Full Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order walkthrough and guide
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is big, so let our walkthrough steer you through the system
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order walkthrough - Dathomir
We’re going to assume you’ve already visited Dathomir right at the start of the game to grab the double bladed lightsaber early and collected all the Force Echos and crates in the initial starter area. If not check the first page of this walkthrough to catch up.
From the Mantis take right path down to the Climbable Wall. At the top you should see the shortcut rope you dropped earlier. Take it up and follow the path to the left to find the big door.
There’ll be two Night Brothers inside to deal with and once they’re gone follow the path around to the double rope jump to a Meditation Spot and the stairs up where you’ll be attacked by the Night Brother and two archers.
Once they’re dead go through the door which you should have opened when you were getting the double bladed lightsaber. Now you have the Jedi Leap you should be able to make the jump you couldn’t before, where cloaky weird guy is.
Kill the archers and proceed to the wall and examine it. You’ll be attacked and the walkway destroyed, triggering a sliding section with a fiddly left where you’ll need Jedi Leaps to clear gaps. At the end you’ll see a Climbable Wall on the left leading to a path and a rope you can climb to reach a new Meditation Spot. The door ahead is locked from the other side so check immediately on your right for a tiny gap to sneak through where you’ll trigger a cutscene and be attacked.
Once you’ve killed everything look for a spiked wooden door you can Force Pull and head in to be attacked again. Go up up the Climbable Walls at the end when you’re done and look behind you for a Force Echo you can Wall Run to.
Head back and over the beam which will lead to a tiny room and another beam. At the end of that you’ll find a spiky door you can Force Pull out of the way to proceed.
Jump into the room and fight off the attackers, then head down to find a Climbable Wall that will let you double back above where you were to another Climbable Wall you can Wall Run to, with a few Night Sisters to deal with along the way.
Follow some more beams around and turn left to activate a shortcut lift down to a crate with Lightsaber Sleeve Power and Control, and a shortcut through the previously locked door you couldn’t get through earlier. Take the lift back up and head up the path, turning right where you should see some Night Brothers around a fire.
Kill them and head forward to the end where you should be able to take out some archers on the other side of a gap, before going left into the cave to go to where they just were. Take care though, as you’ll be ambushed by three Night Sisters in the cave. Defeat them, get the Force Echo and continue on past where the archers were, to be attacked by an archer and spiders. Kill them all and watch out for the spiders. Ahead you’ll see a large branch going up you can take for a Force Echo, then turn around to see a panel you can Force Pull to Wall Run across and get up to a Meditation Spot.
Wait for the wooden panel to reset and look behind you to see another Force Echo you can wall run to then head back to the Meditation Spot and take the long thin beam to the large branch above that leads over to the doorway on the other side. The Night Sister will warn you off as you head up the corridor.
Drop in to the area below, kill the monster that attacks and investigate the cave it came from, where you’ll find a large wooden box/cage. Grab the Force Echo on the left of the box, then Force Push and Force Pull it out so you can use it to reach the Climbable Wall. Head up and Force Push the door open. Go up the corridor and through the narrow gap at the end. When you come out, go along the narrow beam and jump down to kill the Night Brother
Follow the route along until you see a giant raised bridge and a large drop where you’ll be able to Force Pull the bridge down. The archers will only use unblockable shots here so don’t try and take them on. The door will seal as you run towards it so head left and slide down to a swamp area. It’ll be full of monsters so prepare to fight.
Just to the left of where you land is a large red plant you can scan for the Terrarium Seed Bleeding Gut. Then head right and look for an opening in the large column with a Meditation Spot on top.
Head around to the right and up the branch looking out for a Force Echo on the right as you go. Drop down on the other side of the branch where you’ll see a monster prowling. Kill the monster and grab the Force Echo in the alcove. Take the first right where you be attacked by a lot of monsters. Kill them all and grab the Scomp Crate with Poncho Material Savana, then grab the Force Echo to the left. Follow the area boundary around to the right (ignore the ramp you pass by) where you should reach another crate and a monster who’ll be attacked by Night Sisters as you approach. Wait for the fight to end and kill whoever’s left. Inside the crate you'll find Lightsaber Emitter Power and Control.
To the right of the crate you’ll see a Climbable Wall you can use. Follow the path of platforms and beams, killing Night Sisters until you drop down where you’ll find a crate containing Lightsaber Switch Power and Control 2.
Turn left and you’ll see a jutting Climbable Wall you can Force Push but don’t move it until you climb it as is, to reach the platform behind you for a Force Echo. Then drop down so you can Force Push and then Force Slow it in order to climb up. You’ll see a gantry above you and as you approach a giant bat monster will appear.
When the bat monster’s gone climb up and kill all the Night Brothers. Then use the wooden gantry to jump down and grab a Force Echo (or take the stairs to the right as you face away from the wall and grab it on the left). Keep heading down, grabbing a Force Echo on the left as you go and fight Night Sisters. Look left to see a shortcut rope you can cut free, then look right to see a beam you can cross to reach a cave.
Head in and down to find a Meditation Point, then jump down all the platforms to reach a large chamber. Follow BD-1 to a body you can examine and you’ll trigger a boss fight with the giant bat thing. You’ll need to keep switching your targeting between its body and wings to hit it as it attacks, and Force Pull it to the ground when it turns blue, to defeat it. When its health is almost down to nothing it’ll run away.
Once the bat monster’s gone, head back to the corpse and finish examining it to gain the Climbing Claws. You can now climb up all the red-pocked fire lichen walls you’ve seen around Dathomir (and elsewhere), as well as climb normal wall faster. Use the claws to climb the wall all the way to the top and go through the long narrow gap.
When you come out there’ll be two beams ahead and a Force Echo on the left. Grab the Echo and then take the beams over to a new Meditation Spot and another shorter beam to the left that reaches a Climbable Wall. You’ll then have to climb as fast as possible to stay ahead of the bat monster, dodging rocks that will fall and damage it as it chases you. At the top it’ll catch you and you’ll enter a sequence where you’ll have to freefall and land on its back several times until the creature crashes and dies.
(If you come back and climb the wall the bat chases you up after this boss fight is over you’ll find a secret Force Essence to the right, and a door that leads to a crate containing the BD-1 Skin Day of the Dianoga. There’s also a path to the right that will take you back to where the Bat monster crashes when it died.)
You’ll land in the area where you first saw the bat monster as you climbed up, and with the Climbing Claws you’ll now be able to go up the Climbable Wall at the top. Keep going at the top and you’ll reach a spikey door you can Force Pull down and Wall Run to. Wait for the fight between the Night Brothers and the monster to end and mop up what’s left. Once everything’s dead look for two spiky walls you can Force Pull down and Force Slow in order to Wall Run to reach another Climbable Wall.
At the top you’ll see another Climbable Wall you can use to go under where you just were and access a beam below the bridge you Force Pulled down earlier. Use it to go under the bridge and ever the chamber on the other side. On the left is a cave containing a crate with the Poncho Material Vagabond and a Force Echo. On the right is a corridor that leads to a corridor where you’ll find a crate on the left with the Lightsaber Material Dolovite, and a gap on the right to squeeze through at the end.
When you come out, use the Climbable Wall immediately on the left to ascend which will take you to a beam. Follow that to another Climbable Wall and take it up to a Meditation Spot overlooking the Night Brother Village, behind the gate the bridge leads to.
You’ll see a blue painted archway in the distance that you’ll need to Force Push a block under to climb up to, but you’ll have to kill all the Night Brothers first so do that.
Once everyone’s dead head to the blue entrance and look left to see a wooden box cage you can Force Pull and Force Push int place under the window and then use it to climb up to the ledges and through the window. There’s a Night Brother you’ll be able to drop kill and a crate with the Mantis Paint Job Aphelion. Then take the doorway out and head up the corridor where you’ll be jumped by another Night Brother. There’s a Force Echo on the right and on the left you’ll find two doors. The one that goes into a small room contains a Force Echo and the one that goes outside will lead to a beam and then a rope.
At the top follow the passage until it opens up. You’ll see a shortcut rope you can cut to the Night Brother Village below, before heading up the ramps to a beam and a rope up. At the top turn right go through narrow gap which will lead to a door you can open which is a shortcut near one of the early Meditation Spots by the double rope swing. Go back to the bridge with where you met the cloaked figure and with the climbing claws you’ll be able to use the Climbable Wall at the end to reach the temple.
However, before you go in look right for a double Wall Run you can use to reach an area where you’ll find the Legendary Beast Nydak Alpha. At the back you’ll also find a slide that will take you down to a platform with a crate containing the BD-1 Skin Myrmidon. From there you can find a long sequence of Wall Runs that will lead to a Scomp Crate containing the Poncho Material Homestead. The area you reach after this will be full of archers and Night Sisters you’ll need to kill before you can jump to the Climbable Wall and get out. Follow the path and you’ll reach some stairs on the right that will take you to the temple entrance and a crate straight on at the end with the Outfit Material Outlaw. Grab the crate and take the stairs, heading left to find a Climbable Wall that leads to a beam that loops around to above the temple entrance where you can find a yellow crate with a Stim Upgrade.
Head in the door and check to the right as soon as you head in for a crate with Mantis Paint Job Smuggler. Go up to the wall at the back and scan it, a Meditation Spot will appear behind you to use it and when you exit it’ll trigger a looong flashback memory sequence that leads into another cutscene. After that’s all done, you'll have to run back to the ship chased by Night Sisters and set off for Ilum.
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