Tales of Vesperia Cheats
Tales of Vesperia FAQs
Estellise FAQ
Submitted by Durval Oliveira -
Tales of Vesperia Walkthrough
Submitted by Ohkichan -
Grade Shop/Farming FAQ
Submitted by KADFC -
Tales of Vesperia Walkthrough
Submitted by KADFC
Tales of Vesperia Unlockables
Xbox 360 | Submitted by SwordGrade Shop
Unlock the Grade shop by completing the game, saving your game and unlocking the EX Game. The grade you earned in the game will unlock a the following bonuses.
1/2 Experience - Reduces the experience earned in battle by half. - 10 Grade
10x Experience - Multiplies the experience earned in battle by 10. Very great to have. - 3000 Grade
2x Gald - Doubles Gald earned in battle. - 600 Grade
2x Grade - Doubles the Grade earned in battle. - 3000 Grade
Artes & Skills for individual characters - Keep all artes and weapon skills for each character individually. - 350 Grade each
Artes - Keep all learned artes for all characters. - 1000 Grade
Battle Techniques - Reduces the normal amount of experience earned in battle to 1, but multiplies bonus experience earned from large combos by 5. - 50 Grade
Collector's Book - Keep all collector's book data. - 10 Grade
Cooking Skill - Keep the cooking skill levels for all characters. - 50 Grade
Craft Skill - Keep synthesis skill level. - 10 Grade
Decrease Max HP - All characters start with 20 percent less max HP than usual. - 10 Grade
Double Experience - Doubles the experience earned in battle. - 1000 Grade
Enemy Book - Keep all enemy book data. - 10 Grade
Gald - Keep all of the gald you earned. - 1000 Grade
Increase Item Drop Rate - Doubles the chance of finding items after battle. - 1000 Grade
Increase Max HP - All characters start with 20 percent more max HP than usual. - 500 Grade
Increase Max TP - All characters start with 20 percent less max TP than usual. - 10 Grade
Increase Max TP - All characters start with 20 percent more max TP than usual. - 500 Grade
Increase Over Limit - The overlimit gauge fills faster, and enemies use overlimit more often. - 1000 Grade
Items - Keep all non-story related items and equipment. - 500 Grade
Max 99 Items - Increases the item limit to 99. - 400 Grade
Recipes - Keep all recipies you learned. - 10 Grade
Records - Keep all data from the Record menu. - 10 Grade
Skill SP 1 - Lowers the SP needed to equip a weapon skill to 1. This works for all characters and all weapon skills. - 3000 Grade
Skills - Keep all mastered weapon skills for all characters. - 1000 Grade
Titles - Keep all of the titles you got for every character. - 500 Grade
Unlock All Skits - Able to view all skits, even ones you haven't seen yet, at the Skit Viewer at Nam Cobanda Isle. - 1000 Grade
Unlock Battle Rank - Unlocks Unknown difficulty mode. (Super Ultra Godly Hard) - 50 Grade
World Map - Keep world map data. - 300 Grade
Xbox 360 | Submitted by CapcomUnlockables
EX New Game - After creating a game clear data, the "EX New Game" selection will now be accessible where a game clear data is required to get this to work.
Grade Shop - Once you loaded your game clear data in "EX New Game", the Grade Shop will be available each time you start a new game in this mode.
Unknown Difficulty - In the Grade Shop, purchase "Battle Rank" for 50 Grade points.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by KeydowgUnlockables
EX New Game - After creating a game clear data, the "EX New Game" selection will now be accessible where a game clear data is required to get this to work.
Grade Shop - Once you loaded your game clear data in "EX New Game", the Grade Shop will be available each time you start a new game in this mode.
Nam Cobanda Isle - This area will be available after you load your game clear data. You'll find it on the northwest end of the world map.
Unknown Difficulty - In the Grade Shop, purchase "Battle Rank" for 50 Grade points.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by AnnihilatRCasino Costumes
Go to the casino in the Northwest corner of land on the map. Go to the end of the gymnasium to start a cutscene. This will unlock costumes for Yuri, Karol, Estelle, and Rita.
To get one for Judith, leave then come back to some more cutscenes. After playing poker Judith will have hers.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Mt. MordockUnlock Japanese version of "Ring a Bell"
Finish the game and the opening song will alternate between English and Japanese.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Tale of WhaveriaAchievements
100 Combo accomplished! (20) - Try to chain you combos
Acquired all titles (30) - Need to clear sub events to acquire titles.
Adventurer (50) - The maps are opened up by the direction of the cameras is focused.
Crafting master (10) - Just try out crafting.
Defeated 1000 enemies (10) - You just need to fight!
Hyper gambler (10) - Try earning more chips
Level MAX (10) - Just fight your way through.
Monster master (30) - Don't forget to use your Magic lens.
Perfect collector (30) - There are items only available by crafting.
Played over 100 hours (20) - You need patience.
Super-rich (10) - Try saving more gald.
Traveled over 100,000 km (10) - A long way to go.
Used all Save Points (10) - Save Points are located in various place of the world.
Versperia master (0) - Go for a total completion.
Tales of Vesperia Glitches
Xbox 360 | Submitted by estellitaEstelle and Raven
Okay, first things first, make sure you don't spend any nights other than the ones the story makes you have to in Mantaic. Also, before you visit Myorzo, sleep at the inn at Nordipolica until you get the scene with the murderer.
After you've gone to Myorzo and Estelle and Raven have left the party, they tend to be gone for a while. But, if you go to Mantaic, sleep at the inn until you get the scene where Yuri sees the murderer again. You have to talk to the townsfolk first, and also the man with the two children by the oasis.
Anyways, then rest, and the next morning you should get a scene when you talk to Karol. Everyone will be in the party, Raven and Estelle included. When the scene ends, you'll have both of them!
It only lasts until the next time you part with everyone.
Tales of Vesperia Hints
Xbox 360 | Submitted by mordiomagic355Password In The Ruined City
In the city where you meet the hunting blades guild one of the buildings will have a basement with a door that needs a password. you need to find the clues first but the overall password is "Sun".
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