Resident Evil 6 - What we want to see
The next numbered entry in RE is out this year, but what should be in it?

From gameplay updates to dialogue, well take you through the biggest issues we want to see Capcom approach in Resident Evil 6. Are our educated guesses on the mark? Read along and see

Better AI partners
RE6 and its initial gameplay trailer seems to imply that youll still be accompanied by a co-op friend, so were praying theyll have learned a few lessons, such as, Dont use a healing item after every tiny bit of damage, or If youre carrying a shotgun, use it! The recent 3DS Resident Evil had much improved AI partners, perhaps that can be replicated somewhat in RE6.

Absolutely NO Wesker
(Spoilers for RE5 follow) Resident Evil 5 was the culmination of years of plotlines and twists, paying off in Weskers ultimate plan for world domination. It ends with an epic battle in a volcano with the super villain taking a lava bath and then being blown up by two rocket launchers. After such a finale he has to stay dead for it to mean anything. We know no one ever stays dead in video games, but we want Capcom to at least keep him dead for a few years. No clones, no shocking revelations, no flashbacks. Please, just NO WESKER!

An actual sense of horror
We want to be thoroughly creeped out when playing RE6. We want to shake at some strange sound or fear that some creak is another killer monster about to burst through a wall. Resident Evil 4 managed to spook us while still being an awesome third-person shooter, and if Capcom can repeat that while also picking up some new tricks from games like Dead Space and BioShock, we might finally be afraid to play Resident Evil again (in a good way).

More natural dialogue
Resident Evil Revelations also had its fair share of clunkers delivered by willing voice actors. Most often the dialogue isnt painfully bad, instead feeling lost in translation. We hope the localization team got in early with RE6s script and can massage any strange lines of dialogue so we arent continually pulled out of the game saying, huh?

Improved inventory management
RE5 did its best with nine slots, but having to search inventory while walking around the world made you continually vulnerable. Add to that the complication of trading with your partner and you've gotten an annoying system that we hope doesn't return. Though we wouldnt mind a regression to something more akin to RE4s weapon case, theres hopefully a sexy new fix on the horizon.

Real zombies and lots of them
The first video of RE6 showed some classic zombies (including a zombie United States President) so were off to a good start. We just hope they arent something briefly seen at the start of the game and then replaced by tons of special zombies. We want to wade through an ocean of classic-style flesh eaters.

Jill Valentine should appear somewhere
Jill got a raw deal in RE5, first being presumed dead and then appearing as Weskers brainwashed sidekick. Even when she was freed shed been replaced by Sheva as Chris partner and spent the remainder of that game stuck in the background. After she starred in Revelations on 3DS, we hope that she hasnt already been relegated to the background once again.

For each protagonist to feel unique
First off in the trailer each looked very different, playing to each heros strengths: Leon was exploring a dark, haunting town, Chris is on a military mission with other gun-toting soldier types, and the new guy is running around, punching zombies like hes the next star of Devil May Cry. Based on the look and Capcoms success with shifting stories in Revelations, we think theyll have a good shot of pulling off something special with RE6s story.

What do you want to see?
Did we miss any obvious fixes the series needs to address in the next game? Let us know in the comments!
Henry Gilbert is a former GamesRadar+ Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.