Sonic creator wants to make the Dreamcast 2

Above: A sequel to the Dreamcast? Yuki Naka really, really wants to work on it

“If ‘Ivy the Kiwi?’ does well in Europe then maybe I can make Dreamcast 2,’ joked Naka. But even if he’s joking a little, it still seems clear that Naka still really, really, really wants to work on the Dreamcast 2. He continues, hammering the point home again: “Of course Dreamcast was my baby back at Sega and I want to carry on making good games for the Eurpean market and one day I’m hoping it gives me the opportunity to work on Dreamcast 2.”

‘Ivy the Kiwi?’ will release for European audiences on October 29 for the Nintendo DS and Wii. But it launched on August 24 for North American audiences. You can read our review,here.

Oct 1, 2010


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