Terminator Salvation Trailer Breakdown
totalfilm.com picks the new trailer to bits

Man out of time
After some bleak, judgement day footage unspools, Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) wonders what's happened to the world. So has he been out of commission for judgement day? And what's he been up to? He's a suspicious bloke, that one.

John takes out a Terminator
One of several shots familiar from the first trailer as John takes out a Terminator by first landing a helicopter on it, then shooting it straight in its metal noggin. You'd think he has something against these robo-types...

Lethal-looking mechano-cycles scream towards camera and roar down a destroyed street. This is something very different for the franchise. "We are outnumbered by machines," laments Connor.

"And we have all lost so very much..."
Our introduction to one of Connor's less-than-merry band of humans: Barnes, played by rapper Common.

The Iconic Imagery Emerges
Can you say "Iconic"? Human skulls crushed beneath the treads of what appears to be an early Hunter-Killer.

Father / Son Relationships
"Who are you?" screams a very young-looking Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin). "John Connor" replies John. Well, obviously.

The Platoon Moment
Someone- likely Connor or one of his troops, throws their arms up and screams into a storm. "Something has changed," says John over the footage.

Change In Time
Those hands have been busy," comments Connor. Looks like Skynet's minions have indeed shifted the timeline.

John's Other Half
Bryce Dallas Howard's Kate Connor. She's screaming her husband's name. Oh, and she looks pregnant, too. Unlike the leaked trailer, the official promo doesn't give her any dialogue.

Who Is Marcus?
"You tried killing my mother... you killed my father" says John over images of Reese and Marcus. Is he talking to Marcus? And does this mean Marcus has a... technological background?

Blair Williams Revealed
"If we stay the course, we are dead!" shouts Connor over an image of Moon Bloodgood's Blair Williams reacting to something off-camera.

The Terminator's Skull
A pan down to a dazed Connor lying next to a recognizable Terminator skull. It looks like they woke up together after a drunken night out. Cut back to Connor on the radio: "We are all dead!"

"This war ends... tonight"
Bale brings out his Batman voice. A Terminator is crushed by falling masonry. Looks painful.

Earlier Model
What looks like one of the early Terminators stares eerily through the rain.

The Transforminator
And your money shot: A 50-foot Terminator towers over Connor and co.
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