Space Chimps

If 'cute' is what the developers where angling at, they've pretty much nailed it. Our plucky hero is animated with all the personality deserving of a kinetic protagonist. Meaning: he's not ashamed to bust out the occasional dance move. Even the enemies we saw embodied a colorfully distinct, Muppet-like quality. Dr. Seuss would describe them as downright "Wubbulous." You'd almost rather hug the creatures then pummel them to the point of evaporation.

But when duty calls, Ham still jumps, swings, and climbs with all the fluid competence of a Ratchet, Kratos or Croft. He’s also not afraid to let the furry fists fly. And Ham's also got a homing headbutt that allows him to launch into the air and careen into baddies noodle first, in a way that would make Bonk swell with pride.

Paying further tribute to the games that came before, we even witnessed Ham channeling his inner Solid Snake, jumping into a barrel and stealthily moving about enemies undetected. We're also told that Luna, Ham's gadget-focused female counterpart, will be playable as well.

By incorporating enough tried-and-true platforming elements, within its own singular universe, Space Chimps may elevate itself a notch above previousfilm-to-game cash-ins. We'll have more as the release date creeps closer, likely to coincide with the film's summer release date.

Jan 31, 2008
