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Richard Edwards
SFX News Editor
Favourite Film Of 2009
A tie: Star Trek for being such fantastic fun, Avatar for the blow-you-away spectacle and Moon for being so unashamed to be a serious (and brilliant) sci-fi movie.
Honorable mentions:
District 9: flitted expertly between sci-fi tropes as Sharlto Copley marked himself out as a star for the future.
Worst Film Of 2009
Made Transformers 2 look coherent.
Favourite TV Show Of 2009
Twisty, turny, loaded with suspense and prepared to go to some really dark places, this was as good as TV gets.
Honorable mentions:
Being Human – an absolute revelation. So good it would work even if the fantastical bits were removed.
Misfits – followed the Being Human blueprint, only with more sex and swearing.
Fringe – after a slightly dodgy start, this has evolved into the most exciting and inventive show on US TV.
Battlestar Galactica – the best SF show of the Noughties ended in style.
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Biggest Disappointments of 2009
To call them the worst telly of the year would be harsh, but both FlashForward and Defying Gravity have been massive disappointments. With a pair of great premises squandered, they committed the biggest crime possible for a TV shows – they were dull.
Personal Highlights of 2009:
Okay, Red Dwarf: Back To Earth wasn't exactly a masterpiece but it was still a thrill to see SFX feature so prominently.
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