Spurious Awards Of The Week

Spurious Award Of The Year


Can anything – ever – be more Spurious than this? We love it.

New Pokemon Character Of The Week

Grace’s mum in Switch seems to be a Pokemon in an early stage of evolution.

Animal Cruelty Of The Week

Bonnie’s new mentor in The Vampire Diaries , Dr Atticus Shane, appears to have captured and enslaved The Cat In The Hat.

Crappest Cosplay Of The Week

Not impressed with Dave from Haven ’s Terminator costume. Or maybe he’s supposed to be a Dalek?

Most Inappropriate Name For A Nursery School Of The Week

Under the current climate in the UK, we can’t help but wonder if, when this US pace episode of Supernatural is aired in the UK, the channel may have to change the name of this Pre-School…

I Can’t Believe It Is Butter Of The Week

To be honest, it probably isn’t butter. We reckon some Photoshop jiggery-pokery is going on here. Nevertheless, the idea of using horror icons to advertise a spreadable dairy product – as in this campaign created by Italian Ad Agency, Alch1m1a ADV – is the creamy stuff Spurious Awards are made of. [ YouBentMyWookie via Blastr ]

Confession Of The Week

Ang Lee on his version of Hulk : “My problem is that I took the whole thing too seriously. I should have had more fun with it, instead of all the psychodrama!” [via Vulture ]

Action Figures Of The Week

Okay, if you’re thinking, “This is real science, not SFX territory!” then what you need to know is that all the Photoshopping work was based on Star Trek action figure. So there. These are the brilliant creations of datazoid on Deviant art. Click on the image or link for a much larger version and a very detailed description of why certain scientists haven’t been included…

Archaeological Find Of The Week


Okay, we were going to try to have a week without a Disney/ Star Wars mash-up… but we really like this one! So sorry.


George Takei’s Latest Career Move Of The Week


“Anything Shatner can do I can do better!” But in the case of singing, does better mean better or worse? In this ad, George Takei makes a complete tit of himself, and you can’t help loving him all the more for it. But no prizes for guessing what his last line is. And while we’re on the subject of George…

Response Of The Week

You see. You have to love him…

Exam Question Of The Week

Australian history students were baffled to find what appeared to be a giant Mecha in revolutionary Russia when they opened their exam papers. The image was supposed to be Storming The Winter Palace On 25th October 1917 by Nikolai Kochergin, though it had a high-tech addition not normally seen in the original painting. TheAge.com.au appears to have solved the mystery. When you do a Google search for "Storming the Winter Palace On 25th October 1917" guess what picture pops up on the first line of results…?

Health Tips Of The Week


Summary Of The Week

Get it? We found this on Geeks Are Sexy , but tracing the paper trail back comes to a dead end as far as trying to discover who created it. Anybody want to claim it?

Novel Idea Of The Week

Cake Mix Of The Week

Winnie The Who. [via NerdAcheCakes ]

Swiftly Axed Sitcom Of The Week


We’ve seen this "added laughter track” shtick before (most effectively with The Wire ) and we’re not sure this works as well, but we thought we’d let you have a gander and make your own minds up. (And it gave us the opportunity to use that terrible pun in the headline.)

Dave Golder
Freelance Writer

Dave is a TV and film journalist who specializes in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He's written books about film posters and post-apocalypses, alongside writing for SFX Magazine for many years.