Shrek 2: The Game Cheats

Shrek 2: The Game Hints

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by scott

    Bonus game

    To get a bonus game you need to get 10 or 20 snapshots. You will play as Lil` Red and collect coins before time runs out.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Travis

    How to beat Fairy Godmother

    1.All you have to do is when she sends out those Fat guys, switch to Fiona. Use her time stopping power. They will stand still.Then,ATTACK!

    2.When she sends out the potion throwing' guys, go to step 1 & do it on them.

    3.You need Shrek one this one. When they cough up the bombs, pick them up when it is the beeping noise. When it goes fast, throw it at one of them. Repeat and you will defeat them.

    4.When you see the circles, run away from them. Then, she will lose her power for a moment. Then, ATTACK! Repeat 3 times to win!

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Far Far Away and Jack and Jill's Farm

    Are you stuck on far far away and jack and Jill's farm all you have to do is do all the chores for them (you don't have to get the magic beans or worms) and then talk to one of of them and click next leve

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Greg Winters

    All Three Leprechaun Shops and Money...

    I have found all 3 shops where you can buy upgrades. One is in spooky forest near the end. One is in Walking the path when you escorting the second goat, when you see two ropes for puss, in boots to run across your there. look to the right and you will see the leprechaun. Use the gingerbread man to reach him. The final shop is in Prison Break after you send the ball flying into the gate after rolling it down the hill.
    To get gold for these get 10 or 20 snapshots so you have ring coliseum with little' red. Hit all of the boxes using jump attack then collect them at the bottom and jump into the exit. You should get around 100-150 rings a round. Repeat around 15 times and you should have about 1800-2250 rings

  • PS2, PC, Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by katiefoster

    Ogre Killer mission: Defeating Puss In B

    Press X + Circle + Square + Triangle three times when Puss In Boots says "Now ye ogre... pray for mercy form Puss... in Boots.". It should skip Shrek and go to Donkey. Each time you hit Puss In Boots, his health should go down four times
    more than a regular hit.

  • PS2, PC, GameCube | Submitted by katiefoster

    Crazy Larry's Leprechaun Shop

    there will be three locations

    He is first located in the Spooky Forest near some bats and a bridge. He is standing on a stump on a tree.

    The second time, he is located in the Walking The Path level. He is around the bridge where you meet the troll and save the goat. He is on the little piece of land when you jump off the bridge. You may need to use a high jumper to get to the
    other side.

    The last time you will see him is in the Prison Break level, where there is a troll and one of the Pork Chop Brothers is trapped in the cage. Take the ball, roll it up the hill, put it on the weigher, then roll the ball back down hill. It will bust open the gate. Then, go up the stairs to find him.

  • GBA | Submitted by J. P. 2!!!!!!!!!!!

    Easy Way to get a lot of Points

    When you start, bounce the 1st mouse right, then when you get close to knocking it off the screen, go ahead and bounce it out, then quickly bounce the 2nd mouse to the left and then bounce the 1st mouse and the 2nd one. Then, you see a 3rd mouse, quickly get to it then, DROP the mushroom and then pick it up and bounce the three mice again and repeat the final process and you can go on forever!

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Save Cinderella

    To save Cinderella u always get the hour glass first. then run to Cinderella and always stay around her. Or else she will be hit by the dummies and die. Use Fiona's special ability and slow down time. Then, attack like crazy at the dummies. remember stay close to Cinderella. When the time warp wears out don't use it again. attack the dummies until she has switched sides 2 times. Then use it again. along the way, u will see red and bluebottles in the air. get them, they make all 4 of the characters attack. Repeat my strategy until you get to the end.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Bubba 3III

    Blowing Down Walls

    In the Prison Break level, switch to Big Bad Wolf and press Y in front of fallen rocks with
    web on them. They should break.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How Beat the Second Troll

    As you have noticed, the troll shoots bombs at you. the idea is kick them back right when the begin to beep. that way he cannot kick them back at you. If he starts to charge at you, just run around until he goes back again. it's okay if it takes a while for his boss meter to show up.

  • PC | Submitted by dranzer1035

    How To Defeat Puss In Boots

    First, stand in the middle of the circle. When he is running on the ground, quickly press the attack button (mouse). When he jumps into the circle (made by wood), just move backwards, and you won't get hurt. Do these several times and you should have beat him

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Corndog21

    Larry's Lepracaun Shop

    I've found 2 of the 3 shops where you can buy upgrades. 1 is in the Spooky Forest near the end. The other is in Prison Break near the end where you have to roll the last ball on to the platform. Roll that ball back down the hill (not Jack and Jill's hill)but the no name hill. it will rumble and tumble and go crashing and mashing into the fence and go krackle, snap and pop (im not talking about the 3 people on the rice krispies). Then you'll find the shop.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Brent J. Arcement

    Character Fighting Tips

    Each character has a different style of fighting. Each of the characters skills must be harnessed during battle. Here are the easiest ways to fight with each character.

    Shrek: Just punch, if he gets hit he can take it

    Fiona: She is strong and average speed but is still easily defeated. Your best bet is to find an hourglass and activate slow time. If you can't activate slow time run.

    Donkey: Jump attack and then use his special. Repeat if necessary.

    Gingerbread Man: Jump attack is your only hope other tahn running or your special. Let the others fight for you.

    Lil' Red: It's hard to fight as her so just throw apples and hit targets that get to close. If you need space, jump attack.

    Puss In Boots: Jump attack then slice your opponents up with his sword.

    Big Bad Wolf: Just fight or use your special.

    Fariy: Hold the attack button after finding a target.

    Shrek&Donkey: This is a different character. Use your special then attack like mad. After a while run.

    Note: This tips do not relate to hero time, each hero time (except maybe Big Bad's) concentrates on that hero's strengths. This dose not make them any easier though.

  • PC, Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by joey duvall

    Prison Lever

    IN the prison level towards the the end u will find 4 buttons and barred crates over top of them. Take one of your characters and set them up on the button, then take another character to the wooden jump thing and jump them on it. The crate will move, u can do this with multiple characters. Now there is a lever jump with gingerbread man until u reach the lever. Notice how the crates can move.

  • PC | Submitted by j. arcement

    Character Fighting Tips

    Each character has a different style of fighting. Each of the characters skills must be harnessed during battle. Here are the easiest ways to fight with each character. Shrek: Just punch, if he gets hit he can take it
    Fiona: She is strong and average speed but is still easily defeated. Your best bet is to find an hourglass and activate slow time. If you can't activate slow time run.
    Donkey: Jump attack and then use his special. Repeat if necessary.
    Gingerbread Man: Jump attack is your only hope other tahn running or your special. Let the others fight for you.
    Lil' Red: It's hard to fight as her so just throw apples and hit targets that get to close. If you need space, jump attack.
    Puss In Boots: Jump attack then slice your opponents up with his sword.
    Big Bad Wolf: Just fight or use your special.
    Fariy: Hold the attack button after finding a target.
    Shrek&Donkey: This is a different character. Use your special then attack like mad. After a while run.
    Note: This tips do not relate to hero time, each hero time (except maybe Big Bad's) concentrates on that hero's strengths. This dose not make them any easier though.

  • PC | Submitted by comdog21

    Larry's Lepracaun Shop

    I've found 2 of the 3 shops where you can buy upgrades. 1 is in the Spooky Forest near the end. The other is in Prison Break near the end where you have to roll the last ball on to the platform. Roll that ball back down the hill (not Jack and Jill's hill)but the no name hill. it will rumble and tumble and go crashing and mashing into the fence and go krackle, snap and pop (im not talking about the 3 people on the rice krispies). Then you'll find the shop.

  • PC | Submitted by julia09

    Magic Beans/ Lilttle Red

    There are twelve magic beans in each level here are a couple of hints for you: 1. Make sure you look behind everything.2.Make sure you don't miss anything.3.Do not give up and in far far away make sure you look everywhere in challenges. To get little red you have to beat Shrek's Swamp. It is very hard to get to the forth level because you have to have every snapshot there is including magic beans.

  • PC, Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by tigger

    One of Crazy Larrys Leprecon shops

    After you fight puss in boots you go to some place it is the next chapter. When you have to get one of the billy goats across a bridge you'll go on until you see crazy larry on the other side of the bridge it is the right side. use the gingerbread man to jump across talk to him and he will give you a list of items. once you buy it it will be equipped to every one in your party. happy gaming:>

  • PC, GameCube | Submitted by Travis

    How to beat Fairy Godmother

    1.All you have to do is when she sends out those Fat guys, switch to Fiona. Use her time stopping power. They will stand still.Then,ATTACK!
    2.When she sends out the potion throwing' guys, go to step 1 & do it on them.
    3.You need Shrek one this one. When they cough up the bombs, pick them up when it is the beeping noise. When it goes fast, throw it at one of them. Repeat and you will defeat them.
    4.When you see the circles, run away from them. Then, she will lose her power for a moment. Then, ATTACK! Repeat 3 times to win!

  • PC | Submitted by Hahamandudethingya..

    Unlimited Health

    To get unlimited health in the level "Far Far away" when you help the kind stop the troll guy from stealing the jewels let the troll K.O everyone but Donkey. then when you have 1 jewel left to get do not pick it up. get donkey to the lowest health you can while in there then get the jewel when you come out donkey should have full health. then go and help Cinderella shop for shoes and pick the blue and red potions at the same time. finish that part up and make sure the potions are NOT in effect. then go out and beat the level by doing all the other side things. then when you are on the next level all of your characters should have unlimited health (it will show there health gauges go down but they will not die when it is gone) this is very good fro the fight with the Fairy Godmother. And that's how u can get unlimited health.... (only donkey can do this in other words he has to get the potions)

  • GameCube | Submitted by Brent J. Arcement

    Character Fighting Tips

    Each character has a different style of fighting. Each of the characters skills must be harnessed during battle. Here are the easiest ways to fight with each character.
    Shrek: Just punch, if he gets hit he can take it
    Fiona: She is strong and average speed but is still easily defeated. Your best bet is to find an hourglass and activate slow time. If you can't activate slow time run.
    Donkey: Jump attack and then use his special. Repeat if necessary.
    Gingerbread Man: Jump attack is your only hope other tahn running or your special. Let the others fight for you.
    Lil' Red: It's hard to fight as her so just throw apples and hit targets that get to close. If you need space, jump attack.
    Puss In Boots: Jump attack then slice your opponents up with his sword.
    Big Bad Wolf: Just fight or use your special.
    Fariy: Hold the attack button after finding a target.
    Shrek&Donkey: This is a different character. Use your special then attack like mad. After a while run.
    Note: This tips do not relate to hero time, each hero time (except maybe Big Bad's) concentrates on that hero's strengths. This dose not make them any easier though.

  • GameCube | Submitted by eric

    Easy To Get Past Flying Bats In the 2nd Level

    When you get to the part when the bats are flying really fast, blocking your way, you have to use slow time with Fiona. Then you can get the magical bean. (Its right next to the bridge)

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Julia09

    Magic Beans/ Lilttle Red

    There are twelve magic beans in each level here are a couple of hints for you: 1. Make sure you look behind everything.2.Make sure you don't miss anything.3.Do not give up and in far far away make sure you look everywhere in challenges. To get little red you have to beat Shrek's Swamp. It is very hard to get to the forth level because you have to have every snapshot there is including magic beans

Shrek 2: The Game Easter Eggs

  • PS2, PC, Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by katiefoster

    Far Far Away Idol: Simon sings

    Choose the worst character and you will hear Simon say "That's rubbish", that the winner is him, and start singing.

Shrek 2: The Game Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by aaron


    All Bonus Games
    Go to the first level, pause the game, and go to the "Scrapbook" option. Then, press
    Left, Up, X, Circle, Left, Up, X, Circle, Left, Up, X, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle. Exit the "Scrapbook screen, quit the level, then select the "Bonus" option.

    Full health
    Go to the first level, pause the game, and go to the "Scrapbook" option. Then, press
    Left, Up, X, Circle, Left, Up, X, Circle, Left, Up, X, Circle, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

    1,000 coins
    Go to the first level, pause the game, and go to the "Scrapbook" option. Then, press
    Left, Up, X, Circle, Left, Up, X, Circle, Left, Up, X, Circle(6).
    If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All levels

    Go to the 1st level then press Start to pause the game. Go to the scrapbook screen and press Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up. You will hear a phrase "That's what I call spreading joy" if the code is entered correctly.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Extra Bonus Game

    Go to the 1st level then press Start to pause the game. Go to the scrapbook screen and press Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, X, B, X, B, X, B. Now exit the screen and exit the level and go to the Bonus Option. You will hear a phrase "That's what I call spreading joy" if the code is entered correctly.

  • GBA | Submitted by Marissa Gill


    When playing both Shrek and Donkey, to make it faster and easier when pushing the big blocks that require two people, instead of pressing L & R (over and over again) and forward, press B along with that allowing donkey to kick and Shrek to punch and making the block move faster.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get All levels

    Go to the 1st level then press Start to pause the game. Go to the scrapbook screen and press Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up. You will hear a phrase "That's what I call spreading joy" if the code is entered correctly.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Extra Bonus Game

    Go to the 1st level then press Start to pause the game. Go to the scrapbook screen and press Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, Left, Up, A, B, X, B, X, B, X, B. Now exit the screen and exit the level and go to the Bonus Option. You will hear a phrase "That's what I call spreading joy" if the code is entered correctly.

  • GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How to defeat Fairy Godmother

    At the first when she sends the baddies to attack you wait until their metal pants fall down and hit them. If your start to run out of life at any time during this level, you can walk up the rope with puss in boots and get some health. She will send a round of magic guys, run around them and destroy the T.N.T boxes this should kill most of them. Now she will send two trolls after you just hit their bombs at the right time. Now its part one of killing Fairy godmother, she will use the same attack but it will get bigger and move around, when she stops attacking run up to her make sure you are puss in boots and use his a,b attack this will take a good amount of life. Now Prince Charming will send three trolls after you kill them the same way as at the first. Once they are defeated use donkeys burrow blast on the prince 4-5 times. You will face Fairy Godmother again attack as you did before. She should be dead.

Shrek 2: The Game Unlockables

  • PC, GameCube | Submitted by scott

    Bonus game

    To get a bonus game you need to get 10 or 20 snapshots. You will play as Lil` Red and collect coins before time runs out.

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