Two videos hammer the THP8 nail home

Here's two brand new Tony Hawk's Project 8 videosfor you to gaze at in dumbfounded awe. You'llfinally see the literally amazing visuals from this staggeringly next-gen versionof the cosmic overlord of the board. Months ago,Activision dropped by to show us the early rough-cut of the game, and we raved then, but now you actually get a chance to see what that raving was based upon simply by clicking the Movies tab above.

We've also thrown in a little mo-cap movie featuring Bob Burnquist dressed up in one of those freaky, ball-covered unitards and executing skating about a trooper, somebody pay that guy a boatload of money. Oh, wait, Activision is.

If these movies don't get you at all hyped up about this upcoming title...well, we want to come up with some crazy hyperbole about you not liking games, but it is already too late to save you.

September 5, 2006