Rock Band 2 Cheats
Rock Band 2 FAQs
Achievement Guide
Submitted by Kenneth Stubbs (OmegaMustard)
Rock Band 2 Cheats
PS2 | Submitted by gagagagAwesomeness Detection
Yellow, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Orange - Awesomeness Detection
PS3 | Submitted by hamburgerSuper Fun Codes
Go to EXTRAS menu, then MODIFY GAME, and click on ENTER UNLOCK CODE
Triangle, Square, L1, Triangle, Square, L1, Triangle, Square, L1 - Awesome Detection
Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square - Performance Mode
Blue, Blue, Red, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Blue - Play the game without a Track
Square, L1, L1, Square, Triangle, Square, L1, L1, Square, Triangle - Select Venue Screen
Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle - Stage Mode
Circle, triangle, square, circle, circle, square, square, circle, triangle, square - Unlock All Songs (must be selected in the cheat menu after entering)
Xbox 360, Wii | Submitted by Joseph RodriguezCheats
To enter these cheats select Extras > Modify Game, then enter the following codes.
Yellow, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Orange - Awesome Detection
Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Yellow, Red, Blue, Yellow, Red. - Stage mode
Red, Yellow, Blue, Red(2), Blue(2), Red, Yellow, Blue - Unlock all song
Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Yellow, Blue, Orange(2), Blue, Yellow - Venue select - Unlock all venues
Blue, Blue, Red, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Blue - Play the game without a Track
Red, Red, Red, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow - New Venues Only
Rock Band 2 Unlockables
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Captain BartTrack Pack 2 Achievements
All Star Review (20) - 5-Star all songs in Solo Tour on any difficulty using any instrument
Appelle-moi mon cherie... (20) - 5-Star "Call Me" by Blondie using Vocals or Bass on any difficulty
Bring Home the Bacon! (20) - 5-Star "El Scorcho" using Vocals or Guitar on any difficulty.
Flawless Drumming (25) - Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert.
Flawless Fretwork (20) - Score 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert.
Flawless Groove (20) - Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert.
Flawless Singing (25) - Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert.
Gonna Live it Up! (20) - 5-Star "You've Got Another Thing Comin'" by Judas Priest using Guitar or Bass on any difficulty.
I'm a Leading Man... (20) - 5-Star "This Ain't a Scene..." by Fall Out Boy using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty.
Sendin' Out an S.O.S. (20) - 5-Star "Message in a Bottle" by The Police using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty.
We'll all take turns... (20) - 5-Star "Monkey Gone to Heaven" using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty.
With Your Mind Reeling... (20) - 5-Star "Girl U Want" by Devo using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty.
PS3 | Submitted by ggggSpecial Insturments and Stuff
Bomb Bass - Beat the Impossible bass Challenge
Bone Microphone - Beat Impossible Marathon 2 Challenge on Vocals
Clear Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS - Beat the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list on Guitar
Clear Microphone - Beat the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list on Vocals
Glowing Drum Set - Beat the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list on Drums
Gold drum set - Beat the Impossible Drums Challenge
Gold Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge
Gold Microphone - Beat the Impossible Vocals Challenge
Silver Bass - Beat The Final Band Challenge on Bass
Silver Drums - Beat The Final Band Challenge on Drums
Silver Guitar - Beat The Final Band Challenge on Guitar
Silver Microphone - Beat The Final Band Challenge on Vocals
The Goat Head Guitar - Beat the Impossible Marathon 2 challenge on guitar
Ultimate Goth Outfit - Beat the Impossible Drums Challenge
Ultimate Metal Outfit - Beat the Impossible Vocals Challenge
Ultimate Punk Outfit - Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge
Ultimate Rock Outfit - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge
PS3 | Submitted by JoblasterTrophies
Along for the Ride (Bronze) - Beat an instrument-specific challenge while playing another instrument
AN-I-MAL!!! (Silver) - Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge
Band Savior (Bronze) - Was a savior 3 times during a single song
Beat It! (Bronze) - Completed all beats at 60BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 140BPM or higher
Buy a Real Instrument Already! (Silver) - Beat any Impossible Challenge on Expert
Challenge Master (Bronze) - Completed either 25 Challenges on Hard, or 10 Challenges on Expert
Challenge Novice (Bronze) - Completed either 25 Challenges on Medium, 10 Challenges on Hard, or 5 Challenges on Expert
Challenge Savant (Silver) - Completed 25 Challenges on Expert
Clothes to the Edge (Bronze) - Bought over $100,000 worth of items from the Rock Shop
Comeback Kid (Bronze) - Defeated the last player that defeated you in either Score Duel or Tug of War
Complete Discography (Platinum) - Wow! You've gotten all the trophies in Rock Band 2
East Coast Performer (Bronze) - Played a set on the East Coast of North America
Eastern European Performer (Bronze) - Played a set in Eastern Europe
Fill Legend (Bronze) - Completed all fills at 100BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 180BPM or higher
Fill Me In (Bronze) - Completed all fills at 60BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 140BPM or higher
Flawless Drumming (Bronze) - Scored 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert
Flawless Fretwork (Bronze) - Scored 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert
Flawless Groove (Bronze) - Scored 100% notes hit as a bassist, up-strums only, on Expert
Flawless Guitar Solo (Bronze) - 100% on a guitar solo on Expert, using only the solo buttons
Flawless Singing (Bronze) - Scored a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert
God Save the Band (Bronze) - Played a set in the United Kingdom
Gold Artist (Silver) - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Hard
Got Wheels (Bronze) - Won a Van in World Tour
Groove Assassin (Bronze) - Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge
Heartland Performer (Bronze) - Played a set in Middle America
Hello Cleveland! (Bronze) - Deployed Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single song
Jet Setter (Bronze) - Won a Jet in World Tour
Lord of the Strings (Silver) - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge
Million Point Club (Bronze) - Earned more than 1,000,000 points in a single song
Needs more Umlauts! (Bronze) - Made a band logo
One Million Fans (Silver) - Reached 1,000,000 fans in World Tour
Open Road (Bronze) - Won a Bus in World Tour
Overdrive Overdose (Bronze) - Achieved an 8x Band Multiplier
Platinum Artist (Gold) - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Expert
Rock Immortal Inductee (Silver) - Joined the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list
Solid Gold, Baby! (Silver) - Gold Starred a song
Stage Igniters (Silver) - Beat the Impossible Band Challenge
The Bachman-Turner Award (Bronze) - Maintained deployed Overdrive for 90 seconds.
The Beat Goes On (Bronze) - Completed all beats at 100BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 180BPM or higher
The Bladder of Steel Award (Gold) - Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failing
The Final Countdown (Bronze) - Unlock an Impossible Challenge
The San Dimas 4th Annual Award (Bronze) - Competed in a Battle of the Bands event
Victory! (Bronze) - Defeated a player in either Score Duel or Tug of War
Vinyl Artist (Bronze) - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Medium
Virtuoso (Silver) - Beat the Impossible Vocal Challenge
West Coast Performer (Bronze) - Played a set on the West Coast of North America
Western Europe Performer (Bronze) - Played a set in Western Europe
World Tourer (Bronze) - Played in every venue in the world
Worldwide Sensation (Bronze) - Gained the ability to play around the world
You Killed the Radio Star (Bronze) - Made a music video in World Tour
You're Hired! (Bronze) - Hired a staff member
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Rock and rawledUnlockable Stuff
Bomb Bass - Beat the impossible bass challenge
Clear Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS - Join the "Rolling Stone Rock Immortals" list
Glowing Drum Set - Join the "Rolling Stone Rock Immortals" list
Gold Drum Set - Beat the impossible drum challenge
Gold Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS - Beat the "Impossible Guitar Challenge"
Gold Microphone - Beat the impossible vocal challenge
The Goat Head guitar - Beat the Impossible Marathon 2 challenge on guitar on any difficulty level.
Ultimate Goth Outfit - Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge on any difficulty
Ultimate Punk Outfit - Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge on any difficulty
Ultimate Rock Outfit - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge on any difficulty
Xbox 360 | Submitted by UmbuxiesAchievements
Along for the Ride (10) - Beat an instrument-specific challenge while playing another instrument
AN-I-MAL!!! (25) - Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge
Band Savior (20) - Be a savior three times during a single song
Beat It! (10) - Complete all beats at 60 BPM or higher or half of the beats at 140 BPM or higher
Challenge Master (15) - Complete 25 Challenges on Hard Difficulty or 10 Challenges on Expert Difficulty
Challenge Novice (10) - Complete either 25 challenges on Medium, 10 challenges on Hard, or 5 challenges on Expert
Challenge Savant (25) - Complete 25 Challenges on Expert Difficulty
Clothes to the Edge (20) - Buy over $100,000 worth of items from the Rock Shop
Comeback Kid (15) - Defeat the last player that defeated you over Xbox LIVE in either Score Duel or Tug of War.
East Coast Performer (10) - Play a set on the East Coast of North America
Eastern European Performer (10) - Play a set in Eastern Europe
Fill Legend (20) - Complete all fills at 100 BPM or higher or half of the fills at 180 BPM or higher
Fill Me In (10) - Complete all fills at 60 BPM or higher or half of the fills at 140 BPM or higher
Flawless Drumming (25) - Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert
Flawless Fretwork (25) - Score 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert
Flawless Groove (25) - Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert
Flawless Guitar Solo (20) - 100% a guitar solo on Expert, using only the solo buttons
Flawless Singing (25) - Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert
God Save the Band (10) - Play a set in the United Kingdom
Got Wheels (20) - Win a Van in World Tour
Groove Assassin (20) - Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge
Heartland Performer (10) - Play a set in Middle America
Hello Cleveland! (20) - Deploy Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single song
Jet Setter (20) - Win a Jet in World Tour
Lord of the Strings (25) - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge
Million Point Club (25) - Earn more than 1,000,000 points in a single song.
Needs more Umlauts! (10) - Make a band logo
One Million Fans (30) - Reach 1 million fans in World Tour
Open Road (20) - Win a Bus in World Tour
Overdrive Overdose (25) - Achieve an 8x Band Multiplier
Road Dog (30) - Play in every venue in the world
Solid Gold, Baby! (25) - Gold Star a song
Stage Igniters (25) - Beat the Impossible Band Challenge
The Bachman-Turner Award (25) - Maintain deployed Overdrive for 90 seconds
The Beat Goes On (20) - Complete all beats at 100 BPM or higher or half of the beats at 180 BPM or higher
The Final Countdown (15) - Unlock an Impossible Challenge
The San Dimas 4th Annual Award (15) - Compete in a Battle of the Bands event
Victory! (15) - Defeat a player in either Score Duel or Tug of War.
Virtuoso (25) - Beat the Impossible Vocal Challenge
West Coast Performer (10) - Play a set on the West Coast of North America
Western Europe Performer (10) - Play a set in Western Europe.
Worldwide Sensation (25) - Gain access to every venue in the world
You Killed the Radio Star (15) - Make a music video in World Tour
You're Hired! (10) - Hire a staff member
Rock Band 2 Hints
Xbox 360, Wii, PS3 | Submitted by Rock BandRock Band 2 Official Set List
AC/DC - "Let There Be Rock" (1970's)
AFI - "Girl's Gone Grey" (2000's)
Alanis Morissette - "You Oughta Know" (1990's)
Alice in Chains - "Man in the Box" (1990's)
Allman Brothers - "Ramblin' Man" (1970's)
Avenged Sevenfold - "Almost Easy" (2000's)
Bad Company - "Shooting Star" (1970's)
Beastie Boys - "So Whatcha Want" (1990's)
Beck - "E-Pro" (2000's)
Bikini Kill - "Rebel Girl" (1990's)
Billy Idol - "White Wedding Pt. I" (1980's)
Blondie - "One Way or Another" (1970's)
Bob Dylan - "Tangled Up in Blue" (1970's)
Bon Jovi - "Livin' on a Prayer" (1980's)
Cheap Trick - "Hello There" (1970's)
Devo - "Uncontrollable Urge" (1980's)
Dinosaur Jr. - "Feel the Pain" (1990's)
Disturbed - "Down with the Sickness" (2000's)
Dream Theater - "Panic Attack" (2000's)
Duran Duran - "Hungry Like the Wolf" (1980's)
Elvis Costello - "Pump It Up" (1970's)
Fleetwood Mac - "Go Your Own Way" (1970's)
Foo Fighters "Everlong" (1990's)
Guns N' Roses - "Shackler's) Revenge" (2000's)
Interpol "PDA" - (2000's)
Jane's) Addiction - "Mountain Song" (1980's)
Jethro Tull - "Aqualung" (1970's)
Jimmy Eat World - "The Middle" (2000's)
Joan Jett - "Bad Reputation" (1980's)
Journey - "Anyway You Want It" (1970's)
Judas Priest - "Painkiller" (1990's)
Kansas - "Carry On Wayward Son" (1970's)
L7 - "Pretend We're Dead" (1990's)
Lacuna Coil - "Our Truth" (2000's)
Linkin Park - "One Step Closer" (2000's)
Lit - "My Own Worst Enemy" (1990's)
Lush - "De-Luxe" (1990's)
Mastodon - "Colony of Birchmen" (2000's)
Megadeth - "Peace Sells" (1980's)
Metallica - "Battery" (1980's)
Mighty Mighty Bosstones - "Where'd You Go" (1990's)
Modest Mouse - "Float On" (2000's)
Motorhead - "Ace of Spades" (1980's)
Nirvana - "Drain You" (1990's)
Norman Greenbaum - "Spirit in the Sky" (1960's)
Panic at the Disco - "Nine in the Afternoon" (2000's)
Paramore - "That's What You Get" (2000's)
Pearl Jam - "Alive" (1990's)
Presidents of the USA - "Lump" (1990's)
Rage Against the Machine - "Testify" (1990's)
Ratt - "Round & Round" (1980's)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Give it Away" (1990's)
Rise Against - "Give it All" (2000's)
Rush - "The Trees" (1970's)
Silversun Pickups - "Lazy Eye" (2000's)
Smashing Pumpkins - "Today" (1990's)
Social Distortion - "I Was Wrong" (1990's)
Sonic Youth - "Teenage Riot" (1980's)
Soundgarden - "Spoonman" (1990's)
Squeeze - "Cool for Cats" (1970's)
Steely Dan - "Bodhitsattva" (1970's)
Steve Miller Band - "Rock'n Me" (1970's)
Survivor - "Eye of the Tiger" (1980's)
System of a Down - "Chop Suey" (2000's)
Talking Heads - "Psycho Killer" (1970's)
Tenacious D - "Master Exploder" (2000's)
Testament - "Souls of Black" (1990's)
The Donnas - "New Kid in School" (2000's)
The Go-Go's) - "We Got the Beat" (1980's)
The Grateful Dead - "Alabama Getaway" (1980's)
The Guess Who - "American Woman" (1970's)
The Muffs - "Kids in America" (1990's)
The Offspring - "Come Out & Play (Keep ‘em Separated)" (1990's)
The Replacements - "Alex Chilton" (1980's)
The Who - "Pinball Wizard" (1960's)
Bonus Artists
Abnormality - "Visions" (2000's)
Anarchy Club - "Get Clean" (2000's)
Bang Camaro - "Night Lies" (2000's)
Breaking Wheel - "Shoulder to the Plow" (2000's)
The Libyans - "Neighborhood" (2000's)
The Main Drag - "A Jagged Gorgeous Winter" (2000's)
Speck - "Conventional Lover" (2000's)
The Sterns - "Supreme Girl" (2000's)
That Handsome Devil - "Rob the Prez-O-Dent" (2000's)
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