Summer Sports: Paradise Island

Finally a sports game with something to offer gamers that they can%26rsquo;t get anywhere else (in North America, at least). Lawn darts were bannedon the continent in the late 80s when theConsumer Product Safety Commission discovered that the12-inch projectiles could cause skull punctures and other injuries. Not so in Summer Sports: Paradise Island; the only injuries you're going to have to worry about with this multiplayer party game for the Wii are sprained wrists and bruised egos.

Lawn darts is but one of many games included in Summer Sports. Badminton, beach volleyball, croquet, horse shoes, and mini-golf are in the lineup along with the most interesting take on basketball we%26rsquo;ve ever seen in a Wii game. You actually have to turn theremote over in your hand and cradle it as you would a real basketball to make your shot. Intuitive controls and a visually pleasing environment round out the package to make for a satisfying fix for your Wii mania. Look for it this March.

Jan 24, 2008