"Sophisticated" online systems for Sins of a Solar Empire

4X PC strategy game Sins of a Solar Empire is to benefit from what's being termed "sophisticated" new online systems shortly.

"...it means that a sophisticated ladder, matchmaking, account system will become a reality in the near future. You see, Stardock, Ironclad, and Gas Powered Games are doing something that, to my knowledge, has never been done before. We three are combining our experiences and talents to build a unified multiplayer architecture" an update in relation to publisher Stardock's recent signing of Demigod explains on official forums."

The update continues, "That means your Sins of a Solar Empire achievements will become part of your account. Your wins, losses, and ranking (for those who choose to play ranked games) will be part of your account. You'll be able to find available games in Sins, Demigod, or The Political Machine (for starters) right from Impulse. You'll be able to have a unified friends list, unified clan support, and much more that is supported by three games immediately and designed by three companies with a great deal of experience in this area."

Impulse is Stardock's Steam-ish service.

In related news, Sins of a Solar Empire fans have been told a new patch for the game is planned for this week. The update focuses on game balance. Read our review of the gameright here.

Courtesy of CVG.

Apr 9, 2008