Top 10 R-Rated Comedies
Bad Neighbours and many more

Bad Neighbours
A r-rated comedy set in a frathouse was always going to raise the raunch bar, and Bad Neighbours more than delivers. Rose Byrne manipulating a three-way kiss, a housemate called ‘Assjuice’, and a climatic fight between two men wielding enormous dildos are just the tip of the insanity iceberg.
Bad Neighbours is available to own now on Digital Download via iTunes , Blinkbox or Google Play .

National Lampoon's Animal House
Nowadays it's hard enough to get any r-rated movie made, let alone a r-rated comedy. It's harder still to craft one that delivers belly laughs as loud as it's adult-rated shocks. But National Lampoon's Animal House was the first in a wave of raunchy, hilarious comedies that pretty much defined the ‘gross-out genre’.

There's Something About Mary
Still the undeniable King of the grossout r-rated comedy, the Farrelly Brothers’ cinematic calling card reignited the genre for a whole new generation, offering a tale as sweet as it was disgusting. Notable highlights - THAT Cameron Diaz semen hair gag, a ‘balls in the zipper’ scene thats wince-inducing even 16 years on.

Knocked Up
Crude pregnancy gags galore, an entire pseudo-philosophical debate on which best friend is 'gayer', and that baby crowning shot. There's a reason Seth Rogen's career went into the r-rated stratosphere shortly after Knocked Up .

The Hangover
Officially the world’s biggest grossing r-rated comedy, The Hangover ’s debauched antics were so popular they spawned an entire trilogy. The original’s undoubtedly the best though, with Mike Tyson, tigers, strippers, drugs and crazily aggressive naked chinese men. What more could you ask for?

Wedding Crashers
Pretty much the best concept on this whole list, 2005’s comedy saw Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson team up to crash weddings on a mission to get laid. Along the way, Isla Fisher wanks off Vince Vaughn whilst at a family dinner, Bradley Cooper gets his aggressive douche on, and hearts are broken as often as taboos.

21 Jump Street
Undoubtedly the funniest (and stupidest) movie reboot in recent years, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill’s chemistry powered them through a meta-comedy which won its r-rated comedy thanks to its violent gunfights and unapologetically fun representation of being high on drugs. Drugs are mad, mmmkay (unless you’re in 21 Jump Street ).

Scary Movie
The spoof that was far funnier than it ought to have been (and led to a series of increasingly lacklustre sequels) is enjoyably silly and puerile from the off. Case in point, Carmen Electra’s super-dense scream queen who survives an initial stabbing thanks to her breast implant. It only gets stupider from there.

A coming of age tale in the only way an r-rated comedy can tell it - with insta-catchphrase nicknames (McLovin’), awkward sexual experiences, and - erm - period dancing.

The rudest, crudest and most adult character on this whole list? Well that'd have to be the cuddly-wuddly adorable (looking, at least) Ted, a walking, talking, boozing teddy bear stuck in the ultimate stage of arrested development.
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