The sights of Tokyo Game Show 2015

On the floor
While pictures will never fully do it justice, at least theyll give you some color as to how crazy and varied Tokyo Game Show is. This year, 480 exhibitors showed off over 1,200 titles in over 2,000 booths, breaking records for the annual event. Game makers will do anything to stand out here, using mascots, models, attractions, and more to bring players and media to their booths. Here is a selection of what managed to draw us in this year.

The Tokyo Game Show convention center signage is surrounded on all sides by ads for Western games.

Fans of Gundam - Gundam heads - were all over this 1:1 scale Zaku II head, which displayed to promote Bandai Namcos upcoming title, Gundam Extreme VS Force.

Fit for an Idol
An odd cross-promotional exhibit had special game-themed costumes for girl group AKB48 on display.

Loud Loud!
The live Love Live! stage display was at full volume, and always full of eager participants, even on the professional-only days of Tokyo Game Show 2015.

The massive Konami Tokyo Game Show booth looks as if it is being Fultoned up and out of the convention center.

Tactical Test
The multiplayer component of Metal Gear Solid V was available for play at Tokyo Game Show, just ahead of its worldwide release.

Playing Chicken
Boss doesnt look like much of a leader in his chicken head suit, shown here in an early mockup of an upcoming figure.

Needs More Views
Despite the flashy rigging and displays, YouTubes Tokyo Game Show booth stayed relatively empty during the business days of the show.

Attack on Attendees
TGS attendees were able to have their faces scanned to become a titan. A special display had attendees digitized mugs glaring down on others.

Koei Tecmos cat mascot was a hit at TGS 2015, with attendees lining up for a picture at the companys booth.

Guardian Duty
The dog-bird creature of upcoming PS4 release The Last Guardian stood guard at Sonys PlayStation booth. Special camera sensors let attendees interact with the huge display. Jumping or waving at the creature would get its attention.

Sony focused much of its Tokyo Game Show efforts toward showing off its virtual reality platform, PlayStation VR. Two floors of demos had attendees lining up to try on a headset.

On the first day of TGS, Atlus announced a delay for its highly anticipated role-playing game, Persona 5. Outside of some signage and a single trailer screen, the game was missing from the event.

One Happy Family
Segas large show booth contained upcoming titles from all of its branches, including its mobile arm, Sega Networks, and Atlus, which was acquired last year.

Over The Top
CyGames only had one game to promote at Tokyo Game Show, and it spent a lot of money doing so. The rear of the booth for Granblue Fantasy was surprisingly ornate, with detail work that seemed to be overkill for what was basically a backdrop to a stage show.

While other TGS booths featured mere booth attendants, CyGames sprung for actors that stayed in character for the entire day.

Dressy Chess
While a multitouch base isnt necessary for chess, it sure makes the game look prettier.

Warship Girls
Anthropomorphism of naval ships may sound silly, but the property this figure comes from - Kantai Collection - has become a powerhouse brand in Japan, with multiple games, books, television shows, and films now powering the franchise.

Dance Party
Grees booth for TGS 2015 was considerably smaller than in past years. But the mobile gaming company made up for its smaller size with live music and dancing.

Big Chair
Im still not clear on what the massive wooden chair in the middle of the Makuhari Messe convention center was for.

The winner of the most out-of-place booth at Tokyo Game Show 2015 goes to

Virtual Livestream
An attendee tries out a virtual livestream experience at the Oculus booth at Tokyo Game Show 2015. A camera array on a stick gives viewers a 360-degree of the action.

Wait Here
Star Wars Battlefronts cooperative mission demo drew long lines even on the professional-only days of TGS.

Battlefronts multiplayer sessions kicked off with an impressive light and fog sequence. Doors would open to loud music, welcoming players to their stations.

No Picture
I snapped a shot of the most typical Tokyo Game Show shot possible: players crowding Capcoms booth to play the newest Monster Hunter game.

Instead of scantily clad Japanese models, one booth went with muscular male foreigners to promote its wares.

Luck Of The Draw
PlayStation VR was so popular that attendees were not able to chose which game they wanted to try out.

Posters like these were found around Segas TGS booth this year, promoting upcoming game Persona 5.

New Hardware
New PS4 controllers and faceplates welcomed visitors to Sonys Tokyo Game Show 2015 booth.

New Hardware
New PS4 controllers and faceplates welcomed visitors to Sonys Tokyo Game Show 2015 booth.

VR Bliss
An attendee enjoys his VR session, fully unaware that he had an audience watching his play session.

Gravity Dazes upcoming PS4 release will feature a special box and a Figma figurine.

Little Helpers
Sony chose to have a trio of these ghouls hold up signage for Bloodborne at its booth.

Defying Gravity
Gravity Dazes Kat flies high above the PlayStation booth at Tokyo Game Show 2015.

Two Blue
Sonys new Vita model was shown with matching headphones at its booth.

In The Zone
Attendees playing Street Fighter V seemed to be in their own worlds, tapping away at fight sticks as the rest of the show went on around them.

The award for the most Japanese-sounding role-playing game name goes to

Going Deep
The World of Warships experience at Tokyo Game Show was quite immersive.


No Objections
Attendees had no objections to Capcoms booth design for the upcoming Ace Attorney game.