Star-studded Rock Band video hits Internet!

You don't often get a chance to see the people behind the games industry letting their hair down, except possibly the webcast of the GoldenJoystick awards, but thanks to UK satellite TV, if you happened to be watching the X-League channel last week you would have been in for a treat. (Okay, so we didn't either, but wesaw a link to it on game blog UK: Resistanceand 'repurposed' it).

Not one but four 'faces' of the industry teamed up to show their considerable musical talents in a demo of Rock Band for the channel's 'Games Night' feature.

Stills are here, but if you want the full audiovisual experiencecheck the movie here on the X-League site.

Normally, we wouldn't have been that interested - (or is it called Pulse TV nowadays?) regularly features UK games journalists as pundits for it's virtual tournaments and round-table discussions - but we felt we should bring this video to a wider audience including those guys in the US who can't get channel 208 on Sky TV, to show that UK games journalists rock just as hard as their US counterparts.

In the star-studdedvideo you get:

- Ellie Gibson - Guitar one (
- Adam Doree - Drums (
- Sophie Blakemore - Guitar two, a bit more excited (she works for Creative Assembly, according toGoogle)
- Steve Boxer - Vocals (The Guardian,Three Speech Blog)

You might wonder why GamesRadar aren't in the line-up. Either it's because we're just not well-known enough to get asked to go on the show (likely) or we've been asked and turned it down out of shyness (maybe).

Whatever, we're definitely going to start watching channel 208 a bit more now - just in case they have any more stuff like this lined-up.