Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Cheats

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Hints

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jking

    How to get past the 1 st level.

    After the movie Honrax (the eagle) runs off to the peak (next to the lava flow)he'll say something and a monster will appear the monster will ask you to get him some coconuts from the trees .The first & second one will be next to you(use the rocks to throw at the trees, and the rocks are near too.) The third one is by the lava flow, (rocks there too).
    Then go back to the monster and give him the coconuts, then he'll put you in his mouth and you will get to aim yourself to where the passage to walk on lava and meet Honrax (the eagle). After you get
    that drop down and go across were the rocks are take a right after a little while, you'll find a statue pull it backwards then the lava will flow in to the geeser orn lava pit.Go to the monster again aim to were you went to get lava walk get it go to the geeser jump up on it it will shoot you up then you will find two more, jump on them, then there will be a eye that won't let you in the other part. Go to the right and there will be a ledge jump off, if right Sphinx will automatically grab on. Wait a little while the eye will start looking for you wait a little bit and jump up when he is not looking.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Gamemaster1204

    Destroying the eyes of ra (after the anubis temple)

    To destroy the eyes of ra at Heliopolis, fly on the eagle pads (both of them) and when you land go over to a pot blocking a hole.Destroy the pot and stand back. capture at the most ten slim burbles.Now head to the eyes of ra. STAY BEHIND THEM!!!!Then send your slim burbles and destroy them.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Joey

    The Uruk Islands Temple

    When you go into the temple, use the blowpipe to blow the circles above the barred doors in the order it tells you on the panel in the center. In that room, you will find another code for the door the girl is behind. Open this in the same way and talk to her.
    After thanking you, she turns into a skull swordsman and attacks you. Fight her off to get the bouncing darts. Hit the target to open up part of the next combination. before proceeding to the third room, go back into the first one to capture a few slim burbles (get about 10). Then go into the room and you will see too many combinations for the last door. After fighting the monsters (I think they were crab hands) use the slim burbles to knock down the pillar on the right side of the room and climb up it.
    1. Fight the monster
    2. Knock down pillar and climb up
    3. repeat until at top.
    Once you are at the top, you will see a cracked rectangle of stone. Use the slim burble to break this (it may take more than 1) and light will shine in the window on the combination you need to get out....it's kind of cool how it works

  • Xbox | Submitted by Bill

    How to Get the Blade of Osiris

    When Horus (the eagle) tells you he doesn't know how to get to the Blade of Osiris, DON'T CROSS THE BRIDGE!~! GO TO THE SIDE AND MOVE THIS STATUE! Two platforms will appear. Horus runs across and gets hit by the ray, but luckily falls on a platform, but that falls off the lava cliff. Go across the first bridge only, then go to the left and there will be a zip-line. Just jump up and Sphinx will automatically grab it, then you'll go on the platforms and get the blade.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Alexander the Un-Great

    Onyx Scarbs

    Every time you play as the Mummy, you will see pyramidal boxes with a glowing center. Set yourself on fire and run up to these boxes. They will burn and the Onyx Scarabs will be set free. Catch them all, they become useful later on.

    At the Bedouin Outpost there is a vender who sells a variety of useful items, but the catch is he only will accept Onyx Scarabs.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Suryn

    Easy Ankh Pieces

    In Abydos there is a bum near the memory games. When you talk to him he asks for money, if you can afford it give him 10, do it 3 or 4 times and you get a piece of ankh.

    Once you get capture beetles and have destroyed the eye of Rah posts in Heliopolis near the Cursed Palace capture a fire armadillo. Then go in front of the Cursed Palace and use the great eagle pad and then climb up the rope. There will be a boulder on a wooden platform. Use the armadillo on that and then go where the boulder smashed.

    Im not entirely sure what this gives but out side of the Cursed Palace there are targets on islands, once you have blowdarts stand in the middle island and shoot them all, a chest will appear and you get a reward (pretty sure its an Ankh Piece)

  • Xbox | Submitted by austin 100_01

    Key to South Gate

    When you arrive in heliopolis point, find the to tents and go to the one on the right. this crazy man will talk to you, but for a price. then he will open the door walk in and go to your left. buy this key to open gate to the south beach. this item costs 10 onyx scarbs.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Ruler

    Extra Gold Ankh Pieces

    For more easy ankh pieces go to the farming plot in helipolis. there is a river going between it. go into it and go downstream. fall over the water fall and blow away the rocks with slim burbles. go to the north side of the wall in heliopolis and go through the optical course near the right the big pillar is in the way so go to the water and throw a water projectile at the target and it will open up. when you have finished the optical course take the jar to the breeder at the bedouin outpost. complete the upscale course given to u by the dog guy and get more ankh pieces.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Joey

    Beating the Geb Queen

    When you are fighting the Geb Queen, you'd probably assume that the blue projectiles are bad.....but just trust me...let them hit Sphinx.
    When you turn into a frog, jump onto the platform behind the Geb Queen and set the spiders free. Get off the platform before the eye of Ra zaps Sphinx. When the spiders bite the Geb Queen, you can attack, but when the skull swordsmen attack (you'll see) PROTECT the spiders.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Making of Sphinx Game Video

    After beginning a new game just get the sword on the 1st level to unlock the making of Sphinx Movie

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    A Secret Place in the Palace

    In the second level, when you're king Tut in his palace, there is a hole inside which you can go through. Exit Tut's bedroom and look around different rooms until you find a room with a long table in it.( dining room) First, have some fun. Jump on the table to crash plates, vases, and cups. Now, back to business. Go to the end of the room where your throne is located. Walk over to the side of it and grab on. Pull or push it as far as it will go and a hole will be reveled. Although your father tells you not to, go through the hole and explore! An old amulet is down here!

  • Xbox | Submitted by Alexander the Un-Great

    Gold Ankh Pieces to Gold Ankhs

    Along your guest you will find a large amount of Gold Ankh Pieces. You get the regular story: 'Collect four of these and someone with the right skills will put them together into a Gold Ankh which will increase your health by one'

    But where is this person?

    At the Bendouin Outpost there is one large tent with a dog-woman in it. It looks like she's hitting her hand with a stick. Talk to her and, for a price, she will convert your four Gold Ankh Pieces into one Gold Ankh.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Cheats

  • GameCube | Submitted by Suryn

    Easy Ankh Pieces

    In Abydos there is a bum near the memory games. When you talk to him he asks for money, if you can afford it give him 10, do it 3 or 4 times and you get a piece of ankh.

    Once you get capture beetles and have destroyed the eye of Rah posts in Heliopolis near the Cursed Palace capture a fire armadillo. Then go in front of the Cursed Palace and use the great eagle pad and then climb up the rope. There will be a boulder on a wooden platform. Use the armadillo on that and then go where the boulder smashed.

    Im not entirely sure what this gives but out side of the Cursed Palace there are targets on islands, once you have blowdarts stand in the middle island and shoot them all, a chest will appear and you get a reward (pretty sure its an Ankh Piece)

  • GameCube | Submitted by colleen O

    How To Get Queen Nefertiti's Letter Back.

    Check in different places she will tell you how to "Sneak" on t he fences if it is not on the second floor check in the grass for it .check in the grass that is next to her that is where I found it

  • GameCube | Submitted by Alexander the Un-Great

    Onyx Scarbs

    Every time you play as the Mummy, you will see pyramidal boxes with a glowing center. Set yourself on fire and run up to these boxes. They will burn and the Onyx Scarabs will be set free. Catch them all, they become useful later on.

    At the Bedouin Outpost there is a vender who sells a variety of useful items, but the catch is he only will accept Onyx Scarabs.

  • GameCube | Submitted by coco_cola

    Second Tut Level

    When you are given the second canopic vase and are then transformed into Tut, you will be given the power to hide (or turn invisible.) When you get to the doors guarded by the eyes, make sure you DON'T step on the button in front of the stairs. This button will activate a time limit for the doors to stay open. If you just hide from the eyes without the button pressed, then the doors will stay open. Try your best not to be seen. Go when they are not looking

  • GameCube | Submitted by jdidily

    Super Speed


  • GameCube | Submitted by Matt

    Tons of scarabs

    This isn't a cheat, but you will be rich with scarabs after it.
    In Abydos, you will see many jars. Break them open and you will get some scarabs.
    Break all of these that you can find.
    Next, walk in the game where you have to step on the colored pads. Play beginner or intermediate a lot, and make sure you don't lose any scarabs.
    Then, walk out of the shop and re-break the jars. When you have alot of scarabs, walk into the monster shop and buy a rat (or buy a monster that costs less). Go to the museum and walk strait until you see two birds. Talk to the one on the right and donate the monster. She will thank you and give you a zip-line thingy. Use it on those wires in the city. It will help you get jars that you can't reach normally. Just keep doing this and you will be rich. Here is a guide of the scarabs:
    Yellow scarabs-1
    Green scarabs-5
    Red scarabs-10
    Blue scarabs-20

  • GameCube | Submitted by Alexander the Un-Great

    Gold Ankh Pieces to Gold Ankhs

    Along your guest you will find a large amount of Gold Ankh Pieces. You get the regular story: 'Collect four of these and someone with the right skills will put them together into a Gold Ankh which will increase your health by one'

    But where is this person?

    At the Bendouin Outpost there is one large tent with a dog-woman in it. It looks like she's hitting her hand with a stick. Talk to her and, for a price, she will convert your four Gold Ankh Pieces into one Gold Ankh.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Gamemaster1204

    Destroying the eyes of ra (after the anubis temple)

    To destroy the eyes of ra at Heliopolis, fly on the eagle pads (both of them) and when you land go over to a pot blocking a hole.Destroy the pot and stand back. capture at the most ten slim burbles.Now head to the eyes of ra. STAY BEHIND THEM!!!!Then send your slim burbles and destroy them.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    A Secret Place in the Palace

    In the second level, when you're king Tut in his palace, there is a hole inside which you can go through. Exit Tut's bedroom and look around different rooms until you find a room with a long table in it.( dining room) First, have some fun. Jump on the table to crash plates, vases, and cups. Now, back to business. Go to the end of the room where your throne is located. Walk over to the side of it and grab on. Pull or push it as far as it will go and a hole will be reveled. Although your father tells you not to, go through the hole and explore! An old amulet is down here!

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Making of Sphinx Game Video

    After beginning a new game just get the sword on the 1st level to unlock the making of Sphinx Movie

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jking

    How to get past the 1 st level.

    After the movie Honrax (the eagle) runs off to the peak (next to the lava flow)he'll say something and a monster will appear the monster will ask you to get him some coconuts from the trees .The first & second one will be next to you(use the rocks to throw at the trees, and the rocks are near too.) The third one is by the lava flow, (rocks there too).
    Then go back to the monster and give him the coconuts, then he'll put you in his mouth and you will get to aim yourself to where the passage to walk on lava and meet Honrax (the eagle). After you get
    that drop down and go across were the rocks are take a right after a little while, you'll find a statue pull it backwards then the lava will flow in to the geeser orn lava pit.Go to the monster again aim to were you went to get lava walk get it go to the geeser jump up on it it will shoot you up then you will find two more, jump on them, then there will be a eye that won't let you in the other part. Go to the right and there will be a ledge jump off, if right Sphinx will automatically grab on. Wait a little while the eye will start looking for you wait a little bit and jump up when he is not looking.

  • GameCube | Submitted by supersphinx


    Abydos boss:
    Stand in front of one of the stone pillars. Wait until he throws a fireball at you then move. It should blow up leaving a crystal thing in the middle. Do this with the other three. Then hit all the crystals when the boss is in the center of the room. It should send a laser beam at him. Do this 3-4 times to beat him.
    Uruk boss:
    avoid it's attacks until it shoots 3 blue fireballs. Get hit by one and you should turn into a frog. Jump up you the ledge and hit the 2 switches.2 little spider things should come out. They should latch onto the boss and drop down the shield. hit the boss and repeat to beat it.
    Heliopolis boss:
    Look by the walls and you should see some rocks. Pick one up and wait until the boss crouches down throw the rock at the mark on his head. He should fall over. Smack him on the head and repeat to win.
    Final boss:
    wait until he crouches and starts making laser patterns. Jump over them until you reach the mark on his head. hit it. Do this about 5 times to win the game!

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