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AIR-DATE: 27/04/06
Written by: Sera Gamble & Raelle Tucker
Director: Robert Singer
Starring: Nicki Aycox, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Sebastian Spence
Rating: 3.5/5
The mystery surrounding this yellow-eyed demon keeps you involved here, but it’s frustrating that we learn next-to-nothing new. Still, there are some good moments. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is excellent as a weary, grief-worn John – although this is slightly undermined by a sense of over- familiarity (these guys do moisteyed bonding every week!).
There’s some neat writing when John blesses a water-tank, then keeps Meg at bay using a broken pipe gushing holy water! But the highlight comes in Sam’s vision, when the camera focuses on a mobile of Jesters above the baby’s cot – subtly creepy!
Meg (to a friend of John’s who’s just tossed a knife at her): “You throw like a girl.”
Ian Berriman
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