Too Human

All those choices might seem hollow on the battlefield if the same seamless connections between different approaches didn't hold there as well. Hang back a bit and rely on firepower, training each arm on a different stooge, or stab a path through the bustling crowds with a sword. Launch foes into the air for a friend to juggle with ricocheting bullets, or skate back and forth between groups of assailants like a heavily armored Wayne Gretzky. How you play is more likely to change based on your mood and personality than because the developer shoehorned you into a particular approach.

Too Human is proof that simply watching videos and eyeballing screenshots isn't enough to give you the real flavor of a game. It's hard to tell from ninety minutes of play time just how close Too Human is to delivering on its potential, but it's certainly obvious that Silicon Knights is cooking up a much more interesting mix of ideas than previously suspected.