A full Star Wars Jedi Survivor walkthrough to help you battle the Empire

With Bode tracked to the Nova Garon system, it’s time to find him deep within the Imperial Security Bureau base and see what he’s up to with that compass.

Locate Bode

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal running to an opening door with an electro dart power source above it

(Image credit: EA)

Leave the Mantis to get to the Hangar Bay Exterior where you’ll find the Hangar Bay Exterior Meditation Point straight ahead. From here, fire an Electro Dart at the power source above the door ahead of you, unlocking it and allowing you to head inside the corridors.

Go left and slide down the shaft at the end of the corridor. You’ll be faced with a red electron barrier which damages you if you touch it, confusingly however, you can dash through them unharmed exactly like the green barriers. Dash through the two barriers straight ahead, then turn right.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal standing in front of a red forcefield barrier

(Image credit: EA)

Force Slam the vent on the ceiling of the corridor to expose a power source that you need to hit with an Electro Dart. This will open the door ahead of you, allowing you to proceed into the Hangar Bay.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon walkthrough Cal Force slamming a vent on the ceiling

(Image credit: EA)

Go right and head through the door in the next room by getting BD-1 to open it. Then, cut the tubes and squeeze through the gap to get into the hangar. Hit the suspended power source with an Electro Dart to move a balloon-like grappling point into position, then grapple and leap to the red barrier ahead and dash through.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal grappling and leaping to a red forcefield barrier inside the hangar

(Image credit: EA)

Next, head down the corridor, then swing off the pole to reach the upper platform. Force Pull the grill off the box to reveal another power source – shoot it with an Electro Dart to move the grapple point back to its original position.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal standing on the upper level of a hangar looking down at a glowing power source in a box

(Image credit: EA)

Now, head back to the end of the corridor you were just in and, just like before, use the grapple point to leap and dash to the red barrier on the other side of the hangar.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal grappling and leaping to a red forcefield barrier inside the hangar

(Image credit: EA)

Carry on down the corridor and Force Pull the grill off the wall to reveal a squeeze gap, although before proceeding use the nearby lift to open a shortcut back to the Hangar Bay Exterior Meditation Point. Squeeze through the gap then head into the control room. Drop off the rafter and battle all the Imperial officers and troopers inside.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal ripping apart a grill on the wall using the Force

(Image credit: EA)

Get BD-1 to slice the exit door then head right and go over to the officers talking next to the terminal. Interact with the terminal and you’ll learn that Bode has room in the Officer’s Quarters. The next door will open, and more Imperial forces will arrive to attack.

Go to Bode's quarters

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal running to wall to slide down it with big orange arrow pointing the way

(Image credit: EA)

Once all the enemies area dead, carry on into Central Command – you’ll see a big hologram of a man called Commander Denvik ahead of you. Head left, jump to the wall, and slide down to get to the lower level with a door.

Next, interact with the terminal to try and open the door. This sounds the alarm, summoning a whole load of enemies to fight you, but the central area will rotate into position so that you can step on.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal preparing to fight Imperial troopers in Central Command area

(Image credit: EA)

With all the enemies defeated, you can head across to the locked door. Above it there’s a grill you Force Pull open to reveal a power source. Shoot it with an Electro Dart to open a corridor to the left, then grapple up to it.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon walkthrough Cal shooting power source with an Electro Dart in Central Command to open a nearby doorway

(Image credit: EA)

Head through the corridor and drop into the next room. Force Pull the grill off the wall to reveal a squeeze gap, but before you carry on, you can use the lift and an Electro Dart to unlock a shortcut back to the Mantis in the hangar bay.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal ripping apart a grill on the wall using the Force

(Image credit: EA)

Go through the squeeze gap then wall jump up to the next area. Drop down and jump to the central structure with the rotating red electron barriers. Cross the gap, then grapple your way up the room.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal looking at a rotating array of red laser barriers in a tall, open room

(Image credit: EA)

When you’re at the top, go through the door and into a corridor with lots of Imperial enemies and moving red barriers. After defeating all the Imperials, dash through the red barriers and deactivate them using the console at the end of the corridor.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal retreating from an Imperial Sentry Droid and red laser forcefield barriers moving down a corridor

(Image credit: EA)

Head left into the next room and shoot the power source with an Electro Dart to open a hatch in the ceiling. Grapple up, move through the corridor, then drop down into Denvik’s office. During a cutscene, Cal knocks out Denvik and puts on his uniform as a disguise.

When you’re back in control of Cal, head over to the lift and take it back down to Central Command. Although before proceeding, you should slice the terminal on the right to get the Map Upgrade: Databank!

Cross over to the door that you previously attempted to open and try again. You’ll succeed this time and BD-1 will hide and travel in the floor. Now just walk the corridor until you get to the ISB officer at the locked door.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal in an ISB uniform unlocking a door using a terminal

(Image credit: EA)

Speak to the officer and you’ll have to get through two dialogue choices to get to the Officer’s Quarters. As with previous dialogue choices, these are just flavor and it doesn’t matter which one you choose. The first involves giving a reason for your visit – “classified” or “intruder” – so choose one of those. Then Cal can try to “threaten” or “deceive” – again, choose either one.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal mind-tricking an ISB officer with the options to threaten or deceive him

(Image credit: EA)

Once you're in, head to the left door and get BD-1 to slice it open. Go through and you’ll be in Bode’s Quarters – you’ll find the Officer’s Quarters Meditation Point in here too.

Go around the room looking for objects you can interact with – a picture on the wall, the pillow fort, files on the table, for example. Once you’ve interacted with a few, you’ll be able to get BD-1 to slice the bedroom door open.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal in an ISB uniform looking at a datadisc in Bode's bedroom within the Nova Garon base Officer's Quarters

(Image credit: EA)

Head inside the bedroom and grab the datadisc, then take it to the terminal on the central table. This’ll start a cutscene that reveals the disc holds a message from Santari Khri and Cal also meets Bode’s daughter Kata. Bode arrives and explains his situation but then flees with Kata to make the trip to Tanalorr.

Pursue Bode

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal using the wrath ability to kill Scout Troopers, tinting the screen red

(Image credit: EA)

Go back the way you came, and you’ll be met with a massive group of Scout Troopers and ISB Officers outside Bode’s Quarters. You must now use an upgraded form of Cal’s Slow ability to defeat all the enemies.

Head over to the locked door and you can interact with it to rip the lock open with the Force. Carry on going back the way you came, fighting your way through the Officer’s Quarters to reach Central Command again.

Fight the Imperial forces in this area, then rip open the locked door on the other side. You’ll be faced with Purge Troopers in the next room so defeat them, then rip open the next lock.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal wearing an ISB uniform heading into a room with purge troopers inside

(Image credit: EA)

Head through the door to get into the room that previously had the spinning red electron barriers. Fight your way to the door and keep going up the corridor to reach the Hangar Bay Meditation Point.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal chasing Bode back through the red laser barrier room with a big, orange arrow pointing at the correct door

(Image credit: EA)

Run outside and jump down into the hangar. Fight your way through and eventually Merrin will arrive on the other side of the hangar. Continue fighting the troopers and make your way to Merrin. Once all the enemies have been defeated, a cutscene will play.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal meeting up with Merrin in a hangar about to fight several Sentry Droids

(Image credit: EA)

Return to the Mantis

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Nova Garon Cal in his ISB uniform disguise standing in front of the exit corridor near Commander Denvik's body

(Image credit: EA)

Head up the corridor in front of you to reach the lift, which is also a shortcut. Ride it up and you’ll end up back at the Mantis. Get aboard and a cutscene will start. Cal watches hears the message from Santari Khri that was on the datadisc Bode had, and she reveals a way to Tanalorr that does not require a compass. Now it’s time to head back to Koboh (for the last time) to align the arrays via the control centre.

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Will Sawyer
Guides Writer

Will Sawyer is a guides writer at GamesRadar+ who works with the rest of the guides team to give readers great information and advice on the best items, how to complete a particular challenge, or where to go in some of the biggest video games. Will joined the GameRadar+ team in August 2021 and has written about service titles, including Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Warzone, as well as some of the biggest releases like Halo Infinite, Elden Ring, and God of War Ragnarok.

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