Sonic Heroes Cheats
Sonic Heroes FAQs
Sonic Heroes FAQ
Submitted by Jim Avery
Sonic Heroes Unlockables
PC | Submitted by Sonic heroes guyGet the songs
To get all the songs in sound test menu just beat all the stages and last story and you will have every song to enjoy.
Xbox | Submitted by mystry manGet 3D Marble Zone Stage
You have to get all 141 emblems, and get all "A" ranks in the all the levels, and beat all the missions in under 5:00 minutes, beat all the emerald challenges in less that 1:00 minute, and have destroyed every enemy in all the levels for every team in less than 6:00 minutes of the start, and this must all be don't before the total play time reaches 100:00 hours
PS2 | Submitted by Caleb ValentinLast Story: Metal Sonic Story
To get this you must beat story mode with every team and get all seven chaos emeralds.
Hint: use Rose Team to get the chaos emeralds, because their action stages are easier and you can't get hurt that much in them.
Remember - if you get hurt you lose the key to the special stage, so be careful.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSong Unlocks
Follow Me song - Beat story mode as Team Rose.
Team Chaotix song - Beat story mode as Team Chaotix.
This Machine song - Beat story mode as Team Dark.
We Can song - Beat story mode as Team Sonic.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to Get to the Special Stage
When you going through the courses you may notice this cage with a shiny key in it. What you do is you get Knuckles and punch it open. Now there is one catch, if you get hit by an enemy or fall of the edge, you lose the key and you have to find another key.
PS2 | Submitted by Evan ZipTeam Metal Sonic
How to unlock team Metal Sonic: you must get all the emblems in the game. Once you do you have to play VS mode fifty times while both teams are metal. You can become metal by holding A+Y after you select a stage in VS mode. Once you have completed that you will face Metal Sonic again with all characters in their metal form. If you beat Metal Sonic you will have his team on first player mode and on VS mode. When you complete team Metal Sonics story than stead of facing Metal Sonic you will be facing Sonic. The characters in team Metal Sonic are Metal Sonic, Eggman, and Chaos.
PS2 | Submitted by mystry manGet 3D Marble Zone Stage
You have to get all 141 emblems, and get all "A" ranks in the all the levels, and beat all the missions in under 5:00 minutes, beat all the emerald challenges in less that 1:00 minute, and have destroyed every enemy in all the levels for every team in less than 6:00 minutes of the start. This must all be done before the total play time reaches 100:00 hours
PS2 | Submitted by ryan vickersUnlock All Movies
Unlock Team Sonic movies: beat Team Sonic's story
Unlock Team Dark movies: beat Team Dark's story
Unlock Team Rose movies: beat Team Rose's story
Unlock Team Chaotix movies: beat Team Chaotix's story
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Super Hard Mode
To get super hard mode you must complete all the missions and get an A ranking on all of them.
GameCube | Submitted by mystry manGet 3-D Marble Zone stage
You have to get all 141 emblems, and get all "A" ranks in the all the levels, and beat all the missions in under 5:00 minutes, beat all the emerald challenges in less that 1:00 minute, and have destroyed every enemy in all the levels for every team in less than 6:00 minutes of the start, and this must all be don't before the total play time reaches 100:00 hours
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarTeam Chaotix Song
Beat story mode as Team Chaotix.
GameCube | Submitted by Knuckles989Metal 2-player characters
Hold A+Y after you select a level (while the level is loading). Then, your characters will be metal versions of themselves!
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarSong Unlocks & FMV Movies
Beating story mode as one of the Teams also unlocks their movie in the CG theatre
Follow Me song - Beat story mode as Team Rose.
Team Chaotix song - Beat story mode as Team Chaotix.
This Machine song - Beat story mode as Team Dark.
We Can song - Beat story mode as Team Sonic.
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarTeam Chaotix Song
Successfully complete story mode as Team Chaotix.
GameCube | Submitted by Comel2 Player cheats
Getting emblems in 1P or Challenge mode unlocks multi-player modes.
Collect the following number of emblems to unlock each:
Game # of emblems
Team Battle 20
Special Stage 40
Ring Race 60
Bobsled race 80
Quick Race 100
Expert race 120
Metal Skin for all characters. Collect all 141 emblems
Xbox | Submitted by Evan ZipTeam Metal Sonic
How to unlock team Metal Sonic you must get all the emblems in the game. Once you do you have to play VS mode fifty times while both teams are metal. You can become metal by holding A+Y after you select a stage in VS mode. Once you have completed that you will face Metal Sonic again with all characters in their metal form. If you beat Metal Sonic you will have his team on first player mode and on VS mode. When you complete team Metal Sonics story than stead of facing Metal Sonic you will be facing Sonic. The characters in team Metal Sonic are Metal Sonic, Eggman, and Chaos.
Xbox | Submitted by ryan vickersUnlock all movies
unlock teamsonic movies-
beat teamsonic,s story
unlock teamdark movies-
beat teamdark,s story
unlock teamrose movies-
beat teamrose,s story
unlock teamchaotix movies-
beat teamchaotix,s story
Xbox | Submitted by CornelEmblem Unlocks
Getting emblems in 1P or Challenge mode unlocks multi-player modes.
Collect the following number of emblems to unlock each:
Game # of emblems
Team Battle 20
Special Stage 40
Ring Race 60
Bobsled race 80
Quick Race 100
Expert race 120
Metal Skin for all characters. Collect all 141 emblems
GameCube | Submitted by Kurt VPSuper Powered-Up Leaders
With any team, simply grab 3 power cores to level them up completely.
Team Sonic:
Sonic: Faster and Stronger
Tails: Longer flying meter
Knuckles: His BBB combo makes volcanic eruptions
Team Dark:
Shadow: Faster and Stronger
Rouge: Longer flying meter
E-123 Omega: Much, Much Stronger Attacks
Team Rose:
Amy: Faster and Stronger
Cream: Longest Flying meter in game
Big: Much, Much Stronger Attacks
Team Choatix:
Espio:Faster, Stronger, and throws knives
Charmy: Longer Flying Meter, Stronger Thunder Shot
Vector: Stronger, BBB combo throws exploding bubles
GameCube | Submitted by ryan vickersUnlock all movies
unlock teamsonic movies-
beat teamsonic,s story
unlock teamdark movies-
beat teamdark,s story
unlock teamrose movies-
beat teamrose,s story
unlock teamchaotix movies-
beat teamchaotix,s story
Sonic Heroes Hints
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat the Giant Electric Lasers
On the level before the Egg Emperor, you will have to grind on rails with electric stuff on them. Flying formation is best for this because if you get hit you can fly back up. When you see the electricity on your rail jump to another one. Continue doing this until you see a huge laer materializing. It might take you a few tries to do this but switch to speed formation and grind as fast as possible to beat the laser.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by E-01 OmegaBeating the Boss after the Rail Levels
OK, after you beat the 2 rail levels, you will come upon another eggman boss. 4 the 1st part , switch to flying and keep on attacking him (dodge those lasers and defeat them first) he has a lot of hp! Once you beat that, you must beat the 2nd part. Be flying again and just hit him from a distance. DON'T go ahead or next to it. After that the thing will become the first boss. Just beat him. Also they will be rails and robots on the track. Good luck!
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by AnonymousTeam Blast Effects
Each team has a different Team Blast and here are their secondary effects.
Team Sonic: Sonic Overdrive. After the attack is done, the gauge will go down. if you jump and hit the square button when near enemies, Sonic will do an attack called "Light Attack" that destroys almost all enemies nearby, even when the gague is empty.
Team Dark: Chaos Inferno (better known as Chaos Control) This attack's secondary efect is time freeze for the amount of energy remaining in the gauge.
Team Rose: Flower Festival. This attack's effect levels up all 3 characters, gives you an invencibility power-up, and a shield. The remaining energy is useless.
Team Chaotix: Chaotix Recital. For each enemy in range, you get a 5, 10 or 20 ring item box. Remaining energy is useless again.
Xbox | Submitted by Cole H.Best Way to Find Chaos Emeralds
Go to 1 player mode, then go to challenge, and in the bottom right corner it will show an emblem. If there is nothing under it the emblem, then there is no emerald warp, but if there is a gray emerald under the emblem, then go to that level, find the key and survive the level.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat the Giant Electric Lasers
On the level before the Egg Emperor, you will have to grind on rails with electric stuff on them. Flying formation is best for this because if you get hit you can fly back up. When you see the electricity on your rail jump to another one. Continue doing this until you see a huge laser materializing. It might take you a few tries to do this but switch to speed formation and grind as fast as possible to beat the laser.
PS2 | Submitted by Cole H.Best Way to Find Chaos Emeralds
Go to 1 player mode, then go to challenge, and in the bottom right corner it will show an emblem. If there is nothing under it the emblem, then there is no emerald warp but if there is a gray emerald under the emblem, then go to that level, find the key and survive the level.
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by blade_1992Easy Way to Fill Up Special Bar
First you get 10 golden rings, then find an enemy. Since your special goes up when you get rings and it doesn't shrink when you lose them, just keep running into the enemy and your rings will pop out. Just collect your rings again and again until your team special is full.
PS2 | Submitted by FatRabidRamboCowBingo Machine Mayhem Avoider
Although its not a cheat, more of a hint. I found the casino level to be the worst of all the levels. The handling ont he Bingo tables is really bad. But this should help u save lives.
On the 2nd zone of the casino levels at the very last table where u sort of enter a slide and u go through a swirly blue and yellow tunnel. This table is full of pot holes and alot of jumps. When going round corners u usually find a pot hole. dont fight against it just move witht he rolling. you'll find it is safer than usual.
Also before u enter the swirl blue tunnel u can save many many lives here (i died alot on the tables) instead of jumping onto it and all your characters going down. get the speed character selected (sonic, shadow, amy, espio)and move slowly forward into the pipe. you shoudl find if done right that only the speed guy goes down. ow when u fall off the table you will automatically be selecte with a new characters and the speed one will appear next to them as though he were knocked out. Keep repeating the process till u work your way down the table.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by BenMCGet Team Blast Easily
Just switch to Tails (or the flying character for your team) and keep pressing B. You don't have to kill or even hit any enemies. Keep doing this until you get Team Blast.
PS2 | Submitted by DJ03Easy Way to Defeat Egg Albatross
When you get to the level in Sonic Heroes where you are put against the Egg Albatross,
instead of following it, if you stay there and he comes back to charge you, jump to the side and attack the wing. Repeat until stage 2. Note that you should be in power formation the entire battle. After the bottom blows off and he's in stage 2, his charges can actually hit you. This time, you HAVE to jump back and shoot him. Once he has retreated to stage 3 (aka Egg Hawk), just continue with that strategy and you never had to leave the first platform. I have tested this personally several times.
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by BriceFlower Teleports
First, pick Team Choatix, then go to their first level, then go up to one of the purple flowers on the side of a wall. Switch to the character that looks like a bee. Press the B button in front of the flower to teleport.
PS2 | Submitted by E-01 OmegaBeating the Boss after the Rail Levels
After you beat the 2 rail levels, you will come upon another eggman boss. For the 1st part, switch to flying and keep on attacking him (dodge those lasers and defeat them first). Once you beat that, you must beat the 2nd part. Be flying again and just hit itfrom a distance. DON'T go ahead or next to it. After that the thing will become the first boss. Just beat him again. Also there will be rails and robots on the track.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by Sonic HeroHow to Beat Robot Carnival
This boss comes right after the Casino Zone action stages. You may have your own way to beat this, but here's my strategy. With any team, the speed type character is almost always best for this battle. Use the homing attack on almost all enemies. After you destroy the first team of robots, wait for the second and so on teams from the side of the field (not quite at a side). The reason for that is that there are some flying enemies. Some flying enemies are too high to hit with that for that, use the Thunder Arrow. That should do it.
PS2 | Submitted by Jessie LoweHow to Beat Egg Hawk
This is quite easy. Don't go for the hints. Just keep running as the runner (Sonic, Shadow, Amy etc.) and attack Eggman while spinning with the power dude (Knuckles, Omega, Big, and Vector.) If you go in fly formation, it will just slow you down. Even with both motors out, he is still faster then Cream, Tails, Rouge, and Charmy. Soon you should beat him.
PS2 | Submitted by Game MasterDefeat Final Boss
Metal Madness
A rank requirements: under 07:00:00!
Turn around and break a wooden box to get the blast gauge UP. Use it to take out a bit of Metal Madness's life and then hit another wooden box to get another blast gauge UP. When the team blast gauge goes down, use team blast again. Metal madness should be low on life so use thunder shoot to finish this form off. Once defeated, you will take control of team chaotix.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by RougeHow to Beat All Bosses with Team Rose
O.K., the first boss is the Egg Hawk. Just stay in speed formataion and keep running after it. Then, when it stops on the platform, just keep using the Homing Attack. He'll die sooner or later. The next boss is Team Sonic. First, break the boxes and get the stuff inside them before Team Sonic does, and get some rings. Then get in flying formation and keep using Thunder Shoot on then. If Cream dies, switch to Big and keep using the aerial attack on them. If Big dies, just keep using the Homing Attack. The next boss is the Robot Carnival. First get some rings. Switch to Cream, and just keep using Thunder Shoot. If the fly meter runs out, just fly back up. If you get a Team Blast, WAIT FOR THE NEXT ROUND OF ROBOTS. THEN use it. Then you'll eventually kill all of the Robots. On to the Egg Albatross! First you have to get some rings, then take out the turrets with Homing Attack, and in the end, it's just the Egg Hawk all over again. The next one's Team Chaotix. A little stronger than the last Team, but use the same strategey as you did with Team Sonic. The next boss is... Robot Storm!!! Use the same strategy as you did for Robot Carnival, because Robot Storm and Robot Carnival are virtually the same thing. Next one is. . . the Egg Emperor! This is the last boss for Team Rose! First grab some rings, then he'll use a slashing movement that throws a beam at you. The first one's longways, the next 2 are sideways and you have to jump over them. Then run after him in speed formation, and when he stops on the platform, use the Homing Attack on the cockpit. It might take a while, but it's the easiest way.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by mashi maroEasy Helmeted Robot Kill
Mystic Mansion, Egg Fleet, and Final Fortress
Find a part in one of the levels above where there is an armored robot with a hammer. To get the helmet off, either tornado blast him with speed formation, or go up with power and let your teammates automatic home towards the enemy. He will not fall back, but rather his helmet simply falls to the ground. Now you merely fire dunk or belly flop his head a few times with power to easily kill him.
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by super sonic full pwerLast Story
When you start, become big the cat. Then break open one of the two boxes behind you. You'll get team blast. Then switch to Cream. Use team blast and now you will be invincible and have a shield. Now, while you're invincible, keep using thunder shoot. Don't worry about the spikes coming at you... you're invincible. When it runs out do the same thing - break open the other box and repeat the step until he is dead.
You'll notice that colored sphere in the middle of the boss. If it's blue speed cannot attack, yellow flying cannot attack, and red power cannot attack (note: they actually can attack, but it will not hurt him). Keep attacking him with someone who is not the color of the sphere (use Charmy's thunder shoot to fill up team blast faster). When he says "get away", use Charmy and fly up, but dont move! He will shoot ice at you and it can capture your team mates. If they are all captured your finished. Then when he is done, wait for him to use his attack. Just jump over them, then attack him again (helpful hint: there is a cannon in the bottom right corner of this platform. Use vector the alligator to go in there. This gives you two advantages. One - you can attack him with a power formation three times and you won't die as long as you hit the sphere. Two - you can't die or be captured by those crystals. This gives u invinciblity as long as your in there. Keep attacking him until you win.
First attack the sphere like in team Chaotix, depending on the color. But before you do, make sure you destroy the six boxes on the platform to your left and right. This will fully power up the team, except for Rouge. In order to power up Rouge you must fly up to the 3 balloons. Use rouge to dodge the ice crystals by flying up, and use Shadow to homing attack the sphere and Rouge to attack the sphere. Use Omega's bbb combo to shoot missles at him, but dont fall off! Keep repeating until he dies.
First Sonic turns to Super Sonic with the seven chaos emeralds. Then Tails and Knuckles get golden shields. Then you're off to fight Metal Sonic. To beat him, don't use Sonic's b attack the whole time as it uses up rings. In order to defeat the crystals he throws, homing attack all three of them. In order to destroy the ship he throws at you every once in a while, use Knuckles and shoot Tails and Sonic at it. In order to destroy the 100 missiles or so he throws at you, use Tails' Thunder Shoot. You'll eventually get team blast. It takes five team blasts to kill him, so get all the rings you can to maintain super form.
PS2 | Submitted by Chris DingwellAll Formations
Here are all the power, speed, and fly formations for each team.
Speed: Sonic
Fly: Tails
Power: Knuckles
Speed: Shadow
Fly: Rouge
Power: Omega
Speed: Espio
Fly: Charmy
Power: Vector
Speed: Amy Rose
Fly: Cream
Power: Big
PS2 | Submitted by DespisedOneBeat Metal Sonic (While Super Sonic)
To Beat Metal Sonic: When you are super sonic, you must always remember to collect the balloons while you are fighting him. Because you're rings will be used up every time you attack or every 3-5 seconds. When he throws crystals you must have sonic as you're leader and press "B" right though the crystals. You will destroy them and increase your team blast gauge. When he holds the Airplane you must have knuckles as the leader and press "B" when the plane gets close to you. You will destroy it and increase your team blast gauge. When he faces his back to you have to have tails as the leader and press "B" to throw sonic or knuckles at his Spine. When he is shooting the missiles to capture your teammates run as far to the Right/Left and he will miss you for a while (doesn't always work). When your team blast gauge is full don't use it if you're able to grab the balloon because once you use it the balloon will be out of you're reach and your rings will run out. Team Blast is the only way to damage him so dont try anything else.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by SonicRailroad City
When you are on railroad city and grinding, when you see the rail that has 3 sections and trains heading towards you, use tails as leader. If you get hit, fly up and onto the rail or when you see a train coming, jump to the next one.
PS2 | Submitted by Boomblaster 5000Beating Egg Emperor
To beat the Egg Emperor as Team Rose or Chaotix, chase the Egg Emporor to the 1st platform. Be in power formation. When you have team blast, use it. Attack the glowing circle whenever it is open. Repeat for the other platforms. Eventually you will beat him.
GameCube | Submitted by super sonic full pwerLast Story
When you start, become big the cat. Then break open one of the two boxes behind you. You'll get team blast. Then switch to Cream. Use team blast and now you will be invincible and have a shield. Now, while you're invincible, keep using thunder shoot. Don't worry about the spikes coming at you... you're invincible. When it runs out do the same thing - break open the other box and repeat the step until he is dead.
You'll notice that colored sphere in the middle of the boss. If it's blue speed cannot attack, yellow flying cannot attack, and red power cannot attack (note: they actually can attack, but it will not hurt him). Keep attacking him with someone who is not the color of the sphere (use Charmy's thunder shoot to fill up team blast faster). When he says "get away", use Charmy and fly up, but dont move! He will shoot ice at you and it can capture your team mates. If they are all captured your finished. Then when he is done, wait for him to use his attack. Just jump over them, then attack him again (helpful hint: there is a cannon in the bottom right corner of this platform. Use vector the alligator to go in there. This gives you two advantages. One - you can attack him with a power formation three times and you won't die as long as you hit the sphere. Two - you can't die or be captured by those crystals. This gives u invinciblity as long as your in there. Keep attacking him until you win.
First attack the sphere like in team Chaotix, depending on the color. But before you do, make sure you destroy the six boxes on the platform to your left and right. This will fully power up the team, except for Rouge. In order to power up Rouge you must fly up to the 3 balloons. Use rouge to dodge the ice crystals by flying up, and use Shadow to homing attack the sphere and Rouge to attack the sphere. Use Omega's bbb combo to shoot missles at him, but dont fall off! Keep repeating until he dies.
First Sonic turns to Super Sonic with the seven chaos emeralds. Then Tails and Knuckles get golden shields. Then you're off to fight Metal Sonic. To beat him, don't use Sonic's b attack the whole time as it uses up rings. In order to defeat the crystals he throws, homing attack all three of them. In order to destroy the ship he throws at you every once in a while, use Knuckles and shoot Tails and Sonic at it. In order to destroy the 100 missiles or so he throws at you, use Tails' Thunder Shoot. You'll eventually get team blast. It takes five team blasts to kill him, so get all the rings you can to maintain super form.
GameCube | Submitted by Boomblaster 5000Beating egg emporor
To beat the Egg Emperor as Team Rose or Chaotix, chase the Egg Emporor to the 1st platform. Be in power formation. When you have team blast, use it. Attack the glowing circle whenever it is open. Repeat for the other platforms. Eventually you will beat him.
PS2 | Submitted by CornelTwo Player Cheats
Getting emblems in 1P or Challenge mode unlocks multi-player modes.
Collect the following number of emblems to unlock each:
Game # of emblems
Team Battle 20
Special Stage 40
Ring Race 60
Bobsled race 80
Quick Race 100
Expert race 120
Metal Skin for all characters. Collect all 141 emblems
PS2 | Submitted by Knuckles989Metal Two Player Characters
Hold A+Y after you select a level. Then, your characters will be metal versions of themselves!
PS2 | Submitted by AnonymousTeam Blast Effects
Each team has a different Team Blast and here are their secondary effects.
Team Sonic: Sonic Overdrive. After the attack is done, the gauge will go down. if you jump and hit the square button when near enemies, Sonic will do an attack called "Light Attack" that destroys almost all enemies nearby, even when the gague is empty.
Team Dark: Chaos Inferno (better known as Chaos Control) This attack's secondary efect is time freeze for the amount of energy remaining in the gauge.
Team Rose: Flower Festival. This attack's effect levels up all 3 characters, gives you an invencibility power-up, and a shield. The remaining energy is useless.
Team Chaotix: Chaotix Recital. For each enemy in range, you get a 5, 10 or 20 ring item box. Remaining energy is useless again.
GameCube | Submitted by TeejOmega's Level Up Attacks
Like Vector, Omega may use different attacks depending on his level. At level 1 his BBB combo shoots machine-gun like bullets from his hand. At level 2 his BBB combo shoots out flames from his hands. At level 3 his BBB combo shoots out exploding spikes.
GameCube | Submitted by BriceFlower Teleports
First, pick the team Choatix, then go to there first level (it also might work on other levels) then go up to one of the purple flowers on the side of a wall. Switch to the character that looks like a bee. Press the B button in front of the flower to teleport.
GameCube | Submitted by DJ03Easy Way To Defeat Egg Albatross
When you get to the level in Sonic Heroes where you are put against the Egg Albatross,
instead of following it, if you stay there and he comes back to charge you, jump to the side and attack the wing. Repeat until stage 2. Note that you should be in power formation the entire battle. After the bottom blows off and he's in stage 2, his charges can actually hit you. This time, you HAVE to jump back and shoot him. Once he has retreated to stage 3 (aka Egg Hawk), just continue with that strategy and you never had to leave the first platform. I have tested this personally several times.
GameCube | Submitted by Cole H.Best Way To Find Chaos Emerlds
Go to 1 player mode, then go to challenge, and in the bottom right corner it will show an emblem. If there is nothing under it the emblem, then there is no emerald warp but if there is a gray emerald under the emblem, then go to that level, find the key and survive the level.
GameCube | Submitted by I hate TiwariHow To Unlock Last Mission've beaten the game have you....? Well, not yet. Okay, to get the last mission you got to get the Chaos Emeralds. The best team for this long trial is Team Rose. With shorter levels & less enemies they're recommended. In every second stage the keys will get you to the Emerald challenge. To get the Emerald, you got to catch up to it. If you collect the regular spheres that will help you somewhat. The REALLY important spheres are the Dash Spheres. Thy give you a dash that will get you to the Emerald. Repeat this SEVEN TIMES to unlock the final mission. (Also, you have to beat the game with EVERY TEAM ot unlock this.)
GameCube | Submitted by FatRabidRamboCowBingo Machine Mayhem Avoider
Although its not a cheat, more of a hint. I found the casino level to be the worst of all the levels. The handling ont he Bingo tables is really bad. But this should help u save lives.
On the 2nd zone of the casino levels at the very last table where u sort of enter a slide and u go through a swirly blue and yellow tunnel. This table is full of pot holes and alot of jumps. When going round corners u usually find a pot hole. dont fight against it just move witht he rolling. you'll find it is safer than usual.
Also before u enter the swirl blue tunnel u can save many many lives here (i died alot on the tables) instead of jumping onto it and all your characters going down. get the speed character selected (sonic, shadow, amy, espio)and move slowly forward into the pipe. you shoudl find if done right that only the speed guy goes down. ow when u fall off the table you will automatically be selecte with a new characters and the speed one will appear next to them as though he were knocked out. Keep repeating the process till u work your way down the table.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarSong Unlocks & FMV Movies
Beating story mode as one of the Teams also unlocks their movie in the CG theatre
Follow Me song - Beat story mode as Team Rose.
Team Chaotix song - Beat story mode as Team Chaotix.
This Machine song - Beat story mode as Team Dark.
We Can song - Beat story mode as Team Sonic.
GameCube | Submitted by Game MasterDefeat Final Boss
Metal Madness
A rank requirements: under 07:00:00!
Turn around and break a wooden box to get the blast gauge UP. Use it to take out a bit of Metal Madness's life and then hit another wooden box to get another blast gauge UP. When the team blast gauge goes down, use team blast again. Metal madness should be low on life so use thunder shoot to finish this form off. Once defeated, you will take control of team chaotix.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to get to the Special Stage
This is how to get to the Special Stage. When you going through the courses you may notice this cage with a shiny key in it. What you do is you get Knuckles and punch it open. Now there is one catch, if you get hit by an enemy or fall of the edge, you lose the key and you have to find another key. If you get to the Special Stage, you find your self running in a big tube. The point is to get to the end before time runs out. You need to boost once in a while, but to boost, you need to collect balloons. To increase your time, run through the changing gates. Something happens when you collect all the Emeralds
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy to Hard
Different teams are harder than each other
Chaotix:Very Hard
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat the Giant Electric Lasers
O.K., on the level before the Egg Emperor, you will have to grind on rails with electric stuff on them. Flying formation is best for this because if you get hit you can fly back up. When you see the electricity on your rail jump to another one. Continue doing this until you see a Huge laser materializing. It might take you a few tries to do this but switch to speed formation and grind as fast as possible to beat the laser.
GameCube | Submitted by Sierra AdolphTangled In Team Blasts?
Are you getting in a mess with all those Team Blasts? I'm sure you know, that by pressing the Z Button, you will do a certain type of, 'Team Blast'. Team Blasts are used for defeating numerous enemies when in a tight situation, but what if you're in a tight situation and you don't have a Team Blast?
Easy! I found out by doing combo attacks with the different types of characters. It brings your Team Blast Meter up! For example, you can be the Speed type character (by pressing B or doing the Homing Attack), the Fly type character (by pressing B), or the Power type character (by pressing B or A and B)! (i prefer the fly type, for it's easy to fly away from those pesky robots)
GameCube | Submitted by Player XFloating Enimies
The best way to perform this stunt is to go as team Chaotix, then go to the city metropolis, turn invisible with espio, and look for an enemy resting on a box, break the box with invisible espio and the enemy will be floating, I know it sounds stupid, but I though someone would like it and pass it on
GameCube | Submitted by blade_1992Easy Way To Fill Up Special Bar
Ok first you get 10 golden rings then find a enemy since your special goes up when you get rings and it doesn't shrink when you lose them just keep running into the enemy and your rings will pop out just collect your rings again and again until your team special is full
Xbox | Submitted by FatRabidRamboCowBingo Machine Mayhem Avoider
Although its not a cheat, more of a hint. I found the casino level to be the worst of all the levels. The handling ont he Bingo tables is really bad. But this should help u save lives.
On the 2nd zone of the casino levels at the very last table where u sort of enter a slide and u go through a swirly blue and yellow tunnel. This table is full of pot holes and alot of jumps. When going round corners u usually find a pot hole. dont fight against it just move witht he rolling. you'll find it is safer than usual.
Also before u enter the swirl blue tunnel u can save many many lives here (i died alot on the tables) instead of jumping onto it and all your characters going down. get the speed character selected (sonic, shadow, amy, espio)and move slowly forward into the pipe. you shoudl find if done right that only the speed guy goes down. ow when u fall off the table you will automatically be selecte with a new characters and the speed one will appear next to them as though he were knocked out. Keep repeating the process till u work your way down the table.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy way to beat Egg Emperor
This really isn't a cheat but, its a good hint that should help you out. When your fighting Egg Emperor as Team Sonic, ok first when you start out, there are three level up boxes, get them. The first attack Egg Emperor uses, he will do a slash move with his sword, first he will slash forward, dodge that by running to the left or right, then he'll do a slash you cant dodge, jump over it, he will do this a second time, repeat this step. You will have to chase him till you get to a giant platform. Don't attack him, attack the missile launchers, then the enemies he creates, do this till you get your team blast, use it, it will hurt him and make him drop his guard attack him where there is a glowing circle. Repeat this step till he is dead.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Jessie LoweHow to beat the egg hawk
This is quite easy. Don't go for the hints. Just keep running as the runner (Sonic, Shadow, Amy etc.) and attack Eggman while spinning with the power dude (Knuckles, Omega, Big, and Vector.) If you go in fly formation, it will just slow you down. Even with both motors out, he is still faster then Cream, Tails, Rouge, and Charmy. Soon you should beat him.
Xbox | Submitted by Caleb ValentinLast story :Metal Sonic story
To get this you must beat story mode with every team and get all seven chaos emeralds
hint: use rose team to get chaos emeralds because their action stages are easier and you can't get hurt that much in them.
Remember if you get hurt you lose the key to the special stage so be careful.
Xbox | Submitted by Game MasterDefeat Final Boss
Metal Madness
A rank requirements: under 07:00:00!
Turn around and break a wooden box to get the blast gauge UP. Use it to take out a bit of Metal Madness's life and then hit another wooden box to get another blast gauge UP. When the team blast gauge goes down, use team blast again. Metal madness should be low on life so use thunder shoot to finish this form off. Once defeated, you will take control of team chaotix.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by DespisedOneBeat Metal Sonic (While Super Sonic)
To Beat Metal Sonic When you are super sonic, you must always remember to collect the balloons while you are fighting him. Because you're rings will be used up every time you attack or every 3-5 seconds. When he throws crystals you must have sonic as you're leader and press "B" right though the crystals. You will destroy them and increase your team blast gauge. When he holds the Airplane you must have knuckles as the leader and press "B" when the plane gets close to you. You will destroy it and increase your team blast gauge. When he faces his back to you have to have tails as the leader and press "B" to throw sonic or knuckles at his Spine. When he is shooting the missiles to capture your teammates run as far to the Right/Left and he will miss you for a while (doesn't always work). When your team blast gauge is full don't use it if you're able to grab the balloon because once you use it the balloon will be out of you're reach and your rings will run out. Team Blast is the only way to damage him so dont try anything else.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by D. CCheating Death
At the end of the Bingo Highway, you will go through one more pinball table. Here, you might lose a few lives unless you use this hint. When you get to the beginning of the last pinball run, choose at least one of the characters (I suggest speed characters, but whatever you do, DO NOT USE THE FLIGHT CHARACTER! TRUST ME!!!) and walk slowly to the starting spot. 9 times out of 10, you will go down the tube alone. If you fall of the end, switch to another teammate and, if none of them followed, you will end up back at where you started. You won't die whenever you fall off, thus cheating death.
Xbox | Submitted by anthonyDodge Egg Emperors Charge
To dodge egg emperors charge press x and easily do a kick under egg emperors charge.
(note) this only happens as lo g as you press x at the right time you will make it.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Chris DingwellAll Formations
Here are all the power, speed, and fly formations for each team.
Speed: Sonic
Fly: Tails
Power: Knuckles
Speed: Shadow
Fly: Rouge
Power: Omega
Speed: Espio
Fly: Charmy
Power: Vector
Speed: Amy Rose
Fly: Cream
Power: Big
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy to Hard
Different teams are harder than each other
Chaotix:Very Hard
GameCube | Submitted by Caleb ValentinLast story :Metal Sonic story
To get this you must beat story mode with every team and get all seven chaos emeralds
hint: use rose team to get chaos emeralds because their action stages are easier and you can't get hurt that much in them.
Remember if you get hurt you lose the key to the special stage so be careful.
GameCube | Submitted by Evan ZipTeam Metal Sonic
How to unlock team Metal Sonic you must get all the emblems in the game. Once you do you have to play VS mode fifty times while both teams are metal. You can become metal by holding A+Y after you select a stage in VS mode. Once you have completed that you will face Metal Sonic again with all characters in their metal form. If you beat Metal Sonic you will have his team on first player mode and on VS mode. When you complete team Metal Sonics story than stead of facing Metal Sonic you will be facing Sonic. The characters in team Metal Sonic are Metal Sonic, Eggman, and Chaos.
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by Kurt VPSuper Powered-Up Leaders
With any team, simply grab 3 power cores to level them up completely.
Team Sonic:
Sonic: Faster and Stronger
Tails: Longer flying meter
Knuckles: His BBB combo makes volcanic eruptions
Team Dark:
Shadow: Faster and Stronger
Rouge: Longer flying meter
E-123 Omega: Much, Much Stronger Attacks
Team Rose:
Amy: Faster and Stronger
Cream: Longest Flying meter in game
Big: Much, Much Stronger Attacks
Team Choatix:
Espio:Faster, Stronger, and throws knives
Charmy: Longer Flying Meter, Stronger Thunder Shot
Vector: Stronger, BBB combo throws exploding bubles
Sonic Heroes Glitches
Xbox | Submitted by Player XFloating Enemies
The best way to perform this stunt is to go as team Chaotix, then go to the city metropolis. Turn invisible with Espio, and look for an enemy resting on a box. Break the box with invisible Espio and the enemy will be floating.
PS2 | Submitted by Player XFloating Enemies
The best way to perform this stunt is to go as Team Chaotix, then go to the city metropolis, turn invisible with Espio, and look for an enemy resting on a box. Break the box with invisible Espio and the enemy will be floating.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by SonicDaddyUnlimited Lives For Team Chaotix
Travel to the first forest level (with all the frogs) for Team Chaotix. Your client wants you to avoid the frogs. So you do that... and travel... until you see a frog on a ledge with a life in front of it. To get it you have to be Charmy and use Thundershoot to get it. Once you have done that, get detected by the frog.
Now unfortunately you have to start from the beginning. So you go to that same spot you were at before with the frog, and there is another life there just waiting for you! And you can do this however many times you want.
Sonic Heroes Cheats
Xbox | Submitted by Knuckles989Metal 2-player characters
Hold A+Y after you select a level. Then, your characters will be metal versions of themselves!
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