The Evolution Of Chris Evans
From boy next door to action man

The Newcomers (2000)
Evans spent most of his youth performing in school plays, and after moving to New York he landed an internship at a casting office. His good looks and boyish charm led to him being cast in his first feature film.
Showcasing performances from young Kate Bosworth and Paul Dano, the story revolves around a family moving to Boston. Evans starred as Judd, a local boy who falls for Bosworth when her family relocates to his town.
It's pretty bland sunday afternoon viewing but it did no harm for the start of his career, as he then landed a few TV roles.
Macho Man? Cute and charming, but very corny! He's not G.I. Joe yet.

Opposite Sex (2000)
His next role scored a few female fans as one of only three boys enrolling at an all-girls school just turned co-ed. Along with his two new mates, we follow the exploits and adventures of the trio as they attempt to woo the opposite sex.
It's a shame the show was cancelled so quickly. It's engaging and funny also showcasing up-and-coming performances from Heroes star Milo Ventimiglia and Smallville's Allison Mack.
Despite its short run, it was this show that led to his next part in a Hollywood parody comedy.
Macho Man? He's your average cocky teenager who thinks he's the ultimate ladies man.

Not Another Teen Movie (2001)
After cameos in TV shows Boston Public and the unsuccessful remake The Fugitive, Evans was picked to star in this spoof.
Parodying teenage flicks She's All That and Cruel Intentions, he played lead love interest Jake a stereotypical high school jock who bets he can turn the quirky girl into prom queen.
It was loathed by critics but did well with audiences. Copying juvenile jokes from the Scary Movie franchise, the film ain't great. However Evans proves he's a laugh as he's sportingly happy to poke fun at himself and the story.
Macho Man? In terms of high school, "Like OMG yeah." Everyone has the hots for him.

The Perfect Score (2004)
The next couple of years were pretty disappointing, his CV consisting of a few small roles in The Paperboy, and TV cameos in Eastwick and Fox channel's 2003 show Skin.
This little comedy was the saving grace, putting him back on the big screen. Co-starring Scarlett Johansson, it focuses on the lives of six students ready to take their SATs, until they decide to steal the test papers to ensure their future spots at the Ivy League schools of their choice.
It's a pretty silly plot with a predictable story and boring characters, but it put Evans back on the map leading to better offers.
Macho Man? He's a sneaky thief! Honesty is the best policy, nobody likes a cheat.

Cellular (2004)
In his first action thriller, Evans stars as a guy simply caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Ryan receives a desperate phonecall from a panicked woman (Kim Basinger) telling him she has been held hostage and he needs to go to the police before her son is also taken.
The film wasn't a huge success but it provided a meatier role for Evans to chew on. Along the same lines as Phone Booth and Eagle Eye, Cellular is fast paced and full of action, warning how in the wrong hands modern technology can ruin your day.
Macho Man? An ordinary Joe who saves the day. He steps up to the mark in his pursuit of more serious leading roles.

Fierce People (2005)
This was an unusual choice, playing a character who's dangerously deranged and warped ideology proves fatal to those around him.
Starring Donald Sutherland and Diane Lane, the plot centres around one summer a boy and his drug dependant mother spend at a wealthy country estate in New Jersey owned by an eccentric aristocratic family. Evans stars as the billionaire grandson, who at first glance is no more than your average wild playboy, but who secretly has a disturbing outlook on life.
The quirky film was poorly received but it showed Evans is capable of edgier roles.
Macho Man? He's Patrick Bateman's younger brother in the making.

Fantastic Four (2005)
This was the break Evans was waiting for, when he signed on to play Johnny Storm, AKA The Human Torch.
Based on the comic books, the story about a group of scientists who's experiment one day results in them each being gifted with special powers, was a hit and brought Evans' name to the mass audiences.
Although it is regarded as one of the weaker superhero films out there, it was still a box office success spawning a sequel (more on that later). Evans has officially signed on for three films in the series, so whether a third is on the cards remains to be seen.
Macho Man? Absolutely. He's a hunky superhero and a hit with the ladies.

London (2005)
Another small drama and another film that has largely been passed by in Evans' CV.
The film takes place at a Manhattan going away party for a woman called London (Jessica Biel). Evans' character Syd gate crashes the party in order to win her back, having dumped him for his drug addiction and boozing habits.
Classed as a romantic comedy, this has little going for it especially as the characters are so unlikable. From Jason Statham's cocaine dealer to Isla Fisher's snobby party girl there is no-one to root for. Disappointing.
Macho Man? He's a drug addict, although he tries to redeem himself.

Sunshine (2007)
Being cast in a Danny Boyle film will do wonders for your career now, but back before the success of Slumdog Millionaire this was a risky and unusual choice for Evans.
Influenced by Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey this sci-fi futuristic project placed Evans alongside Cillian Murphy and Rose Byrne as a crew on a dangerous mission to the dying sun.
In order to get a feel for the psychological trauma his character endures, Evans had to live with his co-stars before production in a task of method acting. The result is something very raw and moving.
Macho Man? A daring choice and a great performance.

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007)
It was only a matter of time, and after the success of its predecessor audiences were eagerly awaiting for something bigger and better. Unfortunately superior it was not.
This time the group of heroes tackle a mysterious creature, later joining forces in the fight to save earth from attack. All the cast return, but the story is lacklustre and boring at times, relying too much on special effects and a silly storyline involving Sue Storm and Mr Fantastic's wedding.
It was released within weeks of Spiderman 3 but managed a $289 gross worldwide. A third was rumoured, but this disappointment probably shelved the idea…for now.
Macho Man? Here's Johnny! Again. Yep still pretty good looking.

The Nanny Diaries (2007)
Time for a gentle romantic comedy reuniting with his Perfect Score co-star Scarlett Johansson.
Set in the upper class jungle of Manhattan, the plot follows a young graduate who takes on a temporary job as nanny to a rich suburban super couple. Comedy ensues when the kid plays rascal, in an attempt to get more attention from his stiff parents.
Poor Evans is only really there as the token love interest, the 'Harvard Hottie' neighbour who takes a shine to Annie and her crazy antics. It's pretty bland viewing throughout with throughly detestable characters from Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney.
Macho Man? Umm no. A mushy part as eye candy.

Battle For Terra (2007)
In the second of his animation jobs, Battle For Terra is the pretty poor and underwhelming story of alien creatures living on the planet of Terra, whose peaceful home is threatened by the colonisation of the human race.
After TMNT, Evans was now a pro with animation lending his voicing talent to this Lionsgate production along with Evan Rachel Wood, Brian Cox and Luke Wilson.
It's your basic save the world kind of kids film, but it's fun for the younglings.
Macho Man? Zero cool credentials with this flop.

Street Kings (2008)
After a series of flops Evans was in serious danger of falling into the D List category of actors forgotten, but Street Kings brought him some better acclaim.
LAPD Detective Ludlow (Keanu Reeves) is a loose cannon, scarred by the death of his wife he constantly breaks the rules. After being reported for killing two gangsters by his former partner, Ludlow sets out to confront him only to witness his murder, framing him for being at the scene of the crime. Evans joins the action as Detective Diskant who is assigned to the case.
Street Kings is an action packed crime thriller, allowing Evans to tackle a meatier character who is less than perfect himself. It hasn't the edge of The Departed but it's a solid effort.
Macho Man? Definitely. Macho cop.

The Loss Of A Teardrop Diamond (2008)
He's played a superhero, a playboy and a cop. Next up for a complete change of scene when he starred as a farm boy in the adaptation of Tennessee Williams' long-lost abd forgotten period screenplay.
Set in society driven 1920s Memphis, Evans plays the southern poor boy ying to Bryce Dallas Howard's rich girl wild-child yang, as she asks him to be her escort to the parties in town.
Based on the brilliant writing from the man who also brought us A Streetcar Named Desire, it's a wonderfully rich and charming film, full of intelligent characters and colourful costumes.
Macho Man? He's a poor boy, with a glint in his eye.

Robot Chicken (2008)
The stop-motion animated show has been a huge hit in both the US and the UK, and has grabbed the attention of many a famous face to lend their voice.
Produced by Seth Green back in 2005, the show is a series of comedy sketches parodying popular cultures references through the use of action toys and claymation.
Evans popped up in a season 3 episode called Monstourage which aired in 2008.
Macho Man? Not really relevant although he does parody his character in Fantastic Four.

Push (2009)
His first fantasy film since Fantastic Four, Evans got the chance to flex his super power muscles once again.
Joining Dakota Fanning and Camilla Belle's outcast of kids, the stories follows the lives of a group of people with special powers brought together after being hunted down by the government who would use their powers dangerously.
Despite the great plotline the film itself is disappointing with underdeveloped characters and silly plot twists. The sets are grungy and unappealing, but once again Evans gives a solid performance and holds his own.
Macho Man? He's a pretty tough guy, but he's no Clark Kent.

The Losers (2010)
It's guns and action next as Evans steps into the role of a geeky computer hacker Jensen in the summer comedy based on the Vertigo comic books.
The Losers follows an elite group of U.S Special Forces operatives led by Clay (Jeffery Dean Morgan) who go rogue after their recent mission to destroy a drug compound results in innocent deaths, painting them as the next targets. Hell bent on revenge the group fake their deaths and start planning payback.
The film was released shortly before The A-Team remake, and audiences weren't impressed. The film barely scraped back its budget and the film was largely panned by critics.
Macho Man? He's a nerd who runs around with the big boys.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)
Fantasy, comedy, action and computer game special effects. What's not to like from this summer hit? Starring Michael Cera as Scott, a geeky kid who falls for the cool and charismatic girl with bubble gum hair and a smart mouth. Only problem is she has seven evil ex-boyfriends he has to defeat before he can woo fair lady.
Enter Evans as evil ex number 2 Lucas Lee, the film star.
It's fresh and funny with a wicked soundtrack to boot and a hilariously smug performance from Evans. Sadly it didn't do as well as expected, although it got great reviews from those who did see it and enjoyed it.
Macho Man? Oh yes, a very arrogant one, but he gets his comeuppance.

Puncture (2011)
Premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York earlier this year, this small independent film went by unnoticed here in the UK.
Directed by brothers Adam and Mark Kassen Puncture tells the tale of Mike (Evans) a young lawyer with a drug addiction, who along with his partner runs a successful personal injury law firm. When they take on the case of a nurse contaminated by a needle at work, the pressure of the case threatens everything they've achieved.
It's a fresh change of pace for Evans, who up until recently has been wasted in undeveloped characters in large budget heavyweight films. It's worth checking out.
Macho Man? In lawyer terms he's pretty bad-ass.

Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
This month sees the release of the superhero summer blockbuster, and Evans has finally made it to the big screen as a leading man in his own right.
He stars as Steve Rogers, a scrawny soldier who puts himself forward for an experiment which results in his transformation into lean, mean, fighting machine - a one man army.
Full of action, romance, comedy and special effects whether this is a huge hit or not remains to be seen, but seeing as Evans has also signed on to reprise his character in the eagerly anticipated Avengers film, due for release next year, the future looks bright.
Evans' next film is the romantic comedy What's Your Number? with Anna Faris, and principle photography on The Avengers has already begun.
Macho Man? He defines the word. Hello Captain, Chris Evans has arrived!