Tony Hawk's Project 8 Cheats
Tony Hawk's Project 8 Easter Eggs
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by prjct 8*Porta-Loo
Crete Park
When you destroy all six things that are holding the gate up, go near the bowl through that gate and you will find a porta-loo, on it, it'll say "SHABA sanitation."
PSP | Submitted by SkateFreakRollarcoaster Ride
You can ride the rollarcoaster on your skateboard! All you have to do is get a lot of speed then grind the starting point of the coaster. Then keep jumping and grinding to build speed.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 Glitches
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Mr SkateboardUnlimited Bail Points
Skate park
You can get unlimited points and float in a place in the skate park. If u bail, you get unlimited bail points. To get to this place you go to the place near the fullpipe and right next to the "flying skateboards" sign. You do a spine transfer and get off the skateboard at the halfway point. You will be suspended in midair. You can do any trick and if you bail, the bail points never stop! Too bad you can't get back down though.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Andy SilviaPlay As a Pro in Career
In the Tuturiol
First, be the person you want to be, then get to the final test. Go to the two metal doors that are partly open. Get off your board and stand about ten feet away from the door and you should see a message in the middle of the screen saying "Exit Training". Press X. You are now a Pro.
Note: Your stats stay the same
PS3 | Submitted by Tarran Glen SandersSkaters With No Legs, Hands And Head!
Turtorial Area & Your Room
Go into the training area and pick Dustin Dollin and complete his first lesson. Now Force Bail (Press all the shoulder buttons to Force Bail) And when he gets up press L3 & X. Now the game will mess up and load like you were doing a goal. Now Dustin Dollin will be at your crash pad. Here is the good part, Go into Edit Skater and change his head, Now he doesn't have any head, legs or hands! (Note: I don't know if this works with others in the training area.) Enjoy the glitch everybody!
Xbox, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2 | Submitted by CPBail Cancel Float Glitch
This glitch allows you to freeze yourself in mid-air, among other things. This has only been tested on the 360 version, but it may work on other consoles. To perform this glitch:
1. Start a two-player game. Set the game type to Score Challenge, and the max score to 10,000. Start the game and ignore Player 2, just beat it as quickly as possible. Once you're done, the glitch is activated and will remain activated until you turn off the game. That was easy!
2. Since the glitch will remain activated, go ahead and switch to Career or Free Skate to test it out! All you have to do is get some air while doing a trick, or do a Caveman, and while in the air press down and hold all of the shoulder buttons (RT, LT, RB, LB). Viola, you are frozen in mid-air!
3. Experiment! By performing different tricks, quickly tapping the triggers or bumpers while frozen, or doing any number of other things, this glitch can do some crazy things. We managed to get ourselves frozen about 200 feet above suburbia. There is also a way to levitate about a foot off the ground while moving. To do it, freeze yourself, then tap the left trigger repeatedly. When you get close to the ground (and we haven't quite mastered this), hold A. If you've done it at the right time, you'll begin moving over the ground about a foot above it. Find some new tricks and submit them!
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jake the SnakeConstruction Crash on Sick
Story Mode in The Capitol
Go to the Capitol and find the Construction Crash. This is one of the hardest goals in the game. But is a lot easier if you use this cheat. Jump right before you get to the bail line and bail yourself so that you land on the rocks by the ocean. Wait till the "leaving area" clock goes to 0 and fall in the ocean. You should get glitched and go to a platform in the Capitol while still in the challenge. Jump off and walk through the gates then go back through the bail line and get the 50,000 bail points. It's as simple as that!
Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2 | Submitted by BAKERbakerSlow-mo Bail
Whenever you use the Nail The Trick mode and bail on accident or purpose, press the start button and then press it again, now your character will be falling threw the air in slow motion
PS2 | Submitted by Brian Stelz & Alex SousyUnlimited Fire!
City Center with Zombie
Get off your board(R1+L2) and go into fire WITH ZOMBIE and when you come out your board is on fire. When you bail , the fire should disappear, but it just stays on his board!
Xbox 360 | Submitted by bebobaOur of Bounds
In the school area in xbox live
When you play a game in the school area, when you cant go past the school place, go to the front of the school there should be a little quarter pipe and a ledge above it sticking through the wall. Grab on to the little ledge and then to the next ledge. you will be out of the boundaries, but not completely. Stay on the ledge and go to the right, up the side of the house, jump down, wall run up the next wall, go over that building. you should be on grass then. just run across the grass to the wall, wall run up, and walk over. You are now out of the boundaries. Enjoy
PS2 | Submitted by BAKERbakerSuper Slow-Mo
free skate at Crete Park
Go to the level Crete Park, when you are there take a left and go to the big set of steps. When you are at the top of the stairs turn around and go to the wall now face back towards the steps and ride towards them. try to wreck sideways on the steps by doing a grab or flip trick and landing sideways so that the character's board goes in between his legs and it goes slow. When you wreck like that, your character will fall down the steps really slowly. Don't press anything and when your character gets up you can skate in a really slow motion. keep a combo going or the slow mo will give out, also don't wreck.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 Hints
Xbox | Submitted by NickTons of stokens
In downtown where there is the metal fence at the back, and sorta where the bowling alley entrance is , grind the rail and then manual to the concrete wall wall and sticker slap and manual then grind and hop to each rail and go around and sticker slap the other wall and grind. Keep doing this. I got 965 Stokens in 1 minute of doing that.
Note: You may need perfect manual and perfect grind.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jake the SnakeAvenue Bowling on Sick
Story Mode in Main Street
Find the Avenue Bowling challenge in Main Street near the Skate Shop. As soon as you start go to the left and jump off the ramp to the roof. Get speed and transfer to the slice of pizza. Jump off the tip and go to walking mode as soon as you jump. Then while in the air get on your board and land on the ground. As a result the ground will shake and 9 (if not all 10) pins will fall. You can do this twice in order to get all the pins down. Then go through the bail line and get the 60,000 bail points.
PS2 | Submitted by Bam's fanEasiest Stokens!!
Anywhere you can rail-stall
All you need to do is make sure there's a surface you can easily grind, and there's a Stoken guy there. All you need to do is rail-stall onto that ledge or rail or whatever and do some variations, then just hold it and you can get over 1000 stokens in one shot easy!
Xbox, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2 | Submitted by Cleatus011Pool Grind
In the goal on Suburbs where you have to grind the pool things, grind the one closest to the guy that tells you about it. Grind it twice. Then, the one on exact opposite end of the pool will be gone. This will save some time.
Xbox, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2 | Submitted by Cleatus011Easier Stokens
Fun Park
Go to Fun Park and get on a building with a Stoken guy on top. There should be a roller coaster next to the building. Jump on the roller coaster and grind. Stay on for 5 minutes. If your tricks don't say stoked! a lot then do this over. It's best to go in the direction the cart is going.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by -!~Kenny~!-Easy Stokens
For this you have to be good at Manualing and "Nailing the trick". You must go up to a person with a Stoken sign over their heads and be still. Start manualing while still, press Triangle, Square, and Circle to change between manuals for more points. Watch your score. And when it gets over 30,000, Ollie and click the 2 analog-sticks. This enables "Nailing the trick" mode. Then, do an easy trick, for example: L-stick ---> until the board's tape is up, let it go and quickly press square. this enables manual again. Ollie and do a few flip tricks and keep manualing. When you get over 75,000 on your score, thats about 15+ Stokens. I did that a couple times on my project 8, I make about 500 Stokens Every 30 mins. Repeat this to get more Stokens.
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by -!~Kenny~!-Easy Stokens:
All levels that have Stoken people
For this you have to be good at Manualing and "Nailing the trick". You must go up to a person with a Stoken sign over their heads and be still. Start manualing while still, press Triangle, Square, and Circle to change between manuals for more points. Try to not bail. Watch your score. And when it gets over 30,000, Ollie and click the 2 analog-sticks. This enables "Nailing the trick" mode. Then, do an easy trick, for example: L-stick ---> untill the board's tape is up, let it go and quikly press square. this enables manual again. Ollie and do a few flip tricks and keep manualing. When you get over 75,000 on ur score, thats about 15+ Stokens. I did that a couple times on my project 8, I make about 500 Stokens Every 30 mins. Repeat this to get more Stokens.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 Cheats
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by patrickscotts & Sloop & sk8terUnlock Characters
Cheats screen, under options
newshound - Unlocks anchorman
shescaresme - Unlocks big realtor
enterandwin - Unlocks bum
hohohosoi - Unlocks christian hosoi
militarymen - Unlocks colonel and security guard
mixitup - Unlocks Kevin Staab
notmono - Unlocks Jason Lee
themedia - Unlocks photographer and filmer
wearelosers - Unlocks nerd
sellsellsell - Unlocks skinny real estate agent
manineedadate - Unlocks mascot
badverybad - Unlocks twin
strangefellows - Unlocks dad and skater jam kid
suckstobedead - Unlocks zombie
plus44 - Unlocks Travis Barker
enterandwin - Unlocks Grim Reaper
PSP, PS2 | Submitted by patrickscotts & SloopUnlock Characters
Cheats screen, under options
newshound - Unlocks anchorman
shescaresme - Unlocks big realtor
enterandwin - Unlocks bum
hohohosoi - Unlocks christian hosoi
militarymen - Unlocks colonel and security guard
mixitup - Unlocks Kevin Staab
notmono - Unlocks Jason Lee
themedia - Unlocks photographer and filmer
wearelosers - Unlocks nerd
sellsellsell - Unlocks skinny real estate agent
manineedadate - Unlocks mascot
badverybad - Unlocks twin
strangefellows - Unlocks dad and skater jam kid
suckstobedead - Unlocks zombie
plus44 - Unlocks Travis Barker
Xbox 360 | Submitted by lucky051779Perfect Manual
Cheats screen, under options
Ed. Note: This has been reported both as working and not working
Xbox 360 | Submitted by lucky051779Unlimited Focus
Cheats screen, under options
Ed. Note: This has been reported both as working and not working
Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadarFull Stats
Cheats screen, under options
Ed. Note: This has been reported both as working and not working
Xbox 360 | Submitted by jack12345 & lucky051779Always Special
Cheats screen, under options.
Ed. Note: This has been reported both as working and not working
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by lucky051779Perfect Rail
Cheats screen, under options
PS3 | Submitted by lucky051779Unlimited Focus
Cheats screen, under options
PS3 | Submitted by lucky051779Perfect Manual
Cheats screen, under options
PS3 | Submitted by jack12345 & lucky051779Always Special
Cheats screen, under options
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by lucky051779Unlock all Decks
Cheats screen, under options. Note: Does not unlock Inkblot and Gamestop decks.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by lucky051779Unlock all Specials
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox | Submitted by patrickscotts & Sloop & tylerlovesgamesUnlock Characters
Cheats screen, under options
newshound - Unlocks anchorman
shescaresme - Unlocks big realtor
enterandwin - Unlocks bum
hohohosoi - Unlocks christian hosoi
militarymen - Unlocks colonel and security guard
mixitup - Unlocks Kevin Staab
notmono - Unlocks Jason Lee
themedia - Unlocks photographer and filmer
wearelosers - Unlocks nerd
sellsellsell - Unlocks skinny real estate agent
manineedadate - Unlocks mascot
badverybad - Unlocks twin
strangefellows - Unlocks dad and skater jam kid
suckstobedead - Unlocks zombie
plus44 - Unlocks Travis Barker
Xbox, PSP, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarPerfect Manual
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all Specials
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS3, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFull Stats
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS2 | Submitted by jack12345Always Special
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Focus
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Inkblot Deck
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarPerfect Rail
Cheats screen, under options
Xbox, PSP, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all Decks
Cheats screen, under options. Note: Does not unlock Inkblot and Gamestop decks.
Tony Hawk's Project 8 Unlockables
Xbox 360 | Submitted by John SantosAchievements
100 Games Online (20) - Finish 100 games online.
50 Games Online (15) - Finish 50 games online.
All Pro Challenges Completed (20) - You did everything the pro's challenged you to do.
Beat a Developer (50) - Win a skate session against a member of the Project 8 development team, or someone who already has.
Burnquist Pro Challenge (10) - Find Bob and beat his challenge.
Capitol Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Capitol Classic beaten at sick.
Factory Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the Factory classic goal.
Factory Unlocked (10) - Unlocked the Factory.
First Sick Goal (5) - Congratulations, you completed a goal at Sick difficulty.
Full Stats (50) - You got every stat maxed. How long did that take you?
Fun Park Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the Fun Park classic goal.
Funpark Unlocked (10) - Unlocked the Funpark.
Hang Time (20) - 14,000 seconds of air time.
Hit 50% of the Gaps (20) - 50 percent of the gaps found.
Hit all of the Gaps (35) - You've skated the world and found every gap. Congratulations.
Main St Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the Main St classic goal.
Manual Master (20) - You've manualed for 140,000 feet!
Margera Pro Challenge (10) - Find Bam and beat his challenge.
Mullen Pro Challenge (10) - Find Rodney and beat his challenge.
Nice combo! (20) - Well done, you landed over 500,000 point combo.
Nyjah & Lyn-Z Pro Challenge (10) - Find Nyjah and Lyn-Z and beat the challenge.
Outta the Houses (10) - You escaped the suburban life, explore the world.
Played Xbox Live (10) - Play an online game.
Ranked Number 1! (100) - You are the number one skater on Project 8.
Rod Pro Challenge (10) - Find P-Rod and beat his challenge.
School Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the School classic goal.
School Unlocked (10) - Unlocked the School.
Scored over 1,000,000 points! (10) - Scored over 1,000,000 points.
Secret Area Found (5) - You found your first secret area. Don't tell anyone.
Sheckler Pro Challenge (10) - Find Ryan and beat his challenge.
Sick Chalk Challenges (30) - Incredible, you beat all the goals at SICK difficulty.
Sick Classic Goals (30) - All classic goals at Sick? That's amazing.
Skate Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the Skate Park classic goal.
Skate Park Unlocked (10) - Unlocked the Skate Park.
Slums Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the Slums classic goal.
Slums Unlocked (10) - Unlocked the Slums.
Song Pro Challenge (10) - Find Daewon and beat his challenge.
Suburbia Classic Beaten at Sick (15) - Amazing. You got sick on the Suburbia classic goal.
The Daily Grind (20) - You've managed to grind for 140,000 total feet.
Training Complete (10) - You completed the training, go put what you learned into practice.
Vallely Pro Challenge (10) - Find Mike V and beat his challenge.
Williams & Dollin Pro Challenge (10) - Find Stevie and Dustin and beat the challenge.
You Made it Into Project 8 (50) - Congratulations, you cracked the top 8.
You Made it to Spot 4! (75) - Congratulations, you cracked the top 4
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