The Force is overrated: FACT!

Which Wars?
Return of the Jedi

So Luke strides into Jabba’s crib decked out in his take-my-ass-seriously, all-black wardrobe.

“You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookiee to me”, he says.

“Your mind powers will not work on me boy”, says Jabba.

And that’s that. So how long did Luke spend learning and practicing those mind powers just for that? He might as well have skipped that class for all the use it was. If Luke’s a Jedi why doesn’t he just lift Jabba up with his powers and chuck him down the Rancor pit, before going to town on everyone else with his saber? Because he can’t, cos The Force is massively overrated, that’s why. Oh and that’s not even bringing up the fact that Luke Force pulls a blaster to use on Jabba – what’s that all about?

Judgment on The Force: Totally useless

Which Wars?
Attack of the Clones

So lets get this straight. Yoda goes up against Dooku and it’s a stalemate with Force powers. Now, all the way through the original trilogy and in The Phantom Menace Yoda is supposedly the don, but we’d never seen him in action proper. And when we do, well – big disappointment. If you refer to notorious Star Wars fan boySupershadow(who’s legitimacy has been called into question by the web at large, but even so has a lot of insight on his site) then Yoda is the second most powerful Jedi ever and Dooku AKA Darth Tyranus is only the fifth most powerful Sith. Even accounting for the (semi-popular fan-boy) belief that Sith Lords are stronger, Yoda should have been able to carve him a new anus.

But no, it’s a stalemate with Dooku seemingly showing a better grasp of The Force by multi-tasking both saber fighting and Force pushing that lump pillar onto Obi-Wan. Yoda then seemingly has to use all his efforts to keep it from crushing the downed Jedi. Again, if Starkiller (the lead in The Force Unleashed) can down a Star Destroyer, surely Yoda could prevent Dooku’s ship flying off with his mind ‘n’ shit.

Judgment on The Force: Over-hyped

Just for the completists here are those Supershadow lists in full:

Mostpowerful Jedi

1. Luke Skywalker
2. Yoda
3. Aenon Jurtis (Ancient Jedi Master)
4. Obi-Wan Kenobi
5. Kaja Sinis (The Very First Jedi and Founder of the Jedi Order)
6. Mace Windu
7. Ben Skywalker (Son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade)
8. Plo Koon
9. Anakin Skywalker
10. Ce Ce Denowai (Most Powerful Female Jedi of All Time)
11. Kyle Katarn
12. Ki Adi Mundi
13. Princess Leia Organa Solo
14. Mara Jade Skywalker
15. Kit Fisto
16. Qui-Gon Jinn
17. Shintor Beerus (Ancient Jedi Master)
18. Yendar Platis (Ancient six-armed Jedi Master)
19. Bontu Sitmus (Whill Jedi Master Who Taught Yoda)
20. Anakin Solo (Son of Han Solo and Princess Leia)

Most powerful Sith

1. Darth Sidious with Kyber Crystal
2. Darth Vader
3. Darth Bane
4. Darth Plagueis
5. Darth Tyranus
6. Darth Rage
7. Darth Maul
8. Darth Scarz
9. Darth Revan
10. Darth Imperius
11. Darth Ghore
12. Darth Vak
13. Darth Slane
14. Darth Vicrone
15. Darth Malak
16. Exar Kun
17. Darth Xio Jade (Best Female Sith of All Time)
18. Darth Seer
19. Darth Thrax
20. Darth Secretus

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