The Kings Of Eternity by Eric Brown - Book review


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A scientific romance like they used to make

Eric Brown doesn’t do hard SF. He’s been carving a niche for himself as the modern John Wyndham, writing tales of middle-class Englishmen (even when they’re in the far future or deep space, they still feel like middle-class Englishmen) bearing up under out-of-this-world circumstances. The Kings Of Eternity , however, has more of an Edgar Rice Burroughs or HG Wells feel. It’s clearly deliberate.

Alternating chapters concentrate on a paranoid writer on a Greek Island in 1999, convinced the alien lizards are out to get him, and a paranoid writer in the ‘30s (and onwards) who discovers, along with his chums, a portal to another world, which changes all their lives. This second plot strand is told as a faux journal, and it’s here that Brown has fun aping the stiff-upper-lipped heroes of early 20th century scientific romances. It also means he can get away with some glorious, self-consciously cheesy sci-fi terminology.

But the book is no mere piece of homage lampoonery. This is as much a romance romance as a scientific one, written with real charm, told in a story that twists in intriguing ways to close the loop between the past and (nearly) present.

The main problem is that it all seems a little too lightweight. Not just in terms of the SF - its musings on life and death and the value of art also feel a little superficial. But it remains a ripping yarn, with genuine heart.

Dave Golder

Deputy Editor, SFX

Ian Berriman has been working for SFX – the world's leading sci-fi, fantasy and horror magazine – since March 2002. He's also a regular writer for Electronic Sound. Other publications he's contributed to include Total Film, When Saturday Comes, Retro Pop, Horrorville, and What DVD. A life-long Doctor Who fan, he's also a supporter of Hull City, and live-tweets along to BBC Four's Top Of The Pops repeats from his @TOTPFacts account.