South Park Rally Cheats

South Park Rally Cheats

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Shelly

    To unlock Shelly be Wendy in championship mode and beat Valentines day without losing any credits.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by Windrazor

    Unlock Skins #2 Cheat

    When you have gotten to the Valentine's Day round, collect all 3 pot pies, one in a secret tunnel (you can get to this tunnel by going through the disco room out to the fairy boat ride, and the first blue painting seen with 3 guys skating, enter into the painting, to a secret corridor) the second and third pies are found at the top of each castle, which can be reached by going up a slope and then racing off the slope towards the castle tops. When you have collected all 3 pot pies, you will unlock Skins #2 for several characters.

  • PS1 | Submitted by The mighty dung hurler

    Unlock Grandpa

    I did this when I won the Holloween level. I finished with 4 coins and beat the computer 27 to 4 to 4 to 0 to 0. I think you have to have 25 pieces of candy to unlock grandpa. But correct me if I'm wrong

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Tweek

    To unlock Tweek you must enter championship mode with any character and collect 5 caffine turbos.(they make blue tracks under your wheels).

  • PS1 | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Ned and Mephesto

    Enter championship mode (but you have to unlock Big Gay Al).Be Big Gay Al and beat Forth Of July with 5 or more credits and it will say CAR-NED and CAR-MEPHESTO.
    P.S to beat READ-A-BOOK DAY easy go to the police station and ram steel the other players chickens.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by ERIC

    Unlock Bebe!!

    Enter championship with Stan. When you reach cowdays all you have to do is not touch the antidote. But if this cheat does not work it is probably because bebe didn't win the race.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by Jared Kruger

    Unlock Pip

    To unlock Pip, you must get Mr. Garrison first. After you get him, play as him and finish the first two races without losing any coins. if done correctly, you will get Pip!

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by James & Kathy

    Unlock Scuzzlebutt & Mrs. Broflovski

    In the Easter level there is a Pot Pie on ledge next to waterfall. You need Terrance Turbo. Going at angle toward ledge use Terrance to get up to it. Also, there is a Golden Cow on the roof of the Radio Tower next to the waterfall. Again using Terrance Turbo comming from the left side of the building on the ledge and jumping across to it.

  • N64 | Submitted by Spike

    Race as&

    PIP---Activate only checkpoints 1 and 4 in Rally Days #2.
    MR. GARRISON---Activate all 4 checkpoints in Rally Day #2.
    BEBE---Lose Cowdays without collecting any health pick-ups.
    SHELLY---Win Valentine's Day.
    TWEEK---Collect 5 caffeine pick-ups (just keep getting the blue boxes) in Spring Cleaning.
    MR. MACKEY---Win Spring Cleaning.
    CARTMAN COP---Hit the Chicken Lover (that multicolored van driving around near the checkpoint) 5 times with the salty balls (keep getting the red box behind the police station) in Read-A-Book Day.
    SHEILA---Find the Pot Pie next to a building in the Easter Egg Hunt.
    BIG GAY AL---Win Pink Lemonade.
    MRS. CARTMAN---Win Pink Lemonade without letting anyone else get to a checkpoint.
    VISITOR---Collect a hidden pick-up above checkpoint 1 and another between checkpoint 4 in Memorial Day.
    IKE---Find the hidden pick-up on top of the plane in Memorial Day.
    NED---Collect 13 turbo pick-ups (caffeine, Terrance, Philip, etc.) in Independence Day.
    MEPHISTO---Win Independence Day.
    DEATH---Win Halloween after only dropping off 4 candies at a time.
    GRANDPA---Win Halloween.
    STARVIN MARVIN---Lose Thanksgiving without collecting any turkeys.
    TERRANCE & PHILIP---Collect the 4 hidden pick-ups in Christmas.
    JESUS---Win Christmas.
    SATAN---Win New Year's Eve.
    DAMIAN---Win New Year's Eve and be the only person to touch the millenium key.

  • N64 | Submitted by Spike

    All Skins

    Collect all 3 hidden pick-ups in the Valentine's Day race. There's one on top of each tower and the other is behind the picture of the skater in the jungle (Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride).

  • N64 | Submitted by Spike

    Cheat Sheet

    Win the Rally Days #1 race without collecting any pick-ups.

  • N64 | Submitted by T. Smith

    A few more Extra Credits

    On the level known as "Valentines Day", to get the Extra Credit, you must drive to the disco room. Once at the disco room, drive into the jungle that is connected to the disco room. Right after you go through the doorway, turn 180 degrees to the left. You should see an Extra Credit to the RIGHT of the doorway that leads into the disco room. Also, on the Memorial Day race, there is an Extra Credit, where you have to drive over some holes in the ground with lava in them, to the left. It's right next to a cliff, it's sometimes hard to see, so be on the lookout. Also, be careful NOT to fall off to cliff while getting this credit...that's how close to the edge it is, and watch our for the Alien that drives by every now and then, he might bump you off, so watch for him too.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Mr. Garrison EASY!

    In Championshiop Mode Use Cartman and beat both leavels 1 and 2 after 2nd race is completed it will say unlocked card- Mr. Garrison. This code takes a few trys,but works and don't loose and coins duing the races or your screwed

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by Kim Snow


    Cow Days: You have to go to the building
    with all the hay bales. The coin is
    located in one of the corners. You have to
    look for it, it really blends in.

    Read a book day: You have to go to the
    cementary. At the building you go in the
    front and you will see the coin.

    Halloween: Go to the downtown area. In
    one of the corners with three Christmas
    trees you will find the coin.

    Easter: When you first start the race,
    just around the first corner, go up the
    hill on the right and the coin is there.

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Visitor

    To unlock the visitor get the 2 golden cows in Memorial day.(1 next to checkpoint 1 and the other is next to checkpoint 4).

  • PC | Submitted by matthew

    Get Tracks, Cars, Skins & More

    Finish the game in championship mode without using any tokens
    Unlock Mr. Garrison EASY!
    In Championshiop Mode Use Cartman and beat both leavels 1 and 2 after 2nd race is completed it will say unlocked card- Mr. Garrison. This code takes a few trys,but works and don't loose and coins duing the races or your screwed
    Unlock Mr. Mackey!
    First, play championship with stan and beat the first five races with him without losing any character coins.
    Unlock Scuzzlebutt & Mrs. Broflovski
    In the Easter level there is a Pot Pie on ledge next to waterfall. You need Terrance Turbo. Going at angle toward ledge use Terrance to get up to it. Also, there is a Golden Cow on the roof of the Radio Tower next to the waterfall. Again using Terrance Turbo comming from the left side of the building on the ledge and jumping across to it.
    Unlock Pip
    To unlock Pip, you must get Mr. Garrison first. After you get him, play as him and finish the first two races without losing any coins. if done correctly, you will get Pip!
    Unlock Bebe!!
    Enter championship with Stan. When you reach cowdays all you have to do is not touch the antidote. But if this cheat does not work it is probably because bebe didn't win the race.
    Unlock Big Gay Al
    First select any character. (but to be safe I recommend picking chef). Then all you have to do is beat big gay als pink lemonade world.
    Unlock Cartman (cop)
    In Read-A-Book Day hit the chicken lover 5 times with the chocolate salty balls
    Unlock Tweek
    To unlock Tweek you must enter championship mode with any character and collect 5 caffine turbos.(they make blue tracks under your wheels).
    Unlock Death
    Make it to Halloween and win. But don't go to the candy station unless your full.
    Unlock Ned and Mephesto
    Enter championship mode (but you have to unlock Big Gay Al).Be Big Gay Al and beat Forth Of July with 5 or more credits and it will say CAR-NED and CAR-MEPHESTO.
    P.S to beat READ-A-BOOK DAY easy go to the police station and ram steel the other players chickens.
    Unlock Damien!
    You must beat the New Years Eve level with all computer players having full time meters. No one can have time taken from their meter. Satan will also be unlocked if you just beat the level
    Unlock Grandpa
    I did this when I won the Holloween level. I finished with 4 coins and beat the computer 27 to 4 to 4 to 0 to 0. I think you have to have 25 pieces of candy to unlock grandpa. But correct me if I'm wrong
    Unlock Visitor
    To unlock the visitor get the 2 golden cows in Memorial day.(1 next to checkpoint 1 and the other is next to checkpoint 4).
    Ultimate Cheat
    Beat the championship mode without using any tokens to get every cheat in the game including all racers, all tracks, all levels, extra skins, etc.
    Beat read-a-book-day and halloween easily
    Turn around and go to the checkpoint.wait for other racers to collect four chickens or candy.when they get there ram them and steel their objects.(HINT:use someone with a big car to make ot easier.

  • PC | Submitted by ryan paulsen

    Extra Life Coins & Big Gay Al

    Rally Days #2: Be the first to get to the trophy. Keep going straight until you hit the railroad tracks. Hang a right and drive down the right side of the tracks until you hit the end. There's the coin! You're also right by checkpoint 1.
    Valentines Day: When the race starts, hook a right in the first room you hit and head outside. Go up the ramp and be the first to get the bow. There's a secret path on the brown wall by the opening (straight in front of the center opening up there). Go through that. Keep driving through that passage. At the bottom of it, you will see a pot pie...don't miss it! Once you get out of the passage, hang a left. Keep going until you see the coin on your right. Once you grab it, do a 180 and head back the way you came. Drive through the Brian Boitano picture and head back up through the passage to where you got the bow. Exit the passage but keep going straight. When you get to the end of the line, you will can turn left or right. Drive full speed down the straight-away and jump onto the top of the tower. Don't miss the pot pie. There's a pot pie on both towers. Once you get all three pot pies and finish the race, you will release Big Gay Al! Try to accomplish all of this while holding the bow and avoiding the other racers so you don't lose the race.
    Memorial Day: When you start the race keep driving straight towards the laser. A little ways up the road, there will be broken road just before you reach the laser. On the far left of the track next to the edge is the coin. It won't really hurt you in the race if you fall off of the edge or fall in the lava once you get the coin because the other racers will be fighting over the laser and they're going to turn around and come back towards you.
    Fourth of July: There's a coin right behind the building at checkpoint 2. My suggestion is to only get this coin if you're way ahead or way behind, because it takes a few seconds to get back there and it would be pointless to sacrifice winning the race to get an extra life.
    Thanksgiving: Jump through the hoop in one of the buildings to get the coin.
    You can get these coins only in Championship mode.
    (If anyone has found any other coins that I haven't listed here, please e-mail me to tell me where they are. Thanks!)

  • N64 | Submitted by Victoria Vallero

    How to get Ike

    You get the golden cow on Championship mode and on Memorial Day. The golden cow is on the wing of the plane. You HAVE to use the Terrance turbo with/or the Phillip Phart.

  • N64 | Submitted by new kid

    Golden cow locations

    SHELLY: On Valentine's day, head forward and up the red stairs. Follow the passage, and once you are out, do a U-turn to the left. Part of the wall looks different. Head straight at it. You will be in a passageway, where the first cow is. On top of each 'castle' there is a cow. Go up the top and get some speed up on the non staircases side and you will launch onto it.
    TERRANCE & PHILLIP: On Christmas level. It is a good idea to get the present first before you do this. The first one is on the dirt track at the far north point of the big loop, where the present is found. The second is in the city square. Come from where you started the race and turn right, it is behind the house on the far right. The third is behind the big house on the little stretch of road where you started the race. The final cow is behind one of the houses right next to checkpoint 4.

  • N64 | Submitted by Spike

    Random Checkpoints/Speech Test

    Finish Champoinship mode.

  • N64 | Submitted by Spike

    Cheat Mode

    Successfully complete Championship mode without using any tokens to unlock all tracks, cars, skins, and other cheat options.

  • N64 | Submitted by Spike

    Extra Credit coin locations

    RALLY DAYS #1: Instead of turning completely after the row of cows on the way to Checkpoint 3 (on that gentle turn before Town Square, not one of the 90ý angle turns), go behind the houses. It sometimes helps if you hit the Terrance Turbo and go straight into it.
    RALLY DAYS #2: At the end of the tracks on the left side of the bridge on the way to the trophy.
    COW DAYS: At the south end of the room with all the hay (in the corner).
    VALENTINE'S DAY: On the right side at the end of the Big Gay Boat Ride, right outside of the ballroom (the 'Disco Room').
    SPRING CLEANING: In the sewage pool near Checkpoint 2.
    READ-A-BOOK DAY: Behind the house on the edge of the lake near the beginning of the level.
    EASTER EGG HUNT: On the right mountain ledge at the beginning.
    PINK LEMONADE: On the red carpet hallway upstairs near Checkpoint 1 (next to the wall and the Mr. Hankey pick-up right around the corner).
    MEMORIAL DAY: On the edge of the cliff of cracked concrete and lava next to the laser.
    INDEPENDENCE DAY: Next to the right side of the building by Checkpoint 2.
    HALLOWEEN: Behind the trees in the city area.
    THANKSGIVING: In the tire in the staircase room (hit the turbo and blast thru the 'Ring Jump').
    CHRISTMAS: Behind the blue car in the parking lot by Checkpoint 3.
    MILLENIUM NEW YEAR'S EVE: On the ring on the other side of the old Checkpoint 1 (Memorial Day).

  • N64 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Cheats for All Tracks, Skins & Cars

    Finish the game in Championship mode without using any tokens

  • N64 | Submitted by B. Dyer

    Continue Tokens

    On the 2nd level of championship made (trophy series) the continue token is on the train track to the right hand side after the second checkpoint, and on the "read-a-book" day track spin 180 degrees. While passing over the bridge look to the left hand side by the shack and there is another token. Drive around the gaurd rail and slowly back up and go forward to get the token. This one is tough to get but worth it for harder tracks to come.

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by Ryan Paulsen

    Extra Life Coins & Big Gay Al

    Rally Days #2: Be the first to get to the trophy. Keep going straight until you hit the railroad tracks. Hang a right and drive down the right side of the tracks until you hit the end. There's the coin! You're also right by checkpoint 1.

    Valentines Day: When the race starts, hook a right in the first room you hit and head outside. Go up the ramp and be the first to get the bow. There's a secret path on the brown wall by the opening (straight in front of the center opening up there). Go through that. Keep driving through that passage. At the bottom of it, you will see a pot pie...don't miss it! Once you get out of the passage, hang a left. Keep going until you see the coin on your right. Once you grab it, do a 180 and head back the way you came. Drive through the Brian Boitano picture and head back up through the passage to where you got the bow. Exit the passage but keep going straight. When you get to the end of the line, you will can turn left or right. Drive full speed down the straight-away and jump onto the top of the tower. Don't miss the pot pie. There's a pot pie on both towers. Once you get all three pot pies and finish the race, you will release Big Gay Al! Try to accomplish all of this while holding the bow and avoiding the other racers so you don't lose the race.

    Memorial Day: When you start the race keep driving straight towards the laser. A little ways up the road, there will be broken road just before you reach the laser. On the far left of the track next to the edge is the coin. It won't really hurt you in the race if you fall off of the edge or fall in the lava once you get the coin because the other racers will be fighting over the laser and they're going to turn around and come back towards you.

    Fourth of July: There's a coin right behind the building at checkpoint 2. My suggestion is to only get this coin if you're way ahead or way behind, because it takes a few seconds to get back there and it would be pointless to sacrifice winning the race to get an extra life.

    Thanksgiving: Jump through the hoop in one of the buildings to get the coin.

    You can get these coins only in Championship mode.

    (If anyone has found any other coins that I haven't listed here, please e-mail me to tell me where they are. Thanks!)

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by mighty dung hurler

    Unlock Damien!

    You must beat the New Years Eve level with all computer players having full time meters. No one can have time taken from their meter. Satan will also be unlocked if you just beat the level

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by mighty dung hurler

    Unlock Grandpa

    I did this when I won the Holloween level. I finished with 4 coins and beat the computer 27 to 4 to 4 to 0 to 0. I think you have to have 25 pieces of candy to unlock grandpa. But correct me if I'm wrong

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Ned and Mephesto

    Enter championship mode (but you have to unlock Big Gay Al).Be Big Gay Al and beat Forth Of July with 5 or more credits and it will say CAR-NED and CAR-MEPHESTO.

    P.S to beat READ-A-BOOK DAY easy go to the police station and ram steel the other players chickens.

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by Big Gay Al

    Coin Locations

    As you are going to check point 3 near it are to house connected. The coin is behind them.

    City [Trophey]:
    Follow the cpu cars till you get to the bridge instead of going over it go on the train track and go to one of the ends I'm not shore which but the coins at one of them

    Valentines day:
    Go through the disco room into the river just inside the entrance is the coin

    when your at check point 2 look behind one of the bumps the coin is there

    Read a book day:
    Turn around and keep going you will see it it.

  • Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Tracks, Cars, Skins & More

    Finish the game in championship mode without using any tokens

  • PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Jesus

    Win Christmas Day Race

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by ERiC

    Unlock Big Gay Al

    First select any character. (but to be safe I recommend picking chef). Then all you have to do is beat big gay als pink lemonade world.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Cartman (cop)

    In Read-A-Book Day hit the chicken lover 5 times with the chocolate salty balls

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by eric

    Unlock skins 3

    What you have to do is enter championship with any character. Then you hane to make it all the way to the easter level, collect all the pot-pies and skins 3 will be unlocked. If you suceed with this cheat you will be rewarded cop cartman as one of the extra skins.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by DubbleG

    Cow Days, and Farm Course

    Beat the first 2 races in chamionship mode, then you race in cow days on the Farm,

  • PS1 | Submitted by Ryan Paulsen

    Extra Life Coins & Big Gay Al

    Rally Days #2: Be the first to get to the trophy. Keep going straight until you hit the railroad tracks. Hang a right and drive down the right side of the tracks until you hit the end. There's the coin! You're also right by checkpoint 1.
    Valentines Day: When the race starts, hook a right in the first room you hit and head outside. Go up the ramp and be the first to get the bow. There's a secret path on the brown wall by the opening (straight in front of the center opening up there). Go through that. Keep driving through that passage. At the bottom of it, you will see a pot pie...don't miss it! Once you get out of the passage, hang a left. Keep going until you see the coin on your right. Once you grab it, do a 180 and head back the way you came. Drive through the Brian Boitano picture and head back up through the passage to where you got the bow. Exit the passage but keep going straight. When you get to the end of the line, you will can turn left or right. Drive full speed down the straight-away and jump onto the top of the tower. Don't miss the pot pie. There's a pot pie on both towers. Once you get all three pot pies and finish the race, you will release Big Gay Al! Try to accomplish all of this while holding the bow and avoiding the other racers so you don't lose the race.
    Memorial Day: When you start the race keep driving straight towards the laser. A little ways up the road, there will be broken road just before you reach the laser. On the far left of the track next to the edge is the coin. It won't really hurt you in the race if you fall off of the edge or fall in the lava once you get the coin because the other racers will be fighting over the laser and they're going to turn around and come back towards you.
    Fourth of July: There's a coin right behind the building at checkpoint 2. My suggestion is to only get this coin if you're way ahead or way behind, because it takes a few seconds to get back there and it would be pointless to sacrifice winning the race to get an extra life.
    Thanksgiving: Jump through the hoop in one of the buildings to get the coin.
    You can get these coins only in Championship mode.
    (If anyone has found any other coins that I haven't listed here, please e-mail me to tell me where they are. Thanks!)

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by skoot

    Ultimate Cheat

    Beat the championship mode without using any tokens to get every cheat in the game including all racers, all tracks, all levels, extra skins, etc.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by matthew

    Beat read-a-book-day and halloween easily

    Turn around and go to the checkpoint.wait for other racers to collect four chickens or candy.when they get there ram them and steel their objects.(HINT:use someone with a big car to make ot easier.

  • PS1 | Submitted by Kim Snow


    Cow Days: You have to go to the building
    with all the hay bales. The coin is
    located in one of the corners. You have to
    look for it, it really blends in.
    Read a book day: You have to go to the
    cementary. At the building you go in the
    front and you will see the coin.
    Halloween: Go to the downtown area. In
    one of the corners with three Christmas
    trees you will find the coin.
    Easter: When you first start the race,
    just around the first corner, go up the
    hill on the right and the coin is there.

  • PS1 | Submitted by The mighty dung hurler

    Unlock Damien!

    You must beat the New Years Eve level with all computer players having full time meters. No one can have time taken from their meter. Satan will also be unlocked if you just beat the level

  • PS1 | Submitted by kyle mulvey

    Unlock Visitor

    To unlock the visitor get the 2 golden cows in Memorial day.(1 next to checkpoint 1 and the other is next to checkpoint 4).

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by kyle

    Unlock Death

    Make it to Halloween and win. But don't go to the candy station unless your full.

  • Dreamcast, PS1 | Submitted by Jared Kruger

    Unlock Mr. Mackey!

    First, play championship with stan and beat the first five races with him without losing any character coins.

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