Soulcalibur 4 Mitsurugi character guide



Version 1.12




  #1.1 Who this guide is for

  #1.2 Who this guide is not for

  #1.3 Notes

  #1.4 Using the search function


  #2.1 Story

  #2.2 Character description

  #2.3 Strengths and weaknesses

  #2.4 Notation and jargon used in this guide

    #2.4A Controls

    #2.4B General jargon

    #2.4C Move information and properties

    #2.4D Mitsurugi's stances


  #3.1 General Strategy

  #3.2 Moves to learn first (my movelists)

  #3.2A Movelist A: Primary attacks

  #3.2B Movelist B: Secondary attacks

  #3.2C Movelist C: Relic stance

  #3.2D Movelist D: Mist stance

  #3.2E Movelist E: Situational attacks

  #3.2F Movelist F: Other ways to get into and between stances


    #4.0A Reading the movelist and move properties

  #4.1 Normal stance

    #4.1A Normal stance to relic stance

    #4.1B Normal stance to mist stance    

  #4.2 Relic stance

    #4.2A Relic stance to mist stance

    #4.2B Relic stance to normal stance

  #4.3 Mist stance

    #4.3A Mist stance to relic stance

    #4.3B Mist stance to normal stance







#1.1 Who this guide is for: 

-People who want to start playing Mitsurugi or want some information about him

to help fight against him. 

-People looking for some strategy hints on how to play Mitsurugi.

-People who want an organised list of Mitsurugi's moves, including getting into

and between his stances, with information on damage, hit ranges, 

horizontal/vertical information, properties, range and speed.

-People who would like to learn Mitsurugi's moves and want some guidance as

to which ones to start with, and which ones to progress to later.

#1.2 Who this guide is not for:

-People who have just got hold of Soul Calibur 4 and have not played any

previous SC games or got to grips with the basics. If this is the case, please

either read the instruction manual or another comprehensive FAQ, have a good

play around with the game, and return when you have a handle on how the game


-Advanced Mitsurugi players who are looking for high level strategies. I am a

competent player having used him since SC2, but I'm not an expert. Sorry!

You are welcome to look through my recommended movelists with commentary, maybe

there will be a little something you hadn't thought of!

-People who want a frame data. I have described how quick the moves are

generally, but not anything precise. You can find a lot of this 

information at in the soul arena section of the forum.

-People who want details about all of Mitsurugi's equipment, weapons stats and 

such. All this information is can be found in other FAQs:



#1.3 Notes:

-This guide was made using the Xbox 360 version, but it should apply to the PS3

version as I believe they are pretty much identical.

-To compress the complete movelist, I have grouped similarly inputted moves

together as alternate inputs.

-I present the complete movelist from the game into more logical groupings, and

show you the moves I recommend in smaller movelists, and in which order

to learn them. 

-I guess people must have thought his 'moon' moves were too powerful, as they 

have mostly been taken out, leaving him with just one windup and one move from 

it, although he regains his former superpower move that used to be [6] B B

in earlier games, but it can now only be done from his mist stance as 6+B B.

-B K B from mist stance is not in the game's movelist, credit to my brother for 

finding that combo!

-Make sure you read the notation and jargon section and the how to read the 

complete movelist section before you before jumping into the complete movelist,

or you will be unlikely to make sense of most of it!

#1.4 Using the search function

If you want to jump to a particular section in this guide, this is the 

quickest way to do so:

-Find the reference of the section you wish to jump to in the contents, for

example #6.3D

-Put the cursor at the very top of this guide

-Hold Ctrl and press F, and where it says 'Find what' or 'Find' type in the 

reference number (if using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, the 'find' tab

may appear at the bottom left of your screen)

-Check that direction is set to down, then click the 'find next' button twice 

(click the 'next' button twice if using Firefox)

-You should now be at the section you want to find




#2.1 Story (my interpretation): Mitsurugi is a wandering warrior, who is 

always looking for his next combat challenge. He has yet to be beaten, and

grows tired of easily striking down all who oppose him. The call of the

powerful sword gives him hope that he may yet meet a worthy opponent.

#2.2 Character description: Mitsurugi plays much like any other character, with

the addition of two other fighting stances from which he has many attacking 

options. He uses a medium length sword and can be a highly aggressive and 

intimidating character. For those familiar with Tekken, there are some notable

similarities between Mitsurugi and Paul Pheonix. Both are wandering fighters

who have never been beaten, both use a highly explosive and aggressive style, 

Mitsurugi's 2+K B is pretty much the same as Paul's 2+RK RP, and they both 

never lose in the tournaments but somehow end up not the credited victor for 

strange reasons beyond their control. They also both seem to be 'in house 

favourites', as they get seemingly hugely powerful easy to use moves which can

crush opponents, but they are kept behind the scenes and out of the main 

storylines. That is just my opinion, but look who you always face in 

practice mode...

#2.3 Strengths: Fast, can aggressively dominate a match, has useful stances

with many options including a range of unblockable attacks, excellent at

ringouts, high damage.

Weaknesses (or development points for the PC): Mainly small to medium range, 

some lack of variety in movelist, lack of efficient low moves.

#2.4 Notation and jargon used in this guide:

#2.4A Controls

1: Down+left on the controller.

2: Down on the controller.

3: Down+right on the controller.

4: Left on the controller.

6: Right on the controller.

7: Up+left on the controller.

8: Up on the controller.

9: Up+right on the controller.

A: Press the A button (as referred to in the control scheme you have).

B: Press the B button (as referred to in the control scheme you have).

G: Press the G button (as referred to in the control scheme you have).

K: Press the K button (as referred to in the control scheme you have).

+: Simultanious button presses.

/: Indicates alternative inputs.

~: Indicates the next input must be made extremely quickly.

[x]: Indicates the input x should be held down. In the case of directional 

inputs, this can also be replaced with a double tap in that direction.

(x): Indicates an additional optional input x.

{x}: Indicates the input x can be delayed.

#2.4B General jargon

AUTOPARRY: This is a purple flash that happens during certain moves, and they

parry certain types of attacks. They may knock those attacks aside, or 

Mitsurugi may perform an attack animation. The details will be noted for the

individual moves.

BLOCK: See guard.

COMBO: This is a succession of attacks that form into one longer move with two

or more hits (such as A A).

GUARD: Holding down the G button while standing to block high, mid, special mid

or special low attacks; or holding down the G button while crouching to block

low, special mid or special low attacks. This stops the attack damaging you.

IMPACT (guard impact): A defensive move which deflects an incoming attack if

timed correctly.

INTERRUPT: To hit an opponent who is performing a move by doing a faster move.

PUNISH: This means to land your own attack on a helpless opponent after they

miss you with a move or are out of position.

REPEL (guard repel): A type of impact, using 6+G or 3+G to repel high/mid or

mid/low moves respectively. The player repelled cannot move, attack or block 

for a short time.

SIDESTEPPING: Using the 8 way run system to try and move around your opponent's


STANCE: One of Mitsurugi's various fighting style positions. You will become

familiar with them as you try out his attacks. The stances often link together

with various moves.

TRACKING: The ability of a move to follow the opponent as they move.

#2.4C Move information and properties

h,l,m,sl,sm (high,low,mid,special low,special mid): The parts of the opponent 

an attack aims for. 

*n: Indicates special property number n which will be explained below the

section of moves in which it appears (n is a number).

AT (attack throw): A move which turns into a throw animation if the hit lands

successfully and at close enough range.

CH (counterhit/counterattack) : Striking the opponent during one of their 


EC (ends in crouch): A move which will initially leave you in the crouching

position when it is complete.

EV (evasive): A move which is good at getting around, under or over other moves

giving you the chance to hit without being hit back.

GB (guard break): Indicates that a move has the guard break property. The move 

has a blue lightning effect, and when guarded causes a short stun.

H (horizontal): A move that hits in a sideways motion, designed to hit 

sidestepping opponents. Usually involves the A button.

HG (hits grounded opponent): A move which is able to hit an opponent who is

lying prone on the floor.

KD (knockdown): A move that knocks the opponent off their feet, giving you a 

big advantage as they can't do much from that position.

LA (launching): A move which sends the opponent high into the air, usually 

allowing you to use a combo on them before they land.

RO (ringout): Knocking the opponent out of the ring, winning the round 

instantly. A move with this property is capable of causing a ringout, although

you and/or your opponent have to be in the correct positions for it to happen,

these vary with each move.

SP (spins): A move which causes the opponent to spin around on the spot.

ST (stun): An effect of a move which incapacitates the opponent for a short 


TA (taunt): A move which serves no purpose other than to infuriate or mock

the opponent.

TH (throw): Indicates that a move is a throw/grapple, a move that cannot be 

blocked or impacted. It can be escaped by A or B depending on the input of the

throw. I suspect the new download 'fix' can allow throws to be impacted as a

just frame.

TR (turn round): A move that turns the opponent round.

UB (unblockable): Indicates that a move is unblockable. The move has a flame 

effect and cannot be guarded or impacted.

V (vertical): A move that hits in a forward motion, designed to have priority

over horizontal moves, but that can be sidestepped. Usually involves the B


WC (while crouching): Perform this move while crouching. To crouch, press 2+G,

then you can release G while holding 2.

WR (while rising): Let go of 2 while crouching.

#2.4D Mitsurugi's stances

MIST STANCE: Mitsurugi holds his sword pointing away from him ready to strike.

NORMAL STANCE: Mitsurugi stands normally as he does when the round starts.

RELIC STANCE: Mitsurugi sheathes his sword ready to strike. 




#3.1 General strategy

Use these tips while working through my movelists in the next section.

-Play aggressively. I find Mitsurugi is best when he is applying pressure,

mixing up attacks, and not letting the opponent recover enough to launch

their own attack. Do not mindlessly attack though, there are times when you

need to be a bit more defensive, you will learn this with practise.

-Mix up your attacks. Use high, mid and low moves and throws. When you think

your opponent is going to duck your throw attempt, or is expecting a low move,

instead use a fast mid move. When they are on the defensive and standing, 

use a low move or a throw. Once you get to the stances, vary how and when you

use them to always keep the opponent guessing. Change to and from your stances,

and use moves to switch between them. Know what each stance can do.

-Punish opponents who stay on the floor too long to try to fool you into 

attacking and missing. Mitsurugi has many attacks which hit a grounded 

opponent. If they are getting up instantly instead, be ready with a quick

attack or a throw to keep your momentum.

-Try to keep close most of the time, Mitsurugi is most effective at short and

medium range. If you find yourself at distance, know which attacks can connect

from that far away, he has a few. Use the 6 6 forward step in relic and mist

stance to close in before launching an attack.

-Remember that in the mist and relic stance, Mitsurugi is generally unable

to sidestep up or down, or to guard or impact. Be careful of staying in a 

stance too long and getting flanked.

-Go for ringouts. Misturugi is one of the best characters for this. Try to

force your opponent towards an edge, or move around them to line it up. Use

the moves I've indicated which ringout, varying which one you go for.

#3.2 Moves to learn first (my movelists)

I will cover which moves you should focus on when you first start to learn how 

to play Mitsurugi. To help with this I have selected groups of moves from the 

complete movelist, and given commentary on how to use them. Here are some hints

(skip this part if you are used to learning character moves) starting with

movelist A:

-Go into practice mode and go through all the moves in the list, get a feel

for their timing, the range they hit from, their damage and whether they hit 

high, mid or low. Imagine as you do them what kind of situations they would be

useful in. Keep going through the moves until you can remember them all and 

perform them as second nature.

-Start having matches using this movelist, ideally against a human opponent,

but even against the computer will help. As you use the moves in the movelist,

see when they are successful, and when they are not, and learn when best to

use them. Keep playing matches using these moves until you can recall all

the moves, having the list in front of you may help to glance at after each

match to see if you are forgetting any. Feel free to print out all of or any

part of this guide. Learn when each move is appropriate and effective, instead

of performing moves randomly. I have provided comments for each move to help 

with this.

-Once you feel you have mastered the movelist, repeat this process with the

next movelist, continuing to apply all the movelists you have learnt so far. 

I'd highly recommend starting with movelist A, but you can then tackle the 

other 5 in whatever order you feel is best for your playing style.

I have kept each movelist quite short so it should be easy to remember them

all, and you can make steady progress. This is better in my experience than

trying to remember vast amounts of moves at once and not really knowing

how to use any of them. If you find any of the movelists too long to remember

in one go, split them up into smaller movelists and learn them one at a time.

They are not in strict order of how good the moves are by groups, but rather

how effective they can be compared to their difficulty to use in different

situations. This is just my opinion of course, feel free to pick and choose 

if you prefer!

I have not included all of Mitsurugi's moves in my movelists, as I feel many 

are either too weak or too specialised to be worth making a priority when you 

first learn him. Feel free to browse the complete list again once you have 

mastered all these movelists. 

#3.2A Move list A: Primary attacks

These moves can form the basis of your attack strategy, they are fairly easy

to input and use, keep opponents on the defensive, and work well with one 

another if you mix them up. 

A A ... Fast combo for interrupting attacks and catching sidesteppers.

B B ... Fast medium range combo for pressuring.

A+G/B+G .... Standard throws, good for punishing and for when you think

the opponent is going to try and impact your move or is being too 

defensive. Use A+G for ringout.

2+K B ... Very quick low starting combo, use only at close range. Ringout.

3+A ... An aggressive fast elbow attack for close range, on counterhit it

gives a stun. Good for coping with other aggressive players close up and for

pressuring someone who is trying to get their own attack going.

4/[4]+K B  ... A good medium range combo for pressuring, for ringout, and

for mixing up with 2+K B.

[6] B B ... Damaging long range combo for punishing or interrupting. Ringout.

[6] A  ... Good all purpose pressuring move, hard to avoid as it is mid and

horizontal. Gives a brief stun on counterhit.

3+B ... A fast launching mid move for when the opponent tries to duck a 

throw or thinks you are going to hit low. Follow with B B for damage and 


1+A/[A] (B) ... Long range low move with knockdown, it's hard to avoid but

can be blocked as it's a bit slow. Don't overuse. Mix up with the extra B

to change to a guard break mid attack as a suprise.

#3.2B Move list B: Secondary attacks 

These are moves which can supplement your main attack, by adjusting to the

spacing and situation, and keeping the opponent guessing with a wide range

of offensive moves. They are slightly harder to use effectively, but with a 

bit of practice they should fit seamlessly into your strategy.

B~6 ... Very fast high attack for interrupting and pressuring at medium range.

K~B ... Damaging evasive mid range jumping combo, great for pressuring.

A+B (B) ... Medium range combo, good for ringout from quite a distance. The

optional input is a just frame but it's not too hard with practice, press it as

as the second hit lands. Good against opponents who stay on the ground too


A+K ... Use to try to parry an anticipated horizontal move, or just to launch 

into a suprise attack from some distance.

4+B ... A long range evasive move, use it when you predict an attack is 

coming to step back and evade it.

[1]/[7] A ... Deceptive knock down low move to stop the opponent's attacking

momentum or to use after sidestepping when a mid move is expected.

[2]/[8] B ... Fast mid downwards swipe to punish after a sidestep. 

[3]/[9] B ... Good for launching or going for a ringout after sidestepping at

medium range.

WC 1+A+B ... Reasonable speed knockdown low hit from crouching. Good from

medium range.

#3.2C: Movelist C: Relic stance

This stance when used effectively should strike fear into an already 

defensive opponent, when you switch from aggressive moves to a versatile

attacking stance. They will be scared to attack for fear of B, and scared

to stand still for fear of the A+B / [A+B] mixups, and you have more options


4/[4]+B+K  ... Get quickly into relic stance from normal stance.

[K] ... Use to pressure an opponent at close range when they are waiting to

see what you will do from your stance.

A+B+K ... Use when you think an opponent is going to attack with a mid move.

If you time this right and read your opponent you get a lot of free damage.

The next three moves provide an excellent mix up game for intimidating 

opponents and scoring large unblockable damage and guard breaks. Vary which 

ones you do, they all have their advantages. Use when you are fairly close, or

at close to medium range, when your opponent is on the defensive.

A+B ... Fairly fast high guard break move, use this when you think the opponent 

expects one of the longer moves below to hit them before they get a move in.

Gives knock down stun on hit, if they get up repeat the mind games of these

three moves. If they stay down you can punish them with B.

[A+B, short hold] ... Fairly fast mid unblockable, good for hitting an 

opponent who is trying to guard expecting the above move. Ringout. Release as 

Mitsurugi brings his sword down to his waist.

[A+B, medium hold] ... This is an excellent long range mid then low unblockable

which tracks well and is really hard to avoid. Use this attack whenever you

think you have the time and space to do so, it can be devastating. Release as

Mitsurugi has his sword held low. 


Returning to normal stance:

G ... To quickly get back to normal stance.

A ... A fast close range combo to interrupt an attacker closing in. Ringout.   

B ... Possibly Mitsurugi's single best all round move, this move pretty much

does it all. It sidesteps to evade moves, hits mid, hits grounded opponents,

is fast and tracks well, even rings out. Use when an opponent starts an attack

at short or medium range.

K ... Use for quick low hitting damage at close range to pressure and get 

back into normal stance to follow up.

#3.2D Movelist D: Mist stance 

This stance is also attacking, providing lots of quick moves and powerful 

controlling moves. By using this along with the relic stance you make it

that much harder for the opponent to know what is coming. It lacks any hard

hitting low moves, but does allow you to throw defensive opponents.

6/[6]+B+K ... Quickly get into mist stance from normal stance.

B ...  Very fast short range poke to interrupt attacks and keep the opponent

on the defensive.

To return to normal stance:

G ... To quickly get back to normal stance.

A ...  A long range attack for hitting sidesteppers, punishing or suprising 

from a distance. Ringout.

B B B ...  Use to interrupt an attack, get a little damage and return to 

normal stance.

(B) 4+B (6) ... Mix up with the other above moves as a suprise, and to get an

attack throw at short range which can ring out if the 6 is pressed. If you

have been pressuring with single B attacks, this move may catch an opponent

off guard who tries to attack thinking your move is finished.

(B) K B ... A sneaky evasive advancing combo for quick damage.

A+B ...  Useful for hitting an opponent who stays on the ground.

A/B+G ... These throws do less damage than the normal ones but are good for

grabbing an opponent who you have got on the defensive for hard to avoid 


6+B {B} ... The move that was stolen from him in an earlier Soul Calibur! Fast

advancing medium range combo for punishing, interrupting and for ringouts.

#3.2E Movelist E: Situational attacks 

These attacks are more specialised and should be used sparingly, only when the

situation is right. Practice them well and they will help you press your 

advantage at the right time; to help you mix up your aggressive game with

backing off and playing defensively for a bit; or adding variey to your offense

when it is to your advantage.

[A direction] A+B ... Long range mid move for punishing.

B~A ... Slices through opponent on fastest input. Quick mid move from medium

range for punishing. Knockdown on counterhit.

B+K ... Very specialist move, only use if you think you have enough of a read

to be able to predict an incoming vertical move.

A+B~6/[6] ... A handy poke from medium range, if the 6 is held it becomes a

fast ringout move at close range.

[2]/[8] A  ... A medium range stab which is hard to avoid, mid and 

horizontal. Use to indimidate the opponent while you sidestep or to punish.

[2]/[8] A+K ... Long range attack to punish after sidestepping or to use as a 

suprise from far away.

[3]/[9] A  ... Good for a suprise hard to avoid attack from medium to long


WC 3+B  ... A fast high poke from medium range. Good damage for its speed. Good

for punishing from a distance if you're crouching.

WC 1+B B/[B] ... Good for applying pressure at close range while crouching.

Mix up whether you charge or not for the guard break for confusion.

63214+B (63214, 63214, can keep repeating...) B ... Intimidating unblockable

move from a swirling sword dance. Use when you feel the opponent is on the

defensive and may not close in to knock you out of your dance or get scared and

try to sidestep, as it has excellent tracking. Best at medium range. Do not

overuse. Good to get into the dance when the opponent is grounded and you

predict they will get up, they may panic and block or try to sidestep and you

will probably get to hit them. If you think your attack isn't going to

work just don't input the second B.

#3.2F Movelist F: Other ways to get into and between stances 

To put the final touches to your strategy and move variation, these are the

moves I have selected as being the best ones to move between normal, relic

and mist stances under the disguise of other moves. This gives you more time

to ready your attack in the stance as it's harder to see coming, and when

used effectively will confuse your opponent, allowing you to press your

advantage as they throw out the wrong move or get too defensive.

Normal stance to relic stance


[1]/[7] K ... Use to get some suprise low damage at close range and get into

relic stance.

[3]/[9] [A] ... Use to pressure from medium range with this hard to avoid

attack and slip into relic stance.

Normal stance to mist stance 


4 [B] ... Mix this up with 4 B to confuse an opponent, back off from attacks

and be ready to respond.

[1]/[7] B [A] ... A fast combo to apply pressure.

[4] B ... Evasive step back swipe which knocks down and hits grounded

opponents. Pressure an opponent who gets knocked down with 6+B B to hit them on

the floor or catch them as they get up.

Relic stance to mist stance

[A] ... Same as A, but used to confuse the opponent by switching stances too.

B+K ... Use if you find yourself in the wrong stance, or just to confuse.

Mist stance to relic stance

B B [B] ... Use to pressurise and confuse with this fast combo.

B+K ... Use if you find yourself in the wrong stance, or just to confuse.

6 [B] ... When mixed up with 6+B B this will cause confusion as instead of the

second hit they have to work out how to deal with the relic stance instead. If

they block it and stand still expecting the second hit to come too, this can

give you time to get your A+B and [A+B] mixup games going.




#4.0A Reading the movelist and move properties

INPUT: How you perform the move.

HITS: Which areas of the opponent the move aims at, followed by whether it is

vertical or horizontal. A sequence of letters shows the information about

all the attacks in a combo in order. 

DMG (Damage): The damage the move does if all the hits connect. Note that on 

counter hit the damage may vary. I have left out the individual damage of each 

move in a combo to save space. This is a general estimate of the damage, it may

vary with how well moves connect and what way the opponent is facing. Note that

the damage of throws can change if you are to the side or behind the opponent.

The damage shown will be the standard throw when the opponent is facing you.

PROPERTIES: Any special properties the move has. A little c after a property 

shows that the property only applies if the attack is a counterhit. A little s

after a property shows that the property only applies on a standard hit (not a

counterhit). If a property is followed by (n) it shows that the property 

applies to attack n in a combo. This property may be overridden if the combo is

continued past that attack. A move is noted to be evasive (EV) if it is 

generally more evasive than the stance from which the move is performed. See 

move information and properties in the notation and jargon section. I have 

noted only the more significant stuns.

RGE (Range): Shows at what range the move can connect from; short, medium or

long (S,M,L). If this varies during a combo I will assess the overall range.

SPEED: Shows how fast the move is on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being a very fast

move and 5 being a very slow move. If the move has more than one attack, the 

speed of each attack is listed in order. These are based on my own observation

of the moves, not on any calculations. If you feel I have assigned the wrong

number to any attacks, please let me know. If there is a delay between one

hit and the next, that is taken into account in the speed of the move after

the delay. This is a measure of how fast attacks connect after the input, not

the recovery time afterwards.

Note that some moves do not hit the opponent or cause damage, so not all moves

will have an entry in each of these categories.

Example (fictional move)

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES           RGE SPEED

2+A [B] B~K        h-H,l-V,sm-H          57  KDc(1),GB(3)         M   1,2,4  

This shows a move which you input by pressing down and A, then hold B, then

press B and then quickly press K. The first hit will be high and horizontal, 

the second low and vertical, and the third special mid and horizontal. The 

total combo will do 57 damage. The first hit causes knockdown on a counterhit,

and the third hit has guard break. This combo should be used at medium range. 

The first hit is very fast, the second hit is fast, the third hit is slow.

#4.1 Normal stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

A A                h-H,h-H               20                        S   1,1

B B                m-V,m-V               28  HG(2)                 S   1,1

B~6                h-V                   20  KDc                   M   1

B~A                m-H                   28  KDc,*1                M   2

K                  h-V                   14                        S   1

(Run 3+ steps) K   l-V                   28  HG,KD,RO              S   2

K~B                m-V,m-V               30  EV,HG(2),KD(2)        L   2,2

(Facing away) A    h-V                   12                        S   1

(Facing away) B    m-V                   16                        M   2

(Facing away) K    h-V                   16                        S   2

(Facing away) B+K  m-V                   28  KD                    S   2

A+G                h-V                   40  KD,RO,TH              S   2

B+G                h-V                   50  KD,TH                 S   2

A+B B              m-V,m-V,m-V           44  HG,KD(2,3),RO(2,3),*2 M   2,2,2

A+B~6              m-V                   55  AT,KD                 M   2

A+B~[6]            m-V                   50  AT,KD,RO              M   2

B+K                h-H                   30  KD,TRc,*3             M   2

A+K                m-V                   40  AT,HG,KD,*4           L   4

K+G                                          TA

1+B                m-V                   18  HG                    M   2

1+K                l-V                   10  HG                    S   2

1+A                l-H                   30  HG,KD                 L   3

1+A B              m-V                   30  GB,ST                 L   4

1+[A]              l-H                   35  HG,KD                 L   4

1+[A] B            m-V                   30  GB,ST                 L   5

2+A                sl-H                  10                        S   2

2+B                m-V                   14  HG                    M   2

2+A+B              m-V                   20  HG                    S   3

2+K B              l-H,m-V               26  HG,*5                 S   2,2

3+A                m-H                   12  KDc                   S   1

3+B                m-V                   20  HG,LA                 M   2

3+K                m-V                   14                        M   2

4+A                h-H                   20  TRc                   M   2

4+B                m-V                   24  EV,KDc                M   3

4/[4]+K B          m-V,m-V               40  HG(2),KD,RO           M   2,2

6+A                h-H                   14                        S   2

6+K                h-H                   18  KDc                   S   2

6+B                m-V                   18  KDc                   S   2

6+B A+G            m-V,h-V               48  KDc(1),TH(2),*6       S   2,2

6+B B+G            m-V,h-V               53  KDc(1),TH(2),*6       S   2,2

7/8/9+A            h-H                   36  EV,TR                 M   3

7/8/9+B            m-V                   32  EV                    M   3

7/8/9+K            m-V                   25  EV                    M   3     

7/8/9+A+B          m-V                   44  HG,KD                 L   4

[1]/[7] A          l-H                   32  KD,RO                 M   3

[1]/[7] B A B      m-V,h-H,m-V           60  HG(1,3),KD(3)         M   1,1,3

[2]/[8] A          m-H                   20  ST                    M   2

[2]/[8] B          m-V                   28  HG,KD                 M   2

[2]/[8] K          h-V                   18  KDc                   S   2

[2]/[8] K+B        m-V                   26  ST                    M   2

[2]/[8] A+K        h-H                   30  SP                    L   3

[3]/[9] A          m-H                   26  KDc                   M   2

[3]/[9] B          m-V                   38  HG,LA,RO              M   3

[4] A A            h-H,h-H               29  SP(2)                 S   2,2

[6] A              m-H                   32  STc                   M   2      

[6] K              m-V                   18  EV                    M   2

[6] B B            m-V,m-V               49  HG,KD,RO              L   2,2

[A direction] A+B  m-V                   42  HG,KD,*7              L   3

WC A               sl-H                  10                        S   1     

WC B               m-V                   15  HG                    M   2

WC K               l-V                   10  HG                    S   2

WC 3+B             h-V                   30                        M   2

WC 1+B B           m-V,m-V               31  HG,KD,RO(1)           M   2,3

WC 1+B [B]         m-V,m-V               43  GB(2),HG,KD,RO(1)     M   2,3 

WC 1+A+B           l-V                   28  HG,KD                 M   3

(Facing away) WC A sl-H                  12                        S   2

(Facing away) WC B m-V                   16                        M   2

(Facing away) WC K l-V                   12  KD,HG                 S   2

WR A               m-H                   26                        S   2

WR B               m-V                   22                        M   2

WR K               m-V                   16                        S   1

236+B              m-V                   25  ST                    S   2

236+[B]            m-V                   40  KD,RO                 S   3

63214+B B          m-V                   65  AT,HG,KD,TR,UB,*8     M   5

*1: Slices through opponent on fastest input, becomes knockdown.

*2: Input B just as the second hit lands.

*3: Autoparry, knocks aside vertical attacks.

*4: Autoparry, knocks aside horizontal attacks.

*5: Knockdown and ringout if both hits connect.

*6: Input second command just as the first hit lands.

*7: If you press G quickly, Mitsurugi cancels the hit into a forward dash.

*8: After 63214+B, you can input 63214 again and again as many times as you 

want to repeat the sword dance, and then press B to activate the attack.

#4.1A Normal stance to relic stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

4/[4]+B+K                                                              2

6+[A]              h-H                   14                        S   2

[1]/[7] K          l-V                   16  HG                    S   2

[3]/[9] [A]        m-H                   26  KDc                   M   2

#4.1B Normal stance to mist stance 

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

4+[A]              h-H                   20  TRc                   M   2

4+[B]                                        EV                        1

6/[6]+B+K                                                              2

[1]/[7] B [A]      m-V,h-H               30  HG(1)                 M   1,1

[4] B              m-V                   24  EV,HG,KDc             M   2

#4.2 Relic stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

[K]                l-V                   24  HG,STc                S   2

A+B                h-V                   26  GB,KD,TR              S   3

[A+B]              h-V                   60  KD,RO,UB,*9           S   4

[A+B]              h-V                   70  KD,RO,UB,*10          S   5

A+B+K                                    60  AT,KD,*11             S   1

2                                            EV

4 4 

6 6                                          EV

7/8/9                                        EV

*9: Release as Mitsurugi brings his sword down to his waist.

*10: Release at very end of the animation, or keep holding.

*11: Autoparry, performs an attack throw if a mid move is parried at close 


#4.2A Relic stance to mist stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

[A]                sm-H,h-H              20  TA(2),*5              S   1,2

B+K                                                                    2

*5: Knockdown and ringout if both hits connect.

#4.2B Relic stance to normal stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES             RGE SPEED

G                                                                       1

A                  sm-H,h-H              20  TR(2),*5               S   1,2

B                  m-V                   25  HG,KD,RO               M   2

K                  l-V                   24  HG,STc                 S   2

[A+B]              m-H,l-H               72  KD,UB,*12              L   5

*5: Knockdown and ringout if both hits connect.

*12: Release as Mitsurugi has his sword held low.

#4.3 Mist stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

B                  h-V                   8                         S   1

2                                            EV

4 4

6 6

7/8/9                                        EV

#4.3A Mist stance to relic stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

B B [B]            h-V,h-V,h-V           26                        S   1,1,1

B+K                                          EV                        2

6+[B]              m-V                   20  HG,KD,RO              M   2

#4.3B Mist stance to normal stance

INPUT              HITS                  DMG PROPERTIES            RGE SPEED

G                                                                      1

A                  h-H                   24  KD,RO                 L   2

B B B              h-V,h-V,h-V           26                        S   1,1,1

B K B              h-V,l-V,h-V           42  HG(2)                 S   1,1,1

B 4+B              h-V,m-V               56  AT(2),KD(2),*14       M   1,2

B 4+B 6            h-V,m-V               46  AT(2),KD(2),RO(2),*14 M   1,2

K B                l-V,h-V               34  HG(1)                 S   1,1

A+B                m-V                   30  HG,KD                 M   3

A+G                h-V                   35  KD,TH                 S   2

B+G                h-V                   40  KD,TH                 S   2

4+B                m-V                   48  AT,KD,*14             M   2

4+B 6              m-V                   38  AT,KD,RO,*14          M   2

6+B {B}            m-V,m-V               46  HG,KD,RO              M   2,2

*14: If you do not achieve the attack throw, you remain in mist stance.




Version 1.0

-Initial guide aimed at players starting or learning with Mitsurugi

Version 1.10

-Updated jargon section

-Added search function explanation

-Added move information: high/mid/low and vertical/horizontal, move speeds, 


-Corrected minor errors

Version 1.11

-Corrections and layout changes

Version 1.12

-Corrected some errors

Created by Robert Watts (Robvalue). The only sources I have used are the game 

itself and my experience, except where noted.

Feel free to reproduce anywhere, being credited would be nice.

Please contact me if you have any suggestions, questions, comments or find an 

error. Please let me know if you find this guide useful. My email is 

robvalue (at)

About me: I'm an avid gamer of some 25 years, having played on almost every 

game system in that time. I've been a particular fan of 'fighting games', 

dating back to things like IK+. Anyone remember that? So of course there was 

the huge SF2 obsession, of which mine outlasted that of those around me. I was 

introduced to Tekken by my brother, and eventually overcame the shame of being 

beaten into the ground repeatedly to learn how to play. I stuck with the series

until Tekken 5, having played that for a long time I eventually tired of the 

importance placed on silly looking juggle moves and learning and practicing 

tricky inputs and combos. So after some soul searching, I focused on the Soul 

Calibur series (with some overlap). I have played since SC2, my Tekken 

background giving me a baseline, and picked up a few moves to make myself feel

I could give someone a decent game. Now with SC4 I have focused more seriously

on learning characters thoroughly and improving my game. I have dabbled with 

most of the characters, but have so far learnt the groundwork for Voldo (funny

chap), Mitsurugi (Paul Pheonix in disguise), and Astaroth (who is bigger than 

you). I consider myself a reasonable player but by no means an expert. While 

learning Miturugi I made many notes, and decided they could be useful to 

someone else, along with the strategy I have learned in the time I have played


Thanks for reading my FAQ!

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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