The SFX Hot Topic: What are your memories of SFX over the last 20 years?

SFX magazine is 20 years old! Yep, our first issue hit shops on 25 May 1995. And we want to hear from you, dear readers, about what our mag has meant to you.

What are your memories of the world's the world's number one sci-fi and fantasy magazine? Can you remember what your first issue was? (Or have you been around since the start?) What features stick in your memory? Maybe it's a particular cover or headline or caption. Perhaps you've had a letter published in our cherished pages, or maybe you've even met the team! Have we helped you discover something you otherwise wouldn't have?

Let us know what SFX means to you and you could appear in the letters pages of issue 261 of SFX, on sale Wednesday 29 April.

Post in the comment thread below, or email us at, using the subject line “HOT TOPIC: SFX 20th anniversary”. You can also tweet us at @sfxmagazine, using the hashtag #sfxhottopic or #sfx20, or join us on Facebook.