Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Cheats
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 FAQs
Submitted by Steven Towle
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Cheats
PS1 | Submitted by Trevor MclaneerotuBe the Grim Reaper
At the Main Menu
Hold L1 and press down, right, right, left, triangle, circle, square, square, square, X
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Unlimited Cash
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Left, C-Left, Up, C-Right, C-Up, Down. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Slo Mo Trick Mode
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Up, Down, Left, C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Turbo Mode
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, Down, Up, Right. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet to Restart
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, Down, C-Up, C-Up. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 10 Stats
First pause the game and HOLD L and press Down, Up, C-Up, C-Left, Down, Up, C-Up. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarMax Out Stats by 10
After pausing the game hold L and press A, Y, B, X, Y, Up, Down. If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
PS1 | Submitted by David HassenNeversoft Skaters
From the Main Menu press and hold L1, now enter:
You'll notice the wheel spin a little bit and then enter the Create a Skater option. Enter in a name of a person that works at Neversoft. Try these names: Joel Jewett (president of Neversoft), Connor Jewett (Joel's son) and Mick West. I'm pretty sure that there are others so check out the back of your manual and experiment with some names in the credits.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Thinner Skaters
After pausing the game hold L1 then press X(4 times), Square, X(4 times), Square, X(4 times), Square. Do code again to make fatter
PS1 | Submitted by punkAll Stats at 10
During game play, pause the game and HOLD L1,With L1held enter in the following code.x,triangle,o,square,triangle,up,down!
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Spiderman Skate Video
Win all 3 gold medals with Spiderman
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock the Disco Lights
During gameplay press Start to pause the game now press and hold L1 and press Down, Up, Square, Circle, Up, Left, Up, X
PS1 | Submitted by David HassenNow With 25% More Speed
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code. DOWN, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE, DOWN, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE.
This code will make the game play 25% faster.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Neversoft Skaters
After the main menu hold L and press Up, X, X, Y, Right, Up, B, Y. If the wheel spins, you entered the code correctly. Now put in one of these names at the create skater menu Aaron Cammarata, Chris Rausch, Connor Jewett, Darren Thorne, Gary Jesdanun, Jason Uyeda, Joel Jewett, Johnny Ow, Junki Saita, Mick West, Noel Hines, Nolan Nelson, Ralph D'Amato, Ryan McMahon, Scott Pease, Edwin Fong, Jeremy Andersen, Silvio, Aaron Skillman, Hudson, Kage, Nggdynln, Robert Earl, The Pouncer, Chewbacca, CountryGimp
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGame Speed 25% Faster
After pausing the game hold L and press Down, X, Y, Right, Up, B, Down, X, Y, Right, B, Up, B. If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Blood Mode
After pausing the game hold L and press Right, Up, X, Y. If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGood Balance
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press
Right, Up, Left, X, Right, Up, X, Y
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Neversolf Bail Video
Earn 3 gold medals with Officer Dick
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Max Turbo Mode
First pause the game and HOLD L and press Down, Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, Right, Up. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
GBA | Submitted by Scott BronsdonLevel codes for certain people
Jamie Thomas Eric Koston Kareem Campbell
Rune Glifberg Tony Hawk
TTPBVV !!!Z!! Steve. Eric. Rodney. Bob.
x5sbvv hhzbvw 3bvbvx ckdbvx
ccpbbv fctbvb pcpbbb pfpbbb
Bucky. Chad. Andrey.
j6lbvx L84vvx 5q1vvx or 5qLvvx
pkpbbv pkpbbv pkpbbb pkpbbb
GBA | Submitted by kchamp89Bob Burnquist 2
Enter WS0WVX TKPCBB as a password to get some objectives completed and $3340 with Bob Burnquist.
GBA | Submitted by Greg Hart From AustaliaGlitched Money all Parks and falcon board with tony hawk
GBA | Submitted by AnonymousAll Boards and Levels
Go to input passwords type in B58LPTGBBBBV.all boards and all levels. Also reported as CQCB!TTTF!K
Go to input passwords type in V!T!MBBBBBVV.start with tony hawk and get 81,910.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarGet $4010 With Kareem Campbell
Go to "Password Input". Then enter: FCMCVVPCPBVB. Now you'll have $4010 with Kareem Campbell.
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeOther Gaps
Up to the Stands:
Use the quarter lip that runs around the perimeter of the stadium to get up to the
next level. If you get too much air, though. you'll land in the stands, so be careful.
Threadin the Needle:
Good luck on this one. The object is to shoot through both squares formed by the
support on the back side of the roll-in ramp. The way to do it is to carry some
speed up the backside quarter of the HP, then (from the left) ollie and drift
right to clear through both holes. It's tricky at first but you will eventually get it.
Way to Go Gringo!!!:
Gain a lot of speed on the halfpipe, then head to the full pipe.
Make it all the way around the loop without falling (or running off of the edge)
to nail this gap. Manual all of the way around for style points.
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeGrind Gaps
Lil Wee Wussy Gap:
Grind the lip of the HP, leaping and landing in a grind over the small roll-in.
Enjoyin the View:
Launch up to one of the banner rails and hold the grind for awhile to max out the groove.
Launch over the end ramp (next to the roll in) at an angle and grind the kinked board
that runs down to the left.
Grindin the Pipe:
Get all up on the pipe's backside with the help of a quarter kick.
Boneless up and grind the edge to snag the gap.
Friggin A Hombre:
Each time you pop a light along the high wires that cross over the HP,
you'll score the Friggin A gap.
Ramp Rail to Banana:
Roll down the ramp and head to the opposite side and up, grinding to the right.
Boneless from this edge down to the curved banana below.
Box to Banana/Box to Rail:
Use the box in front of the gate near the banana, working up a head of steam,
then launching from the box to the banana. Box to Rail is the same, except,
you're aiming for the kinked boards that lead down from the HP.
Nice Friggin Ankles:
Drop from the tall banner rods down to a grind along the low stadium walls to get this gap.
Nailin Da Rail:
>From the halfpipe, transfer over the roll-in and land in a grind on one of the wooden
support rails that holds the roll-in ramp up.
Way to Go Amigo:
Get up to the stands, then duck into one of the inset ramps. Use it to get speed,
then turn around and head up the extended ramp toward the center of the arena.
Sky up to the high wire and land in a grind to score the gap.
Ramp Rail to Rail:
This is like the Ramp Rail to Banana gap, except that you head to the left rather
than the right.
Takin the High Road:
Use the quarter bank near the banana wall or behind the two red humps to get up to
the high banner rails. Grind either one to score this gap.
Rail Plat Gap:
Off of the low ramp to the left of the roll-in (facing from the starting point)
are three large board rails. Grind up one, air over the gap, then land in a grind
on the opposite one to score the gap.
Launch to Banana/ Launch to Rail:
Go up the ramp at Gate A and Vault from there over to the Banana or the Rail and land in a grind.
Once you get up in a grind on one of the banner rails, grind it to the end,
then leap across to the high wire and land in a grind.
Finesse Test:
Get up to the stands and grind the railing toward one of the launch ramps.
The object is to Boneless over the gate and land in a grind on the opposite side.
This can be tricky, because if you release too close to the gate, you'll bail.
Landing is tricky, too. Make sure you wait until you are falling back toward Earth to grind,
or you'll end up sliding on the curved wall of the gate.
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeLip Gaps
Phillyside New Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the edge just above blue humps in the secret area.
Phillyside HP Lip:
Go to the HP in the secret area and do a liptrick on the lip.
Phillyside Big Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the high wall with the yellow graffiti on it saying "GETSOME"
Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the semicircle next to the blue humps in the secret area.
PS1 | Submitted by Gareth Cook (Twisted)Created Character Code
Here is a list of names that, if entered in the create a character section, can access pre-existing created characters. Once these names are entered it will open up characters created by the developers of the game. You first have to enter a code before these names will work. At the main menu (wheel) Hold L1 and press: Up, Square, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle. The wheel will spin if entered correctly. You can now play as one of the neversoft crew.
Listing of Names:
Aaron Cammarata
Chris Rausch
Connor Jewett
Darren Thorne
Gary Jesdanun
Jason Uyeda
Joel Jewett
Johnny Ow
Junki Saita
Mick West
Noel Hines
Nolan Nelson
Ralph D'Amato
Ryan McMahon
Scott Pease
Edwin Fong
Jeremy Andersen
Aaron Skillman
Robert Earl
The Pouncer
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeAir Gaps
Easy Post Ollie:
Pop over a post near the fountain after grinding a planter to get this simple gap.
Post Ollie:
Pop over one of the fountain posts without the benefit of a grind.
Statue Hop:
Boneless from one of the semi-circular statues near the awning to the other to score this gap.
Stair Set:
Ollie down the stair set in front of the balcony.
Up the Small Step Set:
Hop up either of the two small stair sets leading up from the fountain.
Bench Gap:
The long sidewalk near the starting point is host to many-a-bench
grind/ollie/grind them to score this bonus.
Worlds Most Obvious Gap:
Hop from one ramp to the other, leading down to the balcony stair set.
Phillyside Hop:
Use the small kicker ramp in the second gap from the right to transfer over
the Mid Bowl into Phillyside.
Phillyside HP Transfer:
Rock out of the halfpipe and land solidly on the other side of Phillyside.
Pillar Fight:
Grab some air from the quarter at the base of any of the pillars in Phillyside.
THPS Fountain Gap:
Once the fountain is emptied, head back to the starting point. Grab some serious
speed, then head toward the fountain. Boneless from the top step and land in the
drained drink to grab the gap.
Chillin' on the Balcony:
Build up some speed by going over the worlds most obvious gap down the worlds second most obvious
gap the jump the the roof of the building with the fountain switches on it.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarOpen The Gym In School 2
In school 2 when you begin the level go to the Opensezmee Rail before the second bell rins.If you make it put on the brakes. While the second bell is ringing grind down the rail. When you reach the bottom the gym doors should be open.
PS1 | Submitted by Kyle & Shaun, The Cheat MastersSkate in air in Skate Heaven
To skate in air in Skate Heaven, go to the big long half pipe where the gap clean the pipes is located. Go through there into the blue half pipe. Then jump onto the roof next to the half pipe and jump off the side of that roof and you will be skating in air.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarSpecial Moves
Do these when the special meter is flashing
Andrew Reynolds
Nosegrab Tailslide: Press Up, Down, Triangle.
Triple Heelflip: Press Up, Right, Square.
Hardflip Late Flip: Press Up, Down, Square.
Bob Burnquist
Rocket Tailslide: Press Up, Down, Triangle.
One Foot Smith: Press Right, Down, Triangle.
Racket Air: Press Left, Down, Circle.
Bucky Lasek
The Big Hitter: Press Left, Down, Triangle.
One Foot Japan: Press Up, Right, Circle.
Fingerflip Airwalk: Press Left, Right, Circle.
Chad Muska
Mute Backflip: Press Up, Down, Circle.
Hurricane: Press Down, Right, Triangle.
Muska Nose Man: Press Right, Up, Circle.
Elissa Steamer
Madonna Tailslide: Press Up, Left, Triangle.
Hospital Flip: Press Left, Right, Square.
Indy Backflip: Press Up, Down, Circle.
Erik Koston
The Fandangle: Press Right, Down, Triangle.
Indy Frontflip: Press Down, Up, Circle.
Pizza Guy: Press Down, Left, Circle.
Geoff Rowley
Rowley Darkslide: Press Left, Right, Triangle.
Double Hardflip: Press Right, Down, Square.
Half Flip Casper: Press Right, Left, Square.
Jamie Thomas
Beni F-Flip Crooks: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Laser Flip: Press Down, Right, Square.
One Foot Nose Manual: Press Left, Up, Circle.
Kareem Campbell
Ghetto Bird: Press Down, Up, Square.
Nosegrind to Pivot: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Casper: Press Left, Down, Circle.
Rodney Mullen
Nollieflip Underflip: Press Down, Left, Square.
Casper to 360 Flip: Press Down, Right, Circle.
Heelflip Darkslide: Press Right, Left, Triangle.
Rune Glifberg
One Foot Bluntslide: Press Left, Up, Triangle.
Kickflip One Foot Tailslide: Press Left, Down, Square.
Christ Air: Press Left, Right, Circle.
Steve Caballero
Hang Ten: Press Right, Up, Triangle.
Triple Kickflip: Press Up, Left, Square.
FS 540: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Tony Hawk
Overturn: Press Down, Left, Triangle.
Sacktap: Press Up, Down, Circle.
The 900: You must get a lot of air and press Right, Down, Circle.
Boneless: Press Up, Up, X
Christ Air: Press Left, Right, Circle
McSqeeb (80's Tony Hawk)
Pogo Air: Press Up, Down, Square. Also reported as Left, Right, Circle
Layback Grind: Press Up, Down, Triangle. Also reported as Right, Left, Triangle
Officer Dick
Assume the Position: Press Left, Down, Circle.
Lazy A. Grind: Press Down, Up, Triangle.
Salute!!: Press Left, Right, Circle.
Yeeeehaw Front Flip: Press Down, Up, Circle.
Neckbreak Grind: Press Left, Right, Triangle.
Private Carrera
55 Ho Slide: Press Left, Right, Triangle.
Double Splits: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Ho-Ho Handplant: Press Up, Down, Triangle.
Ho-Ho-Ho Handplant: Press Left, Up, Triangle.aproach quarter pipe or halfpipe edge
The Well Hardflip: Press Right, Left, Square.
Somi Spin: Press Left, Down, Circle.
Spidey Grind: Press Left, Right, Triangle.
Spidey Flip: Press Up, Down, Circle.
Spidey Varial: Press Right, Down, Square.
Does Whatever a Spider Can: Press Left, Right, Square.
PS1 | Submitted by NicholaiThese are the codes you get when you finish the game
Order /Cheat Unlocked /What it does
1st Officer Dick Lets you be Officer Dick - open up 2 specials for you to buy
2nd Skip to Restart You can choose where you restart in the stage
3rd Kid Mode Makes you a child or a smaller version of an adult
4th 80's Tony A "1980's looking" Style C for Tony Hawk
5th Perfect Balance Never bail from grinds, or manuals
6th Special Always Always have full special
7th Stud Cheat
8th Weight Cheat You can make yourself fatter or slimmer
9th WireFrame Mode Everything is in wireframe mode
10th Slow-NIC When jumping, or grinding, it is in super slo-mo
11th Big Head Mode Big head mode
12th Spider-Man Play as Spider-Man
13th Level Flip Level is rotated clockwise 180 degrees, but you stay the same, like a mirror image
14th Sim Mode You go faster, not as high… Is like the Real Thing
15th Smooth Cheat everything is grey, except for pickups like S-K-A-T-E
16th Moon Physics, Chopper Drop and Skate Heaven - Moon Physics is Low Gravity, and the other 2 are New Stages
17th 80's Tony New Movie Another Tony Hawk video, like home video
18th ?? To get this, i THINK you have to get all the gaps
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 80's Tony Hawk
Use Tony Hawk to finish all objectives in career mode
PS1 | Submitted by kyleTom Green
Head:brown hair
torso:long underwear
Pants:Baggy Cargo
pants color:Light brown
shoes:Airwalk lasek
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Fat Mode
After pausing the game press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Spacebar (4 times), Left, Spacebar (4 times), Left, Spacebar (4 times), Left
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Programmer Skaters
At the main menu press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Up, C, C, V, Right, Up, B, V. You'll notice the wheel spin a little bit and then enter the Create a Skater option. Enter in a name of a person that works at Neversoft. Try these names: Joel Jewett (president of Neversoft), Connor Jewett (Joel's son) and Mick West. I'm pretty sure that there are others so check out the back of your manual and experiment with some names in the credits.
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Blood Mode
After pausing the game press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Right, Up, C, V
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarSpecial Meter Full
After pausing the game press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Spacebar, V, B, B, Up, Left, V, C
PC | Submitted by Eric LupoFlight mode
Pause game then hold numpad 7 and press up, up, up, up, spacebar, c, up, up, up, up, spacebar, c, up, up, up, up. your screen will shake if entered correctly
PC | Submitted by Eric LupoUnlock all levels
To unlock all levels pause game hold 7 and press up, v, right, up, c, v, right, up, left, c, c, up, b, b, up, right
PC | Submitted by Eric LupoExtra points
In a competition pause, hold numpad 7 and press c, b, right, c, b, right then the judges automatically give you a 9.7 score
PC | Submitted by Eric LupoComplete game
Pause game, then hold 7 and press b, left, up, right, b, left, up, right, spacebar, b, left, up, right, b, left, up, right to complete the game 100% with that character
PC | Submitted by SSJ4colbyAll Items
This is the supreme code of all time for one of the greatest games of all time. This code will Unlock every level, ALMOST every hidden character (with the exception of Private Carrera. You're still gonna have to earn her by executing every gap in the game.) and you'll unlock all of the cheats.
Pause your game then hold:
[Numpad 7] and press [Space], [Space], [Space], C, V, [Cursor Up], [Cursor Down], [Cursor Left], [Cursor Up], C, V, [Space], V, B, [Space], V, B.
Your screen will shake letting you know you've entered the code correctly. Next, select End Run.
PC | Submitted by Eric LupoUnlock all gaps and Private Carea
Pause game and Hold numpad 7 then press down, up, left, left, b, left, up, v, v, up, right, c, c, up, spacebar and your screen will shake if entered correctly
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Turbo Mode
After pausing the game press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Down, C, V, Right, Up, B, Down, C, V, Right, Up, B
PC | Submitted by Eric LupoExtra money
Pause game, hold 7 and press spacebar, down, left, right, down, left, right, to get extra money
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Thin Mode
After pausing the game press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Spacebar (4 times), C, Spacebar (4 times), C, Spacebar (4 times), C
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Neversoft Skaters
After the main menu hold NUMPAD 7 and press Up, C, C, V, Right, Up, B, V. If the wheel spins, you entered the code correctly. Now put in one of these names at the create skater menu Aaron Cammarata, Chris Rausch, Connor Jewett, Darren Thorne, Gary Jesdanun, Jason Uyeda, Joel Jewett, Johnny Ow, Junki Saita, Mick West, Noel Hines, Nolan Nelson, Ralph D'Amato, Ryan McMahon, Scott Pease, Edwin Fong, Jeremy Andersen, Silvio, Aaron Skillman, Hudson, Kage, Nggdynln, Robert Earl, The Pouncer, Chewbacca, CountryGimp
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet attributes at 10
After pausing the game press and hold NUMPAD 7, then press Spacebar, V, B, C, V, Up, Down
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeGrind Gaps
Track Smack:
Grind/jump/grind from one of the long, curved rails to the other in Phillyside.
Hobo Grind:
Grind the majority of the long rail leading to the Phillyside HP.
Planter Transfer:
Head right from the starting point. Ollie and grind on the planter ahead, aiming for
the planter below the balcony. Ollie off the edge of the high planter and land in a
grind on the one below.
Railing to Planter:
>From the balcony, jump to a grind on the railing heading right.
As the ledge runs out, ollie down to a grind on the planter to score the bonus.
Pillar Hop:Go into the secret area grind the lip above the humps till you get to the pillar then
jump the small gap the land on the otherside of the pillar going around the big horse shoe.
Planter Double Pillar Gap:
Near the bus depot are a pair of planters lining the street. Grind the one
closest to the balcony building toward the other. Hop over the double pillars and
land in a grind on the opposite side to get the gap.
Just Visiting:
Head down the left path from the starting point, grinding the planter that skirts the fountain.
As the ledge ends, jump and grind on the planter ahead and below.
Short Stair:
Grind the whole edge of the topmost step leading down to the fountain.
Telephone Co. Gap:
Once on the balcony, grind the railing to the left. Angle a jump and land in a
grind on the telephone line here. Hold the grind until you score the Telephone Co. Gap.
Funbox Transfer:
Head through the leftmost entrance to Phillyside, grinding the curving rail here into
the park. Before you jump off of the rail, ollie to the left and land in a planter grind.
Medium Stair:
Grind all of the wide second stair down (leading to the fountain) to get this bonus.
Grind Up Dem Stairs:
Leading up from the balcony, grind up the stair set using the railing to score the bonus.
Awning Grind:
Pop up to the blue awning from one of the statues and land in a grind.
Little Corner Grind:
Grind all of the way around the high rail on the back street to get this gap.
You'll have to Boneless up to it.
Fly By Wire:
Get up on the balcony, then wallride on to the roof of this building.
Grind down the wire you used to get the Secret Tape to where it connects
to the fountain to haul in the gap.
Death From Above:
Start with the Fly By Wire grind, but leap off midway through and land in a
grind on one of the fountain rails.
Train Hard:
This one you have to grind in a big semi-circle next to the 2 smaller ones,
with the hp on your right.
Long Stair:
The third step down from the top, leading down to the fountain needs your grinding.
Go from one end to the other to clear the gap.
Worlds Second Most Obvious Gap:
Instead of landing on the opposite ramp as you would in the Most Obvious,
leap and land in a grind on the rail to score this one. You'll need mammoth speed
to accomplish this.
Fountain Ping!:
Gain speed on the cornered quarter, then head back to the kicker and pop a
Boneless to carry you to the center of the fountain. Land in a grind there to seal the deal.
Grind of Faith:
Drain the fountain. Then grind one of the rails toward the center,
jump over the gold piece and land in a grind on the opposite side to get the gap.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Stats X 13
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press A, Y, B, X, X, X, X, Y, Up, Down
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Fly Mode
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press Up, Up, Up, Up, A, X, Up, Up, Up, Up, A, X, Up, Up, Up, Up
Now press the Y button while in the air to start flying and pres A for altitude and Triangle to hover and L and R to move
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Disco Lights
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press Down, Up, X, B, Up, Left, Up, A
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Everything
After pausing the game hold L and press A(3 times), X, Y, Up, Down, Left, Up, X, Y, A, Y, B, A, Y, B. If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly. Then, select the "End Run" option from the pause menu. All cheats, levels, FMV sequences, McSqueeb, Officer Dick, and Spider-Man will be unlocked.
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 13 Stats
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Down, C-Right, C-Right, C-Up, Up, Down, Right, Left. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 2x Moon Gravity
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, Up, C-Down, Down, Right, C-Down, C-Down. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Fight Mode
First pause the game and HOLD L and press Right, Up, C-Down, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Left, C-Right. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Skinny Player
First pause the game and HOLD L and press Left, C-Right, Right, Down, C-Down, Up, Up. Enter againand again to make player skinnier. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Perfect Balance
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Down, Right, Down, C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left. Screen shakes upon correct code entry. Warning: This code has the potential to wreck your game
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 10x Multiplier
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Down, C-Down, C-Down, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, Right. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Full Special Meter
First pause the game and HOLD L and press C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, Right, C-Right, Right. Screen shakes upon correct code entry
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONChopper Drop in Hawaii
Earn all 3 gold metals with all the characters
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock 80s Tony Hawk Skating Video
Earn three gold medals with with McSqueeb.
PS1 | Submitted by David HassenInfinite Special
During gameplay, pause the game and Hold L1. With L1 held enter in the following code.
This code will allow you to do special after special after special. The special bar will never decrease.
PS1 | Submitted by Tyler Posyton, YAHHBye Bye helicopter
To make the helicopter leave in level 1 do any grind on the long part that makes it fly. You will hear it start up then leave.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarBe Officer Dick
Use career mode to finish the game with all objectives
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarspin faster (demo version)
hold L1 or R1 while in the air to spin faster.
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock the Neversoft Bails Video
Earn a medal in every competition using any character
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 100,000 points for Competition
During gameplay press Start to pause the game now press and hold L1 and press Square, Circle, Right, Square, Circle, Right, Square, Circle, Right
PS1 | Submitted by DavidFly Mode
Go to the main menu and put in Up, Up, Up, Up, X, Square, Up, Up, Up, Up, X, Square, Up, Up, Up, Up. The dial should turn. Now you can press X to fly and Triangle, L1, R1, R2, L2 to fly around.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarbonus area (demo version)
skate over to the section wherre there are trees and grass in the france level. among the trees is a silver colored pole with a stick holding it up. skate over the will fall through the nearby fence,and opoen a secret area full of bonuses.note:there is a barely visible rail near the left side of the entrance.if you can grind this you will go through the fence,fall in the little hole and
get stuck
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Blood Mode
After pausing the game hold L1 then press Right, Up, Square, Triangle. Do code again to turn off
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarFinish Game With Your Skater
During gameplay press Start to pause the game now press and hold L1 and press Circle, Left, Up, Right, Circle, left, Up, Right, X, Circle, Left, Up, Right, Circle, Left, Up, Right
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Fat Skaters
After pausing the game hold L1 then press X(4 times), Left, X(4 times), Left, X(4 times), Left. Do code again to make fatter
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Private Carrera
Execute Every Gap in the non-secret levels of the the game
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Spiderman!?
Beat the game with 100% with your own created skater
PS1 | Submitted by FUTONUnlock the Neversoft Makes Video
Earn all 3 gold medals with Private Carrera
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeAir Gaps
Wussy Rollin Gap:
When you're working the HP, air over the small roll-in to snag the gappage.
Plat Gap:
Pop over the lower platform to the left of the roll-in to score this gap.
Gate Gap:
Use the quarter bank to air up and over each gate, landing on the quarter on the other side.
Launchin On Up:
One of the four gates has a boxy thing in front of it. Gain a lot of speed,
then hit the box with a Boneless over the gate to grab the gap.
Launchin the Pipe:
Leap over the full pipe using the quarter kicker on the back of the loop.
Rollin Gap:
A bigger version of the wussy gap. For this one, begin further away and land further
past the roll-in.
Air Toro:
Position yourself between the red and whit humps facing the central halfpipe.
Head toward the left side of the roll-in platform, and jump over the top of the roll-in platform
to claim the bonus.
Big Enchilada Mama:
Launch from one red and white hump to the other.
Tight Gap:
Roll forward from the starting point, gaining speed on the halfpipe.
Head directly down and come directly back up. You need to Boneless at the top of
the roll-in to get across to the other half of the ramp. When you do, the gap is yours.
Jumpin Da Humps:
Leap from the center of one red and white hump to the other.
PS1 | Submitted by kyleMake Fred Durst
Pants:Baggy Carpender
Color:Light Brown
Shoes:Axion Cambell
PS1 | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeManual Gaps
Funbox Wheelie:
Manual over the fun box straight ahead from the start o grab this gap.
Flatlands Techin':
Jump up the small stair set land in a manual follow the bins around the
left of the funbox over to the stairs near the worlds most obvious gap if you start to run
out of speed just jump and land in a manual.
Manual Stimulation:
Manual over three of the four humps in Phillyside to get the bonus.
Rockin' the Stairs:
Ollie from the bottom of the fountain steps into a manual, ollie up a level,
land in a manual and repeat until you are on top of the stairs.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarSecret Wind Tunnel
Go to the 1st level. Go to the halfpipe and on the back wall do a grind on the airplane propeller. The wall should bust open and inside there should be a wind tunnel with lots of moolah!
PS1 | Submitted by Geoff Rowly100% France Competition
Look for some trees once you found them one of the trees will have a "WOODEN STICK" not long but you just touch it and it will break a door will open u will fall down then u will get to a room were the rest of the cash is at so u can get 100% in France.
PS1 | Submitted by benMatt Hoffman demo
If you go under OPTIONS on the title screen, you can play a demo version of Matt Hoffman's BMX game!
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Game Finished with Picked Character
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press
B, Left, Up, Right, B, Left, Up, Right, A, B, Left, Up, Right, B, Left, Up, Right
Dreamcast | Submitted by Gareth CookCreated Character Code
Here is a list of names that, if entered in the create a character section, can access pre-existing created characters. Once these names are entered it will open up characters created by the developers of the game. You first have to enter a code before these names will work. At the main menu (wheel) Hold L1 and press: Up, Square, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle. The wheel will spin if entered correctly. You can now play as one of the neversoft crew.
Listing of Names:
Aaron Cammarata
Chris Rausch
Connor Jewett
Darren Thorne
Gary Jesdanun
Jason Uyeda
Joel Jewett
Johnny Ow
Junki Saita
Mick West
Noel Hines
Nolan Nelson
Ralph D'Amato
Ryan McMahon
Scott Pease
Edwin Fong
Jeremy Andersen
Aaron Skillman
Robert Earl
The Pouncer
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Big Skaters
After pausing the game hold L and press A (4 times), Left, A (4 times), Left, A (4 times). If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Skinny Skaters
After pausing the game hold L and press A (4 times), X, A (4 times), X, A (4 times). If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Big Head Mode
After pausing the game hold L and press X, B, Up, Left, Left, X, Right, Up, Left. If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Full Special Meter
After pausing the game hold L and press A, Y, B, B, Up, Left, Y, Square. If the screen shakes, you entered the code correctly.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarMoon Gravity
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press
Left, Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, X, Y, Left, Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, X, Y OR press A, X, Left, Up, Down, Up, X, Y for a smaller effect
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Characters
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press X, B, Right, Y, Circle, Right, B, Y, Right, X, Right, Up, Up, Left, Up, X
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Gaps
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press Down, Up, Left, Left, B, Left, Up, Y, Y, Up, Right, X, X, Up, A
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Levels
Pause the game then while holding down the Left trigger button press Up, Y, Right, Up, X, Y, Right, Up, Left, X, X, Up, B, B, Up, Right
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Board and Levels with Tony
GBA | Submitted by kchamp89Bob Burnquist Code 1
Enter W4HBVX TFFCVB as a password to get some objectives completed and $880 with Bob Burnquist.
GBA | Submitted by C-manRaise a little hell
Enter 3rt5yk9rem into cheat and play in skate hell instead of skate heaven
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Unlockables
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet McSqueeb Character
Use career mode and finish all level objectives
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Trixie Character
get all gaps on the regular levels in career mode
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Spider Man Character
To unlock beat the game with a created character
Dreamcast | Submitted by NicholaiOrder of Unlocks
Order /Cheat Unlocked /What it does
1st Officer Dick Lets you be Officer Dick - open up 2 specials for you to buy
2nd Skip to Restart You can choose where you restart in the stage
3rd Kid Mode Makes you a child or a smaller version of an adult
4th 80's Tony A "1980's looking" Style C for Tony Hawk
5th Perfect Balance Never bail from grinds, or manuals
6th Special Always Always have full special
7th Stud Cheat
8th Weight Cheat You can make yourself fatter or slimmer
9th WireFrame Mode Everything is in wireframe mode
10th Slow-NIC When jumping, or grinding, it is in super slo-mo
11th Big Head Mode Big head mode
12th Spider-Man Play as Spider-Man
13th Level Flip Level is rotated clockwise 180 degrees, but you stay the same, like a mirror image
14th Sim Mode You go faster, not as high… Is like the Real Thing
15th Smooth Cheat everything is grey, except for pickups like S-K-A-T-E
16th Moon Physics, Chopper Drop and Skate Heaven - Moon Physics is Low Gravity, and the other 2 are New Stages
17th 80's Tony New Movie Another Tony Hawk video, like home video
18th ?? To get this, i THINK you have to get all the gaps
Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONChopper Drop in Hawaii
Earn all 3 gold metals with all the characters
PC | Submitted by FUTONUnlock the Neversoft Bails Video
Earn a medal in every competition using any character
PC, Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Spiderman Skate Video
Win all 3 gold medals with Spiderman
PC, Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Spiderman!?
Beat the game with 100% with your own created skater
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet 80's Tony Hawk
Use Tony Hawk to finish all objectives in career mode
Andrew Reynolds
Nosegrab Tailslide: Press Up, Down, Grind.
Triple Heelflip: Press Up, Right, Kickflip.
Hardflip Late Flip: Press Up, Down, Kickflip.
Bob Burnquist
Rocket Tailslide: Press Up, Down, Grind.
One Foot Smith: Press Right, Down, Grind.
Racket Air: Press Left, Down, Grab.
Bucky Lasek
The Big Hitter: Press Left, Down, Grind.
One Foot Japan: Press Up, Right, Grab.
Fingerflip Airwalk: Press Left, Right, Grab.
Chad Muska
Mute Backflip: Press Up, Down, Grab.
Hurricane: Press Down, Right, Grind.
Muska Nose Man: Press Right, Up, Grab.
Elissa Steamer
Madonna Tailslide: Press Up, Left, Grind.
Hospital Flip: Press Left, Right, Kickflip.
Indy Backflip: Press Up, Down, Grab.
Erik Koston
The Fandangle: Press Right, Down, Grind.
Indy Frontflip: Press Down, Up, Grab.
Pizza Guy: Press Down, Left, Grab.
Geoff Rowley
Rowley Darkslide: Press Left, Right, Grind.
Double Hardflip: Press Right, Down, Kickflip.
Half Flip Casper: Press Right, Left, Kickflip.
Jamie Thomas
Beni F-Flip Crooks: Press Down, Up, Grind.
Laser Flip: Press Down, Right, Kickflip.
One Foot Nose Manual: Press Left, Up, Grab.
Kareem Campbell
Ghetto Bird: Press Down, Up, Kickflip.
Nosegrind to Pivot: Press Down, Up, Grind.
Casper: Press Left, Down, Grab.
Rodney Mullen
Nollieflip Underflip: Press Down, Left, Kickflip.
Casper to 360 Flip: Press Down, Right, Grab.
Heelflip Darkslide: Press Right, Left, Grind.
Rune Glifberg
One Foot Bluntslide: Press Left, Up, Grind.
Kickflip One Foot Tailslide: Press Left, Down, Kickflip.
Christ Air: Press Left, Right, Grab.
Steve Caballero
Hang Ten: Press Right, Up, Grind.
Triple Kickflip: Press Up, Left, Kickflip.
FS 540: Press Right, Left, Grab.
Tony Hawk
Overturn: Press Down, Left, Grind.
Sacktap: Press Up, Down, Grab.
The 900: Get a lot of air and press Right, Down, Grab.
PC, Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONUnlock the Neversoft Makes Video
Earn all 3 gold medals with Private Carrera
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarBe Officer Dick
Use career mode to finish the game with all objectives
PC | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Private Carrera
Execute Every Gap in the non-secret levels of the the game
Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Private Carrera (Trixie??)
Execute Every Gap in the non-secret levels of the the game
Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONUnlock Neversolf Bail Video
Earn 3 gold medals with Officer Dick
Dreamcast | Submitted by FUTONUnlock 80s Tony Hawk Skating Video
Earn three gold medals with with McSqueeb.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Easter Eggs
Dreamcast | Submitted by benMatt Hoffman demo
If you go under OPTIONS on the title screen, you can play a demo version of Matt Hoffman's BMX game!
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Hints
Dreamcast | Submitted by Tyler Posyton, YAHHBye Bye helicopter
To make the helicopter leave in level 1 do any grind on the long part that makes it fly. You will hear it start up then leave.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarSpecial Moves
Do these when the special meter is flashing
Andrew Reynolds
Nosegrab Tailslide: Press Up, Down, Y.
Triple Heelflip: Press Up, Right, X.
Hardflip Late Flip: Press Up, Down, X.
Bob Burnquist
Rocket Tailslide: Press Up, Down, Y.
One Foot Smith: Press Right, Down, Y.
Racket Air: Press Left, Down, B.
Bucky Lasek
The Big Hitter: Press Left, Down, Y.
One Foot Japan: Press Up, Right, B.
Fingerflip Airwalk: Press Left, Right, B.
Chad Muska
Mute Backflip: Press Up, Down, B.
Hurricane: Press Down, Right, Y.
Muska Nose Man: Press Right, Up, B.
Elissa Steamer
Madonna Tailslide: Press Up, Left, Y.
Hospital Flip: Press Left, Right, X.
Indy Backflip: Press Up, Down, B.
Erik Koston
The Fandangle: Press Right, Down, Y.
Indy Frontflip: Press Down, Up, B.
Pizza Guy: Press Down, Left, B.
Geoff Rowley
Rowley Darkslide: Press Left, Right, Y.
Double Hardflip: Press Right, Down, X.
Half Flip Casper: Press Right, Left, X.
Jamie Thomas
Beni F-Flip Crooks: Press Down, Up, Y.
Laser Flip: Press Down, Right, X.
One Foot Nose Manual: Press Left, Up, B.
Kareem Campbell
Ghetto Bird: Press Down, Up, X.
Nosegrind to Pivot: Press Down, Up, Y.
Casper: Press Left, Down, B.
Rodney Mullen
Nollieflip Underflip: Press Down, Left, X.
Casper to 360 Flip: Press Down, Right, B.
Heelflip Darkslide: Press Right, Left, Y.
Rune Glifberg
One Foot Bluntslide: Press Left, Up, Y.
Kickflip One Foot Tailslide: Press Left, Down, X.
Christ Air: Press Left, Right, B.
Steve Caballero
Hang Ten: Press Right, Up, Y.
Triple Kickflip: Press Up, Left, X.
FS 540: Press Right, Left, B.
Tony Hawk
Overturn: Press Down, Left, Y.
Sacktap: Press Up, Down, B.
The 900: You must get a lot of air and press Right, Down, B.
Boneless: Press Up, Up, X
Christ Air: Press Left, Right, B
McSqeeb (80's Tony Hawk)
Pogo Air: Press Up, Down, X.
Layback Grind: Press Up, Down, Y.
Officer Dick
Assume the Position: Press Left, Down, B.
Lazy A. Grind: Press Down, Up, Y.
Salute!!: Press Left, Right, B.
Yeeeehaw Front Flip: Press Down, Up, B.
Neckbreak Grind: Press Left, Right, Y.
Private Carrera
55 Ho Slide: Press Left, Right, Y.
Double Splits: Press Right, Left, B.
Ho-Ho Handplant: Press Up, Down, Y.
Ho-Ho-Ho Handplant: Press Left, Up, Y.aproach quarter pipe or halfpipe edge
The Well Hardflip: Press Right, Left, X.
Somi Spin: Press Left, Down, B.
Spidey Grind: Press Left, Right, Y.
Spidey Flip: Press Up, Down, B.
Spidey Varial: Press Right, Down, X.
Does Whatever a Spider Can: Press Left, Right, X.
Dreamcast | Submitted by CodemasterPro Tips
How you land a trick is as important as how you perform in the air. Sloppy executions are penalized, but perfect landings are rewarded.
~It's harder to do tricks with your stance switched, but you'll earn more points for them.
~Linking several small grinds is a great way to crank your bonus multiplier.
~If you can't plant on a passing car, why not on Mexico's raging bull? You'll get 2000 points for it, too.
~In the game, you can't completely clear a level without finding all of the $20, $50, and $100 bills. Watch the skies, as many hover above the lips of the quarter-pipes.
~For a small bonus, jump through the statue of liberty in New York City.
~When in the half-pipe, quickly do 2 tricks in rapid succession to pump up your combo meter.
~Because you receive cash for the competition levels, it's better to restart and try again than to place a low score for less money.
~If you want to perform alot of big tricks, save your money until after the first competition. However, you'll probably fare better in that contest if you spend your cash on basic stat upgrades instead. Either way, it's a risk-once you've spent cash, you cant get it back.
~Manuals are the keys to big combos. Tap up, down or tap down, up to link tw tricks with a manual.
~Get the HUMPTEY HUMPS bonus in Marseilles by jumping over one bowl and landing on the other.
~You'll obtain a bonus by grinding over the Central Park Dealer gap if you hop from the fence to the snack bar counter.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeGrind Gaps
Lil Wee Wussy Gap:
Grind the lip of the HP, leaping and landing in a grind over the small roll-in.
Enjoyin the View:
Launch up to one of the banner rails and hold the grind for awhile to max out the groove.
Launch over the end ramp (next to the roll in) at an angle and grind the kinked board
that runs down to the left.
Grindin the Pipe:
Get all up on the pipe's backside with the help of a quarter kick.
Boneless up and grind the edge to snag the gap.
Friggin A Hombre:
Each time you pop a light along the high wires that cross over the HP,
you'll score the Friggin A gap.
Ramp Rail to Banana:
Roll down the ramp and head to the opposite side and up, grinding to the right.
Boneless from this edge down to the curved banana below.
Box to Banana/Box to Rail:
Use the box in front of the gate near the banana, working up a head of steam,
then launching from the box to the banana. Box to Rail is the same, except,
you're aiming for the kinked boards that lead down from the HP.
Nice Friggin Ankles:
Drop from the tall banner rods down to a grind along the low stadium walls to get this gap.
Nailin Da Rail:
>From the halfpipe, transfer over the roll-in and land in a grind on one of the wooden
support rails that holds the roll-in ramp up.
Way to Go Amigo:
Get up to the stands, then duck into one of the inset ramps. Use it to get speed,
then turn around and head up the extended ramp toward the center of the arena.
Sky up to the high wire and land in a grind to score the gap.
Ramp Rail to Rail:
This is like the Ramp Rail to Banana gap, except that you head to the left rather
than the right.
Takin the High Road:
Use the quarter bank near the banana wall or behind the two red humps to get up to
the high banner rails. Grind either one to score this gap.
Rail Plat Gap:
Off of the low ramp to the left of the roll-in (facing from the starting point)
are three large board rails. Grind up one, air over the gap, then land in a grind
on the opposite one to score the gap.
Launch to Banana/ Launch to Rail:
Go up the ramp at Gate A and Vault from there over to the Banana or the Rail and land in a grind.
Once you get up in a grind on one of the banner rails, grind it to the end,
then leap across to the high wire and land in a grind.
Finesse Test:
Get up to the stands and grind the railing toward one of the launch ramps.
The object is to Boneless over the gate and land in a grind on the opposite side.
This can be tricky, because if you release too close to the gate, you'll bail.
Landing is tricky, too. Make sure you wait until you are falling back toward Earth to grind,
or you'll end up sliding on the curved wall of the gate.
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erAndrew Reynolds Moves
Sex Change Down Right Up
Kickflip Nose Blunt Down B
Triple Kickflip Up Right Down A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erEric Koston Moves
Fandangle Down B
Pizza Guy Up Right Down A
360 Madanna Down Right Up A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erRodney Mullen Moves
Cerio Down Right Up A
Nollie Flip Under Flip Up Right Down A
Dark Lip Slide Down B
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erBob Burnquist Moves
Backflip Up Right Down A
1 Footed Crooked Grind Down B
540 Mc Twist Down Right Up A
GBA | Submitted by anonymousSecret tape for Hangar
Grind the propeller at the far right of the half-pipe, it will say Wind tunnel open,then go to the far left side of the hanger there will be a blue arrow,ollie forward off the ramp towards the blue arrow,you should appear in another room, then ollie up a ramp and grap the tape.Ollie again at the blue arrow to go back.
PS1 | Submitted by Codemaster ( Adam D.)Pro Tips
How you land a trick is as important as how you perform in the air. Sloppy executions are penalized, but perfect landings are rewarded.
~It's harder to do tricks with your stance switched, but you'll earn more points for them.
~Linking several small grinds is a great way to crank your bonus multiplier.
~If you can't plant on a passing car, why not on Mexico's raging bull? You'll get 2000 points for it, too.
~In the game, you can't completely clear a level without finding all of the $20, $50, and $100 bills. Watch the skies, as many hover above the lips of the quarter-pipes.
~For a small bonus, jump through the statue of liberty in New York City.
~When in the half-pipe, quickly do 2 tricks in rapid succession to pump up your combo meter.
~Because you receive cash for the competition levels, it's better to restart and try again than to place a low score for less money.
~If you want to perform alot of big tricks, save your money until after the first competition. However, you'll probably fare better in that contest if you spend your cash on basic stat upgrades instead. Either way, it's a risk-once you've spent cash, you cant get it back.
~Manuals are the keys to big combos. Tap up, down or tap down, up to link tw tricks with a manual.
~Get the HUMPTEY HUMPS bonus in Marseilles by jumping over one bowl and landing on the other.
~You'll obtain a bonus by grinding over the Central Park Dealer gap if you hop from the fence to the snack bar counter.
PC | Submitted by BigkohnHidden area (DEMO)
I recently downloaded the demo Tony Hawk's Pro skater 2. There is a hidden area. When you jump up on the grass where there is trees, there is a bored or stick, move the stick and break it and then a wall will come down, Then there is a big hole, fall in it. Then the screen will say ooohhh a hole, or something like that. Inside there is a well and a couple of ramps and grind poles or bars, I just thought I would let you know. By the way My little bro found that out, He wanted me to let you guys know that.
PC | Submitted by coopsTurn On Sprinklers
Enter the down hill jam phoenix as level (it is one of the levels you win in the cheats so you may need to enter the all items cheat [second from the top on this page] to unlock this level).
Ride down on the path and turn right at the roadwork's barrier go through the ramp and the rail, the next jump will have a valve tap, ride into it and you will hear water running, keep going until you see two rail/kickers either side of a small pond, you should be able to see the finish barrier ahead if not ride on until you can, now go forward until your at the edge of the big drop ramp, on the wall to your left there is two holes and another valve tap in front of them, ride through it (you may need to jump to reach it) you will turn on the water and it should spurt out of the holes.
PC | Submitted by me1Level 3 Secret Area
In the third level (first competition) go to the garden. Behind the pole that is in the garden bed you should find a small stick knock it over. 5 seconds later the fence will fall over. Go in there and jump into the hole. To get back go back through the tunnel. You will appear at the start again.
PC | Submitted by John ChebatSecret Point Passage
Go to level Marseille in France and go close to the trees near the wooden fence then go close to the little wood piece and break it in half then go to the wooden wall and you will see a tunnel it is a point gainer chamber.
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarLots Of Points
On the Bullring when you go down the roller at the start turn around in circles (not reverts) until there is about 10 seconds left. Then go through the loop. You should get lots of points.
PC | Submitted by lil harry fanHidden Area In Mars Eilles Grotto
Go to mars eilles grotto and find a white tree, there will be a stick by it it'll be colored white run over the stick &the white tree will fall over and there will be an opening where the tree fell and you can go inside there if you jump over the fountain it will count as a gap you need to do it in the career mode to unlock other levels
PC | Submitted by GamesRadar2 Secret Areas On the First Level
On the first level go to the back of the half pipe there will be a propeller grind on it to open a door there you will find money. the other one you have to grind on the top propeller of the helicopter a door will open the secret tape is in there.`
N64 | Submitted by GamesRadarSecret Tape
On the first level do a grind on the helicopter and then you'll find the secret tape!
Dreamcast | Submitted by Geoff Rowly100% France Competition
Look for some trees once you found them one of the trees will have a "WOODEN STICK" not long but you just touch it and it will break a door will open u will fall down then u will get to a room were the rest of the cash is at so u can get 100% in France.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeOther Gaps
Up to the Stands:
Use the quarter lip that runs around the perimeter of the stadium to get up to the
next level. If you get too much air, though. you'll land in the stands, so be careful.
Threadin the Needle:
Good luck on this one. The object is to shoot through both squares formed by the
support on the back side of the roll-in ramp. The way to do it is to carry some
speed up the backside quarter of the HP, then (from the left) ollie and drift
right to clear through both holes. It's tricky at first but you will eventually get it.
Way to Go Gringo!!!:
Gain a lot of speed on the halfpipe, then head to the full pipe.
Make it all the way around the loop without falling (or running off of the edge)
to nail this gap. Manual all of the way around for style points.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeGrind Gaps
Track Smack:
Grind/jump/grind from one of the long, curved rails to the other in Phillyside.
Hobo Grind:
Grind the majority of the long rail leading to the Phillyside HP.
Planter Transfer:
Head right from the starting point. Ollie and grind on the planter ahead, aiming for
the planter below the balcony. Ollie off the edge of the high planter and land in a
grind on the one below.
Railing to Planter:
>From the balcony, jump to a grind on the railing heading right.
As the ledge runs out, ollie down to a grind on the planter to score the bonus.
Pillar Hop:Go into the secret area grind the lip above the humps till you get to the pillar then
jump the small gap the land on the otherside of the pillar going around the big horse shoe.
Planter Double Pillar Gap:
Near the bus depot are a pair of planters lining the street. Grind the one
closest to the balcony building toward the other. Hop over the double pillars and
land in a grind on the opposite side to get the gap.
Just Visiting:
Head down the left path from the starting point, grinding the planter that skirts the fountain.
As the ledge ends, jump and grind on the planter ahead and below.
Short Stair:
Grind the whole edge of the topmost step leading down to the fountain.
Telephone Co. Gap:
Once on the balcony, grind the railing to the left. Angle a jump and land in a
grind on the telephone line here. Hold the grind until you score the Telephone Co. Gap.
Funbox Transfer:
Head through the leftmost entrance to Phillyside, grinding the curving rail here into
the park. Before you jump off of the rail, ollie to the left and land in a planter grind.
Medium Stair:
Grind all of the wide second stair down (leading to the fountain) to get this bonus.
Grind Up Dem Stairs:
Leading up from the balcony, grind up the stair set using the railing to score the bonus.
Awning Grind:
Pop up to the blue awning from one of the statues and land in a grind.
Little Corner Grind:
Grind all of the way around the high rail on the back street to get this gap.
You'll have to Boneless up to it.
Fly By Wire:
Get up on the balcony, then wallride on to the roof of this building.
Grind down the wire you used to get the Secret Tape to where it connects
to the fountain to haul in the gap.
Death From Above:
Start with the Fly By Wire grind, but leap off midway through and land in a
grind on one of the fountain rails.
Train Hard:
This one you have to grind in a big semi-circle next to the 2 smaller ones,
with the hp on your right.
Long Stair:
The third step down from the top, leading down to the fountain needs your grinding.
Go from one end to the other to clear the gap.
Worlds Second Most Obvious Gap:
Instead of landing on the opposite ramp as you would in the Most Obvious,
leap and land in a grind on the rail to score this one. You'll need mammoth speed
to accomplish this.
Fountain Ping!:
Gain speed on the cornered quarter, then head back to the kicker and pop a
Boneless to carry you to the center of the fountain. Land in a grind there to seal the deal.
Grind of Faith:
Drain the fountain. Then grind one of the rails toward the center,
jump over the gold piece and land in a grind on the opposite side to get the gap.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeAir Gaps
Wussy Rollin Gap:
When you're working the HP, air over the small roll-in to snag the gappage.
Plat Gap:
Pop over the lower platform to the left of the roll-in to score this gap.
Gate Gap:
Use the quarter bank to air up and over each gate, landing on the quarter on the other side.
Launchin On Up:
One of the four gates has a boxy thing in front of it. Gain a lot of speed,
then hit the box with a Boneless over the gate to grab the gap.
Launchin the Pipe:
Leap over the full pipe using the quarter kicker on the back of the loop.
Rollin Gap:
A bigger version of the wussy gap. For this one, begin further away and land further
past the roll-in.
Air Toro:
Position yourself between the red and whit humps facing the central halfpipe.
Head toward the left side of the roll-in platform, and jump over the top of the roll-in platform
to claim the bonus.
Big Enchilada Mama:
Launch from one red and white hump to the other.
Tight Gap:
Roll forward from the starting point, gaining speed on the halfpipe.
Head directly down and come directly back up. You need to Boneless at the top of
the roll-in to get across to the other half of the ramp. When you do, the gap is yours.
Jumpin Da Humps:
Leap from the center of one red and white hump to the other.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeManual Gaps
Funbox Wheelie:
Manual over the fun box straight ahead from the start o grab this gap.
Flatlands Techin':
Jump up the small stair set land in a manual follow the bins around the
left of the funbox over to the stairs near the worlds most obvious gap if you start to run
out of speed just jump and land in a manual.
Manual Stimulation:
Manual over three of the four humps in Phillyside to get the bonus.
Rockin' the Stairs:
Ollie from the bottom of the fountain steps into a manual, ollie up a level,
land in a manual and repeat until you are on top of the stairs.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeLip Gaps
Phillyside New Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the edge just above blue humps in the secret area.
Phillyside HP Lip:
Go to the HP in the secret area and do a liptrick on the lip.
Phillyside Big Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the high wall with the yellow graffiti on it saying "GETSOME"
Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip:
Liptrick the semicircle next to the blue humps in the secret area.
Dreamcast | Submitted by UTI_dutyfreeAir Gaps
Easy Post Ollie:
Pop over a post near the fountain after grinding a planter to get this simple gap.
Post Ollie:
Pop over one of the fountain posts without the benefit of a grind.
Statue Hop:
Boneless from one of the semi-circular statues near the awning to the other to score this gap.
Stair Set:
Ollie down the stair set in front of the balcony.
Up the Small Step Set:
Hop up either of the two small stair sets leading up from the fountain.
Bench Gap:
The long sidewalk near the starting point is host to many-a-bench
grind/ollie/grind them to score this bonus.
Worlds Most Obvious Gap:
Hop from one ramp to the other, leading down to the balcony stair set.
Phillyside Hop:
Use the small kicker ramp in the second gap from the right to transfer over
the Mid Bowl into Phillyside.
Phillyside HP Transfer:
Rock out of the halfpipe and land solidly on the other side of Phillyside.
Pillar Fight:
Grab some air from the quarter at the base of any of the pillars in Phillyside.
THPS Fountain Gap:
Once the fountain is emptied, head back to the starting point. Grab some serious
speed, then head toward the fountain. Boneless from the top step and land in the
drained drink to grab the gap.
Chillin' on the Balcony:
Build up some speed by going over the worlds most obvious gap down the worlds second most obvious
gap the jump the the roof of the building with the fountain switches on it.
Dreamcast | Submitted by Kyle & ShaunSkate in air in Skate Heaven
To skate in air in Skate Heaven, go to the big long half pipe where the gap clean the pipes is located. Go through there into the blue half pipe. Then jump onto the roof next to the half pipe and jump off the side of that roof and you will be skating in air.
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarSecret Wind Tunnel
Go to the 1st level. Go to the halfpipe and on the back wall do a grind on the airplane propeller. The wall should bust open and inside there should be a wind tunnel with lots of moolah!
Dreamcast | Submitted by GamesRadarOpen The Gym In School 2
In school 2 when you begin the level go to the Opensezmee Rail before the second bell rins.If you make it put on the brakes. While the second bell is ringing grind down the rail. When you reach the bottom the gym doors should be open.
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erJamie Thomas Moves
360 Madonna Up Right Down A
Big Spin Flip Down Right Up A
Behanana Nose Grind Down B
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erGeoff Rowley Moves
Dark Slide Down B
Sex Change Up Right Down A
Casper Flip Down Right Up A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erBucky Lasek Moves
BS Nose Blunt Down B
1 Footed Indy UP Right Down A
FS 540 Bucky Style Down Right Up A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erChad Muska Moves
Hurricane Grind Down B
Big Spin Up Right Down A
Sal Flip Down Right UP A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erKareem Campbell Moves
Frontflip Down Right Up A
Nose Grind to Nose Blunt Piviot Down B
Ghetto Bird Up Right Down A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erSteve Caballero Moves
Hang Ten Down B
360 Flip to Melon Up Right Down A
TripleKickflip Down Right Up A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erRune Glifberg Moves
1 Footed Blunt Slide Down B
1 Footed Tail Grab Down Right Up A
360 Crist Air Up Right Down A
GBA | Submitted by Sk8erTony Hawk Moves
Overturn Grind Down B
Sack Tap Up Right Down A
540 Mc Twist Down Right Up A
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