Animal Crossing: New Horizons bugs and where to catch them

Animal Crossing bugs
(Image credit: Nintendo)

You may not like all of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons bugs and creepy crawlies you can find on your islands, but knowing where and when they appear so you can catch them is essential for filling up your museum to "complete" that part of the game. However, this task isn't as straightforward as it may sound at first, because some bugs only appear during certain seasons and others are incredibly skittish so hide away in specific types of cover. Your reward for catching all of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons bugs is the coveted gold net recipe, along with building up a well-stocked museum display, so it's worth putting the time in to fill out your collection. 

The availability of each bug species depends on which part of the world you're in, as well as the season and time of day. With that in mind, we've been working across two islands to try and bring you the most complete Animal Crossing: New Horizons bug guide to date, divided up by hemisphere (north and south). 

Skip to the right section for you below:
Animal Crossing New Horizons Northern Hemisphere bugs
Animal Crossing New Horizons Southern Hemisphere bugs

How to catch Animal Crossing: New Horizons bugs

(Image: © Nintendo)

If you're wondering how exactly to catch bugs in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, all you'll need is a net and good timing / aim. Just have your net out, and press A to swing it when you're near a bug. Almost all bugs will be visibly fluttering or scuttling around your island, although some like the bagworm and spider will only appear when you shake a tree, descending from the boughs on a string. 

It's worth nothing that some are skittish and may require you to approach carefully. You can do this by holding A down to ready your net and then creep towards the bug, only releasing A when you're in capture range. 

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Bugs - Northern Hemisphere

Animal Crossing: New Horizons divides the habits of its bugs depending on whether you're North or South of the Equator. We'll cover the North first, but you can always just skip down to find the South beneath it.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Northern Hemisphere bugs

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Drag and scroll to move left and right.
Header Cell - Column 0 NameSeasonality (North Hem)AvailabilityLocation
1Common ButterflyJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec4AM - 7PM Flowers
2Yellow ButterflyMar, Apr, May, Jun, Sept, Oct4AM - 7PM Flying
3Tiger ButterflyMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept4AM - 7PMFlying
4Peacock ButterflyMar, Apr, May, Jun4AM - 7PMFlowers (Blue, Black, Purple)
5Common BluebottleApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug4AM - 7PMFlying
6Paper Kite ButterflyAll months9AM - 7PMFlying
7Great Purple EmperorMay, Jun, Jul, Aug4AM - 7PMFlying
8Monarch ButterflySept, Oct, Nov4AM - 5PMFlying
9Emperor ButterflyJan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Dec5PM - 8AMFlying
10Agrias ButterflyApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept8AM - 5PMFlying
11Rajah Brooke's BirdwingJan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Dec8AM - 5PMFlowers (Blue, Black, Purple)
12Queen Alexandra's BirdwingMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept8AM - 4PMFlying
13MothAll months7PM - 4AMAround light
14Atlas MothApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept7PM - 4AMOn trees
15Madagascan Sunset MothApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept8AM - 4PM Flying
16Long LocustApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov8AM - 7PMIn grass
17Migratory LocustAug, Sept, Oct, Nov8AM - 7PMIn grass
18Rice GrasshopperAug, Sept, Oct, Nov8AM - 7PMIn grass
19GrasshopperJul, Aug, Sept8AM - 5PMIn grass
20CricketSept, Oct, Nov5PM - 8AMIn grass
21Bell CricketSept, Oct5PM - 8AMIn grass
22MantisMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov8AM - 5PMFlowers
23Orchid MantisMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov8AM - 5PMFlowers
24HoneybeeMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul8AM - 5PMFlowers
25WaspAll monthsAll hoursShaking trees
26Brown CicadaJul, Aug8AM - 5PMOn trees
27Robust CicadaJul, Aug8AM - 5PMOn trees
28Giant CicadaJul, Aug8AM - 5PMOn trees
29Walker CicadaAug, Sept8AM - 4PMOn trees
30Evening CicadaJul, Aug4AM - 8AM, 4PM - 7PMOn trees
31Cicada ShellJul, AugAll hoursOn trees
32Red DragonflySept, Oct8AM - 7PMFlying
33Darner DragonflyApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct8AM - 5PMFlying
34Banded DragonflyMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct8AM - 5PMFlying
35DamselflyJan, Feb, Nov, DecAll hoursFlying
36FireflyJun7PM - 4AMAbove freshwater
37Mole CricketJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Nov, DecAll hoursUnderground
38PondskaterMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept8AM - 7PMIn rivers
39Diving BeetleMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept8AM - 7PMIn rivers
40Giant Water BeetleMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept7PM - 8AMPonds and rivers
41StinkbugMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, OctAll hoursOn trees
42Man-faced Stink BugMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct7PM - 8AM Flowers
43LadybugMar, Apr, May, Jun, Oct8AM - 5PM Flowers
44Tiger BeetleFeb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, OctAll hoursFlying
45Jewel BeetleApr, May, Jun, Jul, AugAll hoursOn trees
46Citrus Long-horned BeetleAll monthsAll hours Tree stumps
47Rosalia Batesi BeetleMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, SeptAll hoursTree stumps
48Blue Weevil BeetleJul, AugAll hoursOn trees
49Violin BeetleMay, Jun, Sept, Oct, NovAll hoursOn trees
50Dung BeetleJan, Feb, DecAll hoursGround
51Earth-boring Dung BeetleJul, Aug, SeptAll hoursGround
52Scarab BeetleJul, Aug11PM - 8AMOn trees
53Drone BeetleJun, Jul, AugAll hoursOn trees
54Goliath BeetleJun, Jul, Aug, Sept5PM - 8AMOn trees
55Saw StagJul, AugAll hoursOn trees
56Miyama StagJul, AugAll hoursOn trees
57Giant StagJul, Aug11PM - 8AMOn trees
58Rainbow StagJun, Jul, Aug, Sept7PM - 8AMOn trees
59Cyclommatus StagJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
60Golden StagJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
61Giraffe StagJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
62Horned DynastidJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
63Horned AtlasJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
64Horned ElephantJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
65Horned HerculesJul, Aug5PM - 8AMOn trees
66Walking StickJul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov4AM - 8AM, 5PM - 7PMOn trees
67Walking LeafJul, Aug, SeptAll hoursOn ground by trees
68BagwormAll monthsAll hoursShaking trees
69AntAll monthsAll hoursOn rotten turnips and fruit
70Hermit CrabAll months7PM - 8AM On beach
71Wharf RoachAll monthsAll hoursOn beach rocks
72FlyAll monthsAll hoursOn rotten food and garbage
73MosquitoJun, Jul, Aug, Sept5PM - 4AMFlying
74FleaApr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, NovAll hoursOn flea-infested villagers
75SnailAll monthsAll hours On rocks
76PillbugJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec11PM - 4PMHitting rocks
77CentipedeJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec4PM - 11PM Hitting rocks
78SpiderAll months7PM - 8AM Shaking trees
79TarantulaJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec7PM - 4AM Ground
80ScorpionMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct7PM - 4AMGround

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Bugs - Southern Hemisphere

Now we'll cover insect patterns in the Southern side of the world, which don't tend to overlap with the Northern patterns, barring a few outliers and exceptions. Work through the year and you should come away with a full collection for the Museum!

Animal Crossing New Horizons Southern Hemisphere bugs

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Drag and scroll to move left and right.
Header Cell - Column 0 NameSeasonality (South Hem)AvailabilityLocation
1Common ButterflyMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec4AM - 7PMFlowers
2Yellow ButterflyMar, Apr, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec4AM - 7PMFlying
3Tiger ButterflyJan, Feb, Mar, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec4AM - 7PMFlying
4Peacock ButterflyMar, Apr, May, Jun4AM - 7PMFlowers (Blue, Black, Purple)
5Common BluebottleJan, Feb, Oct, Nov, Dec4AM - 7PMFlying
6Paper Kite ButterflyAll months8AM - 7PM (April)Flying
7Great Purple EmperorMay, Jun, Jul, Aug4AM - 7PMFlying
8Monarch ButterflyMar, Apr, May4AM - 5PMFlying
9Emperor ButterflyJan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Dec5PM - 8AMFlying
10Agrias ButterflyJan, Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PMFlying
11Rajah Brooke's BirdwingJan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PMFlowers (Blue, Black, Purple)
12Queen Alexandra's BirdwingJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec8AM - 4PMFlying
13MothAll year round7PM - 4AMAround light
14Atlas MothJan, Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec7PM - 4AMOn trees
15Madagascan Sunset MothJan, Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 4PMFlying
16Long LocustJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 7PMIn grass
17Migratory LocustFeb, Mar, Apr, May8AM - 7PMIn grass
18Rice GrasshopperFeb, Mar, Apr, May8AM - 7PM In grass
19GrasshopperJan, Feb, Mar8AM - 5PMIn grass
20CricketMar, Apr, May5PM - 8AMIn grass
21Bell CricketMar, Apr5PM - 8AMIn grass
22MantisJan, Mar, Apr, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PM Flowers
23Orchid MantisJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PMFlowers
24HoneybeeJan, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PMFlowers
25WaspAll monthsAll hoursShaking trees
26Brown CicadaJan, Feb8AM - 5PMOn trees
27Robust CicadaJan, Feb8AM - 5PMOn trees
28Giant CicadaJan, Feb8AM - 5PMOn trees
29Walker CicadaFeb, Mar8AM - 4PMOn trees
30Evening CicadaJan, Feb4AM - 8AM, 4PM - 7PMOn trees
31Cicada ShellJan, FebAll hoursOn trees
32Red DragonflyMar, Apr8AM - 7PM Flying
33Darner DragonflyJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PMFlying
34Banded DragonflyJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PM Flying
35DamselflyMay, Jun, Jul, AugAll hoursFlying
36FireflyDec7PM - 4AMAbove freshwater
37Mole CricketMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, NovAll hoursUnderground
38PondskaterJan, Feb, Mar, Nov, Dec8AM - 7PMIn rivers
39Diving BeetleJan, Feb, Mar, Nov, Dec8AM - 7PMIn rivers
40Giant Water BeetleJan, Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec7PM - 8AMPonds and rivers
41StinkbugJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sept, Oct, Nov, DecAll hoursOn trees
42Man-faced Stink BugJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec7PM - 8AM Flowers
43LadybugApr, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec8AM - 5PM Flowers
44Tiger BeetleJan, Feb, Mar, Sept, Oct, Nov, DecAll hoursFlying
45Jewel BeetleJan, Feb, Oct, Nov, DecAll hoursOn trees
46Citrus Long-horned BeetleAll monthsAll hoursTree stumps
47Rosalia Batesi BeetleJan, Feb, Mar, Nov, DecAll hoursTree stumps
48Blue Weevil BeetleJan, FebAll hoursOn trees
49Violin BeetleMar, Apr, May, Nov, DecAll hoursOn trees
50Dung BeetleJun, Jul, AugAll hoursGround
51Earth-boring Dung BeetleJan, Feb, MarAll hoursGround
52Scarab BeetleJan, Feb11PM - 8AMOn trees
53Drone BeetleJan, Feb, DecAll hoursOn trees
54Goliath BeetleJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Dec5PM - 8AMOn trees
55Saw StagJan, FebAll hoursOn trees
56Miyama StagJan, FebAll hoursOn trees
57Giant StagJan, Feb11PM - 8AMOn trees
58Rainbow StagJan, Feb, Mar, Dec7PM - 8AMOn trees
59Cyclommatus StagJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
60Golden StagJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
61Giraffe StagJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
62Horned DynastidJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
63Horned AtlasJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
64Horned ElephantJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
65Horned HerculesJan, Feb5PM - 8AMOn trees
66Walking StickJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May4AM - 8AM, 5PM - 7PMOn trees
67Walking LeafJan, Feb, MarAll hours On ground by trees
68BagwormAll monthsAll hours Shaking trees
69AntAll monthsAll hours On rotten turnips and fruit
70Hermit CrabAll months7PM - 8AMOn beach
71Wharf RoachAll monthsAll hoursOn beach rocks
72FlyAll monthsAll hoursOn rotten food and garbage
73MosquitoJan, Feb, Mar, Dec5PM - 4AMFlying
74FleaJan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov, DecAll hoursOn flea-infested villagers
75SnailAll monthsAll hours On rocks
76PillbugMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec11AM - 4PM Hitting rocks
77CentipedeMar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec5PM - 11PMHitting rocks
78SpiderAll months7PM - 8AM Shaking trees
79TarantulaMay, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct7PM - 4AMGround
80ScorpionJan, Feb, Mar, Dec7PM - 4AMGround
Sam Loveridge
Brand Director, GamesRadar+

Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.

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