Animal Crossing: Wild World Cheats

Animal Crossing: Wild World FAQs

Animal Crossing: Wild World Hints

  • DS | Submitted by Parrottface

    how to cure a resident with no medicine

    When a resident is ill you usually have to buy him/her medicine for about 3-4 days but you don't have to do that. All you do is open the town gate and leave it open and the animal is cured!

  • DS | Submitted by Stephanie S

    More Money With One Coconut

    When you find a coconut, you can sell it to Tom Nook for 500 bells, but you can also bury the coconut to grow a coconut tree which grows two coconuts that you can shake down sell and they will regrow on the tree.

  • DS | Submitted by animal crossing masters mwahhahaha!!!!!


    safe = light brown
    fiery = redish orange
    flirty = pink
    lighthearted = blonde

    Mysterious = dark brown
    young = blue
    lush = green
    radiant = white

  • DS | Submitted by Nina

    Get Rare Item

    When Saharah comes to town, talk to her. When she asks you to help her say yes. She will reward you with a rare item that you can keep or sell to Tom Nook.

  • DS | Submitted by Zombieslayer


    When Dr. Shrunks in town.

    When Dr. Shrunks in town (once a week) talk to him and say "I'm in a slump" then he will start talking and ask you to pick an emotion, pick an emotion anyone is fine. Then when a light bulb goes over his head click on him then he will start talking. when he's done press select and click on a face right above the keyboard. Then at the top of the screen your person will do what the picture of the head is doing.

  • DS | Submitted by Alex A

    Prices, locations, and RARE fishes

    All rare, and all fishes that sell for 3,000 bells or more listed below.

    1. Giant Snakehead
    Price- 5,500 bells
    Location- Pond
    Available- July- August

    2. Char
    Price 3,800 bells
    Location- Waterfall
    Available- March-June and Spet-Nov

    3. AngelFish
    Price- 3,000 bells
    Location- Rivers
    Available- May-October

    4. Piranha ( It doesn't exceed 3,000 bells but its really cool.)
    Price- 2,500 bells
    Location Rivers
    Available- June-September

    5. Arowana
    Price- 10,000 bells
    Location- Rivers
    Available- June-September

    6. Dorado
    Price- 15,000 bells
    Location- Rivers
    Available- June-Spetember

    7. Gar
    Price 6,000 bells
    Location- Pond
    Available- June-Septemeber

    8. Arapaima
    Price- 10,000 bells
    Location- Rivers
    Available- July-September

    9. Barred Knifejaw
    Price 5,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- March-November

    10. Red Snapper
    Price- 3,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- All year

    11. Angler Fish (doesn't exceed 3,000 bells, but is also cool)
    Price- 2,500 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- November-March

    12. Tuna
    Price- 7,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- November-March

    13. Blue Marlin
    Price- 10,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- July-September

    14. Ocean Sunfish
    Price- 4,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- April-September

    15. Hammerhead Shark
    Price- 8,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- June-September

    16. Shark
    Price- 15,000 bells
    Location- Ocean
    Available- June-September

    17. Coelacanth
    Price- 15,000 bells
    Loctaion- Ocean (ONLY if it's raining or snowing)
    Available- All year, as long as it rains, or snows.

    *NOTE* these fish are rare, so don't expect them to be caught alot, or easily.

  • DS | Submitted by torchic boyo

    Escape Mr.Reseti!!

    title screen

    If you turned your game off without saving last time you played, DON'T PRESS CONTINUE!!!! At the title screen, click new resident and make one willy-nilly. Then save and exit after that and continue with the character that didn't save. Mr. Reseti won't bother you!! anytime you don't save when you turn your game off, continue as the willy-nilly character. :)

  • DS | Submitted by rock_on_dude

    Four Leaf Clover

    When you have a mushroom, leave it if you want a four leaf clover. You will have a lot of weeds to pull, but anyway, when you find the gray three leaf clovers pick them. Among them is a four leaf clover if you don't find one in that area, look somewhere else. Remember, you will have to pull weeds by pressing B. The clovers will be in groups.

  • DS | Submitted by miami878787

    Multiple Prizes from Fishing Tournaments

    On the day before the fishing tourney, catch a few big but not valuable fish. Then fast forward to the day of the tourney, and give your fish to Tortimer in order of smallest to biggest. Instead of getting just one present, you will get more.

  • DS | Submitted by Amac:)

    Get 30,000 bells

    Set the date to July or August, get a fishing rod, and go to the sea side and look along the water. If you see a big fish with a shark-like fin sticking out of the water, quickly cast. When you pull it up, it will be a shark, hammer head, or ocean sun fish. Sell it to Tom Nooks and you could get up to 30,000 bells!

  • DS | Submitted by Kittyfreak18

    Annoy Your Neighbors

    This is a perfect way to get rid of neighbors you don't want. Just make sure you've visited a friend's town before! First, buy a net. Once you find the neighbor you want out, or just want to annoy, equip the net and hit them with it! Keep hitting them over and over. They'll probably whine and ask why you did that. If you accidently talk to them, just say, 'I don't need you!' or any other option that gets you out of the conversation.

    But don't write threat letters! Next time you talk to them, they'll be all proud that they got a letter, and they won't notice what it says!

  • DS | Submitted by Animal Crossing FAN

    Get Mail Quicker

    Tell somebody to visit your town, and before you know it your mail has arrived.

  • DS | Submitted by Stickmeister

    Snowman Furniture

    During the winter, you'll see two snowballs around your town. Roll both of them into a medium size, then stack them onto each other. If the snowman likes himself, you'll get a rare piece of snowman furniture the next day. Also, if you roll the snowballs into the lower left corner of the town, the snowman will like himself even more and send you two pieces of rare snowman furniture instead of one.

  • DS | Submitted by Yourworstnightmare

    Get a Dog

    After you get a golden shovel, you'll find a dog lying under one of the beds in your house.

  • DS | Submitted by Warrior

    More Easy Cash

    Go to a friend's town and get some fruit, then go back to your town and bury the fruit. When the tree is done growing sell the fruit to Tom Nook.

  • DS | Submitted by Stickmeister

    Customize Your Town Tunes

    Go to the left station of Town Hall, click any employee and click town tunes. Now you can edit the tune that plays whenever you talk to someone or sometimes when you enter a building. Drag the frog face up and down to get lower and higher notes. Here are some examples of the many tunes you can create (lower case letters stand for the lower form of the note, higher case stands for the higher form, and underscores stand for the middle):

    "Come As You Are" by Nirvana

    a a b c _ f c f c c b a G a a z

    "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple

    g _ a _ b _ _ g _ a _ c b _ _

    Theme from The Exorcist

    d _ e _ c d _ f _ G _ e f _ d

    "Imperial March" from Star Wars

    e e e cge cge

    "YMCA" by The Village People

    e _ _ d _ e d z z d _ _ c _ d c

    "In The End" by Linkin Park

    d A _ A _ f _ e _ e _ e _ e f d

    Jingle Bells

    e e e z e e e z e g c d e _

    Theme from Jurassic Park

    C B C _ g _ f _ C B C _ g _ f _

    Theme from The Legend Of Zelda

    A _ e _ _ A A B C D E _ _ z z z

    Theme from Mortal Kombat

    a a c a d a e d _ c c e c f c g f

    Them from The Simpsons

    F_ _ A _ G _ D C _ _ A_ F_ D

    Theme from Super Mario Bros.

    e e _ e _ c e _ G _ _ z g z z z

    Theme from the Forest in Zelda

    F A B _ F A B E D _ B C B G e _

    "Bolero of Fire" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    f d f d A f A f

    "Epona's Song" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    D B A _ D B A

    "Minuet of Forest" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    d D B _ A B A or d D B A B A

    "Nocturne of Shadow" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    C _ B B d B A f

    "Prelude of Light" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    D A _ D A B D

    "Requiem of Spirit" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    d _ f _ d _ A f d

    "Saria's Song" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    f A B _ f A B

    "Serenade of Water" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    d _ f _ A _ A _ B or d f A A B

    "Song of Storms" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    d f D _ d f D

    "Song of Time" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    A e f _ A e f

    "Sun's Song" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    A f D _ A f D

    "Zelda's Lullaby" from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

    B D A _ B D A

  • DS | Submitted by miss incredible

    Become Friends with Sabel

    To make friends with Sabel (the Able sister who works at the sewing machine), go to the shop and talk to her once every day for 1 week. You'll become friends and she'll will tell you secrets that no one else knows about the town, the townspeople, Tom Nook, Pelly, the Mayor, and others.

  • DS | Submitted by gir lover 95

    Different Hair Styles for Girls

    You can go into the salon and choose your own style and color by answering a few of Harriet's questions. To get your hair pulled up in a hair-tie, answer "big nights" to her first question, "duh" to her second question and "RAWK!" to type of song.

    For hair color, choosing hot will get you pink, red, or yellow, while cold will get you blue, green, or white. Then you'll be able to pick your exact color by choosing the following:
    - Young = blue
    - Lush = green
    - Radiant = white
    - Mysterious or Safe = brown
    - Lighthearted = yellow
    - Fiery = red
    - Flirty = pink

    Of course there are many different styles, but I don't know exactly what they are. I hope you all like what you come up with. But remember, getting your hair done costs a whopping 3,000 bells! So think about it before you drop your cash for an ugly hair-do!

  • DS | Submitted by Caro729

    Give Your Girls Pigtails

    If you have Nookingtons, go to the hair salon and Harriet will ask you some questions. On the first question answer "big nights." On the second question answer "unfortunately." On the third question answer "cold." Then she will give you a list of names and you have to pick "Mysterious."

  • DS | Submitted by Amber

    Pitfall Seed

    Near a town member

    If you fall into a pitfall seed hole near a town member they'll run and help you!

  • DS | Submitted by freakygirl123

    Friend's Town Fruit

    Any friends town ( d.s to d.s!)

    This is a cool trick! If you visit your friend's town, they have different fruit from you. Well, you can shake their trees and get their fruit, take it back to your town and sell it! Or, take your shovel and bury the fruit, then within 24 hours, you will have a tree growing with their fruit! Every week or so, their fruit will grow on your tree! You can sell it for 500 bells! You can grow as many fruit trees as you like!

  • DS | Submitted by Melissa

    Hidden Bells

    In the rocks all around the town, there are hidden bells inside them. all you have to do is take your shovel out, and pound on the rocks. Only one rock a day though. But, pound on it as many times as you can until the rock stops spitting out bells. I believe the highest bells is a 2,000 bell bag.

  • DS | Submitted by Melissa

    Stop the Moving!

    Don't you hate it when one of your most favorite towns friend has to move?? Well, you can stop it! All you have to do is send them a well written letter to them (buy letters at nooks place), and add a good gift too, it helps a lot. Send it ASAP though! because if you wait till the next day, they might have already moved! Now you know how to keep your best friend with you!

  • DS | Submitted by ronster123

    To Catch a Flea

    To catch a flea you have to look around to see if any residents of your town have black spots coming out of them. If they do take out your net and smack them with it. Then you will get the flea.

  • DS | Submitted by Mikenike


    A Bad Town

    If you ever have a mushroom growing in your town, then dig it up before it gets any bigger. If it does, then your in trouble!T-R-O-U-B-L-E! That means you have a BAD town. Once it grows all the way, you can't dig it up!

  • DS | Submitted by Jeffrey

    House Upgrades

    Pay back the indicated amount of dept to get the corresponding upgrade for your house:
    First house expansion: 19,800 Bells
    Second house expansion: 120,000 Bells
    Upstairs room: 298,000 Bells
    Left room: 598,000 Bells
    Right room: 728,000 Bells
    Back room: 848,000 Bells

  • DS | Submitted by Jeffrey

    Saving Rewards

    Post Office

    Save the indicated amount of Bells at the Post Office to get the corresponding reward:
    Box of tissues: 1,000,000 Bells
    Pelly's picture: 100,000,000
    Phylis's picture: 500,000,000
    Piggy Bank: 10,000,000
    Town Hall Model: 999,999,999

  • DS | Submitted by WiiMan

    Easy Money

    Friend's Town

    Bring your native fruit to your friends town and you can sell it to Tom Nook in their town for 500 Bells.

  • DS | Submitted by Mollie

    Change your Saving Bed

    Go up into your saving room and stand at the end of the bed and press B and it asks you do you want a different bed say yes and choose your bed! When you save you will sleep in that bed and when you load your person you wake up from that bed.

  • DS | Submitted by s0cCerGRL360

    Pitfall Seeds

    Anywhere there's cracks

    If you see a star-shaped crack in the ground, ALWAYS run over it first. If nothing happens when you run over it, it is something that you could sell. If you fall in, you have fallen into a pitfall seed (trap). To get out of it, keep pressing A button or tap yourself over and over again.

  • DS | Submitted by Sean Piatt

    Faster Deliveries

    If you want something you bought go to your mailbox go faster:

    1. Buy something in Tom Nook's catalog
    2. Save and turn off your Gameboy
    3. Turn it back on, go to your mailbox and it will be there

  • DS | Submitted by liam111

    Escape from the Mole

    Outside your house

    If you know you didn't save last time you played, when you leave your house don't move - just pause the game and save it. Now he won't bother you.

  • DS | Submitted by alex g 4000 =)

    Win Flower Fest

    flower fest/ neighbours houses

    If you want to get the flower fest trophy (which sells for 20,000 bells or gets loads of points for the HRA) simply steal everyone's flowers and plant them round your house you will win every time. To win more just buy all the flowers at Nook's

  • DS | Submitted by Batman

    Presents and Fruits

    If you want to have different kinds of fruits in your town you will have to send your townsfolks your starter fruits (e.g. apples) and they will send you new kinds such as oranges, peaches, cherries and pears. Now with these new kinds of fruits you can do many things: sell them to earn good money or send them to your townsfolks to get rare presents so you can avoid buying other presents to send them.

  • DS | Submitted by John Smith

    Golden Mask

    During a spotlight product day, if it is a king tut mask, buy it. If you have insurance from Lyle, wear the mask and run around. It must cover your eyes because I trip all the time wearing it. Every time you trip you get 100 bells.

  • DS | Submitted by Tessa Kerpan

    Win the Flower Contest

    Hey are you running low on cash but you want to win the flower contest? Well now you can get the flowers for free! All you do is steal everyone's flowers, then you will always win!

  • DS | Submitted by Andrew M. McFarland-Sandwisch

    Color of Roof

    You can change the color of your roof. To do this you need to start over or start if you haven't started yet. Before you start change the color of your DS background by going to the menu. What ever color your DS menu is that is the color your roof will be when you first make a character.

  • DS | Submitted by Conor S

    Become Friends with Blathers

    If you talk to Blathers when he is depressed-looking, he will say that he detests bugs. Eventually, if you keep talking to him every day for a few days, he will explain how he is trying to overcome his fear, then how he finally gives up.

  • DS | Submitted by dnomsed



    If you hit a rock with a shovel or an axe, a black dot will fly out out onto the ground. Quickly pull out your net and swap it before it gets away and you'll have a pill bug.

  • DS | Submitted by Nintendogs owner '95

    Sick Neighbors

    If you realize that one of your neighbors isn't walking around town like the others but is inside their house, then they are either packing, sick, or just inside. If they are sick, then you will notice little swirly things over their heads and they are slumping. They will tell you weird things and will be a little delirious. After they are done, they will give you 3 choices to say something back. Pick the first one and bring them medicine for the next three days. If you don't do this all of the days in a row,
    then they will stay like this longer but it will still be three from where you left off. On the fourth day, they will still be in their house. Go and visit him or her and they will be welll again. Talk to him or her and he or she will thank you. Then he or she will give you a present. It most likely won't be something rare but can be something new.

  • DS | Submitted by Blueberry man

    Lyle Scam

    When Lyle comes to your town he will follow you around everywhere. If you talk to him he will ask a questionniare then try to get you to buy his insurance. His insurance says whenever you get stung by a bee he will send you 100 bells in the mail. By it for 3000 bells. When you buy it he will ask you when you want Redd to come to your town. Tell him whatever day you prefer and he will set up a tent. He will send you some passwords to get into his tent. When you go into his tent he will have very rare items believe me it is worth it.
    P.S. Lyle will come back to your town and offer insurance again. Do not talk to him because he will charge you 6000 bells and he will keep doubling the price every time you talk to him.

  • DS | Submitted by Combat Dane

    100 Bells from Lyle

    First Buy Health Insurance From Lyle (if he comes a second time don't buy from him again). Then go and buy the King Tut Wig, shake trees and wait for the bees to sting you, or let a mosquito bite you. In the next week Lyle should send you 100 bells in the mail.

  • DS | Submitted by Twinkey Anilator

    Mysterious U.F.O.

    Sometime in the game you will see a U.F.O. in the sky. If you have a slingshot shoot it down. It will crash land somewhere in your town. When you find him talk to him 2 times and he should ask you to help him find pieces to his ship. Once you have found all the pieces he will give you a present.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Become Friends with Brewster

    Once a day you can buy coffee at the cafe. If you buy coffee from Brewster every day he will start asking you questions and treating you like a friend. He will ask if he can put special ingredients in your coffee and thank you for coming by.

  • DS | Submitted by Jessica H.

    Get Flying Presents

    On the top screen of your Nintendo DS, you will sometimes see a balloon with a present tied to it. The only way to get it is if you buy a slingshot from Tom Nook and hit the balloon.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Money Tree

    Once you have the Golden Shovel, you can bury money and it will grow into a tree. The more money you bury, the more money the tree will grow.

    Ed. note: problems have been reported with this cheat - use at your own risk!

  • DS | Submitted by Megan and Sean H.

    Shooting Star

    At night time when the stars are out you might see a shooting star. When you do, tap your character or press A. The next day you will get a present in the mail.

  • DS | Submitted by Brandon Chittim

    The Right Way to Sell a Shark

    The right way to sell a shark is to catch it from the ocean. Do NOT sell it to Tom Nook for 15,000 bells. Insted wait for a "Flea Market Day" and sell it for 30,000 bells! If you say no to your customer and have another customer come in to look at your shark you can sell it for 32,000 bells! Remember to place your shark in your room.

  • DS | Submitted by J.J.I.

    Merry Christmas!

    Change the date

    Before you pick your person, use the pic on the phone and it'll ask you what you need. Then press Reset clock and change the date to December 31, and any year you want. After that, pick your person and go outside and go to your mailbox and there might be a lettter from Mom. Inside is a present. Open it and it's a shirt or something else. (It might not work on the first time.)

  • DS | Submitted by MoneyHelper

    Fake Paintings

    Don't give a painting to the art gallery if it is fake! To check if it is, go to Tom Nook's and ask for a catolog. Go to the bottom of furniture list and if the name of the art work is not listed bury it or try and sell it or give it as a gift in the mail. If you send it in the mail the person you sent it to will send you something cool back!

  • DS | Submitted by animalcrossinggal

    Evil Redd's Evil Plan

    Redd's furniture may be cool but his "valuable" paintings are not! If you buy one of his paintings and try to give it to the museum, you will find that the painting is a fake! Then if you try to sell it, Nook wil only buy it for 10 coins.

  • DS | Submitted by Knuckles

    Flower Tricks

    1) Plant a flower outside. Then, use B to grab it. Go to your inventory. Use the stylus to drag the flower over to you. Doing this will put the flower on you! If the flower is a rose, it will go in your mouth, like some sort of romantic movie. If not, it will go on your head.

    2) Plant a flower outside. Then, use B to grab it. Go inside your house. Go to your inventory. Then, place the flower on the ground, like it was furniture. It will act as a flower in a pot. =)

  • DS | Submitted by katz993

    Easy Money

    Your house, Flea market day

    Whenever you get a fossil or a rare fish that sells for a lot of bells don't sell it to Nook, but check how much he will buy them for. Next, either wait for or time travel to the next Flea Market day (Flea market is on the first Saturday of every month except January and August) and set the item up in your house. Finally, wait for someone to come. When they do you can sell the fossils, fish, bugs, etc. for double how much Nook would buy them for. (ex: a Blue Marlin - Nook price, 10,000 bells - Flea market price, 20,000 bells)

  • DS | Submitted by D. Seel

    Bell Rocks = Easy Money

    In your town

    There is a rock in your town. Hit it with a shovel it will spit a bag out; keep doing this. It will stop soon. (Anyone who says you can only do this once is wrong, you can do this after 6am & 6pm)

  • DS | Submitted by MarioMan

    No Need for Watering Cans

    Tree sightings

    The best way to grow a tree is to plant it when it's raining because it will grow automatically and won't need to be watered. Another way to make them grow automatically is to first chop down an unneeded tree, then take your shovel and dig it out, and dont FILL IN THE HOLE. Instead take the fruit you want and bury it. It shoud start growing by the next day. You don't need a watering can for either of these methods.

  • DS | Submitted by Masaya


    K.K.Slider - 7:30pm-12:00am Saturday
    Redd - 6:00am and stays for 24 hours
    Cornimer - 24 hours Acorn Festival
    Pascal - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Saharah - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Gracie - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Lost Kitten - must visit another town
    Wendell - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Gulliver - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Joan - 6:00am-12:00pm Sunday
    Dr.Shrunk - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Katrina - 6:00am-12:00am random day
    Snowman - December-mid February
    Lyle - 6:00am-6:00pm Saturday

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Become Friends with Sable

    Whenever you visit the Able Sisters store and try to talk to Sable the hedgehog, she ignores you, or tells you to talk to her sister because she's busy. To build a "friendship" with Sable, you must talk to her at least once every day for several days. Eventually, she will start talking to you.

  • DS | Submitted by doggy face

    Meet Pete

    6:00 a.m. or 5:30 p.m., in front of town hall

    At the time above, look in the sky and you will see Pete. Shoot him down with your sling shot and get to know him. Do it every day and he will start to like you. If you're a girl, Pelly will get mad, if not, talk to Pelly. You will have an interesting discusion!

  • DS | Submitted by VGFreek346

    Easy Win for Friendly Bug Catching

    If you meet a resident who wants to challenge you to a bug catching contest, do the contest and try to win. After you do that, go catch as many rare bugs as you can before he challenges you again. When he challenges you, catch a bug. Soon after, run back to the person and show him one of the RARE bugs you have. You might win.

  • DS | Submitted by johnny apple seed

    Pear + Pear + Pear = Coconut

    Down at any beach

    If you go down to any beach and drop 3 pears side by side (they can have a space between them) in a few days there will be a coconut! Coconuts are worth 500 bells! Approximately 1-5 days.

  • DS | Submitted by anonymous

    Grow Money Trees

    These are the steps in order:

    1) get 90,000 bells
    2) get the golden shovel (get it by burying a shovel for 24 hours and digging it up)
    3) get an axe
    4) cut down a tree
    5) dig up the stump with the gold shovel
    6) plant the money in the hole where the stump was
    7) when the tree is fully grown, it should hold 90,000 bells

    Note: if you do this, you do not lose money or gain money...this trick is mainly for decoration.

  • DS | Submitted by car keys

    Crazy Reds Passwords

    Ask and you shall: Be charged
    An open wallet: Is often empty
    Bottom dollar: Top dog
    Crazy Redd: Is 35
    Even robbers: Have safes
    Fan in one hand: Cash in other
    Foot in the door: Eye on the prize
    For my fans: Shop here again
    Get an education: Or win it big
    Give 2 cents: Ask for change
    Head in the sand: Find something
    Hot and cold: Money makes it
    I'm all alone: But I have cash
    Life exectancy: Redd is 35
    Look at people: Wallets full
    Look back: What did you miss
    No money: Means no fun
    Roses have: High prices
    Rough childhood: Lax adulthood
    Spoiled rotten: Bean curd
    Talk is cheap: So is Redd
    The grass is greener: On my side
    The pen: is cheaper
    Tom Nook: One ugly fellow
    What smells?: Bean curd
    Whats inside: Is fabulous
    When the cat's gone: Mice shop
    Why buy the cow: Buy milk here

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Get a Perfect Town Rating

    First, divide your town into 16 x 16 acre squares, similar to the acres in Animal Crossing for Gamecube. You can use patterns on the ground to mark the acres. Next, make sure every acre has 12-14 trees that aren't touching each other. Then add 3 flowers to every acre and you should have a perfect rating, as long as there are no weeds or trash in your town.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Magic Money Rock

    Hit all the rocks in town with a shovel or axe until you find one that releases a money bag. Hit it as many times as you can until it stops releasing bags of money. The next day a new rock will be the money rock, so look for it every day.

Animal Crossing: Wild World Easter Eggs

  • DS | Submitted by johnny apple seed

    Change Sound

    At the beginning when you are getting out of bed with your person.

    Ed. note: it has been reported that this cheat is false.

    At the beginning when you are getting out of bed with your person there is a swirling arrow thing. Put your pen around where the arrow is and it will change the sound of the game!

  • DS | Submitted by Pig French Fries

    Dandelion Puffs


    You will notice sometimes in the game Dandelion Puffs will come up. Grab one and drag it to your character. He/she will be holding it. Now press A while holding it to blow on it.

  • DS | Submitted by Zyst

    Visit the Moon!

    Gulliver (in the UFO) can be shot down out of the sky. After you give him his 5 parts, he gives you a gift. But he has a certain limit on his gifts (14). On the 15th time fixing up his UFO, he'll tell you that he's out of gifts (uh-oh). He says the next time he comes here, he'll have an idea of something to give/do to you. So, wait until the next time he comes over. Shoot him down (for the 16th time) and collect his parts. He'll say he knows how to reward you, and you will find out tomorrow. When you go outside your house, Gulliver will greet you and ask you to follow him. He'll bring you to his ship and you and him will get in it. He'll take off and after a minute of seeing stars, you'll land on the moon. You won't find much, you can see craters and the earth, but not much else. The only interesting thing is this weird plant. It has 1 piece of fruit, shake it off. You will find that the whole "tree" falls down. You can pick up the fruit and the "tree". The "tree" can be used as furniture and the fruit picked, so you can harvest more "trees".

    Warning: Don't sell the fruit. It's only 1,000 bells and you'd have to revisit the moon (on your 32nd, 48th, 64th, etc. time of helping Gulliver you'll get the same offer. It's basically a repeat, of the pattern you've already followed, so ya) to get a new one. The "trees" are cool in the house, and fit well with the space theme. They have an eerie green glow, and they have purple "bark". Very alien like.

  • DS | Submitted by Lokker

    Woes of Sable and Nook

    Something is happening with Sable and Nook, and you can learn about their history

    At some point, you'll notice Nook and Sable feeling low. If you talk to Sable and let her continue talking, you'll learn that she knew Nook before he was a business tycoon. You can do the same thing with Nook, just choose the option of asking what's wrong, and he'll talk about his problematic past.

  • DS | Submitted by Allison


    When you have the second store, you can take a shovel between 12:00 a.m. and 2:00am, and go hit the back of the second Nooks store and the wall will fall down. Then you will see Nook sleeping in his PJs holding a teddy bear! (This might work with other stores, but you must do it at the right time I told you)

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    How to Change Your Inventory Background

    Grab a shirt or pattern. Drag it to the lower left corner, to the empty space, and drop it.

Animal Crossing: Wild World Cheats

  • DS | Submitted by Julia

    Pill bug


    If you want the Pill bug well your in luck... to get the pill bug hit all the rocks in your town with a shovel or an axe, until a black dot comes flying out! (That black dot is the Pill bug!) Then pull out your net and catch the pill bug while you have a chance, if you don't catch it will disappear. If it does disappear then keep on hitting the same rock over and over again 'till a black dot comes out!

  • DS | Submitted by Spoiled

    Make 10,000 bells!

    When you turn on Animal Crossing don't click on you're character yet. Click on the phone and it'll ask you what you want to do say, Reset Clock. Then set the date too 1/1/2000 (Or any year you want) then say confirm than you can click on your character.... Check your mail, there should me mail from your mom she would attach a present to the letter inside the present is 10,000!!! Use at your own risk you might lose some neighbors...

    P.S. Every time you use this cheat make sure you fast forward a year later. For example, if I use the cheats I'll set the date to 1/1/2000 and I go check my mail then my mom will give me 10,000 bells than if I choose to do this cheat again I'll save than set the clock to 1/1/2001... A year at a time!

  • DS | Submitted by Torchmaster

    Faster Shop Upgrades

    When the shop is upgrading

    When Tom Nook is upgrading the shop, save and quit. Turn on your DS and go to the DS Options. Set the day to 2 days ahead. Quit the options, saving when you do. Start up the DS and go to options again. Set the day 2 days back (to the current day.) Now save options and restart DS one more time. Now start the game. Nook's shop should have upgraded and is open!

  • DS | Submitted by Jeffrey

    See Tom Nook's house.

    Take a regular shovel and hit the back of Tom Nook's store three times, then hit the front door one time to see Tom Nook in his PJ'S holding a teddy bear!

  • DS | Submitted by The Top Goalie

    Fast Bank Interest

    To get more money on Animal Crossing you have to put money in the bank. Then SAVE and turn off the DS. Turn the DS back on and go to the DS symbol at the bottom of the screen where you select game. Select it and go right one to the symbol of a calender and a clock. Select it and then go up to the calender symbol and select it. You will probably see that your year setting is set to whatever year it is. (for example 2006.) Go accross to the year column and change it to 2099. Then select confirm, go back, and then QUIT. Then it will say "The system will now shut down" and you must select yes. Turn the DS back on and select Animal Crossing Wild World. Continue your game and you will have gained interest!!!


  • DS | Submitted by kyle brown

    99,999 Bells

    First change the year on your DS to 2000, then put 1 bell in your acount, then save and turn off the power. Change the year to 2099 and get your 1 bell - it will be 99,999 bells. (this may not work first time you try it)

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    10,000 bells At New Years

    Change the date to Jan 1st and check your mail. Your mom will have sent you 10,000 bells.

    Ed. note: problems have been reported with this cheat - use at your own risk!

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Hold 10 Extra Items

    This is a really easy trick. Just buy 10 letters, leave them blank, then pull an item onto it so that it becomes a present. Tada, 10 extra slots.

    Ed. note: problems have been reported with this cheat - use at your own risk!

  • DS | Submitted by NinjaNick

    Same Old Date Trick

    If you change the date on your DS it will also change the date in the game, allowing you to let fruit grow and making new fossil holes "pop up," just like in the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing.

Animal Crossing: Wild World Glitches

  • DS | Submitted by xVictoriax

    Heal Yourself for Free!

    Just got stung by a bee? It happens to all of us. So you're just about to waste hundreds of Bells on some meds.
    Stop! You don't have to do that!

    Just save. Then turn the DS off, then back on. Select Animal Crossing from the DS menu and log into your town.
    Instantly healed!

    One thing, though. If you're going around shaking every single tree in your town, and you're only halfway there, might as well save later.
    I can almost assure you that you're gonna get stung again. It just saves time. And you don't lose your place.

    Hope this helped!

  • DS | Submitted by bootsie358

    Get Paid For Junk

    At Nook's store (he has 4 different types)

    Did you notice that if you try to sell Nook a piece of junk (boot, tire, can) he says he wont buy it? Well to sell it to him just sell it with another item (example:shirt, furniture) and he will accept it and pay you 100 bells for it.

  • DS | Submitted by Puppyfanatic735

    Walk Glitch

    When you are on a walk, you might run over a blue question block, if the question block turns out to be another dog, your dog and the other dog you met might move in slow motion.

Animal Crossing: Wild World Unlockables

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Golden Tools

    Golden Fishing Rod - Catch every type of fish one time.
    Golden Bug Net - Catch every type of bug one time.
    Golden Slingshot - Shoot 15 items out of the sky, then you get it if you shoot it down.
    Golden Shovel - Bury a regular shovel in the ground. Dig it up one full day later. It will be golden.
    Golden Watering Can - Keep the environment perfect for 16 days in a row. Pelly or Phyllis will then give you the golden can.
    Golden Axe - Trade a scallop seashell to Pascal for the golden axe.

  • DS | Submitted by Energeyser

    Get pictures of your Friends

    If you are really close with your animal friends, and they decide to move away, you will get a picture of them in the mail the next day. Also if you go up to the picture of them, and press the 'a' button, it will have a little saying.

    !note!- (Your animal friends don't have to move away to get the picture of them, you just have to be very good friends with them.)

  • DS | Submitted by Lyndsey

    Mole Cricket

    You need a shovel for this. To get the mole cricket you have to wait untill you hear something like a buzzing sound. Then dig in the ground close to the noise. A little brown bug should pop out of one of the holes you dug. Be quick to catch them - they're fast.

  • DS | Submitted by Wild 2393

    Picture Perfect!

    These are ways to get quick pictures from your town folks.

    K.K. Sliders picture: Buy a red turnip from Joan. Give it to Wendel. If he gives you a country guitar give it to K.K. for his picture.

    Pascals Picture: Talk to Pascal, he'll either give you a piece of pirate theme item or his picture.

    Pellys picture: Save 100,000,000 bells in your account.

    Phyliss picture: Save 500,000,000 bells in your account.

    Tom Nooks picture: Give Wendell a red turnip. If he gives you a Turban, give it to Saharah for either a red vase or a massage chair. Give the Vase to Redd for a Safe. Give the safe to Nook for his picture.

    Townsfolk picture: Become friends with it and when he has a exclamation point over there head talk to them they may give you there picture.

    Lost Kitten picture: If you reunite the mom and the kitten, they will mail you a letter with a present. It may be her picture or a rare item.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Get the Snowman Set

    In the winter create a snowman by rolling up snowballs. Push one onto the other to build the snowman. The next day, you'll receive a rare item from the snowman set.

  • DS | Submitted by Vicky

    Get Black and Gold Rose

    Plant four red roses all beside each other and after a few days more roses will start growing close to them. After another few days, there will be a black rose. You can keep it for a garden contest, or if you have the golden watering can, water it and the next day it'll be gold.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Fireworks Show Items

    These items can only be obtained during the Fireworks Show. The Fireworks Show takes place every Saturday in August, from 7-12 pm.

    Sparklers - Speak to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show
    Roman Candles - Speak to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show

  • DS | Submitted by jake webb

    K.K. Slider Songs

    At The Roost Cafe (basement of your museum) K.K. Slider will play music on Saturday nights from 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. Talk to him and he'll play a song for you. You can also request a song. These are all of his songs:

    Agent K.K.
    Aloha K.K.
    Cafe K.K.
    Comrade K.K.
    DJ K.K.
    Forest Life
    Go K.K. Rider
    I Love You
    Imperial K.K.
    K.K. Aria
    K.K. Ballad
    K.K. Blues
    K.K. Bossa
    K.K. Calypso
    K.K. Casbah
    K.K. Chorale
    K.K. Condor
    K.K. Country
    K.K. Cruisin'
    K.K. D & B
    K.K. Dirge
    K.K. Dixie
    K.K. Etude
    K.K. Faire
    K.K. Folk
    K.K. Fusion
    K.K. Gumbo
    K.K. Jazz
    K.K. Lament
    K.K. Love Song
    K.K. Lullaby
    K.K. Mambo
    K.K. Marathon
    K.K. March
    K.K. Metal
    K.K. Ragtime
    K.K. Rally
    K.K. Reggae
    K.K. Rock
    K.K. Rockabilly
    K.K. Safari
    K.K. Salsa
    K.K. Samba
    K.K. Ska
    K.K. Song
    K.K. Soul
    K.K. Steppe
    K.K. Swing
    K.K. Tango
    K.K. Technopop
    K.K. Waltz
    K.K. Western
    King K.K.
    Lucky K.K.
    Marine Song 2001
    Mountain Song
    Mr. K.K.
    My Place
    Only Me
    Rockin' K.K.
    Senor K.K.
    Soulful K.K.
    Steep Hill
    Surfin' K.K.
    The K. Funk
    To the Edge
    Two Days Ago

  • DS | Submitted by jake webb


    Boxing Theme
    Ringside Table, Boxing Barricade, Judge's Bell, Weight Bench, Red Corner, Blue Corner, 2 Neutral Corners, Boxing Mat, Speed Bag, Sandbag
    Wallpaper: Ringside Seating
    Flooring: Boxing Ring Mat

    Construction Theme
    Iron Frame, Wet Roadway Sign, Orange Cone, Traffic Cone, Striped Cone, Jackhammer, Saw Horse, Detour Arrow, Handcart, Manhole Cover, Cement Mixer, Steam Roller
    Wallpaper: Blue Tarp
    Flooring: Closed Road

    Mad Scientist Theme
    Medicine Chest, Lab Chair, Amazing Machine, Complex Machine, Lab Bench, Florence Flask, Unknown Machine
    Wallpaper: Lab Wall
    Flooring: Lab Floor

    Mossy Garden Theme
    Bird Feeder, Bug Zapper, Picnic Table, Birdhouse, Hammock, Tiki Torch, Backyard Pool, Barbecue, Lawn Chair, Mr. and Mrs. Flamingo, Sprinkler, Garden Gnome, Lawn Mower, Bird Bath
    Wallpaper: Backyard Fence
    Flooring: Backyard Lawn

    Nursery Theme
    Rocking Horse, Cradle, Wobbelina, Elephant Slide, Baby Bed, Dolly, Train Set, Clackercart, Merry-Go-Round, Stroller
    Wallpaper: Playroom Wall
    Flooring Playroom Rug

    Pirate Theme
    Helm, Ship Compass, Barrel, Anchor, Keg, Ship Cannon
    Wallpaper: Sea View
    Flooring: Ship Deck (from Pascal)

    Space Theme
    Flying Saucer, Lunar Rover, Asteroid, Satellite, Space Station, Moon, Rocket, Lunar Lander, Spaceman Sam, Space Shuttle
    Wallpaper: Lunar Horizon
    Flooring: Lunar Surface

    Western Theme
    Western Fence, Storefront, Cow Skull, Tumbleweed, Saddle Fence, Wagon Wheel, Watering Trough, Well, Desert Cactus, Covered Wagon
    Wallpaper: Western Vista
    Flooring: Western Desert

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    HRA Bonus Items

    One-Story Model Earn 70,000 points
    Two-Story Model Earn 100,000 points
    Mansion Model Earn 150,000 points

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    PIM Rewards

    When you buy things at Nook's shop, you earn PIM points. When you reach a specific point total, you gain a new level of membership and Nook will send you a letter with a present.

    Nook's Cranny Model - 300 Points
    Nookington's Model and 20% Store Discount - Earn 20,000 Store Points
    Nookway Model and 10% Store Discount - Earn 10,000 Store Points
    Nook' n Go Model and 5% Store Discount - Earn 5,000 Store Points

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Birthday Cake Item

    If you log into your town on your birthday one of your neighbors will give you a Birthday Cake.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa


    You can win trophies by participating in community activities. The Fishing Tourney takes place on every third Sunday of January, March, May, November and December, from 12-6PM. The Bug-Off takes place every third Sunday of June-September, from 12-6PM. The Flower Fest takes place on the second week of April.

    The Fish Trophy - Catch the biggest fish in The Fishing Tourney
    The Bug Trophy - Catch the biggest bug during The Bug-Off
    The Flower Trophy - Create the best garden during The Flower Fest

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Get the Scallop

    You need the scallop to get the golden axe from Pascal. Pascal walks around by the beach once a week at a random time. First, buy a red turnip from Joan. Then, give it to Wendel when he comes to town. Wendel should give you the Turban or Country Guitar. If you get the Turban, give it to Sahara when she comes to town. Sahara will give you either the Massage Chair or Red Vase. If you get the Massage Chair, give it to Tortimer for the next holiday and he will give you the scallop. Then just wait for Pascal and give him the scallop. If you got the Country Guitar, give it to K.K. Slider to get K.K.'s Pic. If you got the Red Vase, trade it to Crazy Redd for the Safe. Give the safe to Tom Nook for the Tom Nook Pic.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    House Upgrades

    Expand House - Pay the debt of 19,800 bells.
    Expand House (2nd time) - Pay the debt of 120,000 bells.
    Upstairs Room - Pay the debt of 298,000 bells.
    Left Room - Pay the debt of 598,000 bells.
    Right Room - Pay the debt of 728,000 bells.
    Back Room - Pay the debt of 848,000 bells.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Party Poppers

    Speak to Tortimer any time during New Year's Eve. He'll give you Party Poppers to help celebrate the occasion.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Post Office Savings Acount Rewards

    Box of Tissues - Save 1,000,000 bells.
    Piggy Bank - Save 10,000,000 bells.
    Pelly's Pic - Save 100,000,000 bells.
    Phyllis's Pic - Save 500,000,000 bells.
    Town Hall Model - Save 999,999,999 bells.

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Donate to Boondox

    Boondox is so poor that the residents eat dirt, so help them out. To get the following items, donate the indicated number of bells.

    Green Feather - Donate 10,000 Bells
    Blue Feather - Donate 200,000 Bells
    Yellow Feather - Donate 500,000 Bells
    Red Feather - Donate 800,000 Bells
    Purple Feather - Donate 1,100,000 Bells
    White Feather - Donate 1,400,000 Bells
    Rainbow Feather - Donate 6,400,000 Bells

  • DS | Submitted by Giordano Zampa

    Nook Store Upgrades

    Nooks Cranny - Available from start
    Nook 'n' Go - Spend 25000 bells
    Nookway - Spend 65000 bells
    Nookingtons - Spend 240000 bells and have a friend shop at the store (Nookingtons has the Hair Salon inside it!)

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