Every name Vasco can say in Starfield
We've got the full list of Starfield Vasco names he can call your character

All of the Starfield Vasco names are listed right here, letting you check if your character's name made the cut. Picking any of the names below means Vasco can speak your name in dialogue and as you play, usually as "Captain [name here]" - a cute little feature that echoes that of your robotic butler in Fallout 4.
This list was initially uncovered by andy24olivera over on Reddit and it reveals that Vasco can say a lot of names, including plenty of highly unusual ones. For example, the option to travel the Settled Systems as "Captain Cock" is there, as well as some even less diplomatic alternatives. If you want to change your name to one on the list below, or even just test some out, you can change your name at the Enhance stores where you can also change appearance in Starfield.
With that in mind, here's the full list of names Vasco can say in Starfield, arranged alphabetically for you. I assume at this point that most of you are scrolling to the letter F, and don't worry - there's good news on that front.
Recent updates
This list of names Vasco can say is extensive, though it's accurate at the time of updating this article on November 10, 2023. We'll be sure to update the list if anymore names are uncovered or added.
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