Total Film Magazine - Issue 178
The biggest summer of movies ever!

Captains Jack and America head up our scorching hot guide to the biggest event movies coming your way this summer. With this line-up you won’t care if the weather’s a wash-out...

007 is finally licensed to thrill again after studio money troubles. We check out all the gossip and plans for Bond 23... Dum de dum dum-dum-dum...

Behind The Scenes
Hello, ladies! We talk stunts and kicking ass with the hot quartet heading up Zac Snyder’s latest eye candy actioner.

Do Emily and Matt have the X factor in this rom-thriller adapted from a Philip K Dick short story? Plus what’s the verdict on Paul, Animal Kingdom, I Am Number Four and Ironclad?

Cover Story
We check out Captain America, Thor, X-Men, Pirates, Potter, The Hangover 2 and Transformers (among others) and chat with Chris Evans, January Jones, Bradley Cooper, Amanda Seyfried, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Mr Johnny Depp.

On Set
We tramp through the mire with the stars of Ironclad and The Eagle to find out why we all love a broad-swords and sandals thrills. Channing Tatum also talks about his burnt bits.

One To Watch
We avert our eyes to interview a naked Paz de la Huerta – the sizzling star of Boardwalk Empire. She’s going places...

Classic Scene
Surely one of the best spoofs to the hit the screens. We think – and don’t call us Shirley.

The TF Interview
Woody Harrelson encourages us to eat sprouts while talking through his impressive resume.

David Fincher’s awards-sweeper gets poke plus Easy A, Another Year, Despicable Me and Paranormal Activity 2.