TalkRadar UK #17: End of year PS3 special

This week's men of business...

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This week is the first in a three part series of end of year reviews, where we pontificate (and get facts wrong) about the successes and failures of each of the 'big three' consoles over the past year. For the firstof this trimurvate of episodes we've invited Dan Dawkins, editor of PSM3 magazine,to talk over the year according to the PlayStation 3.

Highlights include:

- Dan casually sidestepping any conversations about PS3 Home
- Some controversial 'game of the year' revelations
- Obscure references to 1980s kid's TV shows that no-one outside of the UK, under 30 will get. That's what Dan Dawkins brings to the plate
- No swearing. At all

Lowlights include:

- A whole 30 minutes of hilarious podcast material lost to a dodgy microphone lead. :-(((((((((


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Post date: Wednesday 9th December 2009
Running time:46 minutes and34 seconds
Music by:Sabrepulse