Superbowl Spot Breakdown: Star Trek
JJ Abrams' reboot gets the TF analysis

1. Frozen Kirk
Captain James T Kirk (Chris Pine), bundled up against the cold, struggles across an ice planet. "You always had a hard time finding your place in this world..." runs the voice-over. Looks a bit like the January weather in Britain to us.

2. Bar rumble
Kirk, a loose cannon, gets into a bar scrap with some Starfleet officers.

3. Bloodied and beaten
It doesn't go well for James T. "Why are you talking to me, man?" he demands of the voice we heard earlier.

4. Pike!
Bruce Greenwood's Captain Pike is revealed as the voice. He knew Kirk's father, and he sees something in the young troublemaker. "You can settle for an ordinary life..."

5. Meet the Enterprise
"...I dare you to do better!" One of the iconic shots from the first trailer as Kirk rides his cycle to get a look at the USS Enterprise being built. On Earth!?

6. Space age city
One of Earth's futuristic ultra-cities. In this case (given the chunk of the Golden Gate Bridge the shuttle is flying past), we're guessing San Francisco. Home to Starfleet Academy, don'tcha know.

7. Hello, Bones
Karl Urban's Leonard McCoy introduces himself to Kirk on a shuttle. A powerful friendship is forged.

8. Snow monster
A crab-like creature attacks Kirk on the same snow planet we saw earlier. Just off screen: the monster from Cloverfield firing his agent for not getting him this part.

9. Space battle!
The Enterprise takes fire but gives as good as it gets.

10. Sulu kicks arse
John Cho - or, in this case his stunt double - as Sulu battles Romulans. Nice to see Sulu given some action at last.

11. Fire from the sky
A giant laser platform fires down on Earth. Its target? Starfleet Academy. In San Francisco. Told you! Scared students run amok.

12. A time for romance
Kirk does 'it' with... someone... One theory is that this is the Starfleet Academy tech in charge of the Kobyashi Maru test, who lets Kirk cheat the "unwinnable" Academy scenario and... we'll get our anorak.

13. Dive! Dive! Dive!
"Good luck," wishes Pike as Kirk, Sulu and a redshirt (bet you can't guess what happens to him) jump down to the laser platform we saw earlier.

14. Kelvin suffers
From the early part of the movie, we see the USS Kelvin (the ship on which Kirk's father dies saving him) under serious attack.
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