Super Mario 3D World Green Star and Stamp locations guide
Get those Super Mario 3D World Green Star and Stamps today
World 8-6: A Beam in the Dark
Stamp: Tripping Mario
While riding the first moving platform, you can spot this Luigi switch. Have Luigi step on it to spawn a stamp.
Star #1
Drop from the first moving platform and backtrack a bit. You'll see the star in the mirror; move toward the camera to grab it.
Star #2
When your ride the second moving platform down the hallway of Bowser statues, leap to this mystery box on the right to enter a secret area. Inside, you have ten seconds to defeat several Boos with your Beam Box. Do it to receive a star.
Star #3
The final star is at the end of the final hallway, guarded by a Giant Boo. If you still have a Beam Box, you can take him out and grab it easily. Otherwise, you can always lure him away, then dash in and grab the star when it's safe.
World 8-7: Grumblump Inferno
Star #1
The moving blocks in this course are very challenging to navigate; we'll tell you that upfront. After the first drop, you'll pass a pillar with a star on it. Leap to the pillar to acquire it.
Stamp: Skipsqueak
You'll want a Tanooki Suit for this. After the checkpoint, you'll ride a block down a lava ramp. At the end is pillar supporting a Hammer Bros. and a stamp. Leap onto your foe's head to safely grab the collectible.
Star #2
After the second lava ramp, you'll spot a hollow green star along some platforms. Hit it to spawn eight green coins. Grab them before time runs out, and you'll earn another star.
Star #3
This is found during the final stretch of the level. The block here will move length- and width-wise. When it's at its tallest, you can grab the star from above.
World 8-A: Motley Bossblob's Encore
Star #1
Motley Bossblob is back, and this time he causes shockwaves when he jumps. Keep this in mind, and take him down the same way as before to earn a star.
World 8-B: Hisstocrat Returns
Star #1
Hisstocrat has also come back for more, and this time, it's a lady boss. The other difference this time is a bunch of fireballs: she can spit them, and they rain down when she emerges from the ground. But just like the other boss, fight her the same way as before. You'll receive a star when she goes down.
World 8-Special: Mystery House Claw Climb
Star #1
This course is a series of timed climbing challenges using the Cat Suit. In the first room, immediately hit the question mark blocks to spawn some Super Bells. Grab them, then use your Cat Suit powers to scramble up the wall to the first star.
Star #2
In the second room, quickly run through the narrow tunnel, then scramble to the upper floor where the star awaits.
Star #3
You'll have to climb beep blocks to the third room's star. Time your jump right to make it up in time.
Star #4
Room four is pretty straightforward. Dash across the bridge, then scramble up the wall to the star.
Star #5
Room five is identical to room one, except this time, you have to climb to the very top. Move quickly to grab your prize in time.
Star #6
Room six is identical room two, but with some added purple blocks. Scratch through these, then scramble up to the upper floor to claim your prize.
Star #7
Room seven brings back the beep blocks. Thing is, the star is too high to scramble to in one go. You have to scramble up a beep block, get your energy back, then scramble up to the star within ten seconds.
Star #8
Room eight is identical to room four, except the star has moved over the lava pit. You'll have to jump to the wall by the gap and scramble up to grab it.
Star #9
Room nine is tough; it's like rooms six and two, but now filled with blocks. Scratch your way through, hitting the POW Block as fast as possible. With the blocks cleared, claim your star.
Star #10
The final room is very straightforward, but still challenging. As you climb the stack of blocks, they will fall one by one. Move quickly to reach the last star on top.
World 8-Castle: The Great Tower of Bowser Land
Star #1
While running across the rooftops in the fireball rain, look for a small rooftop below the left turn. The star is down there; there's also an invisible block to help you get back up.
Star #2
You'll soon reach a ferris wheel with several Bullies. Defeat them all to spawn a star.
Star #3
As you ascend the tower while being hounded by Cat Suit Bowser, you'll spot a hollow green star. Hit it to spawn eight green coins along the cloud platforms. Grab them before time runs out to receive a star.
Stamp: Meowser
This sits atop a tree at the very end of the level.
World 9-1: Rainbow Run
Star #1
Look for a pair of bricks above the first set of rainbow rollers. Use a Cat Suit to scramble up the wall here and find a warp pipe. This leads to a secret area, where you have to manipulate switch panels to roll two balls to pressure pads. Do this to earn a star.
Stamp: Bowser Flag
You can grab this while riding Plessie. It's among some gold rings on the right side of the track.
Star #2
Immediately after riding Plessie, you'll disembark near two unlit torches. Hit the invisible block on the left side of the platform for a Fire Flower, then light the torches to reveal a cloud that blasts you to a secret area. Step on all the colored blocks here before the music times out to create an eight-bit Link, then claim your star prize.
Star #3
Also after riding Plessie, you'll hop off near a hollow green star. Hit it to spawn eight green coins; collect them in time to receive a star.
World 9-2: Super Galaxy
Star #1
You'll spot the first star above a brick along the path. Jump onto the brick, then jump up again to nab the star.
Stamp: Rosalina
Just past the checkpoint, you'll encounter a trio of Octoombas. Use blocks to reach this high platform, then use a Cat Suit to scramble up the blue tiles to the stamp.
Star #2
When you reach a checkerboard of the red and blue squares, look to the west edge of the section. A red square here holds a star.
Star #3
This is found underneath the warp box the end of the level. You'll have to run out and grab the star, then get back before you get spun into space.
World 9-3: Rolling Ride Run
Star #1
Not too far into the level, you'll roll past a mysterious box. Hop inside to reach a hidden area. Here, you have ten seconds to run through the inside of a roller like a hamster wheel to reach a star. You can do it!
Star #2
You'll find this on the series of rollers past the checkpoint. Hop to the little roller before the next platform; rotate it to bring the star to you.
Stamp: Tiny Rosalina
When rolling the giant roller near the end of the level, look south for a little pathway. Down there is a Rosalina switch; use her to hit it and spawn a stamp.
Star #3
You usually have to play cooperatively to get this one. Further toward the end of the stage is a little alleyway with some bees. At its end is a two-man elevator which will take you to the last star. You can also wall jump up to the ledges on the sides, then use a Cat Suit to scramble up the star.
Level 9-4: The Great Goal Pole
Star #1
This one is hard to miss it's right along the path while you chase down the flagpole.
Stamp: Tanooki Mario
This too is easy to spot along the path, but it's guarded by a Walleye. You'll probably take a hit while grabbing it.
Star #2
Again, this is easy to spot. Make sure to get back before the platforms fall too far.
Star #3
This is found during the final stretch, when you actually have to catch the flagpole. Just before the straightaway of falling platforms, there is a series of them that ascend. Take them up to find this star above where the flagpole runs.
World 9-Tent
Stamp: Cat Suit Mario 2
Enter this from the map to claim another stamp inside.
World 9-5: Super Block Land
Star #1
Before exiting the first area, hit these question mark blocks to create a tower that takes you to the tall platform here. Hop into the mystery box here to reach a hidden area. Inside, you have ten seconds to hit more question mark blocks, generating more blocks that let you reach the star. We believe in you!
Stamp: Tanooki Luigi
This is in a corner of the course right by the warp box. Fun fact: if you're regular size, you can ground pound through these big blocks by holding the move for a few seconds. Do this to bust through and find the stamp underneath.
Star #2
You'll find this inside a grey block just past the checkpoint. Use a Bob-omb or loose bomb to blow it up.
Star #3
Before taking the unlocked warp block out of the level, grab a Bob-omb from the Bowser Box on the right side of the course. Toss it into the big block above, then head up to that platform. Hit the question mark block here a few times to create a tower of blocks, then wall jump you way up them to find a star.
World 9-6: Honeycomb Starway
Star #1
Early in the level, you can spot an exclamation mark block in the air - the best way to hit it is with a throw from the Boomerang Suit. Do this to generate a path to the right, letting you reach the star.
Star #2
Just after the clear pipe is an open section with tons of Para-Biddybuds. Take them all out - again, the Boomerang Suit is preferred - to spawn a star.
Star #3
When the ice and lava panels start slamming into place, the third star will be above the lava. Use - you guessed it - the Boomerang Suit to safely grab it.
Stamp: Octoomba
Just beyond, there will be a large group of bee enemies. To the right, floating in space, is the stamp. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, it's Boomerang Suit time once again.
World 9-7: Gargantuan Grotto
Stamp: Mega Mushroom
You'll grab the Mega Mushroom early in the level. Run to the right, but don't stomp through the big blocks on the ground yet. Instead, jump into the cluster of blocks above the grab this.
Star #1
Just beyond is a wall of those mean purple blocks. Tap them on the GamePad to make them disappear for a second, then step into the alcove. Wall jump up to grab the star in here.
Star #2
When you see this big blocks underwater, surface. Hit the question mark block here to find another Mega Mushroom. Jump back into the water and head right. Leap upwards from the bouncy mushrooms to break through several layers of big blocks - there's a star up here.
Star #3
Instead of taking the warp pipe out of the water, swim directly up. In this hidden alcove is another warp pipe. Take it to reach an area with a switch and a question mark block. Hit the block first to grab another Mega Mushroom, then step onto the switch. As Mega Mario, collect all the columns of blue coins the switch generates to spawn a star.
World 9-8: Peepa's Fog Bog
Star #1
Captain Toad is being harassed by ghosts at the northern end of the starting zone. Look east for a glowing spot in front of a tombstone, then ground pound it to reveal an Invincibility Star. Grab it and use your powers to take out those ghosts, freeing Captain Toad and earning you a star.
Star #2
Just past the checkpoint are two Snow Pokeys and two mystery boxes. Enter the one on the right to reach a hidden area. You have ten seconds to collect the star here, but it will disappear when approached. Grab a snowball, back up, then chuck it at the star when it reappears. Star collected!
Star #3
Now take out one of the Snow Pokeys and grab yourself a snowball. Take it down the left side of the next walkway, then chuck it at the elevated star to collect it.
Stamp: Cat Suit Rosalina
Before taking the warp box to the level's end, make a right along the walkway. Leap the gap to find a stamp over here.
World 9-9: Cosmic Cannon Cluster
Stamp: Cannon Block
Grab the Cannon Block from the first platform, then continue on the switchboard. When you see this group of question mark blocks, hit them with a cannonball. This will generate a path of bricks to the stamp.
Star #1
After ascending the wall with the cannon trio, move to the right ledge. Use your Cannon Block to blow through the cracked wall to the star on the other side.
Star #2
While in the underwater section, look for this group of bricks. Bust through to find a star inside a hidden area.
Star #3
While on the second switchboard, you'll pass some exclamation mark blocks. Shoot the second one to aim your track towards the star. Shoot it with a cannon ball to collect it.
World 9-Special: Captain Toad Goes for a Spin
Star #1
Press the switch to rotate the cube, then drop down a level. When the enemy is neutral (purple) move past him to grab the first star.
Star #2
Drop to the ground and hit the switch to rotate the cube again. Drop to the new ground level, and head up the ramp to the second star.
Star #3
Hit the switch on this same ramp to rotate the cube, then drop to ground. Move to the corner to spot the third star behind some enemies. Grab it while they're purple.
Star #4
Move to the switch up the ramp, but don't press it yet. Press it when the nearby enemy is neutral, and the cube will rotate, dropping you onto the enemy's head. Now you can safely grab the star.
Star #5
Hit the switch to rotate the cube one last time. Carefully drop down the ledges, watching the enemies for neutrality, to grab the final star.
World 10-1: Night Falls on Really Rolling Hills
Star #1
You'll encounter a hollow green star early on; hit it to spawn eight green coins. Collect them before time runs out to earn a star.
Star #2
Take the upper ledges inside the tunnel. Leap above where the warp pipe is to find a cloud platform. Leap to the next alcove to find a star.
Star #3
Now enter said warp pipe. Inside, you have to touch all the tiles before the music stops. Do this to earn a star.
World 10-2: Spiky Mount Beanpole
Star #1
This is hidden behind a treetop at the start of the mountain.
Star #2
About halfway up the mountain is this group of bricks. Bust them up to find a warp pipe beyond; take it to a secret area. Hit the blue switch here to spawn three sets of blue coins. Collect them all before time runs out to earn a star.
Star #3
There are three trees at the top of the mountain. Leap from the rightmost one to reach the star high in the air.
World 10-3: Deep Black Jungle Drift
Star #1
Use a Cat Suit to climb the first red gate. The star is on the upper path here.
Star #2
Just before the dip in the stream, you'll see this floating above the water. Move towards it to see some cloud platforms become visible. Use these to reach the star.
Star #3
Don't take the warp box out of the level. Instead, use your Cat Suit to scramble up the wall at the edge of the course. There's a star up there.
World 10-4: Trouble in Shadow Play Alley
Star #1
This appears above you when you go through the red door. Hop up the platforms to grab the Boomerang Flower, then toss a boomerang to grab the star.
Star #2
The second star is on a ledge just below where the Boomerang Flower was.
Star #3
This is on a high ledge just past the stack of Goombas. Wall kick up there, or scramble up with a Cat Suit to grab it.
World 10-5: Back to Hands-On Hall
Star #1
You'll spot this inside a large clear pipe. Throw a baseball into the pipe to clear the spike, then hop in to claim your prize.
Star #2
When you reach the rooftop, you'll see a hollow green star. Grab a Propeller Box and hit it spawn eight green coins. Collect them all before time runs out (you need the Propeller Box for the ones over the edge) to spawn a star.
Star #3
As you ascend to the top, tap the Bowser gong on the GamePad; this spawns a warp box. Use it to reach a little room with coins and the level's last star.
World 10-6: Gigantic Seaside Wreck
Star #1
This hollow green star is right at the start of the level. Hit it to spawn eight green coins; collect them before time runs out to earn a star.
Star #2
When you reach the third warp box, don't hop in immediately. Instead, look to the side of the platform for a narrow planked walkway. Follow this to find another star.
Star #3
After the third warp box, grab the Mega Mushroom from the nearby question mark block. Cross the planks as Mega Mario, continue past the path to the next ship. Leap up from this dead end to grab a high altitude star.
World 10-7: Broken Blue Bully Belt
Star #1
A Tanooki Suit is key for every star in this course. This floats above the lava near a set of Parabones. Leap to it when the platform beneath temporarily rises.
Star #2
This one's tough to get. It's on top of the second group of rotating spikes along the zigzagging path.
Star #3
The last star is on a cloud platform behind the warp pipe at the level's end. Use a Tanooki Suit to leap to it.
World 10-Special: Mystery House Brawl
Star #1
This bonus stage is just series of battles, all of which have ten second timer; complete the battle in time to receive a star. The first is against a trio of Chargin' Chucks.
Star #2
The second is against three Snow Pokeys.
Star #3
The third is against a pair of Hop-Chops.
Star #4
The fourth is against a trio of Boomerang Bros.
Star #5
The fifth is against a Coin Purse. He's hiding by the upper left trio of grass tufts.
Star #6
The sixth is against three stacks of Goombas.
Star #7
The seventh is against a trio of Fizzlits.
Star #8
The eighth is against a trio of Magickoopa.
Star #9
The ninth is against a trio of Piranha Creepers.
Star #10
The final battle is against a trio of Hammer Bros.
World 11-1: Switch Shock Circus
Star #1
Turn around at the start of the level to find a mystery box; hop in to reach a secret area. In here, you have ten seconds to hit four switch panels. Do it to earn a star.
Star #2
Just past the Hammer Bros. is a series of ledges. On the left side is a hollow green star. Hit it to spawn eight green coins. If you can collect them all before time runs out, you'll earn a star.
Star #3
When you shoot from the clear pipeline cannon, break open the wooden crates on the platform to reveal baseballs. Toss one at the star suspended off to the right.
World 11-2: Floaty Fuzzy Time Mine
Star #1
Hit the question mark block at the level start to find Super Bell. Use the Cat Suit to climb directly up from this location for the first star.
Star #2
Strike the POW Block a little ways into the mine to destroy the big block nearby, revealing a star.
Star #3
When the level starts moving vertically again, you'll be near a hollow green star. Hit it to spawn eight green coins; grab them before time runs out to earn a star.
World 11-3: Piranha Creeper Creek After Dark
Star #1
Before reaching the warp pipe, there are eight unlit torches. Use a Fire Flower to light them all, spawning a star.
Star #2
In the second area are twelve unlit torches. Use a Fire Flower on these too to earn another star.
Star #3
Just before the flagpole are three more torches. Light them with the Fire Flower to earn one last star.
World 11-4: Faster Fort Fire Bros.
Star #1
This is atop a stack of Goombas at the very start of the level.
Star #2
There is a pair of hidden blocks by the first Thwomp. Use them to reach the ledge above; there's a star up here.
Star #3
There's a glowing spot by the Wind-Up Soldiers. Ground pound it to reveal a star.
Word 11-5: Sprawling Savanna Rabbit Run
Star #1
You'll see a giant rabbit upon starting the level; chase him down to earn a star. He's extremely fast, so you'll have to use the boost pads around the area to catch him.
Star #2
There's a clear pipe on the eastern side of the savanna that has a cloud platform above it. Scramble up there with a Cat Suit to grab the star above.
Star #3
The final star is near the flagpole. At the top of the cliff are two Conkdors and a Toad switch. Use him to hit the switch and spawn a star on the cloud platforms just before the flagpole.
World 11-6: Shiftier Boo Mansion
Star #1
This is right at the start of the level, behind the Big Boo. Lure it away from the wall a bit to safely rush back and grab your prize.
Star #2
When the path splits, take the upper level. Hop onto the couch to be lifted to a 1-Up Mushroom. To your right are some invisible cloud platforms that lead to the second star.
Star #3
You'll find this at the end of the long hallway just before exiting to the flagpole.
World 11-7: Pipeline Boom Lagoon
Star #1
Make sure to grab a Cannon Block from the start of the level. A little ways into the underwater section, you'll encounter some big blocks. Blow through them to reach the star on the other side.
Star #2
When you reach the large spike blocks, swim upwards to discover a grotto. Avoid the Bloopers in this narrow channel, and you'll find a star at the end.
Star #3
Now sink deeper into the water. You'll spot some big blocks by a sunken ship. Blow them away to find a hollow green star. Hit it, then collect the eight green coins that spawn before time runs out to earn a star.
World 11-8: Blast Block Skyway
Star #1
The beep blocks in this course switch very quickly, so be on your toes; a Tanooki Suit is a good idea here. As you round the bend a bit into the level, you'll see the first star above a question mark block.
Star #2
There's a hollow green star by the checkpoint. Hit it to spawn eight green coins, which you'll need collect within a time limit. Do this to earn a star; to reach the ones on the upper ledge, hop onto the blow platform and blow into the GamePad's mic.
Star #3
You'll find this on the beep block slide leading to the level's end.
World 11-9: Towering Sunshine Seaside
Star #1
Head left from the level start to find a pier with four unlit torches. Hit the question mark box near the pier for a Fire Flower. Light all four, and a star appears. Alternatively, you can stand by the torches and get the Fire Bro. atop the Goomba stack here to light them.
Star #2
Head back to the right. Hop inside the clear pipe here to reach a cloud platform above. There's a star up there.
Star #3
On the far right side of the beach is a stack of three Goombas, all fast asleep. Snatch the start from over them.
World 11-10: Honeycomb Skyway
Star #1
Grab the Boomerang Flower from the question mark block at the level start - you're going to need it. Just past the two lines of Para-Biddybuds are the star and a Piranha Plant. Throw a boomerang over the gap to grab the star as it flies by.
Star #2
Just after the spinning fire spokes is a clear pipe. Enter it from the right side of the pathway to pop out and grab the second star.
Star #3
You'll find this during the final stretch of the level, when the hexagons are flying into place. It's floating solo at first, but then a lava piece connects underneath of it. Throw a boomerang to collect it the safe way.
World 11-11: Spiky Spike Bridge Sneak
Star #1
The first star is to the left of the second Fire Bro. Cross when the spikes are receding, and use a Cat Suit to scramble up to the platform where the star is.
Star #2
Just after the checkpoint, you'll come to a bridge with waves of moving spikes. Stop at the first pillar and take out the Fire Bro., then use a Cat Suit to scramble to the star on the side of the platform here.
Star #3
Just past the bridge is a large platform almost entirely covered by a spotlight. Stick to the edges and move to the back to find star. This too has a spotlight on it, so be prepared to get out of there quickly or take the hit.
World 11-12: Boss Blitz
Star #1
This level is just a gauntlet of previous boss battles, but you get stars for three of the fights. You'll get the first for defeating Boss Brolder.
Star #2
The Hisstocrats actually fight together this time, meaning you have to hit each one three times to win. You'll get another star for taking them down.
Star #3
And you'll get one more for beating Motley Bossblob.
World 12-Tent
Stamp: 8-Bit Mario
Enter the tent from the map to claim the stamp inside.
World 12-1: Champion's Road
Star #1
Yeah, this level is almost unfairly difficult, and it's long; we lost a lot of lives. Bring a Tanooki Suit if you can. That said, the first star can't be missed. It sits at the end of the beep blocks, right before you enter a clear pipe.
Star #2
This one is also impossible to miss. It's right after the swinging rollers, just before you enter a warp box.
Star #3
You'll find this among the huge section of dash panels a bit later into the level.
Stamp: Lucky Cat Mario
The stamp is right at the end of the level, right before you leap to the flagpole.
World 12-Special 1: Captain Toad's Fiery Finale
Star #1
Drop off the ledge and let the rising lava take you to the first star.
Star #2
The second star is tucked inside a block in the middle of the map. Run in and grab it while the lava level is low, then get back to the safety of a red raft.
Star #3
You'll need to use blow platforms to continue forward. One of them automatically takes you to a star. Keep blowing into the GamePad mic to stay hovering above the lava.
Star #4
The very next blow platform takes you to a bridge made of falling platforms. There's a star along it.
Stamp: Little Toad
When you reach the platform with the Piranha Plant, drop to the central blow platform. Use it to reach the cloud above, where you'll find this stamp and a bunch of gold coins.
Star #5
Drop through the hole in the cloud to land on and defeat the Piranha Plant below. Now you can grab the final star behind it.
World 12-Special 2: Mystery House Marathon
Star #1
This final stage is a series of 30 (seriously, 30) challenges, each with a time limit. For the first, you have ten seconds to defeat a trio of Koopa Troopas.
Star #2
For the second, you must cross some swinging platforms. Watch out for the rolling spike on the final one.
Star #3
You have to press three switches in the next challenge. Quickly stun the two Brolders that appear, then toss them onto a switch each. Stand on the third yourself to spawn as star.
Star #4
In the next room, immediately hit the question mark block and grab the Fire Flower that pops out. Light the four torches for a star.
Star #5
The next room is perpetually spinning. Dodge the ghosts and grab the star when it gets close enough.
Star #6
The star is located in one of the crates in challenge six; you'll need to bust up the four in the upper right to find it. If you still have the Fire Flower, this will be much easier.
Star #7
The next room has a Goomba and several Mini Goombas. Take them out to earn a star.
Star #8
The star in room eight is down a ramp. Grab a baseball and chuck it down to collect it. If you take out a Biddybud instead, quickly throw another.
Star #9
In the next room are a few of those trampoline enemies. Stun the one to the far right, and it will become a regular trampoline. Use it to reach the star.
Star #10
Room ten has those walkways that only appear when you get close. Run out and ride a Thwomp to the upper level to grab the star.
Star #11
Grab an Ice Skate as soon as you warp here, then move forward. The Walleyes here are absolutely annoying, but you'll have to pass them to reach the star.
Star #12
Immediately hit the question mark block in here for a Super Bell. Use your Cat Suit powers to scramble over the wall, and hit the switch. Scramble back over to grab the star it spawns.
Star #13
The next room is a climbing challenge. Scramble to the top as fast as you can to grab the star.
Star #14
The next room has a series of beep blocks. Time your jumps up them, then scramble up the wall to grab another star.
Star #15
The fifteenth room is another climbing challenge, but the blocks will descend as soon as you latch on. Scramble up quickly to reach the star.
Star #16
Halfway there! In there next room are a spinning wheel and several Fuzzies. Scramble around the wheel to the star between the groups of enemies to nab it.
Star #17
A tiny rabbit is inside the next room. Use the dash panels to catch it and earn another star.
Star #18
You have to hit a switch on a wall in here. Grab a baseball and use the jump pad to launch yourself closer, then chuck the ball to hit the switch and spawn a star.
Star #19
The next room is a giant roller. Spin the room until you can hop to a ledge, then from there, leap to the star. Watch out for the Piranha Plants too!
Star #20
There are two Bullies inside the next room. Knock them into the lava for another star.
Star #21
In the next room are three question mark blocks; striking them will spawn more blocks you can use as platforms. Use this to reach the star above - a ground pound is most effective on the blocks.
Star #22
This next room is tough; you have to hit the dash panel to reach the star in time, but it lies across some very narrow platforms. The Cat Suit Bullet Bills won't catch you while boosted, so focus on staying on the narrow walkway to reach your prize.
Star #23
This room is also very tough. You have to bounce up the sleeping Piranha Creepers' heads. A Cat Suit will make this a little easier, but not by much. Good luck!
Star #24
This room has three question mark panels, all guarded by something. Chuck baseballs at the left two when the Thwomp are in the air, then turn to the bricked up column. Kick the nearby bomb into it, then chuck a baseball at the last switch to spawn the star.
Star #25
This room can be tricky: it holds two Potted Piranha Plants and several Fuzzies. Pick up a Piranha Plant and use it to gobble up every other enemy. Then let it go and stomp on it to clear the room and spawn a star.
Star #26
The next room is just a big roller. Dash along and avoid the Piranha Plants until the star comes into view.
Star #27
The star is in the upper right corner here. Quickly wall jump between the bricks to reach it. This will activate the spotlight and send Cat Suit Bullet Bills after you, so move fast.
Star #28
Start running as soon as you spawn here - you need to cross some falling platforms. These give way with the Spikes' rollers too, so you need to get to the other side and leap for the star before they fall too far.
Star #29
Boom Boom appears in this room, but you only have to hit him once. Stomp on his head to earn a star.
Star #30
The last room is just a walkway with coins, a stamp, and a star. Just run forward to grab it all.
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Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for GamesRadar+. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.

A week after suffering webcam tragedy, blindfolded Super Mario 64 speedrunner casually breaks 3 world records in 4 days: "Another day in the office, another world record"

Super Mario 64 speedrunners thought a trick that requires landing on a spot "the width of a red blood cell" was virtually impossible - now it's been done blindfolded