Spider-man The Movie Cheats

Spider-man The Movie Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by Brevard Belcina

    Cheat Codes

    Get Super Coolant
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code CHILLOUT . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Big head mode
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code JOELSPEANUTS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Unlock All-Fighting Controls
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code KOALA . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    All Production notes + some Movies
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code IMIARMAS to unlock all but two movies and all production notes. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Scientist
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SERUM . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Shocker
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HERMANSCHULTZ . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Mary Jane Watson
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GIRLNEXTDOOR . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Thug 1
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code KNUCKLES . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Thug 2
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code STICKYRICE . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctl
    Get Character Thug 3
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code THUGSRUS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Matrix Spidey
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code FREAKOUT . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Helicopter Pilot
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code CAPTAINSTACEY . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Character Police Officer
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code REAL HERO . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Matrix Attacks
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code DODGETHIS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Unlimited Webbing
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ORGANICWEBBING . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Next Level Feature in in-game menu
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ROMITAS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get 1st Person Mode
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code UNDERTHEMASK . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Extra Training Levels
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HEADEXPLODY . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Tiny Spider-Man
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SPIDERBYTE . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man
    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GOESTOYOURHEAD . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by Spider-man

    Be Green Goblin, Alex-Ross spider-man,wr

    Ok first start a new game. Then save it. Now exit it.Ok go to to cheats and enter in ARACHNID. Then exit that and go to Level warp. Click conclusion. Then it will show a stupid movie. after that click save. Now look in secret store and you have Green Goblin. Alex-Ross spider-man, wrestling spider-man and Peter parker

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Levels + Movies

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ARACHNID to unlock all levels and movies. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Thug 3

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code THUGSRUS. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big head mode

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code JOELSPEANUTS. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get 1st Person Mode

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code UNDERTHEMASK. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Tiny Spider-Man

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SPIDERBYTE. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Extra Training Levels

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HEADEXPLODY. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Matrix Spidey

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code FREAKOUT. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Helicopter Pilot

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code CAPTAINSTACEY. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Unlimited Webbing

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ORGANICWEBBING. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Thug 1

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code KNUCKLES. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Scientist

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SERUM. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Shocker

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HERMANSCHULTZ. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Production notes + some Movies

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code IMIARMAS to unlock all but two movies and all production notes. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GOESTOYOURHEAD. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Next Level Feature in in-game menu

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ROMITAS. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Matrix Attacks

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code DODGETHIS. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Thug 2

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code STICKYRICE. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Mary Jane Watson

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GIRLNEXTDOOR. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock All-Fighting Controls

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code KOALA. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Tiny Spider-Man

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SPIDERBYTE . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Extra Training Levels

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HEADEXPLODY . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Next Level Feature in in-game menu

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ROMITAS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Unlimited Webbing

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ORGANICWEBBING . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Police Officer

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code REAL HERO . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PC | Submitted by spiderman

    All Levels + Movies

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ARACHNID to unlock all levels and movies. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly
    Be Green Goblin, Alex-Ross spider-man,wrestling spider-man and Peter Parker
    Ok first start a new game. Then save it. Now exit it.Ok go to to cheats and enter in ARACHNID.Then exit that and go to Level warp. Click cunclusion. Then it will show a stupid movie. after that click save. Now look in secret store and you have Green Goblin. Alex-Ross spider-man,wrestling spider-man and Peter parker

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GOESTOYOURHEAD . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Helicopter Pilot

    Get Character Helicopter Pilot

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Be Green Goblin Without Beating the Game!

    Choose a new file, choose difficulty: Super Hero. At the cheat place, type in arachnid. Go to level warp, choose, Conclusion. Then go to secret store and look at the bottom choose " Play as Green Goblin" Then if you want it to be easy go to start, and when it asks you if you want to reset your bonus points, just simply say, NO. It's awesome! you can throw grenades and most attacks the goblin uses on you!

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Thug 2

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code STICKYRICE . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Thug 1

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code KNUCKLES . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Production notes + some Movies

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code IMIARMAS to unlock all but two movies and all production notes. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Scientist

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code SERUM . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Spider-man

    Be Green Goblin, Alex-Ross spider-man,wrestling spider-man and Peter Parker

    Ok first start a new game. Then save it. Now exit it.Ok go to to cheats and enter in ARACHNID.Then exit that and go to Level warp. Click cunclusion. Then it will show a stupid movie. after that click save. Now look in secret store and you have Green Goblin. Alex-Ross spider-man,wrestling spider-man and Peter parker

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Big head mode

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code JOELSPEANUTS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • GameCube | Submitted by Andrew

    Find Secret Spot

    Okay, when you are at the part when you are at the sewer and you just finished fixing the water and you go through the pipe, as soon as you beat up shockers thugs, look for an area with a ladder. Once you find, it get up on the wall and climb in the way the ladder's going. (Note: you don't have to climb the ladder just next to it) Then you will see a door sooner or later. Go in the door and you will see a switch

  • GameCube | Submitted by Sam Trinh

    How To Defeat Shocker

    In the stage where you battle shocker (the place where it looks like a sewer) ,use the web dome to block from shocker's blasts (the organic webbing cheat would really help

  • GameCube | Submitted by calwal007

    Alien Appearance

    This isn't a cheat. on the razors edge level, kill all the razor bats then fly around you should eventually find a ufo hovering on a building. it will fly away. !!!

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How To Crawl On the Ground

    If you want to crawl on the ground just go into the "look around mode" and point the aimer at the ground. Zipline to the ground and without letting go of the zipline button
    stay on the ground for about 2 seconds. Then you can let go of everything and you should be crawling on the ground

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Levels + Movies

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code ARACHNID to unlock all levels and movies. The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • PC | Submitted by Brevard Belcina

    Easy Green Goblin Death

    Ok if you have Green Goblin in your secret store select him and go fight green goblin when you want pure hand fighting and he's to hard summon as many razorbats(5) then they will attack the bad green goblin then his body will be going back and fourth so you have the chance to punch and do combos but sometimes if those bats what i would call get tired he gets the chance to recover quickly and attack you but then he gets stunned again then try to keep attacking him as much as possible to get some action but if you want challenging and fair fights put it at SUPER HERO level and don't use GREEN GOBLIN and throw this cheat out of your mind

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get 1st Person Mode

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code UNDERTHEMASK . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Matrix Attacks

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code DODGETHIS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Helicopter Pilot

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code CAPTAINSTACEY . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Thug 3

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code THUGSRUS . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Matrix Spidey

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code FREAKOUT . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Shocker

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code HERMANSCHULTZ . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Character Mary Jane Watson

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code GIRLNEXTDOOR . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock All-Fighting Controls

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code KOALA . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Super Coolant

    Go to the options menu then to the cheats screen and put in the code CHILLOUT . The Green Goblin will laugh if you entered the code correctly

  • GameCube | Submitted by F.B.I.(Female Body Inspector)

    Secret In Mission 1

    In the first mission you can get the secret by helping a girl find her purse. In order to do this you have to find the girl (shes on the building with gold windows). After you find her beat the thugs to a pulp. Then walk over to the girl and she'll ask you to find her purse. Go to one of the other buildings that you beat the thugs up on before you went to the girl (you did do at least a little bit of the original mission first right?) Get her purse and bring it back to her and you've done the secret. After that she'll thank you and Blah Blah Blah.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Ben#1

    Easy Way To Get Goblin Costume

    Well it is very simple. First you must go to
    specials menu. Put the level skip code then exit. Enter new game, put the setting on super hero. Exit the game fast! Go to the specials menu again. Put face off at the bridge. Beat the sucker. Now check the secret store. You'll be able to use the costume

Spider-man The Movie Hints

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jacob Yankus

    Easy Boss Battles With Green Goblin

    When U get the green goblin, either using a cheat or beating the game on super hero, U can easily beat bosses, and thugs, and here's how. I will use the first "boss" as an example. Stand right in front of them. Hit the right trigger to bring out your glider. Then press and hold "X" to rapid fire your machine guns. Hold it down until all their health is gone. For thugs, U can: beat them up by fighting, use the machine gun technique shown above, or fly on glider straight above them and press the Y button to shoot a bomb from the bottom of your glider. Don't get too close to the ground, or you will blow yourself up.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Miles

    Higher On First Level

    On the first level if you are Goblin and you are like me and you want higher. First get on your glider and fly up as much as you can. Next find the tallest building. Finally jump and get on your glider and repeat this over and over until you get up onto the building top. When you are on the building you also can jump just a little bit higher and get on your glider

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Double Web Gloves

    On the 2nd level with Shocker; in the sewer. After you return the gold valve, go through the giant pipe. In that room there should be two of Shocker's thugs. After beating them there will be a ladder on the left side of the pipe you came in through in that same room with the thugs. Climb it and go into the room it leads to. Turn on the switch and go back through the pipe. At the bottom of Shocker's attempt to make a shocking pit there will be an opened door. In that room you will find a golden spider. It will give you the double web gloves.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Nick Huber

    Beat Vulture Easily

    To beat Vulture easily is you must get above him then jump off your web and hold A. Try to land on him to, if you did this right you will be on his shoulders riding him. Keep pressing X and you'll punch the crap out of him. Eventually, He will start smoking and go to a tall building. He will land on the ledge and now is your chance to practice your controls our beat him up. After awhile he will become aborne and you have to do the process all over again until you beat him.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Easier Way to Beat Shocker

    As soon as u get to the part were u fight shocker use your zip web 2 the ceiling then you lock onto shocker hit him with your impact web (dont forget to dodge his blast) hit him about 20 times to kill him.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Extra Bonus Points

    In the very first level swing over to the helicopter pad. after that swing to the left of the helicopter pad until you see a building with a woman on it who is getting beat up by two thugs. kill the thugs and talk to the girl. she will ask you to find her purse on one of the rooftops. go past the helicopter pad until you see a building with a shed looking thing on it. beside the shed is her purse. pick it up and go back to the building and the girl will thank you. when you complete the level you will have extra bonus points.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jacob Berry

    Ride Glider

    Are you having trouble getting points for ride glider? Well try using camera lock and jumping from swinging and pressing the kick button. This should knock him down. Now fall on him and click A. Now you can punch him in the head. PS DO NOT do this on the level you save Mary Jane!!!

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Secret Bonus For Level One

    On the first level, at the fist building when Spidey changes into the wrestling costume, go to your left. There should be a building somewhere with two thugs mugging a woman. Save her from the thugs and she'll ask you to find her purse. Her purse will be on a DIFFERENT building via to the one with the thug that tells you where Uncle Ben's killer is hiding. There will be a blue billboard on it. Retrieve her purse and you will get your SECRET'S) FOUND bonus points for that level.

  • Xbox | Submitted by LordCheesyPoof

    The Hob-Goblin

    That's right, for those of you who know who the Hob-Goblin is I have found a way to Fight against him. ( sorry I couldn't figure out how to BE him...
    To fight against him all you have to do is pick the Alex Ross's Spiderman Costume in the secret store. Now every time you face Goblin, He'll be the Hob-goblin instead of the green Goblin :)
    Btw, for those of you who don't know who the Hob-Goblin is, he's like the green Goblin but he wears a cloak and other different features. Although they both got gliders some how... (The Hob-Goblin in the T.V. series Had Orange and stuff but this one looks like a dark Zombie thing.. enjoy fighting)

  • Xbox | Submitted by LT

    Hang On To The Green Goblin's Glider

    To hang on to the Goblin's Glider Click the Right Trigger. Then get perfect aim on his glider (if he is still its easy). If You are successful you will zip to the glider. You can also swing and jump on his Glider. This is an easy way the beat the goblin because all you have to do is punch him. He MIGHT jump of his glider so hit him as many times as possible. [Note: This is very hard to do so don't report it as a bad code I did it myself too.]

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Find Secret Purse

    On the first level swing over to the helicopter building and left of the building will be another building swing over there. There you will see a woman being abused by gangsters. Take out the gangsters, then talk to the woman. She will tell you that she lost her purse on another building behind the building that you are now on. Swing down there to find her purse. This is a pretty cool trick and it might earn extra points!

  • Xbox | Submitted by NA


    When u r looking for uncle bens killer and u go into the ware house before going into the room that has the truck i it go behind some boxes near the wall and you'll find a secret and a health.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Coolmojo101

    Poison Control

    When Kraven The Hunter poisons you with his gas, form your web bubble. Doing this will make the poison stop affecting your health until it strikes again, then form another bubble.

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