The Incredibles cheats
All of the cheats for The Incredibles

Use these The Incredibles cheats to access all of the levels and unlock super powers.
The Incredibles cheats
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Unlimited Elastigirl Powers
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
PC | Submitted by GamesRadar
Various Cheats
During gameplay press ESC and go to the secrets menu and put in a code below
Flexible - Unlimited Elastigirl powers
Showtime - Unlimited Incredi powers (Temporary) Mr Incredible Only?
GAZERBEAM - Unlock Killer beam
DEEVOLVE - Small heads
DASHLIKES - Always dash incredipower
ATHLETESFOOT - Leave trail of fire
BWTHEMOVIE - Slow motion mode
HI - Show the intro
BHUD - Hide top left bar
SMARTBOMB - Blow up everything
SASSMODE - Speed game up
MCTRAVIS - Get Incredipower Ramming
KRONOS - Super Punch & Wind Trails
UUDDLRLRBAS - Get 25% health back
InvertCamaraX - Switch horizontal camera
InvertCameraY - Switch vertical camera
InvertTurrent - Switch movement for Nomansian Island Turrent
EMode - Bright Colors
DiscoRules - Falshing objects
PinkSlip - Health stays constant
TonyLoaf - Health appears more often OR Temporary Incredipowers for Violet
Gilgendash - Dash not hurt running into objects
BoaPlace - Easier gameplay
RotAIDalg - Battle Mode
Dandruff - Henchmen launch death shrapnel
SpringBreak - Pick level
Labombe - Finish levels with Bonvoyage
TheDudeAbides - Deactivate any active codes
PS2 | Submitted by Frodo baggins
Unlock All Levels
"Secrets" at the pause menu
spring break
PS2 | Submitted by Brad Wizard
Level Codes
Use these cheats on the password menu:
Level 1-1-1: MSW5
Level 1-1-2: BK8V
Level 1-2-1: 69NN
Level 1-3-1: GFVY
Level 1-3-2: V34K
Level 2-1-1: 94HR
Level 2-1-2: ZWLG
Level 2-1-3: SP??
Level 2-2-1: KDY3
Level 2-3-1: Y27F
Level 2-3-2: 6!2N
Level 2-3-3: BHBV
Level 2-4-1: MQR5
Level 2-4-2: 3YTK
Level 2-4-3: ?6DS
Level 2-5-2: 6?SR
Level 2-5-3: SNJ5
Level 3-1-1: MNW9
Level 3-2-1: BF8Z
Level 3-2-2: 65NS
Level 3-2-3: YVKK
Level 3-2-4: KGTY
Level 3-3-1: SDR6
Level 3-4-1: Z3ZB
Level 3-5-1: 9?5M
Level 3-5-2: FC73
Level 3-5-3: NL2?
Level 3-6-1: VXBG
Level 3-6-2: YWKJ
Level 3-6-3: GJQZ
Level 3-7-1: KHP2
Level 3-7-2: 313K
Level 4-1-1: ?!JT
Level 4-2-1: ML17
Level 4-3-1: YXFC
Level 4-4-1: GHV1
Level 4-5-1: VW4C
Level 4-6-1: YX!F
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar
Various Cheats
During gameplay press ESC and go to the secrets menu and put in a code below
Flexible - Unlimited Elastigirl powers
Showtime - Unlimited Incredi powers (Temporary) Mr Incredible Only?
GAZERBEAM - Unlock Killer beam
DEEVOLVE - Small heads
DASHLIKES - Always dash incredipower
ATHLETESFOOT - Leave trail of fire
BWTHEMOVIE - Slow motion mode
HI - Show the intro
BHUD - Hide top left bar
SMARTBOMB - Blow up everything
SASSMODE - Speed game up
MCTRAVIS - Get Incredipower Ramming
KRONOS - Super Punch & Wind Trails
UUDDLRLRBAS - Get 25% health back
InvertCamaraX - Switch horizontal camera
InvertCameraY - Switch vertical camera
InvertTurrent - Switch movement for Nomansian Island Turrent
EMode - Bright Colors
DiscoRules - Falshing objects
PinkSlip - Health stays constant
TonyLoaf - Health appears more often OR Temporary Incredipowers for Violet
Gilgendash - Dash not hurt running into objects
BoaPlace - Easier gameplay
RotAIDalg - Battle Mode
Dandruff - Henchmen launch death shrapnel
SpringBreak - Pick level
Labombe - Finish levels with Bonvoyage
TheDudeAbides - Deactivate any active codes
PC | Submitted by GamesRadar
All Missions Hex Unlock
Go to the Incredibles/game folder and edit the file in.ini with notepad or a similar text editor. Add a new line:
AllowMasterCheats = 1
Then save and start a game. Go to the secrets menu and put in the code UNLOCK to get all missions
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-4-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level Codes
Level # Level Code
1-1-1 MSW5
1-1-2 BK8V
1-2-1 69NN
1-3-1 GFVY
1-3-2 V34K
2-1-1 94HR
2-1-2 ZWLG
2-1-3 SP??
2-2-1 KDY3
2-3-1 Y27F
2-3-2 6!2N
2-3-3 BHBV
2-4-1 MQR5
2-4-2 3YTK
2-4-3 ?6DS
2-5-2 6?SR
2-5-3 SNJ5
3-1-1 MNW9
3-2-1 BF8Z
3-2-2 65NS
3-2-3 YVKK
3-2-4 KGTY
3-3-1 SDR6
3-4-1 Z3ZB
3-5-1 9?5M
3-5-2 FC73
3-5-3 NL2?
3-6-1 VXBG
3-6-2 YWKJ
3-6-3 GJQZ
3-7-1 KHP2
3-7-2 313K
4-1-1 ?!JT
4-2-1 ML17
4-3-1 YXFC
4-4-1 GHV1
4-5-1 VW4C
4-6-1 YX!F
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 4-4-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 4-3-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 4-5-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-6-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-2-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-3-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-2-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-4-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-1-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 1-3-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 4-2-1
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Dash Not Hurt Running Into Objects
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Finish Levels With Bonvoyage
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Henchmen Launch Death Shrapnel
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Pick Level
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Bright Colors
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Health Appears More Often OR Temporary Incredipowers For Violet
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Falshing Objects
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Easier Gameplay
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Switch Movement For Nomansian Island Turrent
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Speed Game Up
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Get Incredipower Ramming
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Get 25% Health Back
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Always Dash Incredipower
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Leave Trail Of Fire
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Slow Motion Mode
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Show The Intro
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Fast Running
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 4-1-1
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar
Various Cheats
During gameplay press ESC and go to the secrets menu and put in a code below
Flexible - Unlimited Elastigirl powers
Showtime - Unlimited Incredi powers (Temporary) Mr Incredible Only?
GAZERBEAM - Unlock Killer beam
DEEVOLVE - Small heads
DASHLIKES - Always dash incredipower
ATHLETESFOOT - Leave trail of fire
BWTHEMOVIE - Slow motion mode
HI - Show the intro
BHUD - Hide top left bar
SMARTBOMB - Blow up everything
SASSMODE - Speed game up
MCTRAVIS - Get Incredipower Ramming
KRONOS - Super Punch & Wind Trails
UUDDLRLRBAS - Get 25% health back
InvertCamaraX - Switch horizontal camera
InvertCameraY - Switch vertical camera
InvertTurrent - Switch movement for Nomansian Island Turrent
EMode - Bright Colors
DiscoRules - Falshing objects
PinkSlip - Health stays constant
TonyLoaf - Health appears more often OR Temporary Incredipowers for Violet
Gilgendash - Dash not hurt running into objects
BoaPlace - Easier gameplay
RotAIDalg - Battle Mode
Dandruff - Henchmen launch death shrapnel
SpringBreak - Pick level
Labombe - Finish levels with Bonvoyage
TheDudeAbides - Deactivate any active codes
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar
Flashing Lights
During gameplay press ESC and go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-5-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 1-1-1
PS2 | Submitted by Max Katzman
The Incredi-Ball
In one of the levels Dash and Violet will meet. Violet will use her force field ability to combine it with Dashes super speed which will create the Incredi-ball. You can send henchmen flying with this ability! You may also use the Incredi-Ball to destroy generators that are to far to reach. [Hope this hint works out for you!]
PS2 | Submitted by Trace
How To Beat Half Of Rocket Silo
First go up to the G6 door and press the button. You'll see 2 lights, jump through the middle. If they spot you you'll just have to destroy 4 gazerbeam shooters. After you do that go to the door. Your gonna half to lift it. After you do that press the button and go through. Jump over the blue light then crouch-roll under the second one. There are 2 more lights. Dot the same thing and press the button. When you go into the next room and keep on destroying the the helipilots until they disappear. Then you'll have to face a tank. When your done destroying him go and press the button that lights up. Go on the elevator and jump from hook-hook until you get to the other door.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-5-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-4-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-3-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-3-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-3-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-2-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-1-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-1-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 1-3-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 2-1-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 1-1-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-7-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 4-6-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-5-3
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-7-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-6-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-6-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-5-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-4-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-5-1
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-2-2
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 3-2-4
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadar
Level 1-2-1
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Super Punch & Wind Trails
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Blow Up Everything
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Hide Top Left Bar
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Small Heads
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Big Heads
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Unlock Killer Beam
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Unlimited Incredi Powers (Temporary) Mr Incredible Only?
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Deactivate Any Active Codes
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Battle Mode
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Health Stays Constant
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Switch Vertical Camera
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Show Credits
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar
Switch Horizontal Camera
During gameplay go to the secrets menu and put in a code.
The Incredibles tips
Xbox | Submitted by Max Katzman
The Incredi-Ball
In one of the levels Dash and Violet will meet. Violet will use her force field ability to combine it with Dashes super speed which will create the Incredi-ball. You can send henchmen flying with this ability! You may also use the Incredi-Ball to destroy generators that are to far to reach. [Hope this hint works out for you!
PS2 | Submitted by James S
In 100 Mile Dash when a boulder comes down run into the place where the boulder came out.
In Save the World to hurt omnidroid throw a rock at him when he puts his head underneath him self to fire lasers at you.
Xbox, PS2, GameCube | Submitted by Jimmy Slezak
Beat Volcano Boss Easy
Instead of having to throw rocks at the volcano boss, just go up and punch it's legs. It may not do as much damage, but it's better than having to go around looking for rocks to throw.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Trace
How To Beat Half Of Rocket Silo
First go up to the G6 door and press the button. You'll see 2 lights, jump through the middle. If they spot you you'll just have to destroy 4 gazerbeam shooters. After you do that go to the door. Your gonna half to lift it. After you do that press the button and go through. Jump over the blue light then crouch-roll under the second one. There are 2 more lights. Dot the same thing and press the button. When you go into the next room and keep on destroying the the helipilots until they disappear. Then you'll have to face a tank. When your done destroying him go and press the button that lights up. Go on the elevator and jump from hook-hook until you get to the other door.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Max Katzman
The Incredi-Ball
In one of the levels Dash and Violet will meet. Violet will use her force field ability to combine it with Dashes super speed which will create the Incredi-ball. You can send henchmen flying with this ability! You may also use the Incredi-Ball to destroy generators that are to far to reach. [Hope this hint works out for you!]
Xbox | Submitted by James S
Hints And Tips
In 100 Mile Dash when a boulder comes down run into the place where the boulder came out.
In Save the World to hurt omnidroid throw a rock at him when he puts his head underneath him self to fire lasers at you.
Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by James S
Hints And Tips
In 100 Mile Dash when a boulder comes down run into the place where the boulder came out.
In Save the World to hurt omnidroid throw a rock at him when he puts his head underneath him self to fire lasers at you.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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