Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cheats
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cheats
Xbox | Submitted by Chaz HastingsInvincibility
The code menu, under options
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Ammo
Type in "NOHONOR" n the code screen
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Ammo
Put in the password biscuit
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Unlimited Force Power
Put in the password scooter
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarInvincibility
Put in the password 1WITHFORCE
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarWookie in Multiplayer
Put in the password FUZZBALL for the wookie
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarDeveloper Pics
Put in the password saycheese
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet FMV movies
Put in the password flicky
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar7 Levels Unlocked
Put in the password cherry
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Unlimited Special & Secondary Weapon
Put in the password SUPERLASER
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Bonus Objectives Completes
Put in the password GIMME
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Battle Droid for Genosis Academy
Put in the password TRADEFED
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Multiplayer Missions
Put in the password JORG SACUL
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Multiplayer Levels
Collect the following number of Bonus Points to get each item
Raxus Duel multiplayer level - 5 Bonus Points
Thule Moon Control multiplayer level - 10 Bonus Points
Rhen Var multiplayer level - 15 Bonus Points
Jedi Academy multiplayer level - 20 Bonus Points
Get Unit View Option - 25 Bonus Points
Making of Movie Option - 30 Bonus Points
Music Player Option - 35 Bonus Points
Sketch Option - 40 Bonus Points
Yoda Playabale on Academy: Genosis - 45 Bonus Points
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Creator Photos
Put in the password JEDICOUNCIL
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 3 Bonus Objectives & current Mission Marked Complete
Type in" ALITTLEHELP" n the code screen
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All FMV Movies
Type in" GOTPOPCORN" n the code screen
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarTeam Photos
Type in" YOURMASTERS" n the code screen
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Multiplayer Levels
Type in" LETSDANCE" n the code screen
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Extras
Type in" igiveup" n the code screen
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Campaign Level Select
Put in the password DOORDONOT
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Padme for Academy: Genosis Level
Put in the password NATALIE
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Movies
Put in the password 12PARSECS
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarWookie Unlocked for Academy: Genosis Level
Put in the password NERFHERDER
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Heath
Put in the password DARKSIDE
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarAll multiplayer levels
Put in the password fragfiesta
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Game movies
Put in the password cinema
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Multiplayer Characters
Put in the password peeps
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Ammo
Put in the password chosen1
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Health
Put in the password bubble
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lightsaber
Put in the password fudge
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Levels
Put in the password dingo
GameCube | Submitted by DA CLONENever die with AT-XT
All you need to do is put in chosen1 at the codes input you'll get infinite ammo but it also counts for special abilities activate your shield by holding Y and you can keep it on forever! So have fun destroying things without getting a scratch.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Clone Trooper in Genosis Academy
Put in the password FAKE FETT
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarPadme in Multiplayer
Put in the password CORDE
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Extra Objectives Early
Put in the password YUB_YUB
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarCampaign Level Select
Put in the password GASMASK
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarBattle droid in multiplayer mode in the geonosis academy
Put in the password rogerroger
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Hints
GameCube | Submitted by Derek St. AmandThule Moon Academy Strategy
In the Thule Moon Academy level, the enemies become very difficult. If you are losing health and there isn't any health pickups on the fields, hide! Look for the niche in the canyon wall that holds the super blasters. Hide in there until your shields regenerate and another health pickup appears on the field. You can also fire your weapons from inside the little cave area. But beware, the Banking Clan Hailfire droids, Spiders, Fighter Tanks and Dark Acylodes can easily enter the cave area. When they come in, try and destroy them before they turn around. Also beware of the AATs and the mortar tanks, then can fire up into the cave! Another strategy is to destroy offense before attacking large mortar convoys and other heavy firepower.
Xbox | Submitted by DarrenHint
On the Harbinger Level, hide behind a tree and nothing will hit you except the light tanks (they're easy). Shoot at the Harbinger with missiles, strafing left and right.
Xbox | Submitted by MikeManGymLonger Lasting Boost
This code is for the TX-130 S Fighter Tank (Republic). All you have to do is when using your boost you use it in small blasts or in other words you push (B) many times in a row instead of holding down (B). This will make your boost bar on the right of the screen not go down as fast so your boost will last longer but, you will still go the same speed.
GameCube | Submitted by Anakin SkywalkerEasy Way to get Yoda
Select any missions that do not have all 3 bonus objectives and start it. Shoot a few lasers and pause the game. Exit and go to the code screen. Enter yub yub. Keep repeating this process until you have 45 or more objectives. There, you have Yoda.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarUse the Force/ Move your thrown lightsaber
To use the Force, all you need to do is hold down the Y button for a second or two. Waves will shoot from your hand. This is the Force. It is useful against all ground enemies except the Super Battle Droids (big white/grey ones).All enemy units die with one hit from the force except the Super Battle Droids which take two. Use it if your in a tight spot. To throw your lightsaber, you need to press the B button. If you hold it down and move the control stick, you can move the lightsaber
GameCube | Submitted by Piers InmanHow To Destroy The Dark Acolytes
If you are stuck on the dark acolytes hear is a tip. Go to the codes and put in Chosen1 you would of then unlocked unlimited ammunition. Then get to the acolytes and keep on firing missiles at them and eventually the whole three would of exploded into pieces
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Unlockables
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Multiplayer Levels
Collect the following number of Bonus Points to get each item
Raxus Duel multiplayer level - 5 Bonus Points
Thule Moon Control multiplayer level - 10 Bonus Points
Rhen Var multiplayer level - 15 Bonus Points
Jedi Academy multiplayer level - 20 Bonus Points
Get Unit View Option - 25 Bonus Points
Making of Movie Option - 30 Bonus Points
Music Player Option - 35 Bonus Points
Sketch Option - 40 Bonus Points
Yoda Playabale on Academy: Genosis - 45 Bonus Points
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Items By Earning Points
Get the indicated amount of bonus points to unlock more items
Points Needed Bonus Acquired
5 Points Raxus Duel MP Map
10 Points Thule Moon Control MP Map
15 Points Rhen Var MP Map
20 Points Jedi Academy MP Map
25 Points Unit Viewer
30 Points Making Of FMV
35 Points CD Player
40 Points Sketchbook
45 Points Yoda for Multiplayer
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