill (7000) - Kill a stealthed Enemy
Good Timing (16500) - Use the Rhino or Thrust pack to survive an attack
Hail Mary (10900) - Kill an enemy from far away without using a gun
Headshot Kill (4500) - Kill an enemy with a headshot
Heal Teammate (325) - Restore at least half of a teammate's health
Interceptor (10600) - Kill a ragdolling enemy in mid-air
Knockdown (3650) - Knock down multiple enemies simultaneously with the concussion pack
Lined Up (33000) - Hit 2 or more enemies with one Rail Driver shot
Mega Kill (5800) - Kill multiple enemies within 3 seconds
No Problem (56000) - Kill an enemy while at full health
Pack Hunter (550) - Be near a teammate when they kill an enemy
Payback (20250) - Exact revenge within 15 seconds of respawning
Power Trip (9500) - With Firepower active, kill an enemy with a melee weapon
Rainbow Wars (31000) - Kill an enemy that is using the Heal Pack
Remote Save (2300) - Kill an enemy before they can detonate a remote charge stuck to you or a teammate
Rescue Kill (700) - Kill an enemy near a teammate that has been knocked down
Shake it Up (14200) - Kill an enemy while your Tremor pack is activated
Sharpshooter (24000) - Shoot and kill an enemy from far away
Sleeper Kill (27000) - Kill a fallen enemy with a melee attack
Streak Stopper (1800) - Kill an enemy who is unstoppable
Stuck (4400) - Detonate a remote charge stuck to an enemy
Survivor (2600) - Recover to full health after nearly dying
Synchronized Kill (900) - Kill an enemy at the same time a nearby teammate does
Unstopable (3050) - Kill 5 or more enemies in a row
Vendetta (1200) - Kill an enemy who recently killed a teammate
Vertigo (48000) - Kill an enemy above or below you
Who's #1 (5000) - Kill the enemy with the highest number of kills
X-Ray (22500) - Kill an enemy through a wall with the Rail Driver
You're doing it wrong! (8250) - Kill an enemy with the Reconstructor
Zombie Kill (44000) - Kill an enemy from beyond the grave
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by Kyle The Multiplayer
Multiplayer Challenges
1 Life: 10 Kills - 1 Weapon - Kill 10 people with the same weapon in one life.
1 Life: 15 Bonuses - Get 15 different bonuses in one life.
1 Life: 25 Bonus XP - Gain 25 bonus XP in one life.
1 Life: 5 XP - 5 Backpacks - Get 5 XP with 5 different backpacks in one life.
1 Life: 50 XP - Gain 50 core or bonus XP in one life.
1 Life: Kill - 5 Weapons - Kill 5 people with 5 different weapons in one life.
10 Kills - Every Weapon - Kill ten players with each individual weapon.
10 Wins - Every Game Type - Win 10 matches in every gametype.
100 Wins - Win 100 matches. (Mode does not matter)
100 XP - Every Backpack - Gain 100 XP with each individual backpack.
100 XP - Every Weapon - Gain 100 XP with each individual weapon.
1000 Kills - 1 Weapon - Kill 1000 players with one weapon.
5 XP - Every Bonus Event - Gain 5 XP with each bonus event.
500 XP - 1 Bonus Event - Gain 500 XP with one bonus event. (Ex. Assist)
5000 XP - 1 Backpack - Gain 5000 XP with one backpack. (Ex. Rhino)
5000 XP - 1 Weapon - Gain 5000 XP with one weapon. (Ex. Assault Rifle)
Xbox 360 | Submitted by dave
Insane Difficulty
Beat the campaign on any difficulty to unlock insane difficulty
PS3 | Submitted by MIKEman2020
Unlock Cheats
Tho unlock these cheats you must get certain achievements or trophies. NOTE: when cheats are enabled you cannot gain trophies or achievements, and you also can't save.
Cool Turrets (Turrets Don't Overheat) - Get the Tank Buster trophy (Blow up 100 small hydrogen canisters)
Max Morale (Max Morale in all Sectors) - Get the Don't Tread on Me trophy ( Liberate Oasis Sector)
Max Technology (EDF, Guerillas, and Marauders receive superior weapons and armor) - Get the Red Dawn trophy (Liberate Mars)
No Green Alert (Alert Status Never at Green) - Get the One Man Army trophy (Get 25 killing sprees during campaign)
Super Debris (Explosion and Collision Damage Greatly Increased) - Get the Coming Down! trophy (Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings)
Super Hammer (Increase Hammer Damage) - Get the Best Friends Forever trophy (100 kills with the sledgehammer during campaign)
Super Sprinting (Sprint speed increased by 50%) - Get the Working The Land trophy (Mine all ore locations)
Super Toughness (Increased Physical Resistance) - Get the Clean and Righteous! trophy (Destroy 5 High Importance Targets)
Unlimited Ammo (Unlimited ammo for all weapons) - Get the Freed Space trophy (Destroy 50 EDF flyers)
PS3 | Submitted by yogi
Insane Difficulty
Complete the campaign to unlock Insane mode.
Xbox 360, PC | Submitted by seth
Unlockable Cheats
Cool Turrets: Turrets do not overheat - Unlocked via the Tank Buster achievement
Free Upgrade: Upgrades at the safehouse are free - Unlocked via the Freedom Fighter achievement
Max Morale: Max morale in all sectors - Unlocked via the Don't Tread on Me achievement
Max Technology: EDF/Guerilla/Marauder always have best armor and weapons - Unlocked via the Red Dawn achievement
No Green Alert - Unlocked via the One Man Army achievement
Super Debris: All explosive damage and damage from collisions is tripled - Unlocked via the Coming Down achievement
Super Hammer: Makes your sledgehammer super strong - Unlocked via the Best Friends Forever achievement
Super Sprinting: Player runs at 1.5x normal speed while sprinting - Unlocked via the Working The Land achievment
Unlimited Ammo: Infinite ammo for all weapons - Unlocked via the Freed Space achievement
Xbox 360, PC | Submitted by Lolly
A Winner is You! (20) - Win 250 matchmaking games.
Battle Scarred (25) - Earn 10,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Best Friends Forever (10) - Kill 100 EDF with the sledgehammer during the Campaign.
Broken Supply Line (10) - Destroy 250 EDF supply crates.
Can't Get Enough (20) - Play every mode on all maps in Wrecking Crew.
Check Your Map (10) - Finish a match on every map in Multiplayer.
Clean and Righteous! (15) - Destroy 5 High Importance targets.
Coming Down! (10) - Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings.
Coup D'etat (50) - Liberate Eos Sector.
Courier of Pain (20) - Score 5,000 kills in Multiplayer.
Death From Above (20) - Liberate Dust Sector.
Detective (20) - Complete 8 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Disaster Area (50) - Destroy 1 billion credits worth of EDF property.
Doing Your Part (10) - Kill 10 enemies in a Matchmaking Match.
Don't Tread On Me (40) - Liberate Oasis Sector.
Doozer (5) - Reconstruct a Damage Control target.
Experimenter (10) - Complete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Field Tested (10) - Earn 1,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Free Your Mind (25) - Destroy all instances of propaganda.
Freed Space (10) - Destroy 50 EDF flyers.
Freedom Fighter (15) - Complete 50 Guerrilla Actions.
Friendly Skies (30) - Liberate Badlands Sector.
Got Any Fingers Left? (15) - Beat all Pro times in Demolitions Master.
Grab Some Popcorn (5) - Enter Spectator mode and enjoy the show!
Guerrilla (10) - Complete 25 Guerrilla Actions.
Insurgent (5) - Complete 5 Guerrilla Actions.
Jack of all Trades (10) - Score 10 kills while wearing each backpack.
Juggernaut (5) - Destroy a Siege target.
Just the Beginning (5) - Win a Matchmaking match.
Lost Memories (25) - Locate all missing radio tags.
Mad Genius (40) - Complete 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Martian Tea Party (10) - Complete 2 missions for the Red Faction.
One Man Army (25) - Complete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign.
Party Time (10) - Play all Wrecking Crew modes once.
Power to the People (10) - Raise the Morale of 3 sectors to 100%.
Red Dawn (100) - Liberate Mars.
Red Faction Member (50) - Play online with another player who has completed the Campaign.
Revolutionary (25) - Complete all Guerrilla Actions.
Spread the Word (10) - Liberate Parker Sector.
Start of Something Special (5) - Play 5 Matchmaking matches.
Tank Buster (10) - Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks.
The High and Mighty (10) - Kill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them.
Tools of the Trade (10) - Score a kill with every weapon in Multiplayer.
Topher Would Be Proud (20) - Play 250 matchmaking games.
Try Anything Once (10) - Finish a match in every mode.
War Veteran (50) - Earn 100,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Warp Speed (15) - Beat all Transporter Pro times.
Welcoming Committee (10) - Complete the Tutorial mission.
Working the Land (25) - Mine all ore locations.
Wrecking Ball (40) - Score 25 million points worth of destruction in Wrecking Crew.
PS3 | Submitted by Loyd
A Winner is You! (Bronze) - Win 250 matchmaking games.
Battle Scarred (Bronze) - Earn 10,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Best Friends Forever (Silver) - Kill 100 EDF with the sledgehammer during the Campaign.
Broken Supply Line (Bronze) - Destroy 250 EDF supply crates.
Can’t Get Enough (Bronze) - Play every mode on all maps in Wrecking Crew.
Check Your Map (Bronze) - Finish a match on every map in Multiplayer.
Clean and Righteous! (Bronze) - Destroy 5 High Importance targets.
Coming Down! (Bronze) - Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings.
Coup D’etat (Bronze) - Liberate Eos Sector.
Courier of Pain (Bronze) - Score 5,000 kills in Multiplayer.
Death From Above (Bronze) - Liberate Dust Sector.
Detective (Bronze) - Complete 8 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Disaster Area (Silver) - Destroy 1 billion credits worth of EDF property.
Doing Your Part (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies in a Matchmaking Match.
Don’t Tread On Me (Bronze) - Liberate Oasis Sector.
Doozer (Bronze) - Reconstruct a Damage Control target.
Experimenter (Bronze) - Complete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Field Tested (Bronze) - Earn 1,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Free Your Mind (Bronze) - Destroy all instances of propaganda.
Freed Space (Bronze) - Destroy 50 EDF flyers.
Freedom Fighter (Bronze) - Complete 50 Guerrilla Actions.
Friendly Skies (Bronze) - Liberate Badlands Sector.
Got Any Fingers Left? (Bronze) - Beat all Pro times in Demolitions Master.
Grab Some Popcorn (Bronze) - Enter Spectator mode and enjoy the show!
Guerrilla (Bronze) - Complete 25 Guerrilla Actions.
Insurgent (Bronze) - Complete 5 Guerrilla Actions.
Jack of all Trades (Bronze) - Score 10 kills while wearing each backpack.
Juggernaut (Bronze) - Destroy a Siege target.
Just the Beginning (Bronze) - Win a Matchmaking match.
Lost Memories (Bronze) - Locate all missing radio tags.
Mad Genius (Silver) - Complete 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer.
Martian Tea Party (Silver) - Complete 2 missions for the Red Faction.
One Man Army (Bronze) - Complete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign.
Party Time (Bronze) - Play all Wrecking Crew modes once.
Power to the People (Bronze) - Raise the Morale of 3 sectors to 100%.
Red Dawn (Gold) - Liberate Mars.
Red Faction Member (Gold) - Play online with another player who has completed the Campaign.
Red Faction: Guerrilla (Platinum) - Unlock all Trophies in Red Faction: Guerrilla
Revolutionary (Silver) - Complete all Guerrilla Actions.
Spread the Word (Bronze) - Liberate Parker Sector.
Start of Something Special (Bronze) - Play 5 Matchmaking matches.
Tank Buster (Bronze) - Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks.
The High and Mighty (Bronze) - Kill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them.
Tools of the Trade (Bronze) - Score a kill with every weapon in Multiplayer.
Topher Would Be Proud (Bronze) - Play 250 matchmaking games.
Try Anything Once (Bronze) - Finish a match in every mode.
War Veteran (Gold) - Earn 100,000 XP in Multiplayer.
Warp Speed (Bronze) - Beat all Transporter Pro times.
Welcoming Committee (Bronze) - Complete the Tutorial mission.
Working the Land (Bronze) - Mine all ore locations.
Wrecking Ball (Bronze) - Score 25 million points worth of destruction in Wrecking Crew.
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by ghost3305
Radio Tag Locations
Having a hard time locating those pesky radio tags? Once you purchase the satellite locator upgrade (available at any safehouse. purchase with recovered salvage), grab a vehicle and start driving around. When you get within range of a radio tag, a small, pulsing green dot will appear on your map. Follow the map and the green dot indicates the location of a missing tag. Some of the tags are in tricky locations to reach, so your best bet is to use one of the dune-buggy type vehicles and drive to the dot. Then get out on foot and sprint, jump, and climb you way to the missing tag.
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by sharkman15
Free Walker Respawn Area
First make sure you have unlocked EOS secter. next on the EOS loading screen you should see a screen on it that looks like unfinished smoke stacks. Go there. if you don't know where that is it is the place on the map with the to collateral damages and the demolition master at it. if it does not appear that is ok because it takes a while to spawn. it spawns next to the collateral damage closest to the demolition master. they come in red blue and yellow.
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by hay yay
Shaundi From Saints Row 2 (Radio Tag)
(Spoiler Alert) If you start at the safe house behind the irradiated zone, then go south to the cliff and follow west till you get to two flashing green lights on radar (which is on the cliff and helps if you radiation armor and a jetpack). one is shaundi tag and the other is some else.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Nate D/ Mattbaker32
The first level: Welcome to Mars
At the start of the level (after you can move) Go and kill you brother with your sledge hammer. You will get a message that say: "WTF?? You killed your brother!!!"
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by Spectral Illusion
Martian Lander
Southeast of the Badlands safehouse, near a large group of ore, there is what looks like a Mars Exploration Rover. It is marked as a vehicle on the map, but cannot be controlled or destroyed.
Xbox 360, PS3, PC | Submitted by TheUsedNapkins
(Online Only) Rank Boosting
(Xbox Live or System Link) Custom Game Lobby
To do this you need at least two people to do this. You must go into the Custom game lobby and change settings to (Capture the Flag, 130% movement, jet pack, Quarantine). I prefer quarantine because it is small (destroy all buildings) use this to get about 6K exp. an hour (this will not count on the online leader boards, only your unlocks).
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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